Morehead City Social News ?te Imofrat Loo*, Society Editor PhoM t-4173 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cunningham Jr. and son, and Mrs. Billy Cun ningham, of Wilson, are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Booker Cunningham Sr., at, their cottage on Evans Street. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Hood of Kinston and Dr. and Mrs. Thorn ton Hood and children of New York are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Heath Nesbitt at Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Melville Broughton and sons. Bobby and Woodson, of Ral eigh are visiting at a cottage at Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Henry Cummins, Mrs. Hat tie Hill and Miss Kathryn Whit field. all of Kinston. are visiting Mrs. Carl Bell this week at her home on Sunset Drive. Mrs. C. W. Atkinson and daugh ter. Nancy, returned to Staten Island. N. Y., Sunday after spend _ _ . _ ing several weeks here with Mr* Atkinson's daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Be res Rice and children. i Mrs. John Blunt Long of Kinston is visiting Mrs. William Saunders. Miss Barbara Glazier has return ed to her home in Kinston after visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Crowe ?nd family for two weeks. Miss Jan Mercer of Tampa, Fla., is visiting Miss Marie Crowe at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Crowe. She will return home Sunday, Aug. IS. accompanied by Miss Crowe, who will visit there for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Andrews Sr. of Raleigh are spending this week at Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fetzer and SATURDAY IS OUR LAST DAY Going Out Of Business EVERYTHING MUST GO OUR ENTIRE STOCK WAY BELOW COST Our Loss Is Your Gain! The Children Shop Morehead City First tooth ... or * first partq dress have the Portrait made now Your child's portrait keeps the memories * first in your heart. For the priceless record of each precious age have your child's portrait made now. HOURS 12 Noon to 6 P.M. Daily and by Appointment PHONE 6-4730 Closed Sunday m\ ffliiMM PJuUo<yiafJt?fi ' 411 EVANS ST. MOREHEAD CITY Mori* Crowe Hostess ? At Old Fashioned Prom Mu* Betty Jo Ring of Lexing ton, Miss North Carolina, and Miai Norman Swinaon, Miss Morehead City, were guesta at a party given by Miss Marie Crowe Friday eve ning at her home in Mansfield Park. The party was given in honor of Misses Jan Mercer and Barbara Glazier. Miss Mercer, cousin of. Miss Crowe, is from Tampa. Fla., and la visiting in Morehead City. Misa Glazier of Kinston has been visiting the Crowes for two weeks. During the party, which had an old fashioned prom as its theme, refreshments of hors d'oeuvres, nuts, mints and punch were served to the 45 guests. children, Harvard and Beverly, have moved recently to Morehead City from Atlanta, Ga. They are making their home at 2004 Aren dell St. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oleszewski of Jeannette, Pa., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powers and son, Richard. They are also visiting Mrs. Daisy Giannat tasio and son, Sammy. Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bennett Jr. and children of Hagerstown, Md., returned to their home yes terday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Andrews Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Fulcher re turned Wednesday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore in Fountain. Visiting at Atlantic Beach are Mr and Mrs. Leonard Pliatano and children, Tommy, Tess and Gladys, and their friends, Joe Rebo, Larry Cunningham and Pat Condo, all of Jeannette. Pa. While here they are visiting also Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Powers and son, Richard, and Mrs. Daisy Giannattasio and son, Sammy. Mr. Joe Williams was admitted to St. Luke's Hospital in New Bern Wednesday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Corbett of Greenville spent this week at their summer cottage on Evans Street, and had as their guest, Mrs. C. T. Mumfort. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCotter and family returned to their home in New Bern Monday after spend ing the irinth of July at their sum mer cottage here. Mrs. Ann Ballard of McAllister, Okla., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nina Powers. Ctrl and Mrs. Hans C. Larse* of Fayetteville and their son, Rqbert Larsen of Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Townsend of Fay j etteville; and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Oliver and daughter, Gay, of High Point have all returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mc Cuiston. Sisters Give Shower Tuesday for Miss Morton Miss Jean Morton, who >will be married Thursday evening, Aug. 19, to Mr. Thomas Wetherington. was entertained Tuesday evening at a shower given by her sisters, Mrs. William Ryan and Mrs. Wil liam Yeager, at the home of Mrs. Yeager at Camp Glenn. Miss Morton was presented with a white dahlia corsage upon ar rival. The gift table was covered with a white cloth and was cent ered with a minature bride and groom surrounded with ivy. Bingo was played and prizes awarded. The coverall prize was given to Mrs Charles Freeman Jr. and Mrs. Robert Cantelli won the door prize. The 20 guests were served iced drinks, bridal cake and mints. The hostesses presented Miss Morton with crystal in her chosen pattern. Stork News Births at Morehead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mr>. Nathan Sutton Edwards. Atlantic Beach, a daugh ter. Catherine Leigh, Saturday, July 31. To Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thomas Pratt, Morehead City, a son, Mil ton Thomas Jr., Sunday, Aug. 1. Here's Gentle Relief ef Constipation for AH Your Famiy flif Ttt| Ml tap * M| IIh hta MM M Safefitof MM Tlk Fkaal fiptolh UnHn Vqrl for constipation, get the gtmtk PtBtf medic*! authorities agree you and four children seed. Take Dr. Caldwell's Sen ?u Laxative contained in Syrup Pi! fin. Dr. Caldwell's relieves temporary constipa^pMl^ but tartly for young and old aK7, and does k without salts or harsh drugs that cramp and gripe and disrupt normal bowel action! Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, ?m ?/ tin fatst m*tmr*l npuMt Uxmthts kmwu m mtdidm. Give* com fortable. natural-like relief of temporary constipation. Helps you get "on sched ule" without repeated doses. Also relieves stomach sourness that consti pation often brings. Children enjoy taking Dr. Caldwell's. It tastes so food! Since it's a iifmid, you can regulate dosage txmdy. Buy Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative. Money back if not satisfied Mail bottk K> Box 200. New York It, N. Y. Mrs. Gus Davis Elected President Of St. Andrew's Auxiliary Tuesday Mrs. Gus Davis was elected presi- < dent of the Woman's Auxiliary, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Tues day evening when the group met at the home of Mrs. George R. Wal lace on Evans Street. Other new officers are Mrs. Paul Branch, vice-president; Mrs. E. G. Phillips, secretary; and Mrs. Rob ert Hicks, treasurer. Mrs. O. H. Johnson Sr. presided at the busi ness session and election. Departmental chairmen were ap pointed as follows: Mrs. R. H. Dow dy Sr., supply; Mrs. J. R. Morrill, promotion and membership; Mrs. Johnson Sr., Christian education; Mrs. David Murray, Christian social relations. Mrs. Elizabeth Howland, custo dian of United Thank Offering; -Mrs. Paul Webb, church periodi cals. It was announced that the convo cation of the Wilmington District of the diocese would meet at St. Andrew's this fall. The date will be set later. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Freeman Entertains Club at Atlantic Beach Mrs. Robert Freeman entertain ed at a bridge-luncheon Wednes day at Her home on Atlantic Beach. After swiming in the morning, guests were served a luncheon of pressed chicken decorated with crab apple, lima beans, creamed potatoes, asparagus with a cheese sauce, tomatoes, stuffed prunes, olives and hot rolls. Lemon cherry snow with an iced drink was served for dessert. Mrs. A. H. LaMontagne won high score at bridge. Mrs. Starr King will entertain the bridge club members Tuesday evening at her home on Arendell Street. Hospital Notes Morehead City Hospital Discharged after treatment: Mrs. Don Martin, Beaufort, Wed- 1 nesday; Paul Chudomeka. Newport, Sunday; Mrs. W. H. Guthrie, More head City, Sunday; Mrs. Joe B. Murphy, Morehead City, Tuesday; Mrs. Brantley Meares, Newport. Monday; Mr. Rodney Whitman, Warsaw, Monday; Mr. Hubert Whitehurst, Beaufort, Sunday. Discharged after operation: Mr. C. T. Lewis, Beaufort, Tues day; Mrs. Leslie Moore, Beaufort, Tuesday: Mrs. William Weeks, Morehead City, Tuesday. Discharged : Mrs. Bill Pratt and son, More head City, Wednesday; Mrs. N. S. Edwards and daughter, Atlantic Beach. Tuesday; Mrs. Gordon Laughton and son, Morehead City, Sunday; Mrs. James E. Sykes and son. Morehead City, Tuesday; Mrs. William Tugman and daughter, Morehead City, Sunday. Admitted: Mrs. W. F. Anderson, Morehead City, Tuesday; George Gooding, Beaufort, Sunday; Mrs. Peter Kala fus, Atlantic Beach. Tuesday; Mrs. S. B. Meadows. Morehead City, Tuesday; Freddie Oglesby, More head City, Monday. Sea Level Hospital Discharged : Mr. Luther Taylor. Sea Level. Monday; Miss Ruth Taylor. Sea Level, Tuesday; Mr. Tobe Piner, Williston, Wednesday; Crystal Sue Moore, Harkers Island, Wednesday. Admitted: Mr. A. B. Lewis, route 1 Beau fort, Tuesday; Mrs. Ellen Rose, Sea Level, Tuesday; Mrs. Lula Davis, Marshallberg, Tuesday; Mr. David Baxter, Atlantic, Wednes day; Mr. Alfred W. Gillikin, Beau fort RFD, Wednesday. There are six so-called platinum metals, ruthenium being the last to be isolated about a century ago. ? CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY 10 a.m. ? A k NC Stockholders Meeting, Atlantic Beach Hotel 1 7:30 p.m.? CAP Unit, Adminis tration Building, Beaufort-More head Airport MONDAY 10 a.m. - Ministers' Association, Civic Center, Morehead City 6:30 p.m. Medical Society, Morehead City Hospital 7 p.m. ? National Guard Unit, Beaufort School Gym 7 p.m. ? Morehead City Jaycees, Hotel Fort Macon 7 p.m. ? Beaufort Jaycees, Inlet Inn 7 p.m. Newport Rotary Club, Fomer School Cafeteria 7:30 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, hut east of Camp Glenn School 7:30 p.m. ? Carteret County Bridge League, Recreation Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Miriam Rebekahs, Lodge Hall, Beaufort 8 p.m. ? Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge Hall west of Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Alcoholics Anonymous, Closed Meeting, 426% Front St., Beaufort TUESDAY 6:45 p.m. ? Beaufort Rotary Club. Inlet Inn 7:30 p.m. ? Ocean Lodge, Mason ic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Woman's Club, First Christian Church, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort 8 p.m. ? Woman's Auxiliary of Sea Level Hospital, Methodist Church, Atlantic County Bridge League Winners Announced Eight and one-half tables were in play Monday evening when the Carteret Bridge League met at the Morehead City Recreation Center. North-south winners were first. Miss Lucille Downs, Bud Dixon; second and third were tied be tween Mrs. Alvah Hamilton, Mrs. Jack Nobles and J. J. Patterson, A1 Dewey. East-west winners were first, L. C. Forrest, S. K. Hedgecock; sec ond, Dorsey Martin, Mrs. Floyd Sutherland; third, Mrs. S. Schech ter, Mrs. M. Chused, both of Kin ston. 1 1 Couples Get Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued to 11 couples in Carteret County dur ing the month of July, according to Irvin Davis, county registrar of deeds. Marriage licenses were issued to the following: 1 Louie C. Willis, 22, Harkers Is land. and Grey Willis, 22, Hark ers Island; Cecil Robert Willis, 24, Williston, and Geneva Janice Jones, 18, Harkers Island; Brian Patrick McCormick, 18, Leetsdale, Pa., and Carol Ann Campbell, 18, Fair Oaks, Pa.; Vernon J,ee Watson, 23, More head City, and Susie Gray Murphy, 21, Morchead City. William S. Taylor, 27, Beaufort, and Addie Carol Cole, 17, Beaufort; Robert L. Rose, 34, llavelock and Betty Lou Merrill, 25, Beaufort; Rufus Augusta Harvell Jr., 22, Mer rimon, and Barbara Aileen Smith, 16, Beaufort; John Clemmer Swin son, 25, Morehead City, and Peggy June Brown, 21, Asheville. Seldon Lee Sherwood, 25, More head City, and Evelyn Marie Jenk ins, 21, Morehead City; James E. Morgan. 34, Raleigh, and Jessie Mae Green, 25, Raleigh; Raymond Taylor Still, 29, Danville, Va., and Flossie Phillips, 24, Beaufort. BUSS BUSTER ? Sunshine it good for you up to ? certain # point. Too much it juit too bad! In addition to a tha pain, over-exposure can cauta tariout illness. ? 0 Should you stay out in tha tun too long, call your ? J physician and let him prescribe traatmant that wil enable you to . gat ovar tha tunbura quieter and 2 ? with lass discomfort. ? % ? J Registered Pharmacist On Duty at All Times a 2 ask rovk nmiaAM * To fkN i/t Vow Pr?cripft?i/ : MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A Good Druf Store Pine Straw or Hardwood Leaves Are Good Mulches . By ROBERT SCHMIDT Here is some more (bout mulches: At our recent nurserymen's school there was much discussion about the use of sawdust and peat for mulching shrubs and for incor porating with the soil as a source of organic matter. Most of tjiis per tained to the care of auleas and camellias which are very popular at the present time. It was pointed out that sawdust and peat are not as desirable as mulches because they may become packed and hard and water will not penetrate them when in this condition. Pine straw or partially rotted hardwood leaves make a ?atiifactoT) mulch . On the other hand, uwduit ? preferably old uwduit ? and peat are good materials to incorporate with the soil aa a source of organic matter. Both will make the soil reaction somewhat more acid which is desirable for azaleas and camel lia. However, it must be kept in mind that in the rotting of the peat or sawdust the bacteria use up nitro gen from the soil and a yellow ing of the leaves and poor growth may result. So if you are Rising See PINE STRAW, Page 5 * DR. WM. |. GAUSE & ASSOCIATES ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE HAVELOCK CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC U. S. Highway No. 70 West of Havelock DAILY CLINIC HOURS ? 9-12 and 2-5 Other Hours by Appointment PHONE HAVELOCK 2751 . Enjoy Golden UERNSEY MILK '? Pasteurized in the Bottle Homogenized in the Carton ? Produced for Mioli by Carteret's Own Open Grounds Farm MAO LA MILK & ICE CREAM COMPANY Phone 6-3434 don't miss dee gee's christmas . sale . . . 20% to 50% reductions! DEE GEE'S ? South 8th St. Morehead City you gef more.. .Save more with these Blue Plate Coffee - $1.15 (Tins) Sugar - - - - 5 lbs. 50c Famo Flour - 10 lbs. 49c U. S. Choke Sirloin Tip Roast lb. 85c Rib End Pork Roast lb. 65c Bonaer or Jamestown Bacon - ? - - lb. 58c Fryers ----- lb. 46c NEW MANAGEMENT Means New LOW EVERYDAY PRICES TO YOU COME IN A SEE . . . YOU'LL SAVE j ? ? Ask About Our Charge ? Accounts Phone 6-3115-6 FOR FAST, FREE ?A DELIVERY SERVICE STRAWBERRIES 2 for 99c TURNIP GREENS 2 for 41c ORANGE JUICE Ace-High 2 for 34c OPEN ? UL to 8 p.m. WEEKDAYS ? ?.ra. to I SATURDAY Freeman Bros. GROCERY & MARKET 706 ARENDELL ? MOREHBAD CITY

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