IMorehead City Social News Itha Eniya WMtargart. Society Editor Hw Mil# . Carol Gibbs celebrated her third 'birthday Sunday by iaviting 12 boya and girla to a party. Birthday cake, fee cream and cookiei were ?erred the guests who Here also given party baskets filled with favors. Mrs. K. W. Olsen left Friday for Miami, Fla., to join her husband, ? Captain Olsen, captain of the yacht, " Mary Z. They will make the trip ? back here together in about six' r weeks ??- Mr. J. S. McLohon returned ? Thursday night from the Veteran's Hospital in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bell, formerly of Morehead City, have moved from Greenville to the Chestnut Hill section of Raleigh. Mr. Bell is with the William Daniels Photo Finishing 'Company there. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joyner Jr., of Farmville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Leary. Mr H S. Gibbs Jr., and Mr. F. A. Cassiano were in Raleigh Thurs day and Friday for business reasons. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Webb have recently moved from Plain field, N. J., to Philadelphia Street, Pine Bluff, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Freeman spent the weekend in LaGrange with their daughter, Mrs. Lavera Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor were in Norfolk for several days last week. Mrs. Ruth I-eary McRacken and daughter, Bobbie) of Scotland Neck, spent the weekend with Mrs. McRacken's mother, Mrs. L. L. Leary. Mrs. W P. Freeman returned to her home Saturday after being a patient at the Morehead City Hos pital for several days. Mrs. Clara Wade and sons, Claude and Donald, spent Sunday in Mebane with Mrs. Wade's daughter, Mrs. Ed Berry. Donald U home on leave from the Army and will leave March 5 for pan Diego, Calif Mr. and Mr, Charles North Ben nett are leaving today for varloui placet in Mississippi. They will be gone for several weelu. Dr. and Mrs O. G. Fritz, of Walkertown, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Cooke this week. Hospital Note* Morehead City Hospital Admitted: Mrs. Norman Willis, Beaufort, Wednesday; Mrs. Charles Dudley, Newport, Thursday; Mrs. James Griffin, Morehead City, Thursday; Mrs Manly Styron, Morehead City, Thursday. Discharged: Mrs. Lee Bratton and son, Havelopk, Wednesday; Mr. Henry A. Brooks, Hurkers Is land, Thursda> ; Mrs. Jerry J. Chudej, Havelock, Thursday; David Conner. Beaufort, Thursday; Mrs. Kail Diekerson, Beaufort, Thurs day Mrs. Charles E. Moore, Beaufort, Thursday; Mrs. Macon Moore, Har kers Island, Thursday; Mrs. Craw ford Malone and son, Morehead City, Thursday; Mrs. Homer Wel lons, Havelock. Thursday; Mr. Jack Eubanks, Morehead City, Fri day; Mrs. George Equals, Beaufort, Friday. All on Saturday: 'Mr. Leon D. Hunnings, Newport; Mrs. Hal Willis, Davis; Mrs. Walter Free man. Morehead City; Mrs. Cartie Fulcher, Stacy; Mr. Francis Kirk, Beaufort; Mr. Thomas Bell, New port; Mr. Wayland Doggett, More head City; Baby Alice Smith, Sal ter Path; Mrs. Earley Whaley and son, Newport. Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Miss Nora Emundson, Ocracoke, Thursday; Mrs. Catherine Gillikin, Harkers Island, Friday; Mr. H. T. Khue, Beaufort, Friday; Mr. Tom Styron, Sea Level, Sun day. Discharged: Mr. John Styron, Stacy, Saturday; Baby Kenneth Chadwick, Harkers Island, Satur day; Mrs. Dewey Taylor, Havelock, Saturday; Mrs. Beulah Hardesty, Beaufort RFD, Sunday. MOTTE BUSINESS Spring Term if Day School, March 7 Night School, March 14 Approrod For Votoran'i Training , PRE! EMPLOYMENT SERVICE PImm or writo Per FREE CATALOG MOTTE BncineM College H. W. MILLER Prot. M*. Mmm ?*M? Wnmlnfton, N. c. BARGAIN HUNTING? THE PLACE COPLON - SMITH CO. In New B?rn DOLLAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY F?b. 24, 25, 26 OVER 200 SUPER BARGAINS in Every Dept. DON'T MISS IT! Coplon-Smith Co. 130 MIDDLE ST. N?W BERN, N. C. - ? ?' " - ? CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY 10 a m to 3:30 p.m.? Navy Re erultcr Room 117, Postoffice Build ing, Morehead City 7 p.m.? Newport Businessmen's Association, former school cafe terea, Newport 7 p.m. Buainesa and Profesaion al Women's Club. Jefferson Hotel Coffee Shop, Wort-head City 7:30 p.m. Ocean Lodge, Masonic Lodge, Morehead City 7:30 p.m? Woman's Club, Flrat Christian Church, Morehead City 8 p.m. -Lanier Book Club, Civic Center, Morehead City 8 p.m.- Women of the Moose, Lodge Hall, weat of Morehead City WEDNESDAY 7 a.m.? Toaatmasters, Hotel Fort Macon, Morehead City 10 a.m.? Altar and Rosary So ciety, St. Egbert's Catholic Church 3 p.m. Camp Glenn School. Teachers session. Topic, "The Role of the Teacher in the Prevention of Alcoholism." 3 p.m. -Beaufort High School Auditorium. Women's session. The topic, "Women and Alcoholism." 7:30 p.m.? First Methodist Church, Morehead City. Topic, "The Church and Alcoholism." 7 30 p.m. ? Carteret Community Theatre, Scout Hut, Beaufort 7:30 p.m.? Es t h e r Rebekahs, Recreation Center, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Bible Study, First Presbyterian Church, Morehead City THURSDAY 9 a m. to 12 noon ? FHA Loan Supervisor, second floor, Postoffice Building, Beaufort 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.? Coast Guard Recruiter, Postoffice Building, Morehead City 11 a.m. ? Social Security Repre sentative, Postoffice Building, Morehead City 12:30 p.m. Hotel Fort Macon Luncheon meeting of civic clubs. Topic, "Alcoholism in Industry." 2:30 p.m. ? Queen Street High School, Beaufort. Topic, "The Role of the Teacher in the Preven tion of Alcoholism." 6:30 p.m. Rotary Club, Flem ings Restaurant, Atlantic Beach Causeway 6:30 p.m. Lions Club, Recrea tion Center, Morehead City 7:30 p m. Morehead City High School. Topics, "The Prevention of Alcoholism," and "Some Causes of Alcoholism." 7:30 p.m. ? National Guard Unit, Camp Glenn Armory 7:45 p.m. Woodmen Circle Grove No. 263, hut cast of Camp Glenn 8 p.m.- Odd Fellows, Lodge Hall, Beaufort 8 p.m.- Alcoholics Anonymous, Open Meeting, 426 Front St., Beaufort 8 p.m.- -Woman's Auxiliary of Veteran's of Foreign Wars, at the home of Mrs. Nannie Hansel^. 305 Moore St., Beaufort FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. CAP Unit, Beaufort Morehead Airport, Beaufort 7:30 p.m. American Legion, hut west of Morehead City 7:30 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary, hut west of Morehead City 8 p.m.? Pre-organizational meet ing, American Association of Uni versity Women, Civic Center, More head City Mrs. Jones Entertains Friday Bridge Club The Friday Night Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Jones last week. Mrs. Frank Swin dell was the high score winner. Mrs. Lonnie Daniels won second high score and Mrs. Clyde Willis was low. During progressions refresh ments of potato chips, candies and iced drinks , were served. At the end of play, Mrs. Jones served a congealed salad with pickles, sand wiches and coffee. The club will meet this week it the home of Mrs. J. G. Bennett. Winners in Tournament At the Carolina Bridge Tour nament held over the weekend in Raleigh, Mr. A1 Dewey, Morehead City, and Dr. Charles Duffy, New Bern, won the master point game. Also playing were Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. D. J. Lewis, New Bern. T? w Topk? Student Honors Play, 'Just Duck ?? Ibrjr Smith ud Terry Um The county FHA president (or the year '55 ? -86 it Bradley Mc intosh He was elected at the meet ing two weeka ago and waa in stalled at ti>4 county meeting Feb. 16. We would like to congratulate Bradley on this honor. The aenior'i have choeen (or their senior play a story titled "Just Ducky." The play will be given April 1 and tryouta will be gin this week. Plans (or the Junior-Senior have started by the juiuor class. The chairman o( each homeroom are leading their classes. Mrs. H. Phillips' English class have begun Silas Marner. They intend to do Julius Ceaser and Idylls o( the King be(ore school is out this spring. The teachers and Mr. Windell have been trying to obtain better and more educational movies (or the high school. We have recently seen "Tales o( the Vienna Woods," a story about Johann Strauss and "Magni(icent Obsession," a story about a doctor and a patient. We greatly appreciate this e((ort put (orth on their part. The Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y have been working together on reviving in terest in morning devotions. The programs are going to be held in the auditorium and will be more interesting. They are going to try Emeritus Club Members Attend Dinner and Play The Emeritus Civic Club attend ed a dinner at the Inlet Inn, Beau fort, Friday night. Following the dinner they attended in a group, the Carteret Community Theatre play, Arsenic and Old Lace. Those attending were Col. and Mrs. II. M. Blanchard, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Cooke, Mrs. Robert R. Garvey, from Blowing Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Davis. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dowdy, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure, Mr. C. G. Gaskill, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. D S. Merrill, Mr. T. B. Sage, Miss Shawnee Spears, Mr. C. A. Stone, Mr. N. L. Walker and Mrs. Lillian Hendrix. Demonstration Clubs To Meet This Week The Gloucester Home Demonstra tion Club will meet Thursday at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Richard White hurst, announces Miss Martha Bur nett, home agent Thursday night at 7:30 the Wil liston Home Demonstration Club will meet with Mrs. John Wade, and on Friday the Cedar Island Atlantic club will meet at I o'clock with Mrs. Howard Nelson, Atlantic. Stork News Births at Morehead City Hoapital: To Mr. and Mrs. Earley Whaley, Newport, a son, Vernon Charles, Tuesday, Feb. 15. Sewing Class to Meet The sewing class for adults at the Morehead City High School will meet tomorrow night at 7:30. Anyone interested, but who did not .attend the first session, may enter at this time. The instruction is free, but each person should bring a pattern and material for the gar ment she wishes to make. Mrs. Florence Cordova, the instructor, may be reached by phoning 6-3390. Ctrrlo to Meet The Sutanne Land Circle of the Methodist Church will meet tonight at 7:30 in the home of Mrs. Ed ward Earl Guthrie, Avery Street Extension. Mrs. Carol Ballon is co hostess. GREAT OAK BLENDKD WHISKEY m mm ?L. k, ? A jin 1 *2 10 rr. COK 292 r- * ? , ? , d; Seniors Select y! Tryouts Begin to have a guest apeaker one* a weak ' The program yesterday had Dr. Bunn speaking to the group. Thel ma Memakis played the piano, Charles Canfield sang a solo, and Patsy Holt presided aver the meet ing. Renee Kemp and Norman Larkee are going to speak this week. We would Ilka to extend an Invitation to all students to come to these meetings. Lent services will begin March 1. The Try-HiY haa written a round robin letter to their college friends. This is a letter on a roll of paper intended to express friendship. Miss Wilkes' class is working on a debate entitled "Communism versus Democracy." Billy Rich and Mary Smith are the Communist team while James Phillips and Watson Morris are the Democracy team. The debate will be beta in the auditorium early in March. The second year typing students are typing 70 words per minute with less than five mistakes. This includes a deduction of 10 words for each mistake. The first year, typing students feel that when they have com pleted their typing budget for this week they will be experts in mak ing carbon copies. The first year home economics class has made posters and bulle tins on the importance of good food. They were judged by the students of the home econmics classes. Miss Barri Burrage, of the Caro lina Power and Light Co., dem onstrated broiler meals and the use of the range for the first year home economics girls. The Winter Band Concert was given Feb. 17. The concert was considered a great success. The band as well as the other perform ances were very well done. We would like to congratulate Mr. Ralph Wade, the director, and all other supporters of this organiza tion on their performance. Three Hostesses Honor Mrs. Herbert Phillip* Mrs. H?rbwt Phillip, was hoaor ed Wednesday night at a stork ahover and bridge party in the home of Mrs. Ruaaell Outlaw. The hosteaaea were Mrs. William Oglaa by, Mrs J. C. HarreU and Mrs. Out law. Mrs. Phillipa waa presented a cor sage of white carnatiooi upon her arrival. The decorations were in pink, blue and white and the guests ate by candelight. The bridge high scorc waa won by Mrs. W. C. Matthews Jr., and Mrs. Jack Lewis won low score. The canasta prize waa won by Mrs. Howard Jones Jr., of Beaufort Mrs. Bernard Weeber won the contest prise. A frozen dessert and coffee were served. Thursday Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Davis Mrs. W. M. Brady was the in vited guest when the Thursday Bridge Club met last week at the home of Mrs. Gus Davis. The hostess won high score. Mrs. Carl Gunnerson was sec ond high, with Mrs. Robert iaogb ton low. Refreshments of strawberry shortcake and coffee were served. Cream Sauces Add Zest to Food By BUTH CURRENT State Home Demonstration Agent Meat loaf, casseroles, and cream ed dishes ? Try using creamed soups in meat loaf ? cream of tomato, mushroom, or celery. There are other creamed soups on the market that will add zest to meat loaf. I'll leave the experi menting up to you and your imag ination. You'll find casseroles are a snap to prepare when you use the new method with condensed soup as the sauce. Foods that add interest and flavor to casseroles are chop ped nuts (chestnuts, brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds), chopped green pepper, strips of pimento, sliced olives. For good casserole toppings use: crumbled crackers, crisp cere als, or crushed potato chips. Old favorites such as creamed Change It 'with Seasons The winter tide of this reversible coverlet is * cozy green but spring ind fall see it as a handsome Yarmouth print (above) in un glazed chintz in shades of green, pink, rose, turquoise. Pale pink walls, soft green flooring and white furniture lend an all-year-round airiness to a small room. Available ready-made or do it yourself. ham and chicken a la king, are be coming more and more a regular part of our menus. These creamed main dishes appeal to the whole family. And they're so easy ? often all the makings are right on the kitchen shelf. Serve creamed main dishes over biscuits, toast, Chinese noodles, rice or noodles, corn bread, waffles, vegetables such as asparagus, green beans, or potatoes. Cream sauces the modern way ? For many years cream sauces (sometimes called white sauce) have added a company touch to family meals. These are hot sauces made of thickened milk or cream. They garnish, extend, or bind to gether the foods with which they are served. There's a pseedy new way of preparing cream sauces by using condensed cream soup. Stir soup well in saucepan. Slowly mix in milk. Simmer about 2 minutes. Add tiny cubcs of Jellied cran berry sauce to a grapefruit aspic. Delicious with roast meat or baked or broiled fish. TTtorehead "CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRE" I ! IT'S COMING SOON ! ! Battle wi I WIN . . THIS NEW DODGE! ? ' ? Cuatom loyol Umcer V-i in dramatic rmt thrM-ton* ?xt?rior styling. 50 Brand New Dodge Custom Royal Lancers Given Away in "Get The Thrill" Contest I I^T9?9m PWf I I *?k wntol I mw0f "?mt As MfH IhfMf ViMwjffMif ??r AaoWtof I " Driv? Hm New Pi<|i and Finish Thit JingUi Hiri for your Dodga Mar. G?t an ontry blank. Drk? *? mw Dodf "Taka Coiaiaond . . . Gat Mm TMtnm Haadl" Titan M I* ?m M Dm. Naw MM aadidayl MM, Mh y Mr an a ay H ran boy a mw My during Mm contort pariod-ond wkil You ?*t back 9?ry pwmy ym p?U rfmfcli /You hoy ? now Dodfa. You haa ynuf acRcy bfl(fc- q ? rhot omount ? a bona. Com* 1m TODAY! Dodge has never done anything like this before! But then? thmrs has never been a ear like this before I We want everybody? yes, everybody ? to gat the thrill of driving this great new flair-fashioned Dodge ! We want you to get Uu thrill of commanding a car so long and low and dashing. Get the thrill of driving with full-time Power Steering. Get the thrill of a "New Out look" on the world through ths sweep-around windshield. v There's a new contest every day? a dashing Custom Royal Lancer to be given awayl It's funl It's easy! It'* going on now) , DRIVf THI HEW PODGE Tain Command.. .Oat Km Thrill Fin* Hand i ? PAUL MOTOR CO. 322 FRONT ST. PHONI 2-4261 BEAUFORT, N. C. ii in ii in i i,