IlijH ' ? r Fun, Thrills, Adventure in the Comics SCORCH Y SMITH Double Sural ' tMOEvfC'C mm* tm* tutt ^ * IN Tgouth-f THAT HiOOUP * CAU&iTl TH BY Vt LOf T THfNC , It^re MAM A?P WMtN MA?" V ? TALK*, THAT* W0T - ^ MfA**HU.?. I* A V WHAT I* \?A*S> row*-? IT? A * ?V MBTZOZ * ? W Hgy i look 1 AT THAT/ -Hf JCWfW HI* JO? ?*lPg OUT J TMg*? A? ANV NUM^ee Of , TH IN** Hg COUIV HAVB pout vj m*** uroue plawsj ?* #V?? THOUGH A I nuciooQ \* rur \ ; Amy 1 *tiu. v we HAVfNT H# Air 17 C> THt I AfT Of HV*~j/ Wfc - PONB I r If * F/NtfHgPJ ^ 4r* n/GOOf ?*<*, TM ? *OCK*r /f *NAliY CCMPl?T?0. OAKY DOAKS First Things First 1 NEVER SIGH AUYTHIWcS 5N AW EMPTY STOMACH WHEW DO WE EAT Sacrifice ?OVBTWi wrrcn up WMfeH t 5AV "NOV ANO I JUMP . TARNATION -CMlT EVEW ?y "OOOO BYE" OR he'd UNDERSTAND "THAT THE RUSH OF WATER WIU QET ME BEFORE I CAM FOLLOW... KHIOO OP THROUGH txe MATCH rrst: CTCKIE ,r, ]* ?W**y HIM R| /cocvva so ** Ml MOVTOWTTWC kll acrveri THE OUY BEHIND WOULD BE TKAPPEP By THE RUSH a Or WMTTCR? THAT WAS J I'M NOT LEAVING A PAL /T**'1? RISKING YOUR LIFE. WHO CAN act like that/^to ynOCWTH ?W? WWT A Audie Protects Friendly Indian Audi* Murphy has his gun ready to stop renegade James Ander son from shooting defenseless lay Stlverheels in this tease moment from Universal-International's Technicolor adventure "Drums Across the River." Others in this scene arc Emil Meyer, Walter Brennan, Howard McNear and (ire* Barton Lisa Faye and Lyle Bettger are co-starred with Murphy and Brennan in this Melville Tucker produc tion. Nathan Juran directed the picture. Eager Beavers Greenfield, Mass. (AP) ? Beav ers built their dam too dantn high and the creek overflowed, wash ing away a sizeable portion of Shutesbury Road. i" ' ==Ti "THE SHOW PLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE DUI C.IUOII Marie Windsor "HELL FIRE" ? nui v?i "KILLERS FROM SPACE" STARTS SUNDAY - - - - A GREAT NEW WORLD XjV OF THRILLS^! SWEEPS V ACROSS THE SCREEN! The story ol th? sport car driven and tho thousand tiro-scroaming milos that challongod thoir cowragal TONY CURTIS PIPER LAURIE DON TAYLOR f PMIL KUMUU CHASE SIDNFY IUCKMH mrm hampton MORE THRILLING ON OUR GIANT SCREEN OHNNY DARK BEAUFORT. ALWAYS GOOD ENTERTAINMENT Air Conditioned for Your Comfort ? Phone 2-4836 LAST TIMES TODAY FLAME and THE FLESH" Starring Lana Turner Carlos Thompson SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE CRACKS DOWN ON MAN. CROOKS I GENE AUTRY < chammonI OUI^OH. //IS TO///// now /,'//>/ ns VtMm Cm ? MkSn J^mMUV mbcttc I - AND . - "GYPSY COLT" HlfTiBf DQNNA CORCORAN SUNDAY ? MONDAY FACING A U Ill'tHNESS OF DANCER! Drums m / ^CBCaSth#^? Y^icS! 'Unto These Hills' Begins Fifth Summer Season By JOHN PABK1S Cherokee ? The mystic beat of tribal drutns, t|>* crackle ot mus ket (ire and the inunurtal words from a forgotten era of history are echoing in the Great Smokies as "Unto These Hills" begins iU fifth summer-long season. Opening before a capacity audi ence in Mountainside Theatre here, this great true story ot the Char okt;e Indian's effort to find peace with the white man come to life on historic ground among descen dants of the very people who were involved. "Unto These Hills" runs nightly, except Monday, through Sept. 6. There will be a special Monday night performance Sept. 6. The production, written by Ker mit Hunter and directed by Harry Davis, appears destined to be the best since its opening in 1950 in which it has played to more than half a million persons. As one critic said, "Unto These Hills," like wine, improves a little with the passage of each year. A cast of 140. of which 70 are Cherokee Indians, Urned in a creditable first - night performance which speaks highly of the direct f OCEAN PARK I DRIVE-IN THEATRE I LAST TIMES TONIGHT "ELEPHANT WALK" Elizabeth Taylor Dana Andrews SATURDAY Tennessee Champ Shelley Winters U.WYHN ' u?n MARTtf SUNDAY - MONDAY "JIVARO" Fernando Lamas Rhonda Fleming |ing of Harry Davit whose work here has established him at Amer ica's outstanding director in the Held of the outdoor drama. EAST DRIVE-IN THEATRE OM-Balf Mile Eaat of Beaafwt OaJUgfcwayJ* Children Under It Admitted fna TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY LAST TIMES TONIGHT "EXECUTIVE SUITE" Starring William Holden June Allyaon Walter Pidgeon Paul Douglaa SATURDAY M-G-M's DIFFERENT DRAMA 1 Shelley winteis ' ua2Hi?.Wif>iR^.llMml SUNDAY - MONDAY r EUZABEIHXMCIt wAANimas pemmcKm a hinm SbL. Show Starts at Dualc mGtiM DRIVE-IN TfUfo toekxK.N.C MONDAY ? TUESDAY ? WEDNESDAY WORLD-WIDE ACCLAIM! > "A |)Mi Dm ?UrespecHl" -im.c%?h "Brilliant ... if cmM hardly be ?urpatsad I" -MribM ? ?*?! A ramarfcaMa Mm I" -CMii? ?M W? Luthar IWIHH ?? a Man I** ADMISSION THIS ENGAGEMENT: ADULTS: 11.10 Inc. Tax Without Church Discount Ticket .82 Inc. Tax With Church Diacount Ticket NO CHARGE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 Tnorehead "CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRE" ? FRIDAY ? SATURDAY ? GORCEVj HUNTZ m HAU J .*> ?< ? SUNDAY ? MONDAY ? TUESDAY ? / \ ^ A k MASSACRE . CHEVENNES / RIP THROUGH i THE < \ HEART y V OFTHEy X WEST | Aubrey Sctenck