Beaufort Social NeWs Mr?. LackwMd Phillips, Society Editor ftm UtM . ? t t ' . i - Cpl. Anson Dunn spent last week end at home from Fort Jackson, S. C , where he is stationed. His wife, the former Betty Willis, Wit lis ton, joined him in Beaufort for the weekend. Mr! and Mrs. Kirby Thompson and children, Jimmy and Nancy Lee. of Wilmington spent Wednes day with Mrs Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Whitehurst and attended the birthday party of Mrs. Thompson's brother in-law, S/Sgt. Marvin Knox. Mrs. Thomas Knox of Chillicothe. Ohio, arrived* Wednesday to visit her son and daughter-in law, S/Sgt. and Mrs. Marvin Knox and to at tend the wedding of her grand daughter. Miss Lorna Setzler. to Mr. Ralph Guiney of Cherry Point, Saturday night in St. Egbert's Cath olic Church, Morehead City. Miss Tony Setzler of Chillicothe, Ohio, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pelletier of New Britain, Conn., arrived yes terday for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell. Mrs. F. W. Heslep left Monday for Winston-Salem to be with her brother, Mr. Carlton Hatsell, who underwent an operation at the Bap tist Hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bradford left last Wednesday for Evansville, Ind., to visit Mr. Bradford's family before going to California. Mr. Bradford will leave California Nov. 15 for Korea. Mrs. Bradford is the former Ruth Gaskill. The Van Potter Sunday School Class of Ann Street Methodist Church will have a spaghetti sup per this evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Grynkewich and three children, formerly of Baltimore, have moved to 1005 Front St. Mrs. William E. Tickle and baby haev returned from Norfolk, where they had been living with Mr. ^Tickle, and have taken a house on Lennoxville Road. Mr. Tickle will leave Norfolk soon for California, where he will be stationed with the Navy. Mrs. Tickle is the former Letitia Simpson. ? Mrs. Van Potter, Miss Nannie Potter, Mrs. Mary Prtvette, Mrs. W. A. Pierce and Mrs. Frances Boone spent yesterday io New Bern. Mrs. Edna Barnhill returned home Sunday from a three weeks' visit in Blooinfield, Ind. Mrs. Lily Fulcher and Miss An nie Claire Fulcher left Monday for Durham for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holland left yesterday for Durham where Mr. CALL 'uring the business session, the following slate of officer* was dec led for the new year which begins in October. Mrs. I. eon Kd Garner, president: Mrs, J. O. Webb, first vice president ; Mrs. Bruce (ierock. recording secretary. Mrs. Louis Tol son. corresponding secretary. Mrs Sam Pollard, treasurer. Mrs. M. J. Mitchell, chairman of Circle jNo. 1; Mrs. Craig, chairman i?f Lottie Moon circle; Mrs Kd wards, young people's director; Mrs. Hcginald I'arrish. GA coun ?olor; Mrs. Leonard Carroll. Sun >eam baby visitor: Mrs Tom Tem ple. community missions chair man; Mrs. Hay Lockey, mission study chairman. ? . ? ? _ ? Felletier Mr. Leslie Rhue is recuperating j licely at home, where he recent!) e turned from Camp Lejcunc'Naval Hospital after undergoing a surgi: ; .'al operation. Miss Joyee Vinson and Mrs. i Hugh Page, the former Alice Holmes, are students al East Car olina College in (Jreenvillc. Miss j Vinson .spent the weekend at ! the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vinson. There will be a Prescott family ?eunion at the Hadnot Creek Prim- J tive Baptist Church grounds Sun j Jay. Oct. 10 . Mr. and Mrs. Odell Rhue from] V or folk are , visiting at the home of I Vlr. Khue's parents, Mr. Leslie 1 Rhue. Odel has recently completed j i course of training in the I S. ..'oast Guard at Norfolk where ie is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. M. D Ingram at- j ended a district meeting for Clirl j Scout leaders at Newport Friday evening, Sept. 24. The meeting was j conducted by Mrs. I, K Hyder. Jistrict chairman. Miss Lib Haw- J ley, professional worker, was the featured speaker. The work on Mrs. Wilda Wether ington's nf'w house, now under instruction by volunteer labor, ahs i ?cached the stage where a great I leal can be done by unskilled la | ior. Mrs. Wetherington has prom ised to hove someone present to Sirect the efforts of those who lome to help next Saturday morn ing. Wilda offered us a fish stew two weeks a^o, Lets show up in j large numbers next Saturday morn ing and see if we can get the roof on and a fish stew too. Jerry Row* Assumes Sunday School Position Jerry Howe will assume on Sun Ihe up^nntendency of the Free Will BaptiaC Sunday School, Morehead City. Albert McElmon. retiring super intendent . aid the Sunday School ha* shoun more progress durinf i tie past two years than anytime in ihe history of the church. A new education building is be in* constructed at the rear of the rhurch and will accommodate 900 persons when completed. Assisting Mr. Howe as superin tendent will be Hill Moore, assis tant superintendent; Mrs. Albert McKimon, secretary; and Miss Shir lev Fbron, assistant secretary. Pastor of the church is the Rev. Noah Itrown. Alliiuo Defies Foes !>esMotnes (AF) - For the p*st four years, a rare albino robin has spent the spring and summer months in the same residential in i hhorhtMiil of Des Moines. Wild life experts say it is unusual for an ilbino wild bird to survive for Ion* as its white coloring makes it easy prey for natural enemies. The Person Who Fills Your Prescription Your registered phar macist is thoroughly qualified by long years of professionnl study and experience . to compound your doctor's prescription with the utmost pre cision. BELL'S DRUG STORE ? Phone 2-3231 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. Your child is a picture... have the Portrait made now Growing like a bean stalk? C hanging every day? Only a portrait will keep today's " memory of your child clear and unfading ? yours to treasure always. This portrait will mean so much to those ? ' who love your child? don't let the moment escape? phone for an appointment now. i HOURS 12 Noon to 6 P.M. Daily and by Appointment PHONE 6-4730 Closed Sunday Pltota