HOME LOANS INSURED SAVINGS To Buy - Build RmtiocUI ? Refinance Insured to $10,000 Currant Divident 3% For Prompt, Friendly, Courteous Service See FIRST FEDERAL Fint Save More in *54 First Federal Savings & Loan Association Phone 3721 417 Broad St. New Bern, N. C. WE HAVE THE GENUINE transparent Pt*.r.F>^ For Window* of All Kindt Wy 26< ^ h & Hundreds of Other Uses I (94 Inches Wide) OpM dwr-WwdUt-SWllir>w<-Ui Urtt?t Holds In Hiat - Knn Out Cold - Chiapir Than Glass Oir With Smau tk Tack On - Easy To Ssal Ot Siwc BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO., Inc. Phone 2-4686 Merrill Bldg. Beaufort, N. C. WITH th? 4-H'ERS fc? MARTHA HARNETT ihh Ami ALV1N C. NEW80ME AmI Cmaty Agent James Clark, Newport 4-H'er, owns a nice Hampshire gilt that it registered. James won this gilt in the corn production contest in 1953 sponsored by the Carteret County Farm Bureau. He plans to breed this gilt to a purebred Hampshire boar soon. This type ol project is very good in that James first grew his feed supply which was two acres of corn. Then he secured his gilt. Other 4-H'ers and adults, also, could profit to follow this proced ure. The lack of good quality feed hurts the livestock industry more than any other single factor. Electricity has meant much to each of us. It has given us a higher standard of living and made a lot of our daily jobs easier. Those that take the Farm and Home Electric Project in their *-H work are trying to learn more about electricity and how to use it. There are 25 members enrolled in this project here in the county. These members will soon be receiving ad ditional information and instruc tions on carrying out their electri city project. This year we are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Light. Thomas A. Edison made the first light bulb 75 years ago. During this time elec tricity has come into everyone's life. It has been reported from the local cooperative of the REA that everyone in the county who wants electricity has it. This is a record of which everyone should be proud. In 1919 there were only 3.6 per cent of the farms in North Caro lina with electric service. Today, 35 years later, 96 per cent of all PHI STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 5 YEARS OLD S"V40 Mm W ?? NattoMl Dittulni Product? Corporation, Nrw York, N. Y. ? 66 Proof ? farms have electric Mrvke. There are 288,000 farm* in North Caro lina and 278,000 of them have elec tricity. A 4-H girl won an electric grill and waffle iron at the Farm and Homr Electric Congress in Charlotte this year by guessing the closest to the figure of 279,000. 4-H members have had a very in teresting program at their regular club meetings this month. The pro gram opened by the group singing "O Little Town of Bethlehem." De votional consisted of Scripture reading by club member, Matthew 2: 1-12. Six members participated in a skit called "Star Thoughts," followed by a Christmas prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the club secretary. Busi ness was discussed. A club mem ber read a comical poem called "The Day After Christmas" and the group repeated the 4-H Pledge. Boys studied Wildlife Conserva tion and the girls, Window Cur tains for Your Room. Boys were given their 1955 record books. Sev eral girls joined the 4-H Club this month. Girls will get their record books at a later date. Girls will have a separate record book for each project in 1955. Keeping the record book should be easier and more Interesting now. Sock Manufacturers Offer Fascinating Line for Men No man ever has enough socks. Which means that every man will warmly welcome some smart addi tions to his sock wardrobe for Christmas. The stores are showing a wide variety of styles to suit every .taste. Included are argyles, dia monds, stripes, novelty designs, plain rib and knit-in checks. Operator's voice respandi when handle of this toy tele phone is cranked. Can be used as a bank though it also has a coin return. It's by Ideal. THE CROWDS ARE LOOKING AT ALL 3 COMPARING all 3 \ CHANGING to the all-new PLYMOUTH '56 "Plymouth's nsw styling now equals its superior engineering. Plymouth for lwS vu my choice, even over cars cottfhg more." C. Af. Loth, New York, N. Y. "I used to think all new cart were pretty much alike. When I drove the beautiful new Plymouth I found out how wrong I was!** MUdnd Fator, St. Louit, Missouri. "I wanted V-8 pomr with- I out th? penalty of higher ] gasoline bills, and that'a what I got with Plymouth'! new Hy-Fire V-8!" Retort Irving, Univtml City, CmL ] Pigfcest far of the low-price 3! Choice of new Hy-Fire V-8*s? -157 hp, 167 hp, 177 hp with PowerPsk* ? ? ? iipw Cylinder PowerFlow 11 7... all new power features: PowerFlite* fully automatic transmission. Power Brakea*, Full-Time Power Steering*, Power Sests* and Power Windows*. A great new car for the YOUNG IN HEART. m* This year of all years, look al all 3- and you'U choose Plymouth, tool Th* BIO twin# I* ?? PlymmP COME IN TODAY I KI IT, DRIVE ITI Santa Claus Needs Help In Getting Garden Gifts Santa Claus U a fine fellow but he's no mind reader. The Small Fry catch on to thia (act early in life. They write dis patches to the North Pole or viait St. Nick in hia local habitat. Gardenera, however, are apt to let their families and frienda get I into a rut giftwiae. They should acatter some aeeda of new and 1 uaeful ideaa, cultivate new fields, | and reap something besides ties ' for the males or embroidered ' hankies for the ladies. Adults are only children grown up. It you keep an ear cocked, you may hear the fond hopea of your favorite garden friend. Perhaps a little family run down the garden path will help: For Him Did Dad seem a little pooped after his last push session with that tired old lawn mower? Maybe the family could pool resources and all hands chip in to buy that power mower he'd like? and needs. Or does he ram around the gar _ ? den in old, broken down togs that make you wince whenever he stops to talk to a passerby? How about some sturdy garden trousers, or a heavy twill shirt for early Spring chill, or a lightweight, short sleeved one for hot Summer days? He'd be happy with a gift order for bulbs, shrubs, trees, seeds or perhaps those prize dahlias he 1 wanted but didn't buy because Junior needed new shoes. Then there's the year-round gift of a subscription to a garden magazine ? there are several worth his while. Your garden shop has the open sesame to his desires. Walk around and you'll surely see something you've heard him sigh about dur ing the gardening season. You can find something to fit him, and your purse. For Her The Lady of the garden has some needs and wants too. She like* a wide, under arm basket in which to put her flowers to carry from the garden to a pail of water then to her home. She's partial to sharp cutting shears, a hand trowel set of her own, gay garden togs, a floppy sun hat ? and garden gloves are a must for milady's I hands. Hosiery preferred, especially when it's luxury sheer and Id new fashion tones. Above, In an angel decorated gift box, seam less hose by Hanes. Fragrance for belles, bellrinf In* gift for the (alt are per fame*. Snowflikr-4 otter) act con tains Cologne Duet by Prince Match! belli. /5 QUART $4" PINTS $2?o % STRAIGHT ?Ami ? Ulll MB COMPANY MM** | kti. She foes for ? set of those flower holders or attractive con tainers for arrangements, and U particularly partial to exotic seed or bulb collections for experi ment. These you can make avail able to her by leaving a gift de posit with your garden shop. For her, too, a quiet amble through a garden supply store will live you a lot of ideas, and per haps crystallite some wish?s you've leard her express. Small Fry The toddlers are the gardeners if tomorrow. Encourage them. We iuggest a family gift certificate to each of the juniors able to per ?mbulate certifying that they have ? small patch of garden for their i'ery own come Spring . Just a 5 by 5, 10 by 10-foot ipot in which you will dedicate >ome seedings which are easy to ACNE! TRY TMilkif. WjOAqUJL BEFORE HOUSE or I WAKEFIELD S MILKY MASQUE Providn th? mo?t AFTER ?ffactiv* h*lp th?t claars *k?? of lent, blacfchaads and oilinau. Milky Motqw So/vat, Milky Motqm tairoctor and Ac n* Crnam }1JX) mc A, pin lax. F. R. BELL DRUGS 434 FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. raise will do. Let the children have something (or themAlves. Then watch them watch that patch with avid Interact. Whether it be vegetable* for the boy, or (lower* for the girl, or a combination for each, they'll love the idea. Buy a (ew inexpensive, junior sized garden tools (or the kid dies, and you've planted the seed which will produce some garden helpers (or the (uture. There's no juvenile delinquency in the garden. for her i #. only ttwtinest < Sunbeam Coma wain tamparatufa agttadon and braving tima controlled automatically. Sat id fortat M Beaufort Hardware Co., Inc. Phone 2-4686 Merrill Bldg. Beaufort NEW HELICAL DESIGN CONVfUTS Wl AKItf SIGNAL IN TO POWII CHAKOKO WCT UUI * ANTENNA YSo oxclutivo *0 tdisnvM H*)i" dotign doot It I Ilk* o giant totocofM, tho JIT HELIX conc.ntraUt oil ovoil abU VHF and UMF ?i?nal? onto your pktwr* twbo. Yow'vo nov?r toon suck powsr I Porfoct for fringo oroo block 4 wkito . . . ond color too. Demand Hm JfD Jtl-HiLIX for now instollo lotion* of ion old worn-ovt ontonno. To avoid oab.titirto*, o?h for Iho ono ond ?"?* JPD JET-HELIX, by norno look lor tli* ALCOA ?IwmiiMHa lobol ? yo??r Jt~cfc ?* *? ml' M ?Nf mm lo tion* lm yowr or*a-pf?*t ond #vtwr? -with JFD "ROTO - KINO" *o??rtor. 7 fee JPO "tOTO-KIMO p/u. ?/?? "JIT. HELIX" tMrantMi yo? ?*? #?*??? WOti 01 LARGEST MANUFACTURER OP TV ANTENNAS MI row TV DfAUR HAM'S TV Salei & Service 512 Arendell St. Morehead City PHONE 6-4733 TUNES IN CRYSTAL CLEAIL PICTURES % TUNES OUT SNOW AND INTERFERENCE ^x*Tfc? RAINBOW antuno" Vfr-mtx* f ' ?"? New VHF-Uftf Antenna Development Doubles Picture Brilliance. Now yae eon get the sparkling picture yob want-free of annoying interference en an/ channel you want near or far ?be ? blade and whit* today or eo/or tomorrow. The MW *0 JET-HEUX restores vibrant Me to dull faded picture, of old sets, extracts perfect perfoimonce ben aew Ml. JFD microwoye helical design captures and amplifies the ?eofc?et signal And I new Motions or even color TV go on the air In your area, you are reedy far them with &e JFD JET-HELIX. Why take less than the best pictures your set can deliver? See your TV dealer today for yaw JFD XT-HELIX tatonna installation. HI YOUR TV DEAUR To avoid w?Wllluf ?, a?k lor Ik* oao and only JFO JIT MUX, by mm. look for tha ALCOA aluminum labal - yoir pwrantoo of quality. Koacfc Mrt lor ofl old aid mw dotfoN fa yoar mm * ? mm! aad fat ara-wM tho JFD "KOTO-KINO" Rotator. Tbo JfD "KOTO-KINO" pi* ? 1*0 "JIT-MHJX" gaWMtao* yoa tfco flaotf ntapihm bowa la aodMa olMtfMiBL NOW ON THE AIR Greenville WNCT T Channel 9 Durham WDNC__ Channel 11 Norfolk - _ WTAR Channel 3 Wilmington WMFD Channel 6 SOON TO CO ON THE AIR . Chapel Hill WUNC ..?Channel 4 WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF TV ANTENNAS AND ACCESSORIES SEE OR CALL YOUR TV DEALER Distributed by WOMACK ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CO. Gold abort), N. C