Beaufort Social News Mn Lockwuod Phillips, Society Editor Pfcaaa 11241 Mr Mid Mrs Ralph Phillip*. for merly of Chattanooga, Term , have moved here to make their homo. They have taken an apartment in the Earl Noe house. Mrs. Phillips is the former Doris Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and daughter, Anne, spent -Saturday in Chapel Hill and attended the UNC Wake Forest game. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Turnage, Mrs. Alease Hill and two daughters, Pat and Joyce, Miss Shirley Turnage Safety Lies In Experience The experience of our (killed pharmacist* i* your guarantee of un failing accuracy in the compounding of your prescription!. BELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 2-3231 Front St. Beaufort, N. C. HALF CLEAN Is NOT Enough! Be Safe... SANITONE Dry Cleaning ?ITS Off *U Til BIRTI ? WW oat? sorfeca eoU U re. moved garments don I look clean vary loaf. Thai'* why It's to im portenl to koow thai Sanitone's deep c learning action roata out area ground-in dirt, spots and atalnt ? every trace of perspira t'on? yet leaves no odor of its own. That means fewer trips to the dry daeaer? reel dry cleaa ing economy) Try aa. Sunshine Laundry A Laundryctte Phono 6-4440 1?!S BrMfW* m. and Mr. Robert Rusnell attended homecoming at the Winter Green Church, Cove City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Davis returned home Saturday from the Havana Nassau cruise on the M.S. Stockholm. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilder spent the weekend in Rock Hill, S. C. Mrs. Howard Fodrie spent the weekend in Raleigh with her fam ?y Mrs. Ethel Mason of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mrs. Hu bert Fodrie. and attended the wed ding of her son. Dr. Phil Mason, to Miss Bertha Fulford. Mr. and Mrfc. Claude Guthrie left over the -weekend for Lynchburg, Va., for a visit with Mrs. Guthrie's sister. Mrs. J. C. Quarles. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Taylor re turned home Friday from Chapel Hill where Mr. Taylor had under gone an operation at Memorial Hospital. Dr. and- Mrs. Theodore Salter spent Saturday at Chapel Hill where they attended the UNC Wake Forest game. Mr. Alec Erickson was taken to Morehead City Hospital Saturday for treatment. Mrs. Christopher Jones and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. John Buffer spent Saturday in New Bern. Mrs. J. C. Neale Jr. of Mountain Home, Tenn., arrived over the weekend to visit her daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Danforth Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mussel white Jr. and Mrs. Musselwhite of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fodrie. Mrs. M. Leslie Davis returned home last Wednesday from a visit to Philadelphia and Illinois. Miss Judy Moore spent the weekend in Farmville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sewell spent Saturday at Chapel Hill where they attended the UNC Wake Forest football game. Charles Chapped. Tom Hamilton and Mr. Julian Hamilton spent Sat urday at Portsmouth Island. Mrs. Jack CrossweJl and baby son returned to their home in Wake Forest over the weekend after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Guthrie. Mrs. H. I. Saunders underwent an operation at Morehead City Hos pital yesterday. Mrs. Ben Arrington returned home Saturday from Norfolk where she had been called by the illness of her daughter. Ann Hopkins, a student nurse at DePaul Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chadwick spent Thursday in Raleigh where they attended the Shrine Conven tion. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Clark and family of La Crosse, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skarren. Obituaries MRS. IDA MAE WILLIS ' Mrs Ida Mae Willis. 54. died Saturday afternoon at Duke Hos pital after a long illness. Funeral services were held at 3:30 Monday afternoon in the First Methodist Church, Morehead City, *ith the Rev. Leon Couch, minis ter, officiating. Burial vtas in Bay View Cemetery. Mrs. Willis, daughter of the late James W. and Minnie Wilcox Tay loi, was born in Jones County. She had lived in Morehead City for the past 34 years, and had worked for the USO during the war years. Re cently she had been employed by White's. Ice Cream and Milk Com ptny. Surviving are a brother, Will R. Taylor; twb sisters, Mrs W. A. Hough, Mrs. O. H. Barfield, all of Kinston. and several nieces and nephews. EDWARD STYRON Funeral services for Edward Styron, 74, who died at Morehead City Hospital Thursday were held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Atlantic Baptist Church, with the Rev. Maurice Garner, Davis, and the Rev. Mr. Privette officiat ing. Burial was in* the community cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Catherine Styron; a brother, John of Lola, and three stepsons. LIONEL B. TAYLOR Funeral services for Lionel B. Taylor of Smyrna, who died Tues day in the Veterans Hospital. Rich mond, after a long illness were held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Smyrna Methodist Church, with the Rev. D. M. Tyson, pastor, officiating. Burial was in the Bell Cemetery. Smyrna. Surviving are his wife. Dollie; two daughters, Lionel and Diane, of Smyrna; his mother. Mrs. Mary fc. Taylor of Green Cove Springs. Fla.; a brother, Robert F. of Miami. Fla., and a sister, Mrs. A. L. Haas of Homestead, Fla. MRS. LOL'VENIA ROBINSON Mrs. Louvenia Mason Robinson, 83, died Friday at the home of her son. Callis Robinson, 120 Gordon St., Beaufort. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home with the Rev. R. T. Willis Jr., Morehead City, officiating. Burial was in the community ceme tery, Atlantic. Surviving are her son, with whom she made her home; four daugh ters, Mrs. Glenn Spooner, Mrs. Vio la Dickinson, both of Beaufort, Mrs. Ira Morris of Atlantic, Mrs. John R. Willis of Baltimore, 15 grandchildren and 17 great grand children. MRS. ARLKNA MAY Mrs. Arlena May, 76, died at her home at Mill Creek Friday. Funeral services were held at 2:30 Saturday afternoon in the Bay View Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are one son, B. F. May, three stepsons and four stepdaugh ters. KELLY R. MASON Kelly R. Mason, 68, of Thomas ville, died Friday in the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Monday morning in the Sea Level Methodist Church and burial was in the family plot at Stacy. Mr. Mason, son of the late James and Susan Mason of Sea Level, is survived by his wife, the former Arietta Willis of Sea Level; a daughter, Miss Lottie B. Mason; a son. Bill of High Point; three sis ters, Mrs. Van B. Mason of Beau fort, Mrs. Johr E. Willis of Atlan 3.80 */S Ql. N STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY tmS WHKKY IS I YEARS OLD ? <6 PROOF matioraL Bonuas products corporation, n. t Miss Bertha Fulford Married Saturday in Ann Street Church | The marriage pf Miss Bertha Mae Fulford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vance Fulford. to Dr. Phillip Royden Mason, son of Mrs. Ethel W. Mason of Raleigh and Mr. Zion Edward Mason of Nor folk, was solemnized at 7:30 Satur I day evening in Ann Street Meth odist Church. The Rev. J. D. Young, pastor of the church, performed the single ring ceremony before an altar banked with white gludiolas, chry santhemums, pompoms and laurel roping. Candles gave the only il lumination. Prior to the wedding ceremony, Mrs. Charles Hassell, organist, gave a program of nuptial music and Mrs. Josiah Bailey Jr. of Morehead City, solowt, sang Beloved, It is Morn, and as the benediction, The Lords Prayer. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory satin made on prin cess lines, with a full cathedral train and an off-shoulder neckline. Her long sleeves terminated in calla points at the wrist. Her cathedral length veil of illusion fell from an ivory satin crown trimmed with seed pearls. She car ried a cascade of white orchids. Miss Betsy Fulford. sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a floor length ivory satin gown fashioned on princess lines with a shoulder draped necklinc and short sleeved jacket. She carried a bou quet x>f yellow roses. Mrs. Katy Lou Dorrler and Miss Patricia Webb were bridesmaids. They wore gowns identical to the honor attendants' and carried arm bouquets of red roses. The Misses Deborah and Bever lie Johnson of Raleigh, twin nieces of Dr. Mason, were flower girls. They wore floor length gowns of white taffeta fashioned on princess lines with off?shoulder necklines, and matching half bonnets. They carried nosegays of red roses. Mr. Troy Johnson of Raleigh, brother-in-law of 4)r. Mason, was best man. Ushers were William Vance Fulford. brother of the bride, and William Alvin Davis of Beaufort. Immediately following the wed ding ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Ful ford entertained at ? reception at the Inlet Inn to honor the bridal couple. Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. J. F. Duncan. Mrs. Wil liam H. Garvin Jr. of New York, aunt of the bride, presided over | the guest book. Mrs. Dick McClain. Mrs. O. H. Johnson Jr., Mrs. C. C. McCuiston, all of Morehead City, and Mrs. Vance Fulford, sister in law of the bride, served the punch and Mrs. Ray Garrett served the cake. Mrs. Fulford wore a blue faille and chantilly lace dress and a white orchid corsage for her daughter's wedding, and Mrs. Mason wore a navy blue lace and net gown and a white orchid corsage. ' On their return from a wedding trip to the south, the newly mar ried couple will make their home in Richmond where Dr. Mason is on the house staff of the Medical College of Virginia. ta, Mrs. Adelle B. Salter of Beau fort; two brothers, Arthur of Beau fort. Vernon of Sea Level, and two grandchildren. WILLIAM LEWIS Funeral services for William Lewis, 62. were conducted at 2:30 Friday afternoon in the Free Will Baptist Church, Beaufort. Mr. Lewis died Wednesday night at his home, 415 Fine St., Beaufort. Officiating at the funeral ser vice were the Rev. Jam#s Howard, pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church, Beaufort, assisted by the Rev. W. E. Anderson, Morehead City, retired Free Will Baptist Church pastor. Burial was in Ocean View Cemetery. Surviving Mr. Lewis are his wife, Annie; a daughter, Mrs. Melvin Borkoski, Baltimore; two sons, W. J. and Cecil, both of Beaufort; a sister, Mrs. Maggie Glover, Beau fort, and four grandchildren. Ann Neal Circle Meets With Mrs. Leslie Moore The Ann Neil Circle o( the Ann Street Methodist Church met last Monday with Mrs. Leslie Moore. Mrs. James H. Potter III, chair man, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Bill Taylor gave the devo tional and Mrs. George Huntley Jr. gave the program on Steward sana torium in Alaska. Mrs. Moore served loft drinks and cookies. Considering a WATER SOFTENER? f- seXlforTTiar^dware" c!5T| 1 Marrill RuiMlaf I BMBtort, H. C. I . Nuw I Addrffli r I _#OU> _0N JKA8Y TMU?| Hospital Notes Morehead City Hospital Admitted: Mrs. Karl RiKgs. Morehead City, Wednesday; Mr. Cleveland Gilii Jtin, Beaufort; the Rev. Walter Mil lican, Beaufort RFD; Mrs. Pearl Peed, Durham; Mrs. Roberl Rus sell, Morehead City, all of whom were admitted Thursday. Mrs. William D. Abbott, More head City; Mrs. Warren Grant, Beaufort; Mr. Thomas Lewis. Mar kers Island; Mr. Fred E. Mengel, Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Robert Oakley, Newport; Mr. Lewis Smith. Smyr na; Mrs. Rodman Taylor, route 6 Havelock, all of whom were ad mitted Friday. Discharged: Mrs. Carl Edwards and son, Mcr rimon, Wednesday; Mr. Curtis C. Holt. Morehead City, Wednesday; Mr. George King. Beaufort. Thurs day; Mrs. Bennie Lewis and son. Broad Creek, Thursday: Mrs. Law rence Ballance and son, Ocracoke, Friday. Sgt. Charles R. Dowdy, Camp Le jeune; Mr. Garth Field, Morehead City; Mrs. John Guthrie, Newport; Mrs. Raymond Samuels and son, Beaufort; Mr. Harold Scripture, Morehead City, all of whom were discharged Friday. Mr. Herbert Whitehurst, Beau fart. Friday; Mrs. Earl Taylar, route 1 Newport. Saturday; Mrs. Frank Marino and son, Morehead City Saturday. Sea Level Hospital ' Admitted: Mike Campbell. Morehead City. Thursday; Mrs. Norman Campbell. Morehead City, Thursday; Mr. Lionel Mason, Atlantic, Friday. Discharged: Mr William Gaskill. Sea Level. Thursday; Mr. Osborne Pigott. Gloucester, Thursday; Baby Earl Kennethy Lawrence Jr., Beaufort RFD,' Friday; Mrs. Lucy Mades. Beaufort. Friday; Mr. Howard Lewis. Stacy, 8unday; Lida Mae Pigott. Gloucester, Sunday: Mr. Thurman Guthrie. Marshallberg, Sunday; Mrs. 8ylvia Miller, New port RFD, Sunday. Stork N?wt Birth* at Morehead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank lUrlno, Morehead City, t ion, Bruno, Mon day, Oct. 18. To Mr. and Mrs Raymond Le? Samuel, Morehead City, a son. Ray mond Lae Jr.. -Monday, Oct. 18. To Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Law St. Paul's Auxiliary [I Plant Benefit Card Party < The Woman s Auxiliary of St. j Paul's Episcopal Church will spon nor a benefit card party Thursday evening at the Parish House. Bridge and canaeta will be play ed, and there will be both progres- : aive games and set games. Games 1 will be arranged tor partners, and there will be table prizes for each table. Mrs. C. R. Wheatly is general : chairman, Mrs. Kdmond Nelson. Mrs. Jack Sewell and Mrs. Boh Slater are in charge of refresh ments; Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. i Christopher Jones and Mrs. T. T. | Potter are in charge of cards and tables; Mrs. Cecil Brooks, Mrs. ( James Davis Potter. Mrs. Claud Wheatly are in charge of decora lions, Mrs. Joseph House is in charge of prizes, and Mrs. Paul Woodard and Mrs. J. F. Duncan are hostesses for the evening. Free Will Baptist League Honors Mrs. George Lewis Mrs. George Lewis was honored by tl\? members of the Free Will Baptist League Tuesday night at i social at the home of Milan Huttry. Mrs. Lewis has served the league for the past 32 years as pianist. The ; 43 members present presented her with a floor lamp to show their } appreciation for her services. The social was opened with sing . ing and prayer. The Bible reading was taken from the fifth chapter of Romans. Refreshments of soft drinks, cakes and candies were served. Tuttle's Grove Church Holds Rally Day Sunday Tuttle's Grove Methodist Church, Beaufort Circuit, observed rally day Sunday. Pins were given for perfect attendance and class pro motions were held. The children, under the direction of Mrs. (iraydon Jordan, youth leader, gave a program. Following the regular 11 o'clock service with the Rev. R. M. Poulk officiating, a picnic lunch was served in the church yard. Friends from Beaufort, Npfth River, Core Creek, Russells Creek, and New port were present. Attend State Conference Miss Lena Duncan. Jimmy Wheat ley. Sylvia Harrell and Gehr mann Holland will return home to night from Shelby where they have been attending the state student government conference. ToRditvt ^ Mtsrry 9 tfij, 666 Donna Beverly Willis Celebrates Birthday Donna Beverly Willis, 3 year-old laughter of Mr. ami Mrs Donald Willis of Ann Street, celebrated icr birthday Wednesday afternoon. A pink and blue birthday cake Va? centered on the table, and the Halloween motif was used for avors. Ice cream, cake and mints tfcre served the 10 young guests. Guests were Cookie Guthrie, Jen lifer Quinn, Carol Lunsford. Carol Morris. Susan Willis. Debra Kit rell, Dennis Ray Kittrell, Mikie Vfitchell# Brad Dennis and Walter Hewitt. Mrs. W. A. Mace returned home Friday from a visit to Chapel Hill. Mm. Robert Smith won high score prize, a string of rope beads, Thursday evening when Mrs. Leslie Moore entertained her bridge club. Mr? Moore served apple pie a la mode and coffee. # L BOYS mi G*tS* E. W. Downum Co. DEPARTMENT STORE COAL IS STILL THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST FUEL TO BURNI WE CARRY ONLY DEEP MINE, PREMIUM COALS, recognized brand* that are nationally known for their fine burning qualities and very low a*h content. PRICES ARE LOWER THAN LAST YEAR Order your coal from u* now. We deliver to all part* of Carteret County, and Havelock, See the latest model* of "Warm Morning" atovei in our display rooms. Carteret Ice & Coal Co. "Since 1898" 6th & Evan* St. Morehead City Phone 6-3500 BEFORE^ HOUSE OF WAKEFIELD'S Triad and tastad formula, has baan acclaimad tha most amazing traat mant avar davalopad. Follow tha Wakafiald Plan: Onca a day: 1. Claansa faea with watar tolubla claansing craam, ramova. 2. Pat on Milky Matqua Solvant to halp start dissolving action on buah.. PlllPF SI (Kl t"h 3. Apply Milky Malqu*, ?[- ? I""'' '??? Wo. T.. low to dry. lUmovo with w?f w?n cloth. 4. At night apply Hou?o of W?U fi?ld'? Acno Cr*?m to holp had pifnpU? and ovarcoma blamithot of acna. F. R. Bell Drugs BEAUFORT, N. C. For comfort indoors and out, Famous Coleman hooter with ? FREE All-Purpose Robe. for u limited time only LOW PRICED AUTOMATIC COMFORT Here is an oil heater with full 50,000- BTU capacity to heat 3 to S ' rooms ... yet it is neat, compact, space saving. rnrp with bach Nice h",h 100% wool, all-purpose robe and inflatable, vinyl carrying case. Assorted plaids. 'LUW rUHfC . . . >09.93 For i p?w?rful IMH-BTU hoater that aapplir* a bin volume of circulating warm air that puis comfort Inl* wry i frnv SAVINGS . . . ip t? 25% 8?m?tlon?l Farl-AIr C**trol prmali ?MU. P?U brat I* Ik* Mm iMtnd of up Ik* cklmnry. Eululn wllk CiIikih M fiu.uu uuwn EASY PAYMENTS A $12.95 retail valw* FREE SOUND APPLIANCE CO., INC. 1406 Bridget St. ? MotcImcmI City ? Phone 6-4452