Wed in Jessup, Gg. Mrs. Glenn Bayette Bailey, the former Miss Geneva Carolyn Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Daniels of Stacy, whose marriage to Mr. Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Glenn Bailey of Sims took place on Saturday, June 19, in Jessup, Ga. Mrs. Bailey, a registered nurse, has been employed at the Carolina General Hospital in W(ilson. The couple will make their home in Jessup, Ga., where Mr. Bailey, a staff sergeant, is stationed with the army. Guests at Inlet Inn this week include Mr. and Mrs. P. E. David son of Birmingham. Ala., Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carroll of Asheville and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Worth and son of Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Creech of Greenville will arrive Sunday to spend the sum mer here as guests at the Inn. Such pleasure! So easy fo own! It's the simplicity of the 1&4 Lindsay Automatic Water Softener that assures you the pleaturt as well aa the econ omy of unlimited, sparkling soft water at every faucet." Lindaay automatic controls take the work out of old fashioned regeneration meth ods, restoring the mineral bed to peak efficiency without waste . . . and without cutting off your water supply. Own it on FHA terms! MM mim, n? sim W? *K motdi VOMT n**da ?ffklentfy and ?conomteolty- AN rood ? It avallabl* with Dow?x mineral. Cad in May) MM IMDIAY CUSTOM SOAP. I?T |H BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO. PhotM! 2-46S6 Merrill Bldf. BEAUFORT, N. C. Rev. Mr. Clary to Conduct Services at St. Paul's The Rev. Grayson Clary, rector of Calvery Church, Tarboro, will be guest priest in St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Clary, who conduct ed services in St. Paul's Church last summer during the absence of the rector, the Rev. J. P. Dees, will conduct services at 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock in the morning. Two Brush Fires Rage Tuesday Two brush fires on the Lennox ville Road Tuesday threatened the Safrit Lumber Co. and the homes of Warren Willis and Sam John son. The first alarm was called in to Beaufort ^firenne?**tl>?ll a.m. A brush fire was raging at the rear of the lumber company property and had started to burn a corner of a warehouse. That fire was brought under con trol and a short time later the same alarm was rung again to call fire men to the area between the Standard Net Company and the Johnson and Willis homes. A skeleton crew was left to mop up the fire at the Safrit property and the other firemen w*nt East ward to the second blare. They used the truck owned by the Rural Fire Association. The fire had gained so much headway that a backfire had to be started to bring it under control. Water from the fire department's booster tank and the Rural Fire Association truck was used to put out the blaze. The Rural Associa tion truck was refilled once. Everything was reported under control by 2 p.m. Deportment Drills Beaufort Fire Department went through its weekly drills last night Aviation Fuel Terminal* port. Last night's drill was the first this' week. There was no drill Monday night because of the Fourth of July. ? Yoar Doctor writti aa important prescription . , , quick compounding it at ?cntial. Bat (here it mo oat to tend to the drag ttore . . . In tuck emergencies tele phone ut. Our meetenger will call for tkc pretcrip tion, and retarn witk tkc re quired medicine!. Thar* it no extra ckarge. Remember, our delivery tervice bringt you "any thing from the drug More" at any time you call. GUTHRIE-JONES DRUG CO. PHONI MHl Merrill Bldg. Beaafert, N. C.| Beaufort Social News Mrs. UckvMd rUUlpi, SactHy K4IU r rkat (-SSM Mr and Mrs. George Cottingham have returned from Lake City. Fla ., and have taken an apartment in the Queen Anne apartment house. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Lewis and son, Clifford, drove Ann Lewis to Camp Trailee, at Dudley, Sunday. Mr. John Pake spent the week end and holiday at home with his family. He is spending the summer fishing off South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell of Norfolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Springle. Mrs. George Gilbert left Wednes day for Wilmington to visit Mrs. Henry Omily and Mrs. Sadie Gas kins. Sgt. Alex D. Lewis of Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala., spent the weekend and holiday with his parents and family. Mrs. Lewis and baby, who had been staying here, accompanied him back to Montgomery to make theif home there. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Thomas and two daughters, Patsy and Georgia Lee, of Norfolk, arrived over the weekend for a visit with Mrs. Thomas' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Truitt. Mr. Thomas has returned to Norfolk, while Mrs. Thomas and her two daughters will remain for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Tarkington and daughter. Jenifer, left Monday for a short visit to Washington, D. C. Miss Gladys Chadwick left Fri day for Rocky Mount to join her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Chadwick. From there they will go to Bowling Green, Ky., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chad wick. The Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Dees and daughter, Margaret, left Wednes day for a visit to Wrightsville Beach and Asheville. They will re turn home Aug. 1. Billy Crawford, USCG, has re turned to the states after being on weather patrol in the Pacific. He will be stationed at Seattle, Wash. Maj. and Mrs. R. K. Williams and three children, who have been stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., arrived Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. From here the Williams will go to Wasbr ington, D. C., where Major Wil liams will be stationed at the Pen tagon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy and sons, Somerville, Mass., are visiting Mrs. McCarthy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Price Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pickett of Durham spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Springle. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Gillikin and daughters returned to Charles ton, S. C., Sunday after a ten-day visit at their home at Beaufort RFD. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wheatley, for merly of Washington moved into the Hilton Hill house on Front Street, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarman and young daughter of Fayetteville spent the weekend here with their parents. Mrs. Daisy Neal of Portsmouth, Ohio, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Hill and daughters of Frederick, Md., spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pake. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill and chil dren will return to their home in Washington, D. C. today after a three weeks' visit with Mr. Hill's mother, Mrs. Joaie Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Lewis will leave for Penderlea this weekend after a visit here. From Pender lea they will (a to Port Monmouth, N. J . to vuit Mr and Mrs. Wiley Lewis. Mrs. Raymond Gaylor returned to her home in Ayden Monday after a weekend visit with her daughter ami son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Steed. M/Sgt. George Brooks Jr., USA, has arrived in Liu, Auatria. Hi* family will leave in August to join him there. Mr find Mrs R. E Wicker re turned to their home in Richmond Wednesday after a week's visit with Mrs. Wicker's brother, Mr. M. L. Walker. Mr. John Johnson left Tuesday for New Yo(k after a weekend visit with his wife and family. Miss Jo Summers left Mondny for her home in Gibsonville utter a weekend visit with Mr. and Mr*. Burton Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mimms of Dur ham have been spending this week with Mrs. W. A. Mace Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Silar of York, Pa? who were stationed here during the war, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Safrit. Mr. W. A. Mace will arrive today from Empire, La., for a week's visit with his wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Davis of Falls Church, Va., will arrive this weekend to visit Mrs. Ruby Hol land of Smyrna and Join their daughter and son, who have been visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. May Jr. of Lexington, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. May of Thomasville have been spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. May. Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Holland lef* yesterday for their home in Falls Church, Va., after a visit with Mrs. Holland's mother, Mrs. J. J. Davis. They were accompanied by Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Joel Davis of Har lowe. Mr. Harry Brown of High Point arrived Wednesday to join his wife who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A. Pierce. He brought his sister-in-law, Mrs. I-ee Stroup of Morganton, who will visit her mother. Lt. and Mrs. Jay Ky Beam, who had been visiting his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beam, left over the weekend for Monterey, Cal., where Lt. Beam will take a year's post graduate work in the Naval College there. Mrs. Alice Roberts and her son, Gray, are visiting Mrs. L. K. Lewis of Southport. Charlene Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldad Moore, cele brated her 6th birthday Tuesday with a television party. Mrs. Ray Fisher and son of Cher ryville and Mrs. Viola Sisk and daughter of Shelby spent the Fourth with their sister and broth er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beam. Ivey Mason Jr., is home on leave from Elizabeth City where he is stationed with the Coast Guard. Mrs. James Boyd and three chil dren of Kannapolis spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Daniels. Mis* Laura Stephens and Miss Mabel Rich returned home last Thursday from Chicago where The Person Who Fills Your Proscription Your registered phar macist is thoroughly qualified by long year* of professional study and experience to compound your doctor's prescription with the utmost pre cision. William Penn Blended Whisk <-y Yftttto? I *2.10 i*3J5 BELL'S DRUG STORE 2-3231 Front St. Beaufort, N.4. Davis-Pake Miss Dorothy Louise Pake, whose marriage to Mr. William Paul Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davis of New Bern, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pake. The wedding took place Friday. June 25, in the parsonage of the First Baptist Church, Conway, S. C. The bride attended Beaufort High School and was a member of the junior class. Mr. Davis is a graduate of New Bern High School and served for two years in Europe with the Ar my. The newly-married couple are making their home at 5:30 Blades Ave., New Bern. Friendship Club Meets With Mrs. Smith Tuesday The Friendship Club met Tues day with Mrs.- Richard Smith. Mrs. Myra Martin won the door prize and Mrs. Steve Mason won ! the bingo cover-all prize. Mrs. Smith served soft drinks ] and cookies and presented the , members with surprise packages as favors. Mrs. Tommy Piner will be hostess at the August meeting. they had feone to attend the fun eral of Miss Harriet Stephens. Mrs. Rona Bulluck will return home this weekend from a visit to Pinetops and Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Conn Proctor of Rocky Mount will bring her home and spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Mason. ''Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wilder and daughter, Delle, Clinton, S. C., and Miss Genie Marshall, Rock Hill, S. C\, spent the weekend here visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Wilder's son, Don. They stayed at Sunshine Court, Front Street. f/ ?? ?? Fulcher-Gaskill Wedding Vows Given in Home Ceremony Saturday The marriage of Miss Catherine 'Gaakill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gaskill of Sea Level, to Mr. Sterling Fulcher. son of Mrs. Charlie Fulcher of Stacy, was solemnized on Saturday. July 3. at 10:30 in the morning, at the home of the bride's parents in Sea Level. The Rev. Louie I^wis, pastor of the Atlantic Methodist circuit, per I formed the double ring ceremony. White gladiolas, white pom poms and ferns were used to decorate the house. ! Prior to the wedding ceremony Mrs. Harry Simmons, pianist, gave a program of nuptial music and Miss Ruth Taylor of Sea Level, soloist, sang The Sweetest Story Ever Told. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her brother, Eugene Gas kill of Fayetteville, wore a white dress of embroidered organdy with imported lace. The dress was fash ioned with fitted bodice and bouf fant skirt. She wore white acces sories and a sweetheart shaped hat of white straw and tiers of net. She carried a bouquet of white carna tions showered with white ribbon and stephanotis. Mrs. Paul M. Gaskill of Atlanta, Ga., sister-in-law of the bride was matron of honor and the bride's only attendant. She wore a yellow linen dress fashioned on princess style, a white straw hat, and car ried a bouquet of orchid lilies with streamers of pastel net. Alden Fulcher of Norfolk, nephew of the bridegroom, served as best man. Before leaving on a wedding trip to the mountains of North Caro lina and Virginia, Mrs. Fulcher changcd into a pink silk shantung dress with black and white acces sories, and wore her bridal corsage. The bride is a graduate of At lantic High School and of East Carolina College. Greenville, where she received both her BS and MA degrees. She has been a teacher in the Beaufort primary department for the past few years. The bridegroom is a graduate of Atlantic High School and of the U. S. Coast Guard Specialist School. He is serving with the rank of Chief Boatswain in the U. S. Coast Guard. On their return from their wed ding trip, they will live in Ports mouth, Va. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Gaskill entertained at a reception at the Sea Level Inn to honor the bridal couple. Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Nadine Harris of Atlantic and ushered to the receiving line, composed of the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gaskill and Mr. and Mrs. kPaul-Gaskill. Miss Fannie Robinson of Atlan tic was in charge of the bride's book which was placed on a table covered with a linen damask cloth. Mrs. David Beveridge of Beau fort and Mis Julian Gaskill of Goldsboro servti the puncti and Miss Ruth Tayloi and Miss Lena Taylor, both of Sea Level, served the cake, nuts and mints to the guests. The serving table was decorated with a three tiered wedding rake with ivy and nosegays of white pompoms on a white Madeira cloth. The table was centered with a large arrangement of white gladi olas and greens, and antique brass five branched candelabra. Goodbyes were said to Mrs. P M. Fulcher of Atlantic. Any Chinese cabbage in your market? It makes a pleasant flavor change for a salad. Mix it with other greens and French dressing; or put it into a carrot slaw. Three New Member* Join Junior Woman'* Club Three new members, Mrs Hugh Gordon. Mrs Billy Oomun and Miss Catherine Noe, war* Wel comed into the Juaiar WaMu Club Monday evening whaa M Oat at Inlet Inn. Mrs. Eddie Paull, chairman of the Clothe* Cloaet. aanouaoad that clothing was needed lor county wej lare cases. Sbe asked anyaoe with clothing to donate to call Imt at 2 3331. A member of the chib will pick it up. Fou- members, Mrs Danforth Hill. Mrs. Glenn Adair, Mrs. Jattes Steed and Mrs. Wiley Taylor it,. will serve on a committee ytitli the Jaycees to work out plan* for tat ing over the Scout buildljiy * Miss Estelle O'Bara. a of the art school, wai speaker. She spoke on the I program ottered by Woma Mrs. Carl Chadwick was a guest. When you are making a frozen desert in your refrigerator, sel your temperature control for faat freezing for best results. lege summer school. DR. WM. I. GAUSE & ASSOCIATES ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE HAVELOCK CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC U. S. Highway No. 70 West of Havelock DAILY CLINIC HOURS ? ?12 and 2 3 Other Hours by Appointment PHONE HAVELOCK 2751 PRESCRIPTIONS \fitU For accuracy and complete satisfaction bring your next prescription to us. We also offer prompt pick-up and delivery service. Day Phone 2-3331 Night Phone 2-3441 Joe House Drug Store 425 Front St. . Beaufort, N. C. JACK n JILL'S July Clearance Sale STARTS TODAY - 9:00 a.m. Boys' and Girls' Swimwear ? Sizes 2-14 Boys' and Girls' Short Sleeve Polo Shirts Sizes 1-14 Boys' and Girls' Caps and Hats Girls' Shorts ? Sizes 2-14 Children's Pajamas All Girls Dresses and Pinafores Girls Sleeveless Blouses Sixes 7- 14 Girls and Misses Moccasins Sites 4-10 Boys Summer Suits and Slacks Sizes 2-16 Boys White Twill Short and Long Pants Sizes 2-8 Boys Shorts Sizes 2 - 12 Boys Cotton and Nylon Shirts Sizes 2-16 Children's Low-Quarter Canvas Shoes Thru Size 3 Other Fine Values Boys' Slacks ? Waist Sizes 25-31. Values to $9.95 ..NOW $5.95 Boys' Baseball Suits ? $3.19 Value _ NOW $1.98 Boys' and Girls' Boxer Top Dungarees ? Sizes 2-5 98c Toddlers' Overalls ? Sizes 6 mo. to 3 years. Values to $1.98. NOW 98c Girls' Sox ? Values to 59c ....NOW 19c Per Pair ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS OR IXCHANOIS JACK n JILL FRONT ST. ? BEAUFORT . . ?| J