Malcolm Wefherington Finishes Signal School Camp Gordon, Gm. ? Pvt. Mal colm T. Wetherington of Morehead City, ka* graduated from the pole line cooatruction course, one of the many courses offered at The SoMlhaaatern Signal School, Camp Gordon, Ga. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wetherington. The Pale Line Construction Course, eight weeks in length, trains selected enlisted men to con struct, maintain and rehabilitate open wire, cable and field wire communications systems. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba? Arthur W. Stafford, Jr., machinist's mate third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W A. Cole of 409 Pine St., Beaufort, is serving here in the escort destroyer USS Waller, en gaged in An extended period of re fresher training. This anti-submarine vessel has been awarded 12 battle stars for participation ia combat operations against enemy in World War II and the Korean conflict. Fort Lm, V*. ? Pvt. Clarence W. Pelletier, 28, whose wife, Carole, Uvea at S12 Bridges St., Morehead City, recently was graduated from the Army's Quartermaster School at Fort Lee, Va. Pelletier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pelletier, 911 Fisher- St., completed the school's supply rec ords course. ? In civilian life he worked for the U. S. Post Office Department. Put Our Service Manpower On Your Crop Production Team! r\ *4 l? VV^ m ^ ^ ? Get Our 5-Star Tractor Service Now U the time to pot oar lervicemen < i your production teem. Let them pot jftor FirmiflTi bill power beck on the job /?( with IH 5 L Star serriceu Tliejll make tore your tractor ii ready for the bard work ahead. Call us today and schedule your Farmall S-STAR smvici for IH 3 -Star Krvicc* i J. C. WHITTY & CO. ESTABLISHED 1I7? NEW BERN, N. C. Song of Life In isie Josef R. Carnes was stricken with a mysterious disease which has crippled him. lo 1933 doctors, although unable to explain his illness, gave him three weeks to live. He credits music for the life he has lived since then at iiis home in Hillsboro, Ind. Propped up on a wheeled cot, he spends hours at the piano. He is Church Installs Ceiling To Assist the Minister West De? Moines, Iowa (AP) ? The ceiling in the new West Des Moines Methodist Church is made of acoustical board with the holes scattered at random, instead of set in straight lines. * The Rev. J. Henry Teele explain ed: '"The committee chose the kind with the holes spattered across it. Now nobody who happens to glance up when he's in church will begin to count the lines of perforations and forget to listen to my stermon." Car Hit Store, But Driver Disclaims Responsibility Pueblo, Colo. (AP) ? Antonio D. Trujillo, 17, admitted it wni his car that smashed into the front of a downtown store, but claims he wasn't there at the time. Trujillo said he turned a corner and fell out of the vehicle, which continu ed on down the street. Finally, he said, it jumped the curb and hit the store. Officials say Trujillo will be call ed into court to explain the inci dent more fully. Statistics indicate that the warm "January thaw" period In the United States is marked by unusu ally low temperatures In Europe. BIGGEST SIZE!... TOP TWO ENGINES'... MOST BEAUTIFUL CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE 31 With two peefreetting new engine*, the beautiful Plymouth '55 brings you new highs in powr and performance. The new 6-cylinder Power Flow 117 it the thriftiest, smoothest six hi the low-prioe S, thanks to . its exclusive Chrome-Sealed Action. The new 167-hp Hy-Fire V-8 engine gives you Am highest standard horsepower in the lwswtpfioe field I Plymouth U also the largest car in "all 3." Its extra site give* you more room inside, and a smoother, steadier big-car ride. And Plymouth's forward-look styling gives you the new Full-View windshield, a glamorous twept-back design that provides the greatest risibility, in the low-price S. This year of all years, look at all 3, and you'D choose PLYMOUTH! SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY THE SWING IS TO PLYMOUTH . . . DRIVE ONE TODAY I ???t buy m*i bottar trade-In, tool r\ y?(yjDa ymou ?D?QiO?(P ?& PLYMOUTH '55 A PAUL MOTOR CO. ?L A author of 300 copyrighted songs, mostly religious with titles like "Jesus at My Side." "My Supplica tion," "Ring Out, Church Bells, Ring Out" and "Christ Was Born in Bethlehem." ? But he also writes popular-type songs. One ?( the best known has a title which tells his story ? "I Feel Like Living." Presbyterian Pastor Announces Sermon Topic 1 "The Best Reason in the World" will be the topic of the sermon by the Rev. Albert G. Harris Jr., pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church, Horehead City, Sunday morning. His text Is taken from the 10th chapter of Acts, verse 42. Bernardo O'Higgins is honored as the liberator of Chile. In God We Trust' By RABBI NOBMAN SALIT FreaMeat, 9yiu|t. ^40% STRAIGHT WHISKEY, i 60%NEUTRAl SPIRITS, ~ v DISTILLED FROM GRAIN - \WWWX \ ^ ;$900^ \ Mi ??T s Cod* No. 214 ^ \ $3?o \ Fifth V Code No. 218 > \ \ \ \ \ \ OUR OWN DISTILLERY ?i?r?uu. Ntuo* ?nmrr, nnrtcn $1,000 Asheboro, N. C. 500 Roxboro, N. C. 250 Hartsville, S. C. $1,000 Wallace, N. C. 500 Ramseur, N. C. 250 Chadboum, N. C. $1,000 Clio, S. C. 500 Hot Springs, N. C. 250 Pinewood. S. C. and 15 Honorable Mention $100 winners Lamar. S. C. Manning Scranton Burg aw, N. C. Clinton Grifton Hamlet Lillington Mt. Gilead Mt. Olive Pine Level Roseboro Southern Pines Swannanoa Wadesboro These 24 towns won cash prises totaling $6,750. Far the magnificent programs of drlc Improvement completed during 1954, we oHer oar congratulations. Although yon hare won a cash prise, the reed re ward will come as you benefit from happier, more prosperous filing in a fine* town. HOT LISTED ABOVE arc, oror 100 odiar towns that also hullij from (hair iHutc^rtw In th* Fta*r Corelna Piogmni, By vtrtn* of (hair addmnratat. Amm cuuimtmHtra cam point wHh prldo to btlw. ?on piogt? In towns. No town lo? rtilwt or not It wins a cosh prls*. 01 AIL FAIRNESS w* mud mar &? fodgfa* wtM a MOM difficult fob (v 91 balut i. Many hiviifi w tnoMlr do** to k priM wlnam In fl?? ?tn W fl>? tm tm pou Hal fodgM. would hem tanid Mik C CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY)