Fish and Wildlife Personnel Move into New Lab Building 1 OCMCOKE July 13 ? Mr. a ad lln. Jack Willia and aoo o I Kensington, Md., are ?pending their annual vacation with Mrs W. G. Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McWilliams. Mrs. Leon Johnston ol Norfolk, Va., is enjoying her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Z. S. Williams and family Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Taft Howard recently was Miss Virginia' Howard of Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scarborough of New Jersey have recently spent a few days with Mrs. Scarborough's father, Mr. Charlie Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs.. Jones Moore Wil liams and son. Alton, of Stataa Island, N. Y., have visited Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. Jacob Wil liams. Making Ocracoke their home for the summer are Mrs. Normon Gar rish and daughter, Carolyn JaJne. Mr. Garrish has returned to his job in Wilmington, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Williams and daughter, Denise, have return ed to their home in Patuxent Riv er, Md., where' Mr. Williams is sta tioned in the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Howard and family of Columbia, S. C., visited Mr. Tressie Howard last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Roberts and children of Fairfield were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gar rish recently. Mrs. Alva Hamilton of Morehead City was the weekend guest of Mrs. W. G. Willis. Mrs. Bill Warren and Mrs. Har ry Smith of Hampton, Va., have recently been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Williams. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Wil liams and sons of Winston-Salem are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Williams. Miss Agnes Marie Garrish is vis iting cousins in Raleigh^ Visiting Mr. T. W. Howard re cently were Mr and Mrs. L. P. Howard and family of Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Lorena Williams of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Tressie Howard. Mrs. Flex, Fleig and family of Portsmouth, Va., are visiting Mr. Lum Gaakill. Sgt. Walter C. O'Neal Jr., and two friends spent the weekend with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O' Neal Sr. Mrs. A1 Gaskins has returned to ? Another phase of the recomtruc ' ? lion program of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Pivers Island ended yesterday as investigators started moving into the new $70, 000 lab building. G. B. Talbot, director of the lab, says completion of the new lab marked the third phase of the modernisation program and left one phaae to be carried out, the building of dormitories to. house investigators. The new air-conditioned fish and wildlife lab is 82 feet by 168 feet Its exterior is of ivory and rough brick with an asbestos shingle roof. All windows are thermo paned and the interior walls are covered in pastel green glazed tile. The telling is celotex. Two thirds of the building will be used as library and office space and the other third will be devoted to research laboratory space. The Radioisotope Research labor atory was completed in 1950 and a new service building was finished in 1953 Dr. Walter A. Chipman is in charge of the radioisotope lab. Mr. Talbot said bids will be tak en for the dismantling of the old lab building within the next few weeks. An open house will be held in the new lab as soon as the old building is torn down, he added. Police Chief Arrests Couple on Whisky Charge Roy Potter, 42, and Lucy Potter, 36, were arrested by Beaufort Po lice Chief M. E, Guy Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock on charges of possessing illegal whisky. George Turner, 39, was also ar rested by Chief Guy. Turner was charged with public drunkenness. Firemen Called Members of the Beaufort Fire Department were called on to put out a grass fire on Front Street Extension in front of Earl Noe's house last Thursday at 5:15 p.m. The fire was extinguished in ap proximately 30 minutes. Ocracoke after a trip to Wilming ton, Del. Miss Betsy Carroll, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Garrish, has re turned to her home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Styron hare recently been the guests of Mrs. Zion Foster. Friends vt Mr. Raymond Beasley will be happy to know that he is recovering nicely from the acci dent be was in during the Fourth of July holidays. Fire Department Delivers Leaflets One thouund fire safety leaflets were distributed Saturday in Beau fort by the Beaufort Fire Depart ment, Chief Charles Harrell an nounced Monday. Entitled "Are You Next?" the leaflet gives facts and figures on fires in homes to emphasize the importance of fire prevention. According to the leaflet, smoking and trash are the two main fire hazards. Home owners are urged to be careful when smoking and to clean up accumulations of trash. If fire strikes the home, every one should be gotten out of the house and the fire department called immediately. If a person awakM at night and smells smoke, he should arouse everyone in the house and get them out Call the fire department or pull a fire alarm. AM finally, shut all doors and windows possible upon leav ing to cut off drafts. Negro News Morehead City Hoapital: Discharged after treatment: Va lerie Hester, Morehead City, Wed nesday; Mrs. James Brooks, Beau fort, Wednesday. Admitted: Eddie Collins, Beau fort, Saturday. Morehead City ? The Rev. Miss Sadie Fleming of Greenville will preach Sunday night at 8 o'clock in St. Mary's Holiness Church on 10th Street. Morehead City ? Revival services will begin Monday night in St. Luke's Baptist Church and will con tinue for one week, announced the pastor, the Rev. W. G. Hall, yes terday. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Sandy McDaniel of Blount Creek. DARRYL EDWARD BUTLER Graveside services for Darryl Ed ward Butler, who was born and died Wednesday in Morehead City Hospital, wqre held Thursday morn ing at Bay View Cemetery. The infant was the son of Mr. and Mrs, David Butler of More head City. Boat Burns The George and Grace, a menha den boat owned by Wallace Fisher ies, Morehead City, was destroyed by fire last week in Louiaiana. lhlnk of til the thtogi you're free ttf do bectuee thert's tlwtys plenty of low-price electricity tfeat sin automatically run ?nd control your wulur and dryer rmn dlah?ub?r tit oomtlttnmr hMtlnf plant hot waUr iupply nMaarator Iiim ul oUar ippUutti Today American* un twice u mucn eUeWcity available aa they had In 1948 becauae of now powa? plant! built by oloctric light and powor companiea, and they'll have 60% mora by 1M0. > So Uiara will alwaya ba plenty ready whan yea want it. Thaf i why there'i no need to l^treaai the public dabt by bulldinc federal government power prafeti. (CAWOUNA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) AT Belk S in MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. STARTS FRIDAY - 9:00 A. M. Men'* Summer SPORT SHIRTS Reduced $1.48 Values Now $1.11 $1.98 Values Now $1.44 $2.98 Value* Now $2.44 Nylons and Cottons Men's Summer Sport CAPS and STRAW HATS '/a PRICE Men'm Swim SUITS and SHORTS Reduced 16 for Clearance Man'i Summer JACKETS Reduced $ 3.98 Value* ? $2.99 $ 6.95 Value* ? $3.99 $1O.0S Value* ? $7.99 Men'* Sport COATS Reduced Value* V> $19.95 Now $13.99 Men'* Summer SUITS Reduced $17.99 Value* to $29.80 SLACKS K Off Ladies' and Children's Summer BAGS REDUCED $1.00 Values ? 77c $1.98 Values ? $1.44 $2.98 Value. ? $2.33 $4.95 Values ? $3.77 Ladies' HOSE REDUCED 77c Values to $1.15. In Spring and Summer Shades. 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