Woman Defendant to Serve Nine Months in State Prison B&PW (Continued from Page 1) To illustrate his point, the hos pital administrator uacd John Doe, a plumber, as an example. Today he goes to the hospital (or an ap pendectomy. stays five days and pays SIS a day for hospital care or a total of $75 He earns $100 a week aid loses $100 pay far the time he is (n the hospital. But 20 years ago when he was earning Just $60 a week, he went to the hospital for an appendectomy, stayed 12-14 days and lost $120 pay or $20 more than he does today. The 12-14 days In the hospital cost then what five days do today. But in the final analysis the patient gains ? due to new methods at treatment and new types of drugs he's out of the hospital in a short er time. Thr hospital picture has changed too, the speaker said, in that H de pends for existence now on its earned revenue and not endow ments of philanthropic gestures. Hospital incurance plans, he said, are replacing endowments. His talk, followed by a question and answer period, concluded with a query, "Who would choose poor er quality health care just to keep the bill down?" Mrs. C. I,. Beam, president, pre sided at the business meeting. An amendment to the by-lays, providing that office holders must attend at leaitt nine of the 12 yearly meetings or relinquish their office, was approved. Miss Shawnee Spears and Miss 1J I Morris, club representatives at the recent United Fund meeting in Morehead City, gave their report. Mrs. Beam then announced that the club would be responsible for the public affairs discussion at the district meeting in September. Mrs. Ruth Cubbage, club public affairs chairman, will be in charge. , The club was also invited to a picnic given by (Jie Goldsboro Club next Wednesday Mrs. Phillip Jackson, a member of the Pittsboro B&PW Club, gave a report on club activities. She was a guest of her mother, Mrs. D. M. Fulcher, Atlantic. Other guests, in addition to the speaker and his wife, were Mrs. Gertrude Cahoon, Winston-Salem; Mrs. Lucien Peeling, York, Pa.; Mrs. Thomas Noe, Beaufort; and Miss Ramona Williams, Morehead City. Garden Maker Finally Uncovers Arrow Head Homewood, III. (AP) ? Ray mond Olson, digging a garden in back of his newhou.se, kept finding scraps tif iron, chinaware and whatnot. "I've found everything here ex cept Indian arrow heads." he told his wife. His next spadeful of garden un covered a 3-inch arrow head. His torians say it was made by a Potaw atami Indian. ? Edna Whaley fcuveix, Morehead City. w?a seateacad t* nhu moaths in the Stale Prison tor Cornea by Judge George McNeill, in More head City Recorder'! Court Monday after she wu found g?*y of charfM at braakiaa and entering aad larcaay of goods valued at approximately $75 Mrs. Stevens entered a plea of guilty to the charges through her attorney, Harvey Hamilton Jr. Judge McNeill recommended in the judgment that the defendant be given paychiatrio examinations and such mental aad physical care as necessary while the is In prison. The theft took place at Leo Whai ey's Texaco Service Station. More head City, according to police. ?E. Gregory Taylor was given a six months' suspended sentence for issuing worthless checks to the amount of $1,124 to Tidewater Mo tors Inc He was fined $50 and court costs and ordered to reim burse Tidewater Motors to the amount of >100. He was also ord ered to remain on good behavior for two years. Taylor was not prosecuted on a charge of theft of a wrist watch. Bernie Allen Jackson, charged with possessing pon-taxpaid whisky and assault on Rebecca Jones, was found guilty of possessing non-tax paid whiskey but not guilty of as sault. James Settle was found not guil ty of transporting nontax-paid whis key or possessing non taxpaid whis ky. Defendant Appeals Flossie Reed Henderson was found guilty of operating an auto mobile while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics and was fined $100 and costs of court. She entered an appeal to Superior Court. Bond was set at $150. Jessie Mae Green and James Morgan were not prosecuted on charges of adultery after they showed the court a marriage li cense. A warrant for Jessie Mae charging that she assaulted Mor gan with a knife was withdrawn. Morgan was taxed costs of court for malicious prosecution. Twelve Marines were found guil ty of charges of disturbing the peace in a near-riot last Thursday night and were charged one-third the costs of court. Seven Marines, faring the same charge, were not prosecuted. Verne Brewer was found guilty of charges of being drunk and dis orderly, using loud and profane langauge and diaturbing the peace. He was tine $25 and costs of court. Fined $50* G. W. Gillikin was charged with operating an automobile without a license and operating an automo bile while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. He was given six months in the Morehead City jail to be assigned to work on the streets. The sentence was sus pended upon payment of a fine of $500 and coats. He was also ord ered to refrain from driving and remain on good behavior for two years. Wilkins gave notice of ap peal and his bond was set at $750. Walter Mendell Burkett ? was I ch#Hed the cMia of cnMrt A Five persons were charged court ? arE?"S w!nL KTdeH w*d#* M?rv,n North Wllh, Joyee B alley lUynr. Wii JoTc.^ZT ** ?** u,i.Lhl?^N?!,0n Re*d *?' charged i^ifSSV&fifSZ " ,nd c*rele" lnd reckless driT thl fl?? V f?Und not suUi> <"> u r* lnd ?uiIt> on the oTcouirt. W*" d *50 >nd costs Charged with speeding, having no operator's license and runainf a stop sign, Da|e A Duclos was fined $35 and costs of court. Twen he h d?",rs wi" ^ remitted if ^,.ho.ws ?n operator s license within two weeks. Defendant Cleared J "J?kh,r Willis was found not guilty of charges of being drunk on (he streets of Morehead City The state did not prosecute John Clarence Bell of charges of mal mU?i df maee *? Property. Nell Norman Tingley was order of o W'^'rds of the costs of nMU1 heing found Suilty of not stopping at a stop sign. Charged with driving on the ZTZd\ot the road' Don?'d 22 o^c 'urt W8S CharEed ,he ,?,-|ohn Clark Olson, charged with following too closely and careless and reckless driving was fined $25 and costs of court. Gerald Francis Minor was order ed to pay one half the costs of court after being found guilty of a charge of runmng . ?<? light Charges of not having an oper ators license were brought against ? G Leroy Moore. He was sen Le_"c.edJ? bf confined to the More head City jail for 10 days. The sentence was suspended upon pay ment of a fine of $25 and costs of when' M f'"u " t0 be remitted when Moore shows the clerk of court a proper driver's license Warrants Withdrawn The warrant against Ernest Mat tos Jr. for simple assault on Neil Sanders was withdrawn and San ders was taxed costs of court for malicious prosecution w?7ant aea'nst Dave A. n? drawing a knife on Roy Guthrie was withdrawn and Guthrie was taxed costs of court for malicious prosecution. Caae? Continued tin!f?rfen SJ"" wer? $el 10 con- ' tinued The cases'are against De WW Crowe and N. M Batctielor, both charged with public drunken d?'k.* Jackson Bennett. k "^.' Jamcs Oscar Chatman. charged with failing to 29,1954* * ??Urt rUl'ng 0n June I Other cases to be continued are the cases against Reginald Conway ?nd Frederick Allen Hughe.. Con way i, charged with failing to com Huahei \C0UI1 Judgment and 18 charged with having an expired operator'! license and oper ihJ ir.n" 'utomobi'e while under the influence of alcohol. Miss North Carolina Charms Fish; Maybe She'll Do Same with Judges By SHELLY SMOYER If Miss North Carolina catches the judges' eye* at Atlantic City, N. J., in the Miss America pageant like she catches fish, Miss Amer ica for IBM will be Lexington's lea i<ft 1955 will be Lexington's Two whopping big amberjacks succumbed to the dark-haired beauty's charms Wednesday on a - trip to the Gulf Stream aboard the aport (lahing cruiser Blue Water, captained by Hubert Pulcher. Pretty Miss Norma Swinson, Miss Morehead City, who lost out to Miss Ring at Burlington, came in flrat on the fishing trip. To her went the honor of pulling in the first jack after a 10-minute struggle. Five minutes later Miss Ring haul ed In her prise Everybody in the party caught at least one In the grand haul o I 17 jacka, a dolphin,' and a Span ish mackerel. Enjoying the trip were Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ring and Joe McCrary of Lexington, A. Hart well Campbell and R. A. Conway o f WNCTTV, Greenville, Bill Nor wood, Cecil Adams, L. G. Dunn, and Dan Wade of Morehead City. The trip started at S a.m. from the Blue Water dock on the water front In Morehead City after a breakfast at the Busy Bee Cafe. ijm. set Before the port terminal faded from view, troll lines were set up. The sun was a big, red ball of fire in the east. At 7:15 a.m. a spanish mackerel struck at the starboard troll line, but wrenched itaelf loose Fifteen minutes later another struck and waa hauled in by Mr. Ring. - At ?*.?. the Blue Water reached the buoy marking ? wreck 35 miles offshore la the Gulf stream and the hauling of jacks began. By 10:10 everybody had a chance to land a jack and the party toafc off tor another wreck about 10 miles southeast of Morehead City. About this Ume a spanking north '?aat wind came along malting the Blue Water rail as little white caps chased each other across the broad | expanse of blue. Pretty soon a few of the party leaned over the side to watch the water, but their facet were tinged with green. The buoy mark ing the wreck was sighted and mullets were cut up for bait, but no red snapper took the lures. Call Pat Through Shortly after noon a call was put through to Greenville via the ma rine radio station at Charleston, S. C. Miss Ring spoke to WNCT TVs audience for five minutes. | Capt. Fqkher alto put In a few words. After signing off. a dolphin wat caught. Since the mappert weren't biting, the Blue Water took off for the flrtt location for more jackt. A few more were caught before heading for the thoalt off Cape Lookout for mackerel and bluet, | but none bit Along the way porpoiaes raced the boat. Another radio phone call wat put through to WMBL to let Mitt Ring tell the people of U area how the trip wat progretting. Miss Ring captivated the Sea Scouta aboard the SES Albe marle out of Plymouth, N. C. when the Blue Water docked at Cape Lookout Coast Guard Station had her picture takes with them. Speaklag of pkturea. the day waa filled with popping flath bulba and mapping thuttera. Mitt Ring even took a tarn at the wheal and did a bit of tuabaUiing. Cloaa te 3 o'clock ia the after nooa when the Blue Water heading toward home Bill Norwood I brought eat hia accordian and a | songfeat waa aoaa ia awing. The water ' became meol glaat, a law faeaa turned pii health returned and the party waa I really living It up. The Blue Water pulled Into the I tound with lira* blowing aad a| large crowd waa wilting Mitt North Carolina'! i The fiah were hauled gut, booed I off. put on the raclu and photog raphers went to work. Then Mils Ring and her party headed for the beach for the' fish fry and dance at Capt. Bill's on the beach, the crew of the Blue Water, Buddy Midgette and James Wade, began securing ship, and the crowd slowly melted away. It was the end of another day and a fishing trip ? a part of the vaca tion planned by Morehead City Jay cees for Miaa North Carolina. C. S. Long Conducts Club Sorvico Program C. S. Loaf, Newport Rotary pro gram chairman, conducted a club service program lfonday at the meeting in the former Newport School cafeteria. Mr. Long passed out literature designed to help new Rotariana ad Just themselves to the club; also material aimed at helping newly appointed committee chairman plan their programs for the com ing year. Vlaltors at the meeting were R. H. Brown, Newport; Dr. William H. Bell Jr., New Bern; and Dave Reynolda, Randleman. Dr. A1 Chestnut, David Murray, and Wal ter Edwards of Morehead City -were visitors. Fir* Department Gets Equipment Yesterday Moranead City's Fire Depart ment received four "powder extin guishers" valued at approximately 11.100 yesterday morning, an nounced Fire Chief E. L. Nelaon. The eztinguWMrs will be used to tight gasoline fires There are two ISO-pound extin guishers and two 30- pound extin guishers. Chief Nelson said. This (Ives us something to fight a gas fire with In eaae one at thaw gas trucks eatchaa fit* We've needed them bodty. They will probably ho ta s tailed next wood and we have a man coaing down has* to deoaso strato how to use them." Beauty's Week Here Will End Tomorrow Mia North Carolina, Betty Jo Ring of Lexington, winds up h?r week's vacation at Morehood City tomorrow, ike will be the target o< photographers in a eonteot to morrow morning She and her mother, Mra E. T. Ring, and Joe UcCrary of Lexing ton, press photographer, will leave by Piedmont Airlines at 3:20 p.m from the Beaufort - More head City Airport. Her father left for Lex ington Thursday. The 24-year-old beauty and her party will stop in Lexington, her home, where she will do a aeries of TV shows next week. Aug. 8 Miss Ring will return to New York City for a final fitting of the ward robe she won at Burlington While there she will appear on TV .and star in a movie short mod eling the clothes given her by the Celanese Corp. Included in Miss Ring's plans before going to Atlantic City in September, are appearances at Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches. She plans to take a week off from appearances to rest before the Miss America pageant. Today Miss Ring is taking a tour of the Marine Corps Air Base at Cherry Point. Following her re turn this evening, she will be at the Morehead City Recreation Cen ter at 7:30 to greet members of the Teen-Agers Club. Tonight at 8 Miss Ring will be the guest of honor at an informal supper party at the Blue Rib bon Club. Yesterday Miss North Carolina was a guest ot the Sea Level Cham ber of Commerce. She toured Smyrna, Harkers Island, Atlantic, and Sea Level. Her hostess for the tour was Miss Down East, Miss Eva Frances Gaskill. Following an all-day fishing trip to the Gulf Stream Wednesday, the beauty was the star attraction at a fish fry and dance at Capt. Bill's on the beach. She was welcomed by Miss Down East and invited to be her guest on Thursday's down east tour. Miss Ring presented her talent, an excerpt from Shakespeare's "Macbeth," followed by dancing until 11 p.m. A local dance band furnished music. Morehearf City Jaycees, sponsors of her vacation, termed the af fair a huge success. Court (Continued from Page 1) support and abandonment; Ted Day, bad check; Jack R..Bell, no operator's license; Matthew Abb raham Marshall, drunken driving. Mildred Rose Styron, no opera tor's license; Jimmie L. Tolbert, expired operator's license; Arthur Gibbs Fulcher, speeding; Mary Lee Rose, bad check; Sam Stevenson, public drunkenness; Jack Harlen Harmon, passing at an intersec tion; Charlotte Keberde Scheall, no operator's license, Richard James Scheall, allowing u person with no operator's license to operate an automobile. I William Cromwell Johnson, speeding; Richard Deaver, improp er turn, causing an accident; An drew Green Jr., driving carelessly and .recklessly; Alonza Thomas Redd Jr., no license, drunken driv ing after license had been revoked; Howard Fulton Baker, fishing from a restricted bridge; Robert Fulton Baker, loitering on a highway bridge; Hugh Whaley, non-support. Lowell Harley Bailey, improper license plates; James Carroll, tress passing and drunk and disorderly; Pennel Jesse Tillett, drunken driv ing; John A. Wetherington, abduc tion or elopment; Gordon Poling, speeding; John Joseph Nemeth, driving under influence of alco hol or narcotics; Samuel Thomas Ousley, improper muffler. Francis H. Strouse, assault; -Har old Lee Odberg, careless and reck less driving, passing at an intersec tion, failing to yield the right of way, causing an accident; Earnest Ford Davis, careless and reckless driving; Billy Malachi Merrill, careless and reckless driving, caus ing an accident; James Alton Wads worth, speeding; Carl Henderson Wadsworth, speeding. Lester Dickinson, sssault; James H. Henderson, drunken driving; Francis Lee Shepard. speeding, careless and reckless driving; and James Taylor, public drunkenness. Rotarians Hear Report on Town Recreation Mrs. Lockwood Phillips. Beau tort, md Hilfeh Gordon, director at the Recreation Program, were the speaker! at the Beaufort Rotary Club meeting Tueaday night at the Inlet Inn. Mrs. Phillips discussed the fu ture of the Beaufort Recreation Program and the poaalbllitiea of the Rotary Club taking over again the sponsorship of the program. Mr. Gordon commented on the benefits of the program for the children and for the town. Visitors were Floyd Chadwick, George McNeill and Albert Gaakill, all of Morehead City, Snodle Ed wards, Ayden, Donnie Horf by,' Henderson, and Jadaon Blount. Green Tilie. I July 28 ? Mr. and Mrs Earl Howard sad son, Bobby, returned to Raleigh Pridiy after spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs I. N. Howard. Mr. and Mm Jack Savage and daughter. Sandy, have returned from an extended trip through the weatern part of the United State*. Mrs. P. P. Garner went to Beau fort Thursday to spend a few days I with her daughter. Mrs. C. R Wbeatly Mrs. Zeb Mauney Jr., went to Hopew.il, Ya., Sunday to viait her parents. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Lips comb. and to get her daughter, Karobeth. who has been spending two weeks there. Mrs. T. R. Garner and son. Puck, | and Mrs. Allen Elliott and son, Vir gil, were business visitors in Wil mington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rouse and I children of Kinston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Ivy Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore and son, Timothy Allen, of North Wilkesboro came Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Ada Allen. Mrs. J. R. Murdoch and dangl>- 1 ter Denise came Thursday to spend | two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. McCain. Miss Melba Garner returned I home Thursday from a trip to Lit- 1 tleton and Richmond, Va. Mrs. Ed Baldwin and son, Bud dy, of Cerro Gordo came Tuesday | to spend a few days with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. | Louis Hibbs. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pruit and I children were in Richmond, Va., | last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Heath and Mr. I. L. Heath visited their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath, last Wednes day. Mrs. Heath remained to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Cora McCain. Mr. M. C. Howard visited his father in Greenville Sunday. Mr. Earnest Piner will return to I 'Reidsville Thursday after spending | two weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cassidy I and son of Durham and Geneva. | N. Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and daughter, Joanna, and Mrs. C. M. Hill visited relatives in Plymouth Sunday. Miss Peggy Jack Howard return ed home Tuesday from Lake Juna- 1 luska. where she attended a Meth | odist Youth Convocation. Mrs. Jim Kelly is in the hospital I in Gdldsboro where she underwent | an operation Tuesday. Mrs. David McCain spent the weekend in Atlantic with her mother, Mrs. Julia Hill. Mrs. Hill returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garner were business visitors in Wilson Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Youngblood and children are visiting in west ern North Carolina. Mr. George W. Rhodes, airways operations specialist with the Civil Aeronautics Administration in Memphis. Tenn., is at home with his. parents for a few days. Mr. Rhodes has been visiting different parts of the North Carolina coast with friends from Chicago, 111., and Memphis. Mr. and Mrs. Luther T. Spiveyl and family of Raleigh are visiting | Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cannon is in the hospital In Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards spent last week in Swansboro visit ing her parents. Mr. Carlisle Garner is in the | Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "Bus" Garner spent | the weekend in Wilmington visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Garner. Miss Jane Mitchell has returned I home after visiting relatives in | Charlotte. Mr. Archie Miller has returned from Mississippi where he was in summer camp. He will spend two weeks here before he and his fam ily go to Winston-Salem, where they will make their home. Mrs. P. P. Garner, Misa Nina I Garner and Mrs. W. J. Kirby went I to Norfolk. Va., Wednesday to visit j Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Neal and to at tend the Herrington family re-| union Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Garner and son. Rodney, have arrived from Wichita, Kanias. They will visit here before going to Alabama where Mr. Garner has been trans ferred. Mrs. Leo Gray has been in More head City Hospital. Edward and Holland Millis re turned to Norfolk, Va., Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Slaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter and chil dren had been visiting Mr. and | Mrs. Charlie Millis. Mr*. Roberta Kntertalaa Mrs. C. 'S. Long and Mrs. O. D. Henderson were special guests | when Mrs. W D. Roberta enter- [ tained her bridge club Friday ?*e- 1 nlng. High score prises were preaant ed at each Uble to Mrs. Parker I Guthrie, Mrs. Long, and Mrs. Eu gene Fob. Mrs. Long also won the I traveling prlae and Mrs. Sammy Barnes received the bingo priae At tha end of play the hoataas served Iced drinks and a salad plate, consisting of chicken salad, potato chips, ralery curls ST crackers. Birthday Party Tuaaday ? Little Mlaa Deal** Murdoch w party by bar grandmother, Mrs. M. | D McCaa. The occasion on her third birthday The children played games and the honaraa opened her gifts. Favor* of hata and surprise pack ages were given I* the coests and refreshments of lee cream and the birthday cake were served. Those present with' the honoree were flbarryl Murdoch, Frances Kelly, Svella and Jeanne Garner, Duffy and David Heath and Puck Garner. W9C9 Beets at (Wrt "Women and the Rural Commun ity" was the topic of the program at the monthly meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice when it met Wednesday night at St. James Methodist Church. Mrs. Charles Hill led the devo tional. "The Sheep of His Hand." Those taking part on the program mn Mrs. George PoUard Jr.. Mrs. W. V. Career, Mn. S. D Edwards. Mn. Milton Warreo and Mia Mar (wet Ml Mn. W. D He.th Jr.. president, wu in charge of the ?Mating. Mrs. Hill was nominated and elected to serve as vke- president to (ill tha unexpired term of Mrs. Alfred Reynolds, who resigned due to IH health. Mn. S. D Edwards, secretary of student work, reported that she had written to the sarvicaaen and students of the church The Susanna Wesley Circle won the banner for the bast attendance at the society meeting. At the cloae of the business ses sion Mn Stanley Mann led the spiritual life program. AMI Class Meeta Mn. *. J. Lackey was hoataaa to the Ladiaa' Adult Bible Class of the Newport Missionary Baptiat Church Monday night Mrs. Miller of New Bern (are the devotional. Mn. J. O. Webb, preaideat. pre sided. The main topic of business was a diacuaaion about filing the Sunday School classroom. Mrs. Webb ask ed the group to meet with her in August. The hostess served refreshments of cake, punch and nuts. Brotherhood Meets The Brotherhood of the Newport Missionary Baptist Church met Thursday night at the home of Mr. Bill Carroll with Mr. Alfred Henderson as co-hoat. Singing was enjoyed and Mr. Jack Bell brought the message to the group. ONE WHOLE WEEK ? JULY 30 - AUG. 5TH GOODWIN'S Dial 64100 PHARMACY Air Conditioned LET US COMPOUND YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION Open 9:00 A. M. Close 10:00 t. M. - CLOSED SUNDAY SPECIALS Plastic or Wooden COAT HANGER 9c 65c NITE LIGHT 39c 2-Cell FLASHLIGHT 39c Pint Size ALCOHOL 13c 75c 100s BAYER ASPIRIN 62c 1 Bottle Children's Aspirin Free $100 Box STATIONARY 69c 300 KLEENEX - - - - - - - 19c f $1.00 CIGARETTE LIGHTER - - - 39c SAVE MORE ? PRICES ARE LOWER We endeavor to save our customer* money on their drug need*. Fair trade U a* low at merchandise may legally be sold. SHOP OUR STORE FIRST. WE INVITE COMPARISON 65c ALKA SELTZER 54c 79c BABY PANTS 49c 40c Size NOXZEMA 29c MALTED MILK 29c 50c 612 INSECT REPELLENT .... 29c 85c ? MIL-DU-RID 59c SODA FOUNTAIN DELICIOUS SODAS AND SUNDAES HOME MAD^ SANDWICHES MADE TO ORDER HOT COFFEE ALL HOURS , DAILY PAPERS ? MAGAZINES CLOSE OUT AT COST FISHING TACKLE ? BAIT ? CAMP STOVE CHARCOAL BURNER ? COLMAN LANTERN GIGGS ? TACKLE BOX ? BAIT CAN ? SCOTCH KADDY ICE BUCKET CHILD'S FOLDING CHAIR ? SEINES WADING POOL ? GAS CANS ? ELECTRIC HOT PLATE Popular Brand* CIGARETTES Regular Size $|.6S LIMIT 2 CARTONS PER CUSTOMER Nationally Advertised $1.19 CONTOUR SWIM CAP 79? $2.50 LUNCH BOX AND PT. VACUUM BOTTLE J5 10c Fresh Fruit LIMEADE TALL GLASS 5? 54-Gauge, IB- Denier NYLON HOSE 69/ LIMIT 3 PAIR $2.95 ALARM CLOCK i^.09 $6.95 8-Inch ELECTRIC FAN 4? SEALTEST ICE CREAM TAKE HOME PACKAGES AMERICAN ALL OCCASION GREETING CARDS WHITMAN'S FRESH CANDIES "agency

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