Enjoy Golden UERNSEY MILK ? Pasteurized in the Bottle Homogenized in the Carton ? Produced for Maola by Carteret's Own Open Grounds Farm MAOLA ' MILK & ICE CREAM COMPANY Phone 6-3434 Plates or Tin Cans Help To Design Valance Boards Cutting symmetrical scallops In a valance board U no trick if you plan your project carefully- Vuu can use a plate or tin cia to pit tern the design. Graceful scallops are easy to cut by using a sheet of tempered hard board, 'i-inch thick, far the front of the valance. The top and ends of the box can be ordinary * -inch lumber to provide nailing surfaces. Tbe width of the end pieces is determined by the type ol curtains, drapes and fluorescent lighting fixture* to be installed. Ample space must be allowed for ruffled or pleated headings on curtains. But it'a a .good rule not to exceed 7 inches from the window trim to the inner side of the valance front. Brackets to hold the cornice box are screwed to the window trim and trued up; then the cornice box is bolted to the brackets. After deciding on the size of scallop desired, by trying various plates and pans available, plot your curves by drawing a line parallel to the edge of the valance board CONGRATULATIONS TO HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. AND BEST WISHES TO THE ' SPORT SHOP IDEAL BARBER SHOP For Better Grooming * 723 Va Arendell St. Morehead City, N. C. BEST WISHES TO THE SPORT SHOP AND Congratulations TO Hardware & Building Supply Co. We had the pleasure of decorating this fine New Store STEVE ROBERTS PAINTING CO. Paper Hanging - Floor Sanding - Tiling PHONE 6-3839 1901 ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY How to plan ccallopi m -Brocttt Block 'forkod Supports Cross section view of an end of valance, showing the principal parts. at a distance to equal less than half the radius (see table). Then using the measurement in A, shown in the accompanying diagram, mark off points on the lint) across the board. Place your plate or other pattern between the pairs of dots, alternately as indicated in the diagram and draw around the edge of the pattern from dot to dot. The scallops can then be cut with a jig saw. coping saw or keyhole saw. Bevel the edges slightly with a sandblock or rasp. Here are some approximate measurements you'll find handy for patterns: Item Diameter A B 1 lb. coffee can Soup plate Salad plate Dinner plate Large dinner plate 5 V 3 V 6" 4 V 1" 7" 4 V 1" 9" 5%" 1" 9V 6H" IV' How Things Change (Continued from Page 2, Section 2) first began until now. He has been through one tire, one tear down and occupied three new buildings, all in all J. C. B. (Brake) Morton, his younger brother has been as sociated with him for many years. "In 19Q9 upon th failure of the Rank of Carteret, Mr. Morton be came the leading spirit behind the organization of the Bank of More head City. Within twelve hours af ter he started out he had secured enough stockholders to organize the institution which has been so wonderfully prosperous under his ^presidency. "His interest in public affairs has never been passive. Always tak ing a leading part in every move ment for the improvement of his home town and county. Mr. Morton has been one of the guiding spirits in the growth and developments. As a member of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners and Chairman of the Board he was re-elected after two years from 1911 and during the four years service to the coun ty. at least one-third of his time was given over to the matters con nected with his office. "For more than 25 years he has been connected with the schools of the city, until 1908 a member of the Board of Trustees of the Meth odist school, since that time and during the time Morehead City has been favored wth a graded school, he has been a member of the school board." After 30 years of serving the public in the mercantile business, seven years as clerk and 23 years as owner, Mr. Morton in 1918 sold his stock of general merchandise and wearing apparel to up-state parties. George J. Nelson, who for sever al years had been clerking in the hardware department, on January 21, 1919 purchased the stock and goodwill of that department. For a few years he conducted the bus iness at the old location, later mov Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Chart 4. Prow 8. City in Texas 12. Feminine name 13. Tapering solid 14. Metal 15. Wash lightly 17. Ivory 19. Drinking mug 20. Sm>U table 21. Thing 23. Myself 24. Prorioun 26. Babylonian war god 29. Diplomat 33. Flat circular plate 35. Southern constellation 36. Condiment 37. Those who hire 40. Misery 41. Likfe 42. Bone ?4 43. Article i 45. Shirk 48. Angry 52. Sour liquid 54. Poison 55. Fuss 56. Omit in pronouncing 58. Silkworm 59. At present 60. Spanish gentleman 01. Watery DOWN 1. Planet l-ihw mum n wisr-iiii] wr:TJ ignraa araaa aawkiwuma dw?ia eibhb aianianiiaH ?HOEl l:1MD HL?JI;iai;l MlBUiiaidM nrea [dblimh aaa HHHMKIIM aBWiilW aiilM HiilHU idiiMHawma uiitfu aoyu liiHHUHwaM atzicia aana nau aaau wasn mho I Solution to Friday's Puzzle 2. Entrance 3. Sheet ol glass t, Views 5. As far as 6. Purposes 7. Convene 8. See 9. Dry k \e \y WA? If \'o V' r; w a M a 10. Study 11. Unity 16. Title of ? knight 18. Designation 22. Remain 24. Circle of light 2Sr5rafted: heraldry 20. Mental image 27. Edges 23. Serpent 30. Exist 31. Sour 32. Animal'* stomach 34. Spice ? 38. American Indians 39. Shako with cold 44. Before 45. Sufficient: poet. 46. Valley 47. Ireland 49. Afresh 80. Pulled apart 51. Give forth 52. Front 53. Artificial language J7. Perform CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. ? ON THE OPENING OF SPORT SHOP AT 711 ARENDELL ST. THE SPORT SHOP WILL SERVE SAMPLE ICE CREAM CONES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Michigan Plans Canadian Link Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.? (AP)? With construction of a five-mile bridge across the Straits of Mackin ac under way, the Michigan tour ist industry now has turned its at tention to promotion of a bridge or tunnel to link the United States and Canada across the St Mary's RJver. The Straits of Mackinac which separate Michigan's Upper Penin sula and Lower Peninsula, and the St. Mary's River, which separates Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., now are crossed by ferries. The East Michigan Tourist Assn. was the latest public group to give its support to the Soo Bridge. It looks upon the ferries as traffic bottlenecks. The Michigan Legislature has authorized a St. Mary's Interna tional Bridge or Tunnel Authority and empowered it to float bonds for a bridge or tunnel across th* stream between tlw Sault St? Maries. A similar authority finan ced the BO-million - dollar straits of Mackinac bridge. Vehicle Agency Sugg??tt Driver Warning Stickcrs Raleigh, N. C. (AP) _ The North Carolina Motor Vehicle* De partment wants to put stickers or every bottlo of liquor (old in itate ABC stores, warning of the dangers in driving under the Influence. A sample sticker starts, "Would you place your life In. the hands of a drinking driver? You do when you drink and drive." The ABC Board promised to think it over. ing to ( building on the water front. Tribute W Mr. Davis Let's pause here to pay tribute to A brim Davis who holds a record of continuous service of clerluhip cov ering 47 yean. A record unequal ed by any other clerk in Morehead City or Carteret County. Abram, as he is best known to his host of friends, started work (or Mr. Mor ton in 1907. Down through the years as the business changed hands from the general store to the hardware bus iness. Abram was retained by the several owner,s. Faithful, conscien tious and trustworthy, he has given the best years of his life to the service of the public . During the entire time of his service he never took a vacation, lost no time from sickness and has never required the services of a physician. For over thirty five years he daily opened and closed the store in which he was employed. In days past, working days were from IK to 18 hours long. Old customers and friends will insist that Abram wait on them. Having no children of his own. Mr. Morton in his long asso ciation with Abram was said to have come to look upon him almost as a son. As a walker, Abram had no equal in his younger days. It was not unusual for him to start out and walk to Newport or Marshal lberg and back in a day. He.tells of start ing for Marshallberg early one Sun day morning to deliver a horse collar. He was rowed across the river to Beaufort, where with the horse collar over his shoulder, he took to the highway. The collar did not fit the horse so he was obliged to tote it back, arriving home late in the after noon. To relieve the monotony when on a long walk he would walk a stretch, then run a mile or two. With seventy-four years of active life to his credit, his pace now is a slow walk. Furniture Firm Takes Over The corncr store vacated by Mf. Morton in 1919 was taken over by the furniture firm of Dowdy Broth ers who continued in business in this location until the latter part of the 1920's. In the meantime George Nelson sold his interests in the hardware business to the late D. G. Bell and Frank B. Klein who operated under the firm name of the Mariro Hardware Company. Following the vacating of the cor ner store by Dowdy Brothers, the hardware company took over the entire building. To make way for the construc tion of the Wade Theatre, now the City Theatre, it was necessary to tear down a one-story brick building in which was located Huf ham's Drug store and a dress shop, l>' ?? ? i m compelling thou tenant! to seek new quarters To provide (pace (or the drug store, Mr. Bell closed off the east side store space which was being used in connection with the hard ware business, giving Mr. Hufhara a location for his pharmacy. From that time until the closing of the SJtW Drug Ca., this space con lained a drug business. The store has now reverted to the use it served lor many years, that of a hardware store. ? Over a period of 2S yfars or mare the hardware business, first oper ated by Mr. Morton, then by George Nelson, enlarged and de veloped under the name of the Ma rine Hardware Company and changed ownership several times. When purchased by Beaufort in terests. the business name was changed to the Hardware and Building Supply Co. This name has been retained by the present owners, J. A. Durham and J. Frank Cheek. Since taking over the business the new owners have add ed materially to their stock, re quiring additional space. For older citizens, the memory of Mr. Morton will always be as sociated with this corner block. Also will be recalled his deep in terest in the civic and business af fairs of th? town. Bis passing in April 1924 was a Ian, not only to his family but to the community at large. Metered Pi ?m??l?? Helena, Mont (AP) ? The Mon tana Automobile Assn. ha* con trived a promotional campaign de signed to save motorists money A MAA representative places pennies in expired parking meters for tardy motorists. The motorist is remind ed of the good deed by a little MAA card placed on his wind shield. Request Brings Prompt Reply Clinton, Mo. (AP) ? Lee Kl?la of the local pott office staff lifted an aybrow when a letter arrived |W utber day addreued to Baird Got lege, Clinton, requesting a cata logue Answering, Klutz took it on him self to enlighten Harold Erinholti of Ada, Oltla., about the girt'l school. For one Ming, the rules w?ra strict girls wei* not permitted to correspond with young gentlemM without parental authorizatipa. And man callers at the campvs called forth at least one chaperon There were additional details, in cluding the fact that the school closed 50 years ago. WE SAY "WELCOME NEIGHBOR" TO THE HARDWARE AND BUILDING SUPPLY CO. SPORT SHOP WE'RE GLAD TO HAVE YOU NEXT DOOR EARLY JEWELERS COLUMBIA AND KEEP-SAKE DIAMONDS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WATCHES Phone 6-3186 723 ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. CONGRATULATIONS TO HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. ON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW SPORT SHOP AT . 711 ARENDELL ST. * MOREHEAD CITY I AM HAPPY TO HAVE HAD THE CONTRACT TO REMODEL THIS FINE STORE GEORGE DUNN & SON GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS ATLANTIC BEACH PHONE 6-471 1 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C

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