Brooms Fail to Arrive For Lions' Wookonrf Sab The annual Morehead City Club Broom Sal*, which waj d tiled this put weekend, had to be postponed because the brooms did not arrive from the Guilford In dustrie* for the Blind. That organisation contacted the Mereheed City Lien* Club and in to Aned them that their delivery schedule was delayed doe to dam age to their plant daring Hurri cane Hasel. As soon as the brooms arrive in Morehead City the Lions txpeet to begin street sales WttT A Man with z^pcuAibi F. H. Morning KtrKtit mr* ? Home Security Life Insurance Co IN MORIHEAD CITY Martin Luther It F?ryMonk Martin Luther (Nlall MarClnnk) Ikr ftery 16tfa century monk who split Church and State through his demand for religious reform. Is brought before Charles V of the Holy toman Empire at the his toric Met of Augsburg, In this scene from "Martin Luthor." dramatic feature film produced on location in Western Germany by Louis de Roche moot Associates. North Carolinians to Vote On Five Amendments Nov. 2 Raleigh ? North Carolinians will vote Nov. 2 on five proposed amendments to the State Constitu tion. The first one would authorize the General Assembly to provide for recalling retired supreme court justices to fill temporary vacancies caused by iHness or other emer gencies. The second would authorize the General Assembly to create a board of paroles and confer upon it t+ie authority to grant, revoke and ter minate paroles which is now exer cised by the governor. The third would limit to one, "Your vote and support for SHERIFF HUGH SALTER will be greatly appreciated by me." BOBBY BELL Deputy Sheriff tho number of state senators from any one county. The fourth would reduce from four months to 30 days, the time a voter must reside in a precinct be fore becoming eligible to vote. The fifth would permit the gov ernor, in filling a vacancy in the executive or judicial departments, to appoint a person to serve the balance of the unexpired term if that term is to expire on the first day of January after the next gen eral election. Under existing statutes retired supreme court justices become emergency superior court justices and may be called on to hold terms of superior court. There is no ex isting authority to recall them for duty on the supreme court. The amendment creating a parole board would terminate the gov ernor's power of granting, ter minating amd revoking paroles filter July 1, 1955. Under present laws, it is impos sible for one county to have two or more senators. The effect of the proposed amendment would be to prevent any one county from j having m(#e than one senator in the General Assembly at any given I time, whether the county alone composes a. senatorial district or whether it is combined with other counties in such a district. In making appointments accord ing to existing statutes, the gov ernor's appointee to fill a vacancy can hold office under the appoints ment only until the next regular election. At this next regular elec tion, any person seeking the office in question must run for election for the period of time between the election and the end of the term to which the person vacating the of fice was originally elected, and must also run for a regular term to commence at the end of that short term. Retirement Hobby White Stone, Va. (AP) ? When Capt. Ocran Humphreys retired he couldn't forget the ships on which he had spent his life. Five years ago. at the age of 90, he began building models of the ships which meant so nvich to him. They now fill many glass cases in his home. 1 Between 400 and 1,000 people die each year from snakebite in Africa. Paul ? ? Jones $^10 JkkkI pint - ? ?3,40 ? qt. BLENDED WHISKEY. M proof. 72 K% pain neutral tptftt*. Frankfort DtatMar* Co., N.Y.C. : i Ship Arrival Was Better Than Circus By JURY SCHUMAOUB Well, it was just like a big cir cus com# to town. The beautiful luxury ifner, If/S Stockholm ar rived at Morehead City Sunday morning. Half the town got up to see her dock, and then missed church to stay and wave goodbye. What a hustle and bustle getting the paasengers aboard and the vis itors off the ship the last minute, from the looks of the stacks of lug gage piled up in the port terminal warehouse every single passenger must have brought at least ten bags each. it seemed to me that every pas senger had from one to a half dozen cameras. Now since I am going along as photographer, I couldn't help but wonder who can 1 sell my pictures to? This ship looks pretty much like any other ship from the outside, but dear reader, right there the re- 1 semblance stops and backs up a lit tle. Inside she is a palace of fine wood paneling, blond maple Wood carvings that are superb, paintings, murals, chromium and crystal. There seem to be five people to do every little job. Everybody wears a uniform, can't tell a gen eral from a private around here, doesn't matter anyway, they are all so polite and gracious. I'm getting along great, every one says I look like a Swede so I've learned to say Skol and then keep my big mouth shut from there on and everything works out fine. The food in the beautiful dining room is great. However as in most foreign deals who can understand the menu? So they are. real smart because right at the top so that anyone can understand it says sir loin steak, chef salad and french fries. Most everyone says, "Waiter give me this here" and points to the top of the page. Not me. So I say, 'Waiter, this is all Greek, excuse me, thi^is-all Swedish to me, would you order for me? If you ever come to Morehead City I will per sonally order you a seafood dinner that they never heard of in your country." Well It worked fine. This lad now had a job to do. He was go ing to show me that he knows good Swedish food, and how to serve same. Well, kids, I got fed, don't know yet what I ate but it was some kind of good. -^V1\S. This system i& still work Ing. and if it doesn't break down. I am going to gain 50 lb. this week My room steward is a handsome lad named Carlson and since 1 told him that I would mention his name in this column, well 1 have beeu waited on hand and foot. Guess he thinks maybe I'm Walter Win chell. Sunday afternoon at 3 we had lifeboat drill. Funny and serious. Funny l>ecause the Swedish life Congressman Announces Coast Guard Exam Date Congressman Graham A. Barden announced today that the com petitive examination for entrance to the U. S. Coast Guard Academy well be held nationwide on Feb. 28 and March 1,1958 These exam inationa will be given in M? cities. Congressman Barden smpllssUsil the opportunity offered young man who choose thii four-year course which loads to a bachelor of science degree in engineering and a commission as a career officer in America's oldest seagoing service. "There are no appointments or geographical quotas for entrance to the Coast Guard Academy," ha said. "I urge all qualified young men who are interested in a worth while profession to write for de tails and applications as aaaa as possible to Coast Guard Headquar ters in Washington. & C. Appli cations must be postmarked on ar before January lath." Candidates for the next exam ination for the Coast Guard Acade my must be single, must have reached their seventeenth but not their twenty sseend birthdays by July 1, 1906 and must be la excel lent physical condition. A high school diploma la the minimum educational requirement, althou|^l) |||^|| sured of being graduated by June 30 are eligible to take the exam ination it they will have at least 15 credits by that time. All ap plicants must have three units of English, two of algebra, one each of physics and plana geometry by graduation. Like to Paint Arlington, Va. (AP) ? The height of the murals and the prints of bare feet were the clues to the persons who did several thousand dollars worth of damage to the almost complete addition to a new EuMlne An g-ytar-old girl and a ?-year-old boy admitted they paint ed tha morale because they "liked ta paint" i Man is miles la jackets remind me of a burlesque comedian dressed like a womtn with balioons stuffed under hi* dress in tront, only you have these Jane Russell effects both in front and in the back. It's hilarious, but then when the Captain explains what you have to do in case of an emergency the hilarity ceases. Here you are out to sea. Millions of miles of it, so the lifeboat drill has a sobering effect on every passenger. I think the first thing every passenger does is to look out the porthole la their state room, but have discovered after a hundred trip*; that the view Is rather lim ited, the only difference between waves is some are big and some are bigger. When we discussed this cruise several months ago it was agreed that ! would have a large cabin for :> darkroom and a cubby hole some where to sleep. Now here I am alone in my cabin that sleeps four and my darkroom was designed as a hall closet for a midget. Life is all backwards. Have been up all night getting this darkroom together. It seems that the ship's eleetric system is 220 DC and my photographic equipment is all 110 AC. If your TV is fouled up for the next few days, it's all my fault. They have part of the radar, wireless, and what-not set up in this darkroom all to make it possible for me to make a few pictures. The ship's engineer and chief electrician ain't going to forget yours truly for some years to come. It's now 8:30. And ^m I hun gry! So all you have to do is push the button and there is old faith ful Carlson looking like I just got him out of bed. which I did, and here comes wonderful coffee and Swedish pastry, fresh and hot. Oh Lord.v, it's good. The dining room doesn't open till 8 a.m. but Carlson went into the bowels of this mon ster and came back with a break fast fitten for two kings. Please pass the word to Bernard Leary to cancel those two pair of britches I ordered. They ain't going to fit no how. Day after tomorrow will tell you about what happened in Ha vana. Hope it's as lively as Bour bon St. New Orleans. Pin* C>w? (Continued from Page 2, Section 2) pose of promoting the athletic pro gram of the school Since thia was "Back to School" night, parents visited the class rooms, following the schedules of their children in the high school, and visiting the home room teaeher in primary ami grammar grades At the chapel period, the FHA girls had their installation service. During "lunch" period, refresh ments were served by the Willis ton parents. Senior Class News The senior class has elected the staff for the school newspaper which is issued once a month dur ing the year and has already been issued for the month of Septem ber. The newspaper staff members are editor-in-chief, Koy Styron; as sistant editor Varena Willis; busi ness managers Kffie (ia, skill, Nancy Willis, and Ruth Wade; art editors Carita Guthrie, Guion Simpson, and Rdward Davis; sports editors Mona Arthur, Walker Gillikin; society editor Kay Davis; typists Dorothy Willis, Edna ('had wick. Mona Arthur, Nancy Willis, Jean Gillikin, Guion Simpson, Walker Gillikin, Peggy Davis, and Ruth Wade; mimeograph operator Jim my Golden; advisor, Mrs. Barbara Willis. The Seniors have also elected their annual officers who are as follows: editor-in-chief, Betty Gilli kin; assistant editor, Nancy Willis; business manager, Eula Lewis; assistant business manager, Walker Gillikin. Mrs. Salter's Junior Class gave as their chapel program "The Man Without a Country," an adaptation of the short-story which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Kdward Pond and Robert Needs starred as the young and old Philip Nolan, with a fine support ing cast of Hazel Lynch, Faye Guthrie, Ray Neil Willis, Julian Brown, and Ronald Styron. FHA News The FHA'ers are still talking about their very enjoyable trip to the District Rally in Goldsboro. The fact that four FHA'ers and their teacher from Atlantic joined our group of 2R made our trip even more interesting. The program planning commit tee has a very interesting arrange ment of program plans for this school year and we feel that our year will be a profitable one, a4, well as interesting. Current plans include participa tion in National FHA Week,, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 6, by participating in community church programs during that time. We are also look ing forward to having Mrs. Earl Murdock. who ia formerly of Gar many, apeak to our chapter on the activities of the German teen-age girls. The FHA officers-elect were officially installed in a very beauti ful candlelight ceremony as the assembly program of the "Back-to School night" PTA program Oct. 11. New officers ara Dorothy Chad wick, Mary Chastecn, Hannah Nel son. Peggy Fuiford, Almeta Willis. Wanda Baker. Hazel Arthur. Betty Gillikin. and Dorothy Wiilia. Honk for Help Cottage Hills, 111. (AP)? Clar enct? Welch was awakened about 4:30 a.m. by the sound of a horn on his automobile parked outside his house. He went outside and found the vehicle in flames which destroyed it. Scientists believe that cancer was I common in prehistoric times. 1 Power Company Holds Up Wock on UltphonM Kerne. N. H. (AP)-' How MK? will you get it fixed on Portland Street?'* The calf didn't sound unusual to the power company operator dur ing a recent storm. "We're right up there working imi it," was the reply, as he made ready to record ttje call. "Who's railing please?" "This is the telephone company," said the voice. "Oh," said the operator, making conversation, "have you got a lot i>f trouble too?" "Well things aren't 90 good right now," replied the voice. "You see. uur garage doors are electrically operated and we can't get our trucks out." Between 1909 and today, U. S. per capitu consumption of eggs increased 40 per cent green vege tables 60 per cent, fruit and toma toes 80 per cent, START NOW... BANK SOMETHING EVERY PAY DAY... REAP THE BENEFITS. Commercial National Bank OF MOREHEAD CITY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 7. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The Basic Idea Behind the All-New 1955 Pont i ac On Display October 29 and 30 About 30 years ago General Motors Cor jt\. poration presented to America a new ear called Pontiac. This new car was the direct result ol a very specific idea. Kw Mm was this: to create a car which took its style, its engineering principles and its features from the very best and most expen sive in America-am/ to build these into a car priced just above the very lowest I Naturally, such an idea produced a wonder ful and highly popular car? a car which mil lions of satisfied owners have driven with outstanding pride and pleasure. Now, nearly three decades later, an entirely new Pontiac has been created for 1955? a car completely new from the ground up I On* thing, however, about the 1955 Pontiac remains unchanged? its basic idea? to offer the American public the very finest car that ean possibly be built to sell at a price within easy reach ol any new-car buyer. Whan you the new Pontiac on Friday or Saturday? Oct. 29 or 30? you will be im mediately impressed by its remarkable new styling. No other car in the world looks like this new Pontiac! Whan you drlvo it you will be astonished at its performance. For the 195S. Pontiac in troduces the powerful new Strato-Streak V-8, an all-new engine that has already been proved in more than 3 million test miles! When you prlco the new Pontiac you will come face to face with the basic Pontiac idea? you will be agreeably surprised that ao much car, so much sparkling newness, so much luxury, so much downright good ness can be priced so near the very lowest We cordially invite you to come in on Fri day or Saturday and see for yourself what a superb all-new General Motors masterpiece has been created to carry the wonderful 1 name "Pontiac" for 19S5. SOUNDCHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. taw AMNDfLL ST. PHONE 6-4071 MORCHKAO CITY, N. C