=T CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ?< 'r -|2j- ? i- ' - | -4|f , , ? YEAR, NO. 26. THREE SECTIONS TWENTY >AGE8 * MOREHEAD CITY AND MAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1966 . PUBLI8HED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY! Fire Sweeps Hotel, Beach Buildings C&D Director Proposes Rule To Settle Dispute Board Will Consider Regulation on Out Of-State Crabber* Raleigh Every effort is being made by the State Department of Conservation and Development to protect the interest of North Caro linians engaged in crabbing in Pamlico Sound and similar areas, it was stated here today by Ben E. Douglas, director of the depart ment, but it is necessary in handl ing thia matter to move within the limits laid down by U. S. Supreme Court decisions, he said. Mr. Douglas issued a statement after it was reported that the opcr ations of Virginia fishermen pre sented a threat to the welfare of the North Carolina crabbers be cause they were using the crab pots. A regulation has been worked out which will bar out-of-state crabbers unless their states offer reciprocal privileges to North Car olina crabbers. This regulation will be presented to the full Board of < onservation and Development at its quarterly meeting in High Point Tuesday through Saturday' and if approved will become ef fective immediately. New Problem In discussing the situation, Mr Douglas said that this was the first year North Carolina crabbers had been presented with this problem although a similar situation arose in connection with shrimping in the sounds of North CaroMna about two years ago. The shrimping problem was settled and apparent ly is now aatiafactory to all con cerned.' Mr. Douglas said his Department was well aware of the value of the mafcly *310.000 to- the during the two-year period which endetf last June 3a The laws of North Carolina pro vide the same license charges for both in-state and out-of-state fish ermen, he said. Only by barring fishermen from states which do not cooperate by according reciprocal privileges can North Carolina be protected, he added, and thus far it has been necessary to act only in the case of shrimping. The statement by Mr. Douglas in full is aa follows: 'The Department of Conserva tion and Development is well aware of the difficulties of the crabbers who operate in the Pamlico Sound area and elsewhere along the coast. However the Department is bound by decisions of the United States Supreme Court in making any regulation^ dealing with out of-state crabbers. "The situation which has arisen In the past few days in the Pam lico Sound area has been the sub See CAD, Page X Smoke billowed from the Ocean King Hotel at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Flame* ate their way from frame buildings west of the hotel aad into the concrete Mock structure. At left it Junes Jones, Noreinad City bellboy, who noticed the wooden build Inn (Man (ad gave the alarm. This picture shows the hack of the Pnoto by Clifton Guthrie hotel on the Undskle. The how 11m in the foreground wu ma to Bogue Sound to get water. The fire I* believed to h?V? (Urted In ? building to the right of this picture. OfflCH Visils* Beaufort Jaycees Jake -West o I Kinston. ninth dis trict vice-president, visited with BeaufortJaycees Monday night. He spoke about his visit to the meeting it Louisville, Ky., which honored tlie 10 outstanding men ia the United States in January. The nominating committee pre sented its nominees lor office for the coming year. The election will take place in May. Nominees include Danforth Hill and Jack McManufe for president; BUI Sutton and Jackie Sewell. first vipe-president; John Duncan and Julian Austin, second vice presi dent; Ralph Albares and Dick Bab cock, secretary; James Steed. Dan Lipman. Jack Barnes, treasurer, and Wiley Taylor Jr., Jack Price, Billy Davis, Charles Chappell. L. D. Springle, and Ronald Earl Ma son, directors. School Boards New Power Warm Weather Predicted Hera The weather forecast for today and the weekend, according to E. Stanley Davis, weather observer, is fair and warmer. Mr. Davis reported that it looks as though the cold wave has hit this area for the last time this season. The temperatures and wind di rections for the first three days of thia week are as follows: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Max. Mln. Winds SO 30 SW 56 40 NW 60 35 SW News-Times Wins 1954 Award for Fire Prevention David F?lton Pleads Not Guilty Tuesday David Felton pleaded not guilty to operating ? vehicle with no op erator's license and driving while under the influence of intoxicant* when he appeared before Judge Earl Itaaon in Beaufort Recorder's Court Tueaday. Prayer for flient waa continued and Mi I suspended for OM year. Pulton Grayson waa aaaeaaed lift of coata whan he pleaded guilty to failing to atop at a atop sign Alberto Fair waa given It day*' work In town hall whan she waa declared guilty at i rutton following: Ji J a met and Calvin First Pre school ducted at the Camp Wednesday, April IS, at 1 p.m. and at the isrih?l city Mm! Pri day, April U. at 1 PM. First graders IMa* an the Mai side of Stod Street la iliiiHH City and theaa weat af Am MM will sttond Camp (Mann tafe^l next fall. Thawriaton line last year waa Mth SWeyt ? The Carteret County NewsTimes yesterday was named by the 9a- < ttooal Board of Fire Underwriters as recipient of an honor award for outstanding public service in lire prevention during 1964 The sward consists of a framed parchment scroll. The contest WW open to news papers. radio and television sta tion* throughout the nation. In ad dition to THE NEWS-TIMES, win nan qL. honor award citationa in this sis are the Twin City Senti nel, a Winston-Salem daily, and wnrvrv, Greensboro There were M entries in the eon test. THE NEWS-TIMES sub | Civil D?fens? Tip | In cue of enemy attack and destruction o I the town water syitem, you ahould have on hand in your borne atored drinking water? 1 gallon for each (am Uy member plus an extra gallon far* each cMld under I Glass Jugs with tight-fittlnc town or stoppers, or other glass containers will do. Water fcWh Iran the tap la sale for Hiti in a dart place and re m with freah water at leaat ?May ate weeks Other gaorf ?WWII at liquids are Iruit Jwtces, waterpacked canned IrMM and vegetables, milk, d trus fruits (wash and peel If ex pee*' to latboaatln dust), a>d Matted tee cubes TrtHi-Y Club* to??ll PopM lilies Tomorrow M*eJeadClty ftWT CUba ft? led mp Uly baafeata as they e? XtET??? ??? it the aecond consecutive year thattbe girUrf UwTrl'at-Y Mrad by Me Carteret Owty ?? clety fol Crippled Children ? * Local school boards in this stated now have the right to designate which schools pupils shall attend. The General Assembly enacted in to law the bill which was backr strongly by Governor Hodges. The bill, for example, now gives the Carteret County Board of Edu cation the power to assign children to schools. This power was former ly vested in the State Board of Ed ucation. If people don't like the schools children are assigned to now, they must appeal directly to the courts, not to the State Board of Educa tion. The measure came as a result of the United State} Supreme Court decision on segregation. Support en of the law say it will allow lo cal school authorities to handle the segregation problem according to a locality's own needs and conditions. They hope that thia law will by pass the state's liability should court actions arise out of the segre gation decision. Other* argue that the atate, as financial supporter of the schools would certainly be drawn into a court action originat ing in a local community. Rep. Cloyd Phil pott of Davidson, a firm advocate of the measure, termed the bill the "moat realistic approach we in North Carolina can take at the present itme . . . It Is not the final answer; it was not intenJed to be." But he said it was "timely" and reminded that the measure had originated with a commiaaion of both whites and Negroes wtoo studied the problem at the request of the lata Governor Umstead. i Wild wood Youth Found Lost Wallet A young man who works for Perry M. Taylor Jr., Morehead City, found the wallet lost last Wednesday by Mrs. John Naf. He's Manley E. Mason of Wild wood. Mason was driving a pick-up truck along Shepard Street last Wednesday when he saw a red wallet lying in the street. He stopped, picked it up and took it in a house nearby. The wallet belonged to Mrs. Naf. who was in the house visit ing at the time, but she was not aware that she had dropped the wallet. After returning it. Mason left without leaving his name. A story in Tuesday s NEWS TIMES said Mr. Naf waf looking for the lad who returned the wal let and yesterday Mr. Naf pre sented Mason with cash aa a re ward. Mr. Naf said it certainly was gratifying to find an honest man. Mr*. Floyd Chodwick To Tako Training CourM Mrs. Floyd H. Chadwkfe of the Morehaad City office, Employment Security Commiaaion, will attend clauea end training couraea at Ra leigh Irani April 4-*. The Lnatrnctioo wUl be given by of evaluation and training. Markers Island Boat Works Goes Up m Flame Tuesday lire destroyed the Wert End Boat Work* an Darker* laland Tueaday night . Damage waa esti mated at uSaOQ. The An started at about 7:M pro and Beaufort firemen ware called, bat they irrlred toe lata te ?ave the building and boata being butt iastde Joe Whitley owner and operator flag ||m| MMtovkw tltMa 01 VIM ooai worKs. wno lives SOOUt 75 fart away, discovera* tbe blase. Mr. Whitley had no inswaiiie. In addition to tlw toob and equipment that went ap In the Maw. three boata frow ? to 38 laet long and a aew angina w*a dartroyed A 2Woot boat batac built outaide tbe ahad waa aavad by a oeijtibor, Cart WUUa, and ?? ?ral other man. Mr. Whittey. originally from Rocky Mount, rt KM the boat worts a couple yews *f> Ha era ployed eight If M man. Brady Lewis, a well-known Wemi boat builder, waa superintendent. It la not known how the (Ire started. The laat man to leave the plarr said be puUed aU the mate electrical ??H< ba? It *aa reported that the whale to the boat wefts waa a laaj 4U lance The ftrr moved faiter thaa the trucks. Na one waa hart is the blaaa. . _? _ Ito ^7 Pl^to" retold ** See BOAT WOUU, ttm t Five Fire Departments Fight Morning Blaze A $375,000 fire of undetermined origin 'completely gutted the Ocean King Hotel, Reggie's Bar, Clark Brothers Bathhouses and Grill and Duck's Burger Palace yesterday morning at Atlantic Beach. The fire started at 5:45 in Duck's Burger Palace, ac cording to Fire Chief Vernon Guthrie of the Morehead City Fire Department. It spread rapidly through the tinder box buildings to the east and reached the hotel. Firemen were on the scene 16 minutes after the alarm sounded. They were joined at 6 a.m. by the Beaufort de partment with its No. 5 truck and rural truck. During the next hour trucks from Newport, Cherry Point and New Bern arrived to help protect surrounding property. A fire-fighting boat from Fort Macon Coast Guard Sta tion plyed the waters in front of the hotel, phiying streams of water on the cottages to the east A west wind fanned the blaze eastward and then about 7 :30 shifted to the northwest. Lack of water hampered firemen. Lines were laid from f* .1 lit tt. r lounty Hospitals Get Duke Funds Morehead City Hospital, for the year 1994. has been allotted $1,016 in Duke Endowment Funds and the Sea Level Community Hospital *185. Under the endowment establish ed by the Duke tobacco heirs, in stitutions in the CarOlinas receive $1 for each day of free care ren dered. The endowment funds help to pay for patients who are de clared by welfare officials unable to pay, but whose cost of care is not covered totally either by Duke funds or welfare funds. The total amount appropriated by the Duke Endowment Board of Trustees this week is $732,217 to 111 honpitais and 39 child-care in stitutions. This is the 30th year that the fund* have been appro priated. Additional hospitals whose ap plications have not been completed will be considered at the April board of trustee* meeting, the tne hotel north to Hague bound to get water, a distance of half a mile. Fifty-one guests at the Ocean King were rushed out of the build ing. No life was lost or persons injured. A few of the furnishings, including a piano in the dining room, a few chairs and davenports were saved, and the guests got most their belongings out. But almost everything owned by the hotel was destroyed. Alfred Cooper, owner of the hotel and mayor of Atlantic Beach, estimated hotel damage at $300,000. The hotel was partially insured. Bellboy Spreads News James Jones, Morehead City, hotel bellboy, discovered the fire in the buildings to the weal, and roused the guests. Mr. Cooper estimated damage to Reggie's Bar at >20,000, damage to the Clark Brothers at 150,000 and approximately $5,000' to M.000 to the new concrete boardwalk and seawall being poured. Owner of Reggie'* place is Reg inald Willis, Morehead City; own ers at the other places (except the hotel) are the C larks of Elizabeth Swsatitesdfci Greenville. It is aeparated from the hot?l by a concrete drive and several feet of prope.ty. Firemen showered water on that cottage and two adjoining It. Damaged la Storm The Ocean King Hotel waa badly damaged in the Oct. 15 hurricane. The entire front bad to be rebuilt. It was reopened about six waeks ago and everything was in readi ness for the influx of summer vaca tioners this summer. H. M. Clark, father of the boys who own the bath houae, Burger Palace and grill, aaid he worked at the bathhouses until S p.m. Wed nesday, helping to get the places in shape for summer. A concrete floor had beea laid Wednesday. One of his sons waa in Florida this week getting ideas and plans for re decorating the interiors. Mr. Clark said the hotel could have been laved and at least 40 per cent of the other buildings if water had been available. Sign Tepples The sign oa top of tha hotel, came tumbling do?m at 7:30 a.m. See FM, Fafe 2 Health Officer Outlines Rules On Housing Dr. Luther Fulcher, county health officer, today reminded farmers of the regulations they must comply with if they are go ing to have migrant laborers work ing for them this year. Dr. Ful cher's statement follows: "Migrant workers and their fam ilies want good housing, health and sanitation. We expect the own ers of migrant laborer camps to provide adequate facilities as re quired by the Carteret County Board of Health. Many farmers have already provided good hous ing facilities for migrant laborers, but we still have a few farmers who are not complying with the ters or housing facility may be ofr copied without flnt securing a permit from the Carteret County Health Department This permit is required every year. "Following is a copy of the rules and regulation* required in con nection with migrant labor camps: 1. A safe water supply 2. A safe excreta disposal which means at least a sanitary privy or better. (Thqse facilities to be pro vided separately for each tea). 3. Clean buildings adequately screened. 4. A safe method of garbage dis posal. This means a metal can of sufficient size and with a fly-tight top, and that the casMeats of the can be properly disposed of, such aa burying or placed on some ap proved dump. 5. No migrant-labor headquar ters or housing facility may be occupied without tint securing a permit frepi the Carteret County Health Department. 8. A health certificate showing that the worker is free of a vene real disease or other contagious disease. (This certificate can ho had free at the Health Depart ment )" You and Civil Defense] jr Carter* CM! Defease Pirecter Civil defense to most of us is a hasy, indefinable something. To many folks it means that ?om e man mm a Ha hat, are tailed air raid wardeas and they are so des igaated because this lulion may be attacked and a* all may get hurt If a bomb irtpt on us. That's a part of the sUxy. There's a lot more but the averaf* peraon doein't ?wr| h4"*? 1 'f about it He vaguely hangs that there's something called "civil defense or ganization" and that some people _j fctmlhli mnU i be much wont. an going to In CW defense doeent begin any where but right in yvor own home. There are things that should be done bow to help prepere agdiut the day whea a rocket may come flying out of nowhere and had right on as. ? Those thinga are going to be aet forth in a small item, "Civil Da fanae Tip," which will be pub liaised regularly la THE NEW8 TUOK. Every means poealble will be need to bring thia Information to the pahUc. Thia will not be the only phase of the Carteret Civil Defense pro gram. Other* are hi the process of developing The asost important thing now la to provide you with Inferawthm that will be of value rhe rending and heeding is up you. ^ : | Tide Table S. 1:11 a.m. " ?#?(J 4:33 am. ,1M| 8:00 pm 11:11 ?aadey, April I 6:34 a.m. U:M I 5:54 p.m. ? ?:M a* Livestock Bill Goes in Hopper A >U1 to prevent livestock roam ing it Urn on Portsmoyth bland ?n Introduced in the General Aa sembly at Raleigh yesterday. If the bill is referred to tba lo cal government committee as an ticipated. a hearing aa tt wfll be bald at 10:30 Wednesday la the highway building at Raleigh. The bill would cloae off the area between Evergreen Creek and Oc racoke Inlet, making it unlawful for sheep, ponies er tows to Taaas ia that section. D. a Bell, Carteret's r.presea