CALENDAR Of EYENTS TODAY JjnsSBSGJSi JRS jpyij^y 5 p.m.? Newport School Bj)0? vmr Carnival. former school cafe-1 M*te I 7 p.m. ? Hf+ert blip* School Halloween Carnival at the school T p.m. ? Smyrna School Hatto-' ?W*n Carnival gym 7 JO pjn? CAP Unit. Beaufort. Morehead Airport, Beaufort SUNDAY 11 a.m.? Property owners meet ing at Captain Bill's, Atlantic | MONDAY f /m Clpb, former | .jAV^om.w <*"*? Inlet jijn, JPMWe" 7T p.m.? Jayefes, Hotel Tort Ma ?WSS?wW.^.o? station, Morehead City T:SO p.m.? Woodmen of the World.' hilt east of Camp Glenn (e^wi , 7:h? pjn. ? Carteret County PffcU* league, Recreation Center, City 7:30 p.m. ? Miriam Rebekafel, Lodge Hall Beaufort 8 p.m.? Woman's Club, PraakUp Memorial Methodiat Church, More head City 8 p.m.? Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge Hall, west o f Morehead CHy 8 p.ip. ? Ak-phoUcs Anpiyropus, Closed Meeting, 426 H Front St., Beaufort TUESDAY 10 ajn? Ministers Association, Civic Canter, Morehead City 6:30 p.m.? Man's Club, Fiast Presbyterian Church, Morehead City 6:45 p.m.? Rotary Club, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 7:30 p.m.? Organized Army Re serve Corps, Potter Building, Beau fort 7:30 p.m. ? Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Section Base. Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Order of Eastern Star, Masonic Hall, Beaufort Miss Carol Barnes Honored with Shower Miss Dandy Guthrie and Mrs. Cecil Raper honored Miss Carol Barnes at a shower in the Moose Lodge, west of Morehead City, on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Miss Barnes will be married Nov. 17 to Pvt. C. Wade Pelletier. Upon her arrival, the bride-elect was presented a corsage of white carnations by her hostesses. The hall was decorated in green and white. Th? table was centered with a miniature bride flanked on either.side by arrangements of fail flowers and ivy. ? ' Prizes were awarded to winners of the bridal and bingo games that wc played. Miss Barnes was presented a nightgown of iridescent nylon by Mill Guthrie and Mrs. Raper. Green and white cupcakes, mints and coffee were served. bead City; Mies Celeste OeU. Mar* bead CUV. Wu Kwtyo Owe*, Beaufort: Mr. C.rlyU Taylor. fevft lock; and Mr. Oeratd WhJUbural, 8traiU, ?ll y\mitU4 tm Tueadsy WMSS-WMS bolt lad daufcblsr. M^nhni City Sunday; Mr ILL. DcLo*di, More Ctty, Tyesday; Mrs. Ernest Douthit. Havelock, Tuesday; Mn. Tilfoan 8ttn>?n. ltw?he?d City, Wdenes day! tfrik ltenry At|ams, Havelock, Wednesday; Mn. Warren Grant and ton, Beaufort, Wednesday; Ml*. Ak* Scott, Barkers bland, Wladneeday; Mrs. John York, Have lock, Wednesday; Mr. Cleveland Gilllkin, Beaufort, Wednesday. Hospital Notes Ma re bead City Hoepital Mn. Clarence Golden, Beaufort, Sunday; Mrs. Harry Saunders. Beaufort, Sunday; Mrs. Jesse Gilli km, Marshsllberg. Monday; Mn. ' Lindsay, Morehead City, Mn. Carrie Mints Mount Mr. Alexander Lewis, Beaufort, Monday; Mn. Josephine GillikU, Beaufort RFD, Wednesday; Lois ^r?n..f. Herrimon, Wednesday. DMlMri: Mr. Lionel Mason. Atlantic, Tues day; Mn. Charlotte Lupton, Cedar bland. Wednesday; Mn. Ann Ber ber, Marshallberg, Wednesday; Mr. Sal Palasso. Beaufort, Wednesday. Obituaries DAVID NEWHU Graveside services at Ocean Vie* Cemetery were held at 11:10 Tues day moralnf tor David Newklrk, latent aon of Mr. and Mrs. David ?b? di?0 Church, 2^JLB?tw,5ZL2d * t* . i Mr. F. C. Salisbury Guest Speaker Tuesday. TW AfWriaen Uom? Department of the"Woman's Club met Tuesday Pifbt ?t the Civic Center and Mr. T. C. Salisbury, assisted by Mrs. Salisbury, was the guest speaker. Mm. * F WiNis. president, pre sided. During the business meet. log Mrs. Delfido Cordova was elect ed project chairman. Mrs. Q. T. Wtedeil and Mrs John Willis were ?elected by Mrs. Cordovs as com mittee Withers. Mrs. 0 H Johnson will continue Id tat chairman of the "Help the Home" project started last year. It was voted and approved by the *ee*ers to contribute to a fund to feed ope needy child at the Morehead City School. Mr. Salisbury 'a talk on Carteret I County was illustrated with pic tures collected through the years. Mrs. Salisbury read s poem writ tenten by Mr. Alec Webb. More head City, in 1615. Mrs. 6. E. Sanderson, Mrs. Jack Lewis and Mrs. Johnson were hostesses. They served russisn tea and cookies at the conclusion of the meeting. '. ? Mrs. Donald Lee Austin Entertained at Shower Mrs. Jpe B. Murphy, Morehead City, entertained at a shower last night in the home of Mrs. Daphne Guthrie to honor Mrs Murphy's daufbter, Mrs. Donald Lee Austin, of Beaufort, who was a recent bride. Mrs. Austin is the former Jean A. Guthrie of Morehead City. Upon her arrival Mrs. Austin was presented a corsage of white carnations and her mother was pre sented with a corsage of blue car I nations. The home was decorated with fall flowers and ivy. The gifts were placed under a large green and white umbrella with streamers of white ribbons. The brides table was centered with a miniature bride and groom Placed in a large crystal bowl. Mrs. William Styron presided over the bride's book. Bingo and several wedding con test! were played and prizes were ^warded. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Bob Austin, aerved refreshments of bridal cake, nuts, mints and lime ice punch. Lanier Book Club Hears Talk on Bacon's Essays At the Tuesday meeting of the Lanlre Book Club, in the Civic Center, Mrs. Florrie Arthur had as her topic of discussion "Francis Bacont" She told of bis life and read some of bis essays. "Eleven members were present at the meeting which was presided over by Mrs. Bertha Stallings, chairman. Mrs. P. H. Geer, hostess, had the room decorated with tradi tional Halloween jack o'lanteras. Miss Pearl Brinson woo the guessing game prize, tulip bulbs. The next meeting will be held Nov. 9. Stork News Births at Morehead City Haapltal To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown Meadows Jr., Swansboro. a son, Michael Henry. Tuesday, Oct. 19. Tft Mr. and Mrs. William Edward AMwtt, Morehead City, a daughter, lr. and Mrs. Robert Merrill Busaa,'!, Mprehead City, a daugh ter, D? lores Ann, Friday, Oct. 22. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Odell Oakley, Newport, a daughter, Ua. Friday. Oct." 22. tr. and Mrs. Warren Grant, ICMfort, a son, Warren Daniel, nmi, Oct. 22. T? Mr. tpd Mrs. Hodman Bryson Ttfier, Havelock, a daughter, Sara IM??, Sunday. Oct. 24. Tfi Iff. *nd Mrs. Del more Clar aao* Golden. Beaufort, a son, Del mot* Clarence Jr., Sunday, Ort. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Willis, of Morehead City, will leave Sunday tor North . Dakota to make their f ftftt tharr Enroute they will apMtd two months in Greenville, Mich. Mrs. Willis is the former Mary Ann Ferguson, of Opllika, Ate. Jean, Friday, Oct. 22. Morehead City Social News Kki WttUrgMd, S ?Mr Mtttr rfcoa M17# P. H. G*r Jr. spent Wednesday in Washington. N. C attending a J ay cee meeting. Mrs Fraafc Grantham left Mon day for 'Portsmouth. Va., after spending several weeks w?h ber daughter. Mrs. James Stewart, and family. Mrs. Mamie Webb, who has been in Morehead City Hospital since August, returned to her home Mon day. It was also her birthday. Mrs. William Sanders, of Ra leigh. is spending a f*w days at her home on Evens Street. Mrs. C?rl Bell, also of Raleigh, is spend ing this week with her. Mrs. Darden Eure left this week for Baltimore to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schultz. Mr. Jack Stallings spent Monday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Daniels spent Sunday visiting friends in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Bill Blair was the guest of Mrs. Foy Edwards while in Raleigh attending the State Fair. M'a. Blair returned home yesterday. Mr. Jim McNair, and his nurse, Mrs. Harris, left Tuesday to return to Laurinburg, after spending two months at his cottage on Evans Street. Mrs. E. P. Spence returned Thursday night from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ada Barrow, in Snow Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Kemp will be in Raleigh this weekend to at tend the Methodist Conference. Mr. George W. Dill left Wed nesday for Raleigh. He will attend the Methodist Conference this weekend. Mrs. Robert Gordy, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting with her son-in-law, Dr. Darden Eure, and his children, while Mrs. Eure is in Baltimore. Mrs. Annie Dudley, of Pelletier, was taken to the Morehead City Hospital Wednesday night. Her' in juries were sustained when she fell at home and broke her hip. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Spence, of YES WE HAVE NO ASPIRIN AFFEDMN ASAFETIDA BUT WE DO HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WATCHES PUT ONE AWAY NOW FOR XMAS EARLY JEWELERS 723 Ar?nd?ll ^ When your family'* health la concerned, yon can place complete faith la oar profea alonal cooperation with yma doctor. We'll fill hto fteecrip prompt. whOeyad wSr w 2-3331 Joe House Drug Store ? 1 1 . 1 ' 1 ? ? - ? 1 Melbourne, Fit., who have barn Yi$iti?g in Morebead City lor a month, are returning home today. Accompanying them wjjl be Dr. E f Spence who will spend a jnonlb with them. Mrs. William Davis left Monday morning tor Lake Charles. La., 4? join bar husband, A/lc Davis, wh? is stationed there with the Air Force. Mr and Mrs. H. L. Joslyn sailed yeoterday on the Stockholm (or Bermuda. They expect to see their ?on, Cntdr. Harvey Joslyn Jr., who is stationed at the Naval Air Base there. Deadline Changed The deadline for social news has been changed to 10 a.m. Monday 1 *d ?w??'o. ??" sent a* have been here for the put wee*, x Mrs. Earl O'Neal and daughter are j also here. ( Mr and Mrs. J? F. Overton and i Mr and Mn. W. J. Slatfe of Nor folk visited Mr. *nd Mrs. William < P. Garrish last weekend, and while t here enjoyed some successful fish ing with fapt Benjamin E. Spen- v cer. ( Mr. and Mrs Jesse Garrisl) have c returned from East Carolina Col- - lege, Greenville, where their &on, Danny Garrish, is recuperating from a recent appendicitis opera tion. The Rev. Robert L. Vickery Jr. preached bis last sermon Sunday at Ocracoke Methodist Church. He plans to complete his theological training and is leaving this week for the conference in Raleigh. T. W. Howard will be delegate to the conference for the Methodist Church here. Carlson O'Neal is home from the Marine Hospital and recuperating here from a recent major opera tion. Harry F. O'Neal left recently to work in Philadephia. Floyd Fulcher is visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen Fulcher. James T. Williams visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. jPHWPtly, and epjoyeper?Uon. ition. . Mrs. Mae Willis Sadler of Fair AelJ risitw Ocrarafce relatives re ently \ . Mr. Gilbert of Smithfield, Texas, ?ho with Mrs. Gilbait comas to Xracoke **et> fali to fiah, Uio ?d bruises and U>pi lijyjoents when hf f#U inte one pf tfc# raapy (liters where the pavement has colli pm4 *u? to ua^wnl^M hv Hurricane Huel. He and Mra. GU bart are staying with Mr. and Mra. (falter C. OH* al. Mrs. 4 B *oUart?. preaidwt of the Woman 'a CUb, and Mjm. W. C. Carlton, chairman of the public af fairs fur the club, urge all the woitma of the couoty to vote Id the election pn Tuesday. _____ HOLIDAY SPECIAL Let Lucille ttyle your hair for the biuy season ahead. Regular $10.00 PERMANENT now $7.50 Loia Ledgeworth, formerly with Zeta Rote, U now with u* on Thursday and Friday MODERNS BEAUTY SHOP 1109 Arendell Phone 6-4321 WHO will be MISS and MR. COURTESY? VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE SALESPERSON DURING COURTESY WEEKS IN MOREHEAD CITY NOVEMBER 1st through 13th HERE IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO HELP ELECT MISS AND MR. COURTESY ? Winners Will Receive $25.00 In Cash ? There U nothing to buy . . . simply fill out the official ballot furnished by the store you visit and drop in the ballot box. This U your way of showing appreciation for the courteous service you have received while shopping in Morehead City. Be sure to fill out a ballot and cast a vote for your favorite salesperson . . . help elect MISS and MR. COURTESY MOREHEAD CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE "MISS" and "MR." COURTESY" CONTEST November 1-13, 1954 I vote for (Store or business establishment) as (Miss) or (Mr.) Courtesy Signed Address "?? MAIL THIS BALLOT TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OR DROP IT IN THE BALLOT BOX AT ONE Of THESE MOREHEAO CITY STORES \ MISS APP MR. COURTESY v WILL EACH RECEIVE $25.00 in CASH BELK'S The Home of Better Value* LEARY'S Store for M?n , MOREHEAD CITY DRUO CO. A Good Dr|w Store EASTMAN'S FURNITURE WALTER S. MORRIS Jeweler CAPT. BILL'S WATERFRONT RESTAURANT GOODWIN'S PHARMACY SOUNP AffHANCf CP" INC. t HILL'S N Knows for Good Clotko* ROSE'S 5c-10c-25c Store HAMILTON'S/ INC. . ; EARLY JEWELERS Nationally Ad?.rti??d Watcho*