| Americans Discover Fluffy Souffle Summer Desserts Orange tapiro souffle is light as a summer breeze . By CECILY BROWN STONE Associated Press Food Editor Souffles are busting out all over. | T.ong a staple of French culinary artr Americans seem to be going for these light-as-summer-breeze des serts. There is even a cookbook de voted entirely to souffles sched uled for publication. Irma Rombauer, author of the i beloved "The Joy of Cooking," says that the souffle is the "misunder stood woman" of the culinary i world! Although it has a reputation of being hard to master, actually a a souffle is a simple and useful everyday dish. In souffle making, we have found that the size of the baking dish is of utmost importance. Put a souffle in a casserole that is too large for the recipe, and no matter how care fully you have combined the ingre* dients, it will never rise to any great heights. You also have to pay attention to the eggs In your souffle. You , may separate the yolks from the whites when you take the eggs from the refrigerator, because they are cold. It won't hurt to let the separated yolks and whites stand at room temperature, because whites beat up well when they are not cold. But never, never beat those egg whites until just before you are ready to combine them . with your other ingredients. The recipe we are giving you, using quick-cooking tapioca instead of flour, is for an American- type . souffle. Adding the tapioca is no 'trouble at all: you simply combine it with part of the liquid called for in the recipe and bring to a boil, then the rest of the liquid, flavor ing, butter and beaten yolks are added. Finally the beaten whites go in. In about an hour your souffle will be delicate but frim from its own baking, ready to serve. Offer this Orange Tapioca Souffle with sliced fresh peaches. Or if you do not mind using tapioca both in the souffle and the adorn ment, you might like to serve the souffle with the following Fresh Peach Sauce. (The sauce, by the way, is excellent on squares of fluffy white cake or slices of hearty cottage pudding.) To further gild the lily, top souffle, sliced peaches or Peach Sauce, with whipped cream. Orange Tapioca Souffle Ingredients: 1/3 cup quick-cook ing tapioca, xk cup sugar, Vi tea spoon salt, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon grated orange rind, 1 cup strained orange juice, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 3 eggs (separated). Method: Put tapioca, sugar, salt and water in saucepan. Cook and stir over moderate heat until mix ture comes to a boil. Stir in orange rind and juice; remove from heat and stir in butter. Allow to cool slightly while beating eggs. Beat egg yolks with rotary beater (hand or electric) until thick and ivory colored. Add tapioca mixture to egg yolks and mix well. With clean beater, beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold tapioca mixture into egg whites. Turn into buttered , 2 -quart baking dish. Place in pan of hot water and bake in moderate (350 degrees) oven 50 to 60 min utes or until souffle looks firm. Serve at once with sliced peaches or Fresh Peach Sauce; top with wnippgdgreay tf desired. Makes Ingredients: 2 cups sliced fresh Mr. Farmer Here's a suggestion which will save you time and trouble ? Carolina Power a, Light Company Imi an advance payment plan designed etpecially far the convanianca of farmare others who plan their financing an ? yearly or regional bath. ? Thli plan wot suggested by farmers yaart ago and hat boon uted by an incroasing number of thrifty cus tomers oach yaar . . . that's why wa know you'll like it. Advantages ta you ? If does away with monthly trips to the place whera you pay yaar olectric service bills, or soroe you the bother and expanse of mailing your chock or money ardor oach month. Whan you pay in advance, you hare ana lose chore to do oach month. Under this plan you maka a payment in ona lump sum to take cere of your alactric sarvice bills far as long as a yaar in advance. Your manoy Is credited to your account. Tho monthly bill yaw rocaive will bo shown as ? charge against your odvanca payment and tho unusod balonca will bo shown also. You may pay for as much as a yaar In advance If you with, or for any length of ttma suitably to yon. Come in and let's talk it over! i (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) Nmfroa August 31? Mr. and Mrs. Will urn Lloyd at Sea Lrv?l um* WiUtam Lloyd Jr.. to attend a musical as-' sembly held at Ridgecrest. Mrs. Sebert Morris, daughter of Mr. Lloyd accompanied them. They visited Mt. Mitchell and other places of interest. A Free Will Baptist Sunday School convention was held at Hol ly Springs, Sunday. Quite a few persons attended! Mrs Ervin Elks and children, of Norfulk, are spending a few days wkh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maltby Taylor. . Miss Sabra Noyes is spending a few days in Rye, N. V., with her girl friend, Mi?s Nancy Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene GaskiU and son, Robert, spent the weekend at Portsmouth, Va.. visiting their daughter. Mrs. Sterling Fulcher. Mr. Ronald Moore Daniels at tended the wedding of one of his friends in Greenville this week end. The Rev. E. W. Downum of Beaufort, filled the regular ap pointment of the Rev. Louie Lewis Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Willis of Marshallberg spent Sunday with Mrs. Willis's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylo(. Mr. I.oran Holfman, formerly of Hood River, Ore., has gone to Flor ida to look for a job. Mr. Howard Fulcher has gone to Norfolk to work with the Norfolk Dredging Go. Weather Balloon Soars To Record 134,598 Feet Oakland, Calif. (AP) ? A Weather Bureau balloon soared to a reeord height of 134,598 feel about 25.5 miles ? befores it burst. That was about 21,575 feet high er than the previous mark. The balloons, whieh send out radio signals recording tempera ture, humidity, and pressure, are about 6 feet in diameter when they are released. They expand to about 20 feet at maximum height, most of them bursting at 80,000 feet. peaches, % cup sugar, 1H table spoons quick-cooking tapioca, lMt cups water, salt, \Vz tablespoons lemon juice.' Method: Mix peaches and sugar together in saucepan; let stand 15 minutes. Add tapioca, water and dash of salt. Cook and stir over moderate heat until mixture comes to a boil. Stir in lemon jt?ice; re move from heat. Cool 15 minutes, then stir. Serve warm. Defense Official Urges Training Of School Pupils Raleigh ? State Civil Defense Director Edward F. Griffin today adv?cat*d tfc*l training of school children in safety procedure dur ing air raid alerts be started with the least possible delay after the opening of the fall school term. Full instructions have been placed in the l\ands of school superinten dents and local PTA president, he said. "Civil Defense in Schools." a handbook of instruction, issued last year by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Charles F. Car roll, in accord with State Civil De fense policies, is a simple adapta tion of "what to-do" activities in event of emergency during school hours. Assistance from the local Civil Defense Director in translat ing the /instruction into action would be helpful, but not essential, Griffin said. The handbook was sent to all school superintendents city and county ? immediately after publication. North Carolina Congress of Par ents and Teachers headquarters has mailed this month, copies of the handbook, with a cover letter from the organization's CD commit tee chairman, to all local PTA pres idents. The letter urged that the instructions be turned over to school principals and used to the fullest advantage. "The cooperative efforts of the department of Public Instruction and state PTA with North Carolina Civil Defense, in publishing and distributing this vital information to school authorities, represents the limit of our present authority," the state director said, "Public opinion will have to do the rest. "If and when the general public wakes up to the fact that we must prepare for any eventuality dur ing this uneasy period of interna tional tension . . . then every youngster will receive the protec tive training to which he is enti tled if he is going to survive in the atomic' age . . . Let's hope it won't be too late," he concluded. dcn't DO that ! I f IT li ? u_u ? PHONE BOOTH HOC... Thl. brood it numerous. Don'toccu* p * ? public booth iiniwcot>or< I ly whon thoro an poopla waiting to vao it. Stealing Hospital Coffee Lands Thief in Jail Detroit (AP) ? The first time the man came into court charged with stealing canned goods from a hospital where he worked, he explained: "I found out someone else had stolen the stuff and I was just returning it." Recorder's Judge Joseph Gillis cocked a quizzical eye, but found him innocent. Two weeks later the man was back before the judge, with this explantion of 14 one-pound bags of coffee found by a hospital guard who noticed a suspicious bulge under the defendant's coat: "I knew someone else was plan ning to steal this, coffee, so I just decided to take It first." The man got 90 days in jail. William Penn ly Whisk oy "?ill 1*345 , mmmmm \ low FOOD PRICES Special Sau - - ^Jape C^fearartce! CET THESE AND OTHER SL9UIEB PREMIUMS ? SPECIAL CLEARANCE, LONC AS THEV LASTI Flush-Fold / Lawn Chaibs Regular $1.50 H'ith $5 In I 17.95 FaJ??/ ?#" CS Regltler Tape* ? ? ? or, get this folding lawn chair FREE with 214 Gift Books! Fntd -A tt'ti ?/ Picnic Grills Regular $9.50 wth $5 in $ 4.95 Value! HI CS Register Tmpea ... or, get this useful picnic grill FREE wjth 1 Vi Gift Books! COLONIAL STORES WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY NEXT MONDAY (LABOR DAY) 'Fireball" 1 tthif! - Old Viryiniu M*ure APPLE SAUCE 2 - 29c Lowest Price On the Highest Quality! " Firebali' * 1 ?/??'/? 1 tut Camp's Famous PORK & BEANS 3 - 35< Stock Your Pantry At This Low Price! IS at ur 'Tender Grade "A" Dregsed and Drawn FRYERS WHOLE JM LB. A CC CUT-UP SPECIAL VALUE! -DELICIOUS FRYER 0BU1DS u 29c SWIFT'S PREMIUM ALL-MEAT SLICED BOLOGNA 6-oz. 23c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED BOILED BAM *ol 59c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED FANCY SALAMI wi 30c ARMOUR'S STAR READT-TO-SERVE COOKED HAM 4 -LB CAN I4.M Craven County Country Smoked HAM - - - Lb. 89c Mm! Price* Effective Thni Saturday, Sept. 4 ? H':- * ' I . .. . Mi... * . * U "THBfFTT" ENRICHED WHITE SLICED BREAD 2 ? 27? MOIHER'H CREAM) KRESII SALAD DRESSING ? 49? redcate lien, zestful Tomato Catsup 2 ? 35< CHEF'S PRIDE FRESH, DELICIOUS COTTAGE Cheese - 20? REAL COLD FRESH-FROZEN CONCENTRATED Lemonade Mix 3 - 39< Extra Fancy California Red Malaga GRAPES 2 ? 23c Fresh Firm Slicing Tomatoes 2 Ctiu. 35c Extra Large Sunkist Lemons Doz. 39c Sealtest Assorted Flavors ICE CREAM Crnninft A p,NT M #% BBALTKST ^ CTNS /II Flr.l-Q?.lllj! mm 0 Foaming- Action Clean&er AJAX 2 ss 25c Kraft' t KUchen-Freth MAYONNAISE - 35c Pitta Pie Mi* APP1AN WAT rcvt-oz. ?% mm PKG. ? / C H tear he t . . . Phin fecit CLOROX LAUNDRY QT. EOT. 17< 30< Toilet Soap WOODBURY MO A IAR YC Northern Super-So/t Toilet TISSUE 3 - 25* LITTLE SUITER OR GEORGIA MAID SWEET Pickles ^69? FOR YOUR PICNIC! -BROCK'S WHITE Marshmauows ? 25' TOR YOUR P ICNIC! ? GOFlX)N \S FRESII ? POTATO CHIPS ? 25c FOR YOUR PICNIC! -OUR PRIDE FRESH Hamburger >m ? ? 24< FOR YOUR PICNIC -Oi l PRIDE FRESH WIENER BUNS R 25 FOR YOUR PICNIC! -REFRESHING HX-C ORANGE - t& 27? FOR YOUR PICNIC!- NABISCO FRESH RITZ Cmckcth ? 35* FOR YOUR PICNIC!- LUNCHEON MEAT ARMOUR Treet ? 43< FOR YOUR PICNIC! -ARMOUR'S VIENNA sausage ?&? 19< Selert from complete variety of pirnie supplies!