July 27 ? Mr. Calvin Taylor of Beaufort spent Saturday here visit ing relatives and friends. Air. and Mrs. Earl L*wis of New Bern, who formerly lived here, at* tended the beauty contest Saturday night. Miss Sabra Noyes, who has been attending summer school at East Carolina College, Greenville, is here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noyes. Mr. Bill DeVinie, voice teacher of the Fine Art School in Beau fort, visited here la^t week. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Meeks and daughter Jamie of Washington, D. C.. is here for a week visiting Mrs. Meeks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Taylor. Mr. Meeks is a civil service em ploye in Washington. Msis Lois Rose is now employed with a real estate firm in Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons of Raleigh attended the beauty con test Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Daniels have returned home from Quanti co, Va. They were accompanied by their son, who was in training there. Weekend guests at the Sea Level Inn were: Miss Bobbie John, Maysville; Theodore Shedlow, Danville; Vic tor C. Gunderson and family, i Lewisville; Paul B. Osgood, New Bern; O. H. Folger and wife, Kath erine Taylor, Elvira Rondecker, Mrs. Ann Carter, and Laura G. An derson, all of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bradshaw and son, Norfolk, Va.; Gerald Barry LET'S B9 M6RE M '54 to mak? MOREHEAD CITY QatoliMai Qinlt Student to Get Three Degrees Carbondale, 111. (AP) ? Zamier Bavel, 25, former captain in the Israeli Army, now a student at Southern (llinois University, is re ceiving three bachelor degrees this year ? in music, mathematics and education. In his two years at the school, he has maintaiaed a straight "A" average. Among his accomplishments: Performed as concert violinist in Israel and at the University In its Symphony Orchestra, qualified for the Olympic team jump and won honors in track events. For diversion, he plays chess, at which he's an expert. ? - and son, Orlando, Fla.; June R. Dobeestein and Eleanor Chil clerps, San Francisco, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Profiet, Buies Creek; and Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, Greenville. Also. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cerr, Miss Elsie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eagles. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Eagles, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Black man Jr., and Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Keer, all of Wilson. FHA Helps Wildwood Farmer Improve Land By I. M. BOBBINS Farmers Home Administration The Farmers Home Administra tion Act of 1946 required that pre ference be given to veterans, and this requirement has been strictly observed by this U. S. Department of Agriculture agency. As a result many FHA borrowers are ex-ser vice men Kenneth L. Miller, who owns and operates a iarm near Wild wood, is one of them. Following his discharge from the army in 1946, Mr. MiHer. acting with all possible haste, rented for cash some land, and returned to the occupation of farming. It was one he had abandoned for railroad work when he was 18. 145 Acres Bought Late in 1949 Mr. Miller and Dav id, a younger brother, purchased an under-developed farm consist ing of 145 acres, of which 30 acra were cleared. It was their aim to rent additional land, and to en gage in off-the-farm employment until they could gain substantial equity in their land. Afterwards, they would divide the property and each of them would build a home. This plan was followed in part until 1952, when David decided to go to college and sold his interest to Kenneth. The buyer now owned the entire tract of land. He shared with no one except his wife, his son age 12, and his daughter, age 15, the task of erecting almost a complete set of farm buildings in cluding a dwelling, enlarging and improving the cleared acreage. It was easy for this family to reach & decision that the building GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BANANAS 2 ibs 25c > ? ljlt '? * ?> LARGE CANTALOPES 2 25c TREE RIPE FLORIDA ORANGES doz 39c LUTER'S SAUSAGE b 59c JAMESTOWN BACON ib 59c JULY . SPECIALS ORANGE JUICE 6 os. 2 for 34c Slicod PEACHES 12 os. 2 for 49c French Stylo Cut BEANS 10 os. 2 for 47c ? ? OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY bPEN 5:00 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. OPEN TIL 8:00 P.M. ON SATURDAY FAMO , FLOUR 5 bags 49c WALDORF TISSUE 4 ?sk* 39c Snowdrift 3 lbs. 89c SWIFT'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 cans 31c WE DELIVER Freeman Bros. GROCERY & MARKET 70S ARENDELL ? MCMUHEAD CITY FREE PARKING IN REAR OP STORE ? ? ? ? rnmrnmm ?? d? 1 ot ? mw dwelling should be the ft m improvement. A loan amor lined over a period ot five years wan obtained fer this purpose. Con struction of the dwelling was be gun promptly with Mr. Miller do ing ail the work himself that he could. , Soon a problem that many have eaper?ncqd \qas encountered Loan funds were exhausted but planned eonatruction was not com plete 55' SWIFTS SWEET HAS.,.. . SLICED BACON ? 59c GRAND BROILED WITH BACON? SLICED BEEF LIVER ? 33< MADE FRESH AND SOLD FRESII! GROUND BEEF ?- $1.00 LO1A.L ? DhtSSl.U AMU UK AWN HENS ?>? 39? p?r.pra 3 'Si?' 69' SOMERDAI.E FROZEN GREEN PEAS 2 - 25c SEABROOK FARMS FROZEN Cut CoRNjf* 20? Seald-Sweet Frozen LIMEADE 6-OZ. CAM AMERICAN IN OIL CS 100% PURE INSTANT corrEE 2-OZ JAR REDO ATE PINK Carolina-Grown Freestone Sardines 3 Ue 65. 45c IS? 25? 14* TALL CAN IEXIZE LIQUID SUNSHINE KRISPY Crackers THRIFTY WHITE SLICED BREAD f?t? Brighter breeze a 31c Ctmmt Sim 19m ~ t BJIB-O a is is. fMu Mcft lUJ TOMATO KETCHUP 14-OZ. >%?? bottle c Balh SIm 12c? Toil, l Soap SWEETHEART 3 "sfzi 25c BImi In Yovr foiA BID-WHITE J-OI. fk ?c thUrnny From* COMARD GREENS ,2-?z II A KG. BUY THREE AT REG. PRICE-GET AN EXTRA FOR It WOODBUBY 4 ? 37? JUST RIGHT FOR QUICK MEALS * SPAM ? 47? LIBBY'S TWICE-RICII TOMATO JUICE - 31. LtBBY? HALVES OR SLICED PEACHES -'20. LfRRY'S CORNED BEEF HASH ? 29? LIRBT'f VIENNA SAUSAGE -"19. I.IBBY'S DEVILED || ? mjP GRAND FO* NO % HAM sanow,ch" ^ 21* LIRRY'S READY -TOJERVE CORNED Beet Sff 47< NO.* A CAN Qc