Morehead City Social News ?Dm Brain WMtoravd, Swtety EdlUr Ftaa M17I i ' Jerry W. Willis hu returned to ; East Carolina College after spend ing the weekend with hii parent*. Miss Mary Bonner leaves today for her home in Auror, after a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. K. P. B Bonner at their hone in Bon ham Heights. Mr. Jack Stalling* spent the weekend in Raleigh. Mrs. Robert Himmler and son, Richard, left Wednesday lor Cum berland, Md., after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Norrii. Mrs. W. A. Lambeth and daugh ter, Elizabeth. Mrs. D. G. Bell and Mrs. C. B. Arthur spent Wednesday in Wilson visiting Mrs. G. H. Jack son at the home ot her niece, Mrs. Sydnor Cozart. Miss Lucille Piner has returned from her vacation in Williamsburg, Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Camp Glenn PTA Hears Address By Mrs. Darden J. Eure Tuesday ? Hospital Notes Morehead City Hospital Discharged: Ann Lockey, Newport, Friday; Mrs. N. M. Linn and son, Swans boro, Saturday; Mrs. Harris Lewis, Greenville. Saturday; Mrs. Homer Leinthall, Beaufort, Saturday; Mrs. Lawrence C. Brown, Morehead City, , Saturday; Mrs. Jack Carraway, 1 Merrimon, Saturday. Capt. John Nelson, Gloucester, Saturday; Mrs. C. C. Radford and son, route 1 Newport, Saturday; James C. Smith, Morehead-Beau fort Causeway, Saturday; Mrs. C. A. Stone, Morehead City, Saturday; Mrs. Carlton Taylor, route 6 Have lock, Saturday. Mrs. Herbert Willis, Morehead City, Sunday; David Rudd, route 2 Newport, Sunday; Mrs. Deward Mc Cullen, Beaufort, Sunday; Jerry Faircloth, Markers island, Sunday; Mrs. Louis Hibbs and daughter, Newport, Sunday. Mr. Karl Grytten, New York City, Monday; Evelyn Parrott, Havelock, Monday; Mrs. Julian Fulcher, Morehead City, Monday; Mrs. Samuel Teel, route 6 Have lock, Tuesday; Miss Elizabeth Ann Dixon, Beaufort, Tuesday; Mrs. Wilbur Baker, route 1 Beaufort, Tuesday; Ronald Morton, More head City, Tuesday. Mrs. James Briscoe and son, Morehead City, Wednesday; Mrs. W. H. Quinn, route 2 Newport, Wednesday; Mrs. George Carraway, route 2 Newport, Wednesday; Mrs. Curtis Medlin, Beaufort, Tuesday; Mrs. Jack Bell, Box 6652, Newport, Wednesday. Admitted: Mr. Grovcr Munden, Morehead 1 City, Saturday; Mrs. It. W. John- ' son. Havclock, Saturday, Mrs. Clem ' Gillikin, Beaufort, Sunday; Mrs. 1 Gerald Smith, Atlantic Beach, Sun day; Mrs. Calvin Smith, Marshall berg, Monday; Mrs. R. L. Wells, ' route 1 Newport, Monday. ; Mrs. W. B. Weatherly, Morehead City, Monday; Samuel Hildcbrand, > Morehead City, Monday; Mr. Wil- j ? bur Jenkins, Newport, Monday; | Mrs. Leroy Melton, route 1 Beau- ( fort, Monday; Mrs. Annie Midgett. Portsmouth. Tuesday; Mr. Ed Mc- , Lawhorn, Morehead City, Tuesday. < Mrs. F. R. Brinson, Morehead , City, Tuesday; Mrs. Harry Gaskins, Morehead City, Tuesday; Mrs. , Charles Hester, Morehead City, j Tuesday. Sea Level Hospital Discharged: Mr. Cecil Harrell, Beaufort, Wed nesday; Mr. William Gillikin, Beaufort RFD, Wednesday; Mrs. Beulah Daniels, Sea Level, Thurs day. Admitted: Mr. Norman Lewis, Morehead City, Tuesday; Mrs. Elizabeth Par- ; son, Ocracoke, Thursday. Fresh pork spareribs are beau- 1 tifully crisp when baked in a solw . oven and the fit is drained off. Baste with barbecue sauce the last < half hour before they are done. 1 The Camp Glenn PTA met Tues iay night in the new school build ng. The president, Mr. Leslie Srinson, welcomed parents and 'riends and then introduced Mrs. harden Eure, who spoke to the {roup concerning the responsibility >? parents and teachers to co jperate in the important business >f teaching and training our chil l/en. During the business session it vas agreed to buy belts, badges, ind raincoats for the Safety Patrol >oys, and a flag pole wil! placed n the center of the circular drive vay. Committees for the year were ippointed. They are: membership, Mrs. James Ross, Mrs. John Ebron, ind Mrs. Leslie Brinson; program, Mrs. Gerald Murdoch. Mrs. D. J. Eure, Mrs. W. M. Dwiggins, and Mrs. Julian Murphy: publicity, Mrs. Fred Willis; hospitality, Mrs. Jack Powell and Mrs. Otho Duke. Mr. R. W. Davis, principal, in troduced the new teachers to the group and last year's teachers to the new parents. There are sixteen teachers in the school and 542 pu pils. The primary need of the school at present are furniture for the clinic room and the teachers' lounge, and improvement of the school grounds. Mr. Brinson said he hoped by the next meeting to have movies in the library for small children. In the grade count it was de rided to count fathers five points and mothers one point. Mrs. Ann Murphy's first grade had the high est percentage of parents present, winning a library book for her room. After the business session the Sroup went to the library where ;hey were served punch, cookies and peanuts by the ladies who work in the lunchroom, then par ents visited the schoolrooms of the new building. October Fashion Show Is Scheduled by St. Egbert's St. Egbert's Altar and Rosary Society will present a fashion show ind luncheon Wednesday, Oct. 6, rom 1 to 3 p.m., in the Recreation Center. The clothes for the show will be supplied by shops in Morehead 1'ity and Beaufort, and door prizes vill be offered. Tickets may be purchased from nembers of the society or by phon ng 6-4535. Stork Newt Births at Morehead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Markham Hibbs, Newport, a daughter, Mary Louise. Wednesday, Sept. 15. To Mr. and Mrs. Richard William lohnson, Havelock, a daughter, Debra Ann, Saturday, Sept. 18. To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Daniels Modlin, Beaufort, a daughter, Anna Elizabeth. Sunday. Sept. IB. To Mr. and Mrs. James Enos Briscoe, Morehead City, a son, James Douglas, Sunday, Sept. 19. To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Roose velt Brinson. Morehead City, a son, Linster Warren, Tuesday, Sept. 21. tf?A0 ABOUrTW* 997% PRICE ) prop! In 1943 tha antira world production of pantefllin wai baraly enough to treat 400 people and the cost wai prohibitive. Tot from 1945 to 1951 the price of peni. cilKn dropped 99% ?> the mult of ditcovery by re search scientists. With the prica to low and the supply plentiful, no ona now need ba daniad tha halp of this Ufa tavinq drug. ASK YOU* PHYSICIAN To fhorf Ul Your PfcripfioM Registered Pharmacist On Duty at All Times MOREHEAD CITY DRUG CO. A Good Drue Star* Future Teachers Chapter Elects Officers Tuesday By LINDA LONG The fir*t Future Teacher* of America meeting of thii year was held Tuesday in llrt Liewllyn Phillips' classroom. Pauline Guthrie, vice-president, conducted an election of officers for the coming year. New members have not been taken into the club yet, so only last year's members voted. The new officers are as follows: president, Carolyn Guthrie, a sen ior; vice-president, Bradley Mcin tosh; secfctary, Novella Reid; treas urer, Helen Carlton; reporter, Lin da Long; program chairman, Renee Kemp; historian, Rose Daniels, all juniors. After the election of officers, Carolyn Guthrie read the scripture and spoke on the topic "Your Brother's Brother." Carolyn brought out the fact that we are not always as much help to others as we can be. She said, "be as a stepping stone, and not a stumbling block." The third Tuesday of every month will continue to be the regu lar meeting time of the FTA. Begin each school day with God, Attend morning devotional* at 8:30 a.m. in the school library. Every one welcome. Hmfnm DAVIS sz Sept. 22 ? Mr. Ralph Lawrimore, who underwent surgery at Sea Level Hospital last week, was dis charged Friday. His many friends are glad to know he is at home and doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Snellings Sr., Miss Evelyn Snellings, Mr. and Mrs. Truxton Taylor and children, Truxton Jr. and Linda, of Ports mouth, Va., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alger G. Willis. Mrs. Snellings is the sister of Mrs. Willis. Among the students home for the weekend were Weston Earl Willis, William Carroll Davis, Joe Carrol Lina, and Miss Lorraine Sty ron from East Carolina College, Greenville, and Charles Paul and Miss Jessie Lee Davis, from Chow an College, Murfreesboro. Mrs. Edna Davis entered Sea Level Hospital Saturday for treat ment. Mrs. Anna Babbitt, who under went surgery at Sea Level Hospit al, was released Sunday. Friends are glad to know she is at home again and feeling better. Mrs. Lina Land who has been spending the past two months with her daughter, Mrs. Snellings, in Portsmouth, Va., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert P i 1 1 m a n and daughter, motored to Wilmington, N. C. Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. Nora Davis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lester Everhart, in New Bern. Mrs. Delia Davis, Mrs. Elbert Pittman, and Miss Margaret Davis motored to Goldsboro, last Wednes day. Miss Davis, who has been re ceiving treatment from Dr. Cobb, under went a routine checkup. Miss Charlotte Wright and Mr. Alger Glenn Willis Jr., of Ports mouth, Va., were recent guests of Mr. Willis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Guion Garner and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mason's family at Sta cy. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pake visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pake of Bettie Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Henry Murphy are glad to know he is get ting along much better now after having undergone surgery last Thursday morning at the Morehead City Hospital. They wish for him a speedy recovery and that he will be at home soon. The son and three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy were at home to be with their father during his illness; Cecil Ray Mur phy, with U. S. Air Force, Shreve port. La., Mrs. James F. Morris, Fort Bragg, Mrs. Jack McManus, Beaufort, and Mrs. Nick Sakoski of Davis. Lieutenant Morris is ex pected to spend this weekend at Davis with hia wife and daughter, Nancy. Mr. Leton Alligood was at home for the weekend. He Is a student at East Carolina College, Green ville. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Taylor o I Beaufort were weekend guests of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alligood. Corporal Taylor received his discharge from the U. S. Army at Ft. Jackson, S. C. last Monday. The Nancy Garner Circle of the WMS of First Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting last Monday night at the home of Mrs. Wllmer Davis. A very interesting program was given followed by a social hour. ' A Seaaon of Prayer for Home Missions was observed by the WMS of the First Baptist Church Satur day evening with the Brotherhood as guests. Those taking part on the pro gram were Mrs. Dena Salter, Mrs. Ruby Paul, Mrs. Iona Garner, Mrs. Alma Pake, Mrs. Nancy Garner, Mrs. Thelma Pittman. Mrs. Norma Willis, Mrs. Winnie Murphy, and Mlaa Melba Willis. Following the program a social hour waa enjoyed. Refreshments of cake and cold drinka were served by the social committee, Mm Bn.alU rk.1 Am okalns.* St. Andrew's Woman's Auxiliary Will be Host to District Oct. 21 At the Tuesday meeting of the 4 Women'i Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, special com mittees were named to assist at the convocational meeting to be held Oct. 21 at the church. St. Andrew's will be the host parish for the Woman's Auxiliaries of the Wil mington District of the Diocese. Mrs. Paul Branch, vice-president, presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Gus Davis. Devo tionals were offered by Mrs. O. H. Johnson Sr. Mrs. Branch named departmen tal chairmen for the year as fol lows: program and devotional, Mrs. Johnson; supply, Mrs. R H. Dow dy; ways and means, Mrs. J. R. Morrill; Christian social relations, Mrs David Murray; custodian of United Thank Offering, Mrs. Eliz abeth Howland. Church periodicals, Mrs. Paul Webb; publicity, Mrs. Ray Garrett; hostess list, Mrs. Theodore Phil lips; telephone committee, Mrs. W. W. Patrick, Mrs. E. M Dewey and Mrs. Carl Gunnerson; bazaar, Mrs. Phillip Ball and Mrs. W. L. Brady. James Leigh appeared before the group and told of his experiences and impressions of Camp Leach, which he attended during the sum mer. The Rev. E. Guthrie Brown, rec tor, announced the autumnal con gregational meeting which will be hell Wednesday, Nov. 3 at the Rec reation Center with a covered dish supper planned for 6:30. Mrs. Morrill and Mrs. Davis will be in charge of a bake sale to be held Oct. 2. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Morrill, who was as sisted by Mrs. Margaret Green wood.. Miss Martha Barnett Guest Speaker Monday Miss Martha Barnett, home dem onstration agent, will be the guest speaker at the first fall meeting of the American Home Department, to be held at the Webb Memorial Civic Center, 8 p.m Monday. Miss Barnett will speak on "4-H Clubs" and "The American Home." Mrs. Fat Fodrie has arranged a spe cial program of entertainment with her dance pupils. All work planned for the coming year will be discussed by the com mittees and year books will be dis tributed. Members are asked to at tend and bring a guest interested in joining the club. When grated, a quarter-pound of procew or natural cheddar cheese will make 1 cupful. Two Hostesses Entertain Miss Eloise Nunn Monday Miss Eloise Nunn, who will mar ry Mr. Bill Collins October <1, was guest of honor at a bridal shower given by Mrs. Bobby Bell and Mrs. Lela Chadwick at the home of Mrs. Chadwick Mondsy night. A corsage of pink carnations was presented to Miss Nunn and her aunt. Miss Marie Willis. The hostesses presented the bride-to-be with a place setting of china in her chosen pattern and the guests showered her with gifts. Bridal games were played. Mrs. Roper Van Horn, Miss Avabell Guthrie and Miss Sherry Willis won the prizes. The table was decorated in green and white. Bridal cake, ice cream and salted nuts were served. Five Circles Meet Monday At First Baptist Church An evening meeting of five cir cles of the First Baptist Church was held Monday night. The circles met separately at 7:30 and gather ed at 8 p.m. for the program. The meeting was opened with the singing of the woman's hymn, "Come Women Wide Proclaim. Mrs. John Bunn led in prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. M. L. Finer. Mrs. Piner, as chair man of the nominating committee, reported that Mrs. Frank Cheek and Mrs. J. B. Crowe will be lead ers of the Intermediate Girls Aux iliary, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Salter are leaders of the junior Royal Ambassadors. Mrs. Ralph Wade sang a solo, "Trees" and Mrs. Cecil Nelson pre sented the program of work for auxiliaries of the Woman's Mis sionary Union. There was a discussion of the meeting of County Circles at Mar shallberu. Thursday at 10:30 a.m. The Edith Broadway Circfle was divided and the new circle is named the Mable Piner Circle. The president and program lead er, Mrs. L. J. Norris, had as her topic for the evening, "A Saviour Sufficient for Leaders of Youth." The devotional was given by Mrs. A. H. McDonald and she read the first psalm with her remarks cen tered around "Trees and Youth." Mrs. Piner led in prayer. Mrs. Norris concluded the pro gram and Mrs. G. T. Swindell of fered a prayer. During the fellowship hour re freshments were served by the Lil ly Bell Webb and Stella Lincoln Circles. CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY 7 p.m. ? Methodist Men's Club, Lottie Sanderi Building, Beaufort 7:30 - American Legion, Hut we*t of Morebead City 7:30 p.m. ? American Legion Auxiliary, Hut west of Morebead City 7:30 p.m. ? CAP Unit, Beaufort Morebead Airport, Beaufort 8 p.m. ? Carteret Community Theatre play, 'The Nightmare," Morehead City School Auditorium. SATURDAY 11 a.m. ? Carteret County His torical Society, Courtbouae, Beau fort MONDAY 6:30 p.m. ? Rotary Club, former school cafeteria, Newport 7 p.m. ? National Guard Unit, School Gym, Beaufort 7 p.m. ? Jaycees, Hotel Fort Macon, Morehead City 7 p.m. ? Jaycees, Inlet Inn, Beau fort 7:30 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, Hut east of Camp Glenn School, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Carteret County Bridge League, Recreation Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. Miriam Rebekahs, Lodge Hall, Beaufort 8 p.m. ? Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge Hall west of Morehead City 8 p.m. - - Alcoholics Anony mous. Closed Meeting, 426 '/i Front St., Beaufort TUESDAY 6:45 p.m. ? Rotary Club, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 7 p.m. ? B&PW Club, Odd Fel lows Lodge, Beautort 7:30 p.m.- Ocean Lodge, Mason ic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Woman's Club, First Christian Church, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort 7:30 p.m. ? Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Section Base, Morehead City To sterilize jars with glass or porcelain-lined zinc lids used in pickling and preserving: put them in a kettle, fill it with cold water, then boil for 15 minutes. Keep the jars and lids in hot water until you are ready to fill the jars. Church President Names Women's Committee The president of Women at the First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. R. B. Howard, named a nominating committee at the meeting Monday night Mr*. R W. Wells Is chairman, assisted by Mrs. A. P. Chestnut and Mrs. J. Carroll Morfan. They will nominate officers for the coming year. The meeting was opened by the singing of the hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." The devotional was given by Mrs. Howard. Reports were given by the secre tary, Mrs; William Cherry, the treasurer, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, and Mrs. Kenneth Prest, chairman of the world missions who asked for clothes to be sent to Korea. Mrs. Chestnut, chairman of church extension, distributed books to be read about the work in her depart ment. The program, "I Saw the Church in India" was given by Mrs. J. C. Morgan assisted by Mrs. Chestnut, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. W. B. Mor row and Mrs. Hendricks Wells. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life," and a prayer by Mrs. Priestley Conyers. Prescott Family Will Attend Reunion Oct. 10 The Prescott family reunion has been scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 10, on the grounds of the Hadnot Creek Primitive Baptist Church in the western part of the county. F. C. Salisbury, Morehead City, who recently wrote an article on the history of the church, has been asked to appear on the program. The article appeared in THE NEWS-TIMES several months ago. Leo L. Prescott, Kinston, is in charge of the planning committee for the reunion. Mix cream-style cottage cheese with chopped raisins, grated lem on rind, cinnamon and sugar; use as a filling for thin pancackes. No celery in the house to add to tuna salad? Add finely diced cu cumber or green pepper instead. THE CITY NEWS STAND City Theatre Bldg. Morehead City, N. C. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ? CURRENT NEWSPAPERS ? MAGAZINES ? NOVELS ? LATEST RECORDS ? KIDDIE BOOKS ? SHEET MUSIC ? STATIONERY ? TOBACCOS ? COMIC BOOKS STOP IN FOR GOOD READING DOUGLAS WADE, Owner Greenbors Dally New* Agency SMART SHOPPERS SAVE ON m. EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN*^* - ^ When It Comes To Prices You can't beat the RIGHT FELLOW in the RIGHT STORE with the RIGHT PRICES! When they have used entirely new pricing methods, indepen dents have, in many places taken over 75% to 85% of total food sales. In some states national chains are in the process of pulling out completely. ? f # Here's What Independents Are Doing PROVIDENCE RHODE ISLAND 2 V4 Times the chain's volume MINNEAPOUS MINNESOTA Independents Dominate TOPEKA KANSAS Independents Way Ahead MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 85% of Food Businoss I?WA Independents Do Most of The Businen Trade With Your Independents ? In Morehead City ? For Low Prices, Better Brands, Free Delivery, Courteous Service and Community-Minded Personnel ^FREEMAN BROS I : Come In Shop Around . . . Compare and Buy Adler's Formerly Leonard's Will Open SATURDAY MORNING SEPT. 25TH These Are a Few of Our Opening Day Specials Large Rack HOUSE Dresses $1.95 $3.95 VALUE Beautiful New FALL Dresses $4.95 Lace Trimmed NYLON Slips $1.95 $3.95 VALUE NYLON Panties 59? $1.00 VALUE Non-Run Rayon Panties 39/ Kayon Lace Trimmed ' Slips 97; One Large Table Loafers and Ballerinas $1.95 Our entire stock is new. BE SURE AND VISIT OUR STORE SAT., SEPT. 25TH Adler's Mprehead City

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