Fishermen, Picnickers Are , To Stay Out of Bogue Field Cherry Point ? An urgent warn ing to Tar Heel fishermen, oyster men, amall boat enthusiasts, hunt ers and picnickers to stay clear of the Marine Corps Operational Landing field at Bogue, N. C., and the adjacent restricted area, came this week from the commander, llarine Corp* Air Base, Cherry Point. Portions of Bogue Field will be used for day and night bombing and rocket firing, effective imme diately. Anyone entering the barb ed wire encloaed, plainly posted and well marked out o< bounds military area will b? In great per sona I danger, aa well as being lia ble to federal prosecution for tres passing. In addition to the above precau tions, all entrances to the field have been securely closed and all roads leading into the danger area have been blocked off. Although the field itself haa long been a re stricted area, it ii known that many persons have been using adjacent areas for picnicking and hunting, aa well ai the shore line for launch ing and landing boats. It is in the public interest of preventing harm coming to anyone that this week's warning and ap peal for cooperation from all hands has been widely distributed by Ma rine corps authorities here at Cherry Point. The restricted and danger area extends south from Highway 24 along the west shore of Goose Creek, around Shelly Point and along the shore line of Taylor Bay, around Guthrie Point and along the east shoreline of the inlet there to where the creek ioins the west ern barbed wire boundary of Bogue field, and along this barbed wire boundary back to Route 24. Postoffices in all adjacent com munities are being asked to post public notices of the area to be avoided along with plainly marked aerial photos and reproduced sec tions of navigational charts and survey charts of the area. Marine authorities emphasized that motorists using Highway 24 are in no danger from the impact area. The same applies to craft using the inside channel of the in land waterway, as long as they stay in the clearly defined channel. ESC Supervisor Names Clerk P. B. Pollock, area supervisor for the Employment Security Commis sion, announced Wednesday that Miss Ramona Williams, who has been with the ESC since 1950 at Goldsboro, has assumed the posi tion of stcnographer-clerk in the Morehead City office. Miss Williams has also had ex perience in interviewing, Mr. Pol lock said. The office reopened last Tues day after being closed six months. Mrs. Julia Tenney, former man ager, has been re instated as man ager. An interviewer is yet to be employed. Until a full office force is ob tained, personnel from the Jack sonville office are assisting here. Mr. Pollock said, "There has been quite a bit of activity here since we've reopened." He added that the office never should have been closed. Before the Tuesday reopening, the office walls were repaiated. The office is on 4th Street, More head City, in the Jefferson Res taurant building. Hours are 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. For Wat Of A Nail.... A BATTLE L WAS \ LOST! FOR WANT OF A SIMPLE. INEXPENSIVE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALL . . . A SALE WAS LOST I Wa? It Younl It Pays: CAROLINA TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY 1954 TAXES MAY BE PAID NOW AT VA?? Discount i E. O. MOORE ? . CARTERET COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR July 3 ? Mrs Sallie Dudley, Miss Carrie Hunnings, Mrs. Leston Gillikin and sons, Leston Jr., and Tommy, left last Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dudley in Kyle, Tex. They plan to return home about July 11. Mr. Marsh Knott of Wendell came last Sunday to get his wife and children. Marsh Jr., and Ann, who had been spending their vac? tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath. They returned home Monday. Mrs. W. L. Roberts and daugh ter, Bobby Ree, of Smithfield spent last weekend with her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Car roll. Billy Sue Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Carroll, returned home with Mrs. Roberts to spend two weeks. Mrs. J. S. Neal of Norfolk, Va., came last Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. P. P. Garner. Tony Johnston and his parents of Littleton were guests last Sun day of Miss Melba Garner and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garner. Mrs. Chester Meares. Mrs. Solon Perkins, Mrs. Eugene Fox and Mrs. Parker Guthrie visited in New Bern Thursday. Mr. John W. Hill and children of Charlotte have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Hill. Miss Peggy Jack Howard went to Raleigh Sunday to attend the North Carolina Conference Pilot Youth Christian Witness Mission. She returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Martha Hunnings is spend ing two weeks in New Bern with Mr. and Mrs. Leun Hunnings. Mrs. P. P. Garner and Miss Nina Garner spent the weekend in Rocky Mount with Mr. and Mrs. Parker Herrington. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas Gar ner and daughter, Shelia. went to Myrtle Beach, S. C? Sunday to at tend an insurance convention. They returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair and son, Bill, of Vanceboro spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard. Lt. and Mrs. Jack Garner and children of Pensacola, Fla., are spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Mills and son, Tim, of Greenville visited her mother, Mrs. Ada Allen, last Thurs day before going to her brother's camp on Neuse River to stay until Sunday. Mrs. Moses Howard visited in New Bern Thursday. Mrs. Otis Edwards and Mrs. Ruby Woodruff returned home Wednesday from a nine-day tour through Washington, D. C., New York, Boston, Mass., Maine and up into Canada. Birthday Party Held Mrs. Gerald Merrill honored her daughter, Twyla, at a party last Thursday on the occasion of her fourth birthday. The guests played outdoors on the lawn until they were invited into the dining room for refresh ments of ice cream and cookies. The two-tiered pink and green birthday cake was decorated with candles and animal cookies and was made to resemble a merry-go round. Favors of horns and balloons were given to the children. Pic tures of the group were made dur ing the afternoon. Surprise Party Held Thursday Mrs. Murray McCain was honor ed with a surprise birthday party at her home last Thursday evening by Mrs. A1 Garner and Mrs. Lums den. The honoree was presented with a beautiful birthday cake as well as gifts from many friends. Re freshments of ice cream topped with strawberries, cake, and iced drinks were served by the hostesses. Bridge Club Meet* Mrs. Solon Perkins was hostess to her bridge club at her home last Friday evening. Mrs. Dick Lockey won high score. Mrs. Parker Guthrie second high and traveling, and Mrs. Moses How ard bingo. The hostess served nuts and iced drinks during play and ice cream sundaes and cookies at the end of the evening. Mrs. Guthrie Honored Mrs. Parker Guthrie was honor ed at a surprise bridge party at the home of Mrs. Moses Howard Tues day afternoon on the occasion of her birthday. Upon arrival the honoree was presented a corsage. The guests were Mrs. Howard's bridge club and Mrs. Cornell Garner. Mrs. R. L. Pruit won high score prise, Miss Melba Garner second high, and Mrs. Pruit and Mrs. How ard slam prize*. Mrs. Guthrie was given many lovely gifts. The hostess served drinks and roasted pecans during progressions and the three-tired birthday cake and fruit Jello with whipped cream at the end of play. The home was beautifully decorated with dahlias. BrMe-Eleet Skewered Miss Melba Garner, bride-elect, was the gueat of honor Friday eve ning when Mrs. R. L. Pruit en tertained at a bridge party afed shower. Guests were members at the bridge club and Mias Edith Lockey, Mr?. A. L. Wilson, Miss Odessa Simmons, Mrs. Cornell Garner, Mrs. Bob Montague, Mrs. G. D. Hender son, Mrs. M. J. Mitchell. Mrs. D. R McCain, and Mn. W. D. Heath Jr. Miss Garner was presented with a corsage aad as special gift from the hostess, a piece of sihrer. Mrs. Dick Lockey woo club kiffa uisjw %i MUtf ;iai2)M 'X- * ? UldOW ^flaid UUUB Manama amiu f-MllM 6a(;IUa jyju uwaawuiad una auiwBca ciaw ^:^ITOK4M UHU0 aaaaia Sam nraas (nraunm aUllul UUauaiLMU nana wmiaa aim aailbJ OMWtJ WOK Crossword Puzzle ACKOM L Splinter* I. Wound! with a pointed 11. Social set 14. Rectangu lar inMt 15. Lika 16. Duration IT. Boxing ring 18. Color 20. Old world lizard 12. Northern European U. Leaning amphibian IS. Place to ait 17. Before 28. Not bri"ht SO. Haul 12. Compara tive ending H. Talliea M. Compulsion M. Exclama tlOD IS. Tardy 41. Subject to aaevera ?train 42. Those having power 44. Sepulchei 46 Light rail 49. Ballot SI. Encourage S3. Article '1 Growing out 86. Spoken 58. Type measure 69. Severity 60. Scattered 62. Scene in an opera 61. youngsters: colloq. Solution to Friday's Puzzle DOWN L Neckpiece 2. The one defeated 1. Pronoun 4. Animal doctor: colloq. 5. Goddess of discord 6. Agrees In final sound 7. Percolated m 5* /o 8 Health resort 9. Sailors 10. Anoint 11. Sacred city of India 12. Slave shi?>* 19 Extinct bird 21. Varietv of chalcedony 24. Lass 26. Tight 29. Flesh food 31. Unit of weight 33. hakes with cold 34. Authorita tive 35. Greek portico 37. Passage out 40. Ornament with raised work 43. Platform in a theater 45. Place to sleep ;7. Perpen dicular 48. Looks after 50. Kind of jacket 52. Old Irish capital 55. Age f7. Bulgaria* coin 0L You and I Four Drivers of This Area Lose Licenses Three men of this area had their drivers' licenses revoked and one had his suspended recently, accord ing to the State Highway Safety Division. Harold Washington Long, Cherry Point, had his license revoked after being found guilty of drunk driv ing in Morehead City Recorder's Court. Joseph C. Surrena, also of Cherry Point, had his license re voked for drunk driving, being con victed in Morehead City Recorder's Court. Harold Washington Long, Cher ry Point, had his driver's license revoked in Morehead City Re corder's Court recently for his sec ond offense of drunk driving. Clarence Earl Mitchell, More head City, had his license suspend ed in Norfolk, Va. score prize, Mrs. Garner won, vis itors' high, Mrs. Solon Perkins re ceived low, and Miss Agnes Quinn bingo prize. The hostess served fudge candy during progressions and ice cream in the shape of wedding bells and ginger ale at the end of play. Four new fluorescent lights were recently installed in the Beau fort Town Hall. The fixtures that were in the office were reinstalled in the court room upstairs. Agent Recommends Soybean Bulletin The State College Extension Service now has available a new circular on soybeans, says R. M. Williams, county farm agent. Entitled "Soybean Production in North Carolina," the bulletin will give soybean producers of this area information on liming, fertilization, planting, weeding, harvesting, and pest control practices. Mr. Williams points out that soybean growers following recom mended practices in the bulletin have produced two to three times the state's average yield of soy beans. Growers of this area interested in the bulletin may get one by dropping in at the county agent's office in the post office building, Beaufort. Specialist Visits J. S. Buchanan, animal husban dry extension specialist of State College, yesterday visited Carteret County beef cattle growers, dis-? cussing individual beef problems, said R. M. Williams, county farm agent. The name of Addis Ababa, capi tal of Ethiopia, means "new flower" and the city is famous for its many varieties of flowers. Defendant Pleads Guilty To Twb Charges Tuesday Albert C. Charles of Cherry Point Tuesday In County Recorder'! Court was sentenced to three months on the roads after pleading guilty to charges of drunk driving and destroying state property. ' The sentence was suspended pro viding Charles pays $145 and costs of court. Charles absolved a com panion, Norris R. Allen, 21, also of Cherry Point, of aiding and abet ting in the destruction of state property. Allen was also charged with pub lic drunkenness. Found guilty, he was ordered to pay costs of court. Charles paid $100 fine on the drunk driving charge. Both men were placed under ar rest by Sheriff Hugh Salter June 7 after being notified by Daniel Jones, Fort Macon State Park su pervisor, that a car had crashed the gate at the swimming area. Mr. Jones told the court that he heard the crash and went to the area and found a 1946 Ford with a smashed headlight leaving the parking area. He jotted down the license num ber and radioed the sheriff. Sheriff Salter said that he in turn notified Morehead City police to be on the lookout for the ear. Morehead City officers stopped Charles and Allen on U. S. High way 70 as they came north off the beach road. They were detained until the ar rival of Sheriff Salter and Deputies Marshall Ayscue, Ormsby Mann, and Bobby Bell. Mr. Jones said the damage to the gate was $43. Charles told the court that Allen had nothing to do with smashing the gate. Judge Lambert R Morris, in passing judgment, told Charles that the $45 was to be paid to the Fort Macon State Park. Bethany, Mo. (AP) ? C. T. Marks, 85, was happy to see the state highway department re-route U. S. Highways 69 and 138 which go right by his house. In the past five' years his home has been hit 28 times by cars and trucks whose drivers failed to make a curve at that point. $2*30 FT. .65 I 4/5 Qt ( \ l( . 1 1 I |(< >1 KIM WIMSkl > STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY THIS WHISKEY IS 5 YEARS OLD ? 86 PROOF NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION. N. Y. New, bigger load space ! New, lower loading height! New Chevrolet Trucks... do more work per day . . . more work per dollar! You scvo on operating cult. The Thriftroaster 23 5" engine, (he "Loadmaster 23)," and the "Jobmaster 261" (optional on 2 -ton models at extra coat), deliver greater horsepower plm increased operating economy. Ym nvi extra trip*. That's because of extra load span. New pickup bodies are deeper . . . new stake and platfOT hows as* wider aad longer. Yea servo Nma on deliveries. New truck Hydra-Matic InmUoa saves time and effort at every stop. Op tional at extra OM oa V4-, H- and 1-ton models. Ym nvs I mmm upkeep, las. There are heavier axle shafts in two-ton models, bigger dutches in Bght and heavy-duty models, stranger frames in all models. Ym mvs hssn on Km rood. Thanks to new high compression engine power, you can maintain faster without driving at higher savings start the day yoa bay. Chevrolet, you know, k America's lowest priced line of trucks. Com* In and too al the wondeiM new jrou get in America's number one truck. * Now's tho time to buy I Got our BIO DEAL! Savo with a Now CbovroJbff SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. 1308 ARENDELL ST. PHONE 6-4071 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C.

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