W CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ?* 44th YEAR, NO. 46. THREE SECTIONS TWENTY-FOUR PAGPS MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ? - ,i " Joe Wells Pays $M6 Fine, Costs Judge Lambert Morris Finds Defendant Guilty On Three Charges Joe Wells was fined $100 and costs and given a three-month sus pended sentence by Judge L. E. Morris in County Recorder's Court Tuesday. He was found guilty of driving drunk, failing to stop at the sound of a siren, and of hav ing in his possession non-taxpaid whisky. John Burnettc was fined $10 and costs and must pay prior costs that are now due or spend 60 days on the roads. He was found guilty of having no operator's license, hav ing insufficient brakes and failing to stop at a stop sign. Costs were assessed against Wil liam Scott, expired license; George Edward Proffitt, no operator's li cense, and Gerald C. Barnes, ex pired registration. A charge of ex pired license against Barnes was dropped. Bonds Forfeited Bonds were forfeited by the fol lowing: Parker Abner Guthrie, Junius Atwood Craven, and Ray niond Thomas Graham, all charged with speeding; James A. Edwards, assault, George Wootcn Christo pher. no operator's license, and Marshall Baker, disturbing the peace and public drunkenness. Marion Willis Walker was asses sed costs for allowing an un licensed person to operate a mo tor vehicle. Half costs were as sessed Lerue Ernest Kelly for fail ing to yield the right of way, re sulting in an accident. The cases against Helen Marie Brady, charged with no operator's license, and William L. Brady, charged with allowing an unli censed person to operate a motor j vehicle, were left open for future I t prosecution. Charges Dropped Cases against the following were dropped: Edward J. Donhoe, Ma rion Brewer, John A. Masters, Jay L. Tamburine, and Robert V. Res cieno, all charged with aiding and abetting in hit and run; and Wal ter Wickcr, charged with assault. Cases against Ralph Creech, charged with no operator's license, and Edmund Plymouth Smith, charged wiW?* driving drunk and j having possession of non-taxpaid whisky, were dismissed. Cases against the folowing were continued: John C. Melvin, Robert W. Modlin, Ervan E. Haniscey, Ro ger D. Simmons, Thomas Andrew McMichcn, Albert Karol Larrimore, Willie Armistcad, Fred David Bell, A. G. Green, Durwood Arnold Ful cher Roy Eugene Mills, Billie Wrenn Cross, Robert Dudley, Henry Doug las Dudley, Rose Raymond Todd, Lloyd Benton Brown. Alvin E. Marshburn. R. G. Johnston, Dover , Lawrence, James F. Southerland, Milton Barrett Barden, Woodrow , Wilson Newsome, Murray Clifton Baker, and Jack Gillikin. Winner to Start Vacation June 23 David llager. fl'i . of Hickory, winner of the Morehcad City Cham ber of Commerce contest for boys, will start his first-prize summer va cation at Camp Morehead June 23. David submitted the best entry in the contest which asked him to tell what he liked best about North Carolina. He will be flown here by Piedmont Airlines. Second place winner in the con test, which was conducted early this spring, was Cheslcy L. Austin Jr.. 6-year-old boy of Winston Salcm. As his prize. Chesley, his mother and father and 10-year-old sister. Gwendolyn, were chamber of commerce guests here on Me morial Day weekend. They stayed at the Frontier Vil lage. Atlantic Beach, were given a fishing trip aboard the Danco and meals at Fleming's and Cap tain Bill's resUurints. The Austins have written Ted Davis, chamber manager, thanking the folks here for their hospital ity. Also a guest in Morehcad City on Memorial Day weekend was Miss Tress Photography, Betty B. Burrus of Chapel HIU, and two of her friends. Miss Burrus waa chosen Miss Preas Photography by photographer* who attended the press photography short course It Chapel HIU this spring. Two Marines Injured In Wrack Wednesday Two Cherry Point Marines were injured at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in ? wreck on the Salter Path Road. Thrv were Cpi. Billy Davis and Sgt. F reddle Crltchfield. Dill's ambulance, Morehead City, todk them to Morehead City Haa pital where they were given emer gency treatment State Highway Patrolman W. E. Pickard inveati Headed for Boys, Girls State Seven students of Morehead City High School were honored this spring by being selected to attend Boys and Girls State. They are, back row, left to right, Gregory Lewis, Eddie Lee Smith wick Jr., Leo Simpson Jr. and Bobby Glenn Lewis. Front row, Helen H. Carlton, Daisy R Brock and Novella Reid, alternate. All four boys will attend. Their expenses are being paid by the Morehead City Lions, Jaycees, Ro tary and American Legion Post No. 46. Two of the girls will attend. Their expenses are being paid by the Legion Auxiliary. Photo by Clifton Guthrie Girls State is held at Woman's College, Greensboro, June 12-17 and Boys State at the University of North Carolina June 12-19. The weeks are sponsored by the American Legion and give rising seniors training in the democratic way of government. Five Youths Waive Hearing In County Court Tuesday Horace Loftin Speaks to Rotary Horace Loftin, formty owner of Loftin Motori h^-Beaufort and a Rotarian, Saa xhi' guest speaker at Jbe nmiliPlM>?Ui)g of t$c Beau fort Rotary Club Tuesday night at the Inlet Inn. Mr. Loftin spoke about his posi tion with the Science Hews Service in Washington, D C., describing the exact work that the service docs for 100 different publications throughout the world. According to Mr. Loftin, the ser vice was started in the 1920's and has attempted to present science articles which will be of interest to the layman. He told of some of the activities of Sciencc News Service, such as sponsoring science clubs, sciencc talent searches and giving out standing science students aid in getting college scholarships. Mr. Loftin told the club that he would be biology editor for the service. The service has become a clear ing house for science articles, Mr. Loftin said, and the service cur rently sends out releases every week to publications throughout the world. Ronald Daniels, Sea Level. Receives Degree at UNC Ronald Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daniels, Sea Level, was graduated this week from the Uni versity of North Carolina. Mr. Daniels received his bachelor's de H ce in political science He ma jored in international relations. Mr. Daniels was also commis sioned a second licutenent in the Marine Corps Reserve. He wtll re port to Quantico Sept. 5 for two years' training. He plans to take tests for flight school. Mr. Daniels is a graduate 0/ At lantic High School where he played basketball and football. ' Ronnie Nance, William SmitM Floyd Wickizcr, Earl Freeman Jr., and James Edward Roberson waived preliminary hearings be fore Judge L. R. Morris in County Court Tuesday morning. They arc charged with breaking, entering and larceny. The boys are scheduled to appear during next week's Superior Court term. They were not required to post bond. Nance Is charged with nine count*. Smith with ?lght, Wtckiarr with two, Fracman with five, and Roberson with one count of break ing, catering and larceny. The case of Ross Simpson, ano ther defendant, was continued un til June 28. Simpson is charged with receiving stolen wares and merchandise and with contributing to the delinquency of minors. Donald Fitzpatrick, found guilty of careless and reckless driving, was fined $50 and costs. Charges of hit and run and destroying per sonal property were dropped. Pays $35, Costs Teddic Jcwme Workman was fined $35 and costs when he was found guilty of speeding 85 miles per hour and of having improper dealer's plates. William H. Goble, found guilty of careless and reckless driving, hit and run from the scene of an accident, and driving on the wrong side of the road, was fined $25 and costs. James Jones was found guilty of assault on a female. Gladys Ro binson, and was fined $25 and costs in lieu of 30 days on the roads. Followed Argument She told the court that she had had an argument with the defen dant's wile, and that he struck her several times after his wife had told him of the argument. Alpha Q. Salter was fined $10 and costs when he was found guilty of hit and run from an acci dent, with damage to the other vehicle being in excess of $100. Earl Swindell was fined $10 and cost* for following too close, re sulting in an accidtnt. Richard M. McGuire. pleaded fullty to failing to comply with a court order. Prayer for judgment wa* continued for 45 days. Miss Beaufort Pageant To Take! Place at School ? ? < Roy Garner Heads June 27 Committee Roy T. Garner ha* been appoint ed chairman of the committee for the Anniversary Ladle* Night to be celebrated by the Newport Ro tary Club Monday. Jujm 27, at the Community Building Other member* of the committee are Moaea C. Howard. Gerald Gar ner and Nathan Garner. Gue*t* at Monday night'* meet ing were Rotarian* Walter Ed ward* and Gerald Mitchell, More head City; State Highway Patrol man J. W. Svkr* and William Piek ard, and R. L Prult. Chinquapin, former principal of the Newport School and firat preaident of the Newport Rotary Club. ? The Miss Beaufort beauty pa geant will begin Saturday night, June 28, at 8 p.m.. at the Beaufort School auditorium. Mrs. Robert L. Hose is in charge of Using up contestants for the event which Is ftciag sponsored by Ute Beaufort Jaycees. Contestants will appear in both evening gown* and bathing suits. Charles Chappcll, chairman of the Beaufort event, said various forms of entertainment are also being planned. Plans call for the three winners at the Mlaa Down East Pageant at Sea Level June 18, to be entered In the Mlaa Beaufort pageant. IMy Cummins will act as master of ocretfcoales for the Miss Beau fort I sg*snt. Hap Hansen will em cee the Sea Level rftgeant. Outboard motorboat race* will precede the Beaufort pageant at 1 p m. iuua 25. Duke Marine Lab To Open Tuesday Opening Tuesday on Piver's Island will be the 18th session at I I)uke Marine Laboratory. The firat I amnion wUJ end July 23 and the seeond session will run from July 26 to Aug. 31. On the staff this summer will be Dr. Harold Humm, associate pro fessor of botany, who was former director of the lab. Dr. Humm re turned to Duke University last fell after serving several years as di rector of the Oceanographic Insti tute. Florida State University. Director of the sessions will be Dr. C. G. Bookhout. Others on the faculty will be Dr. H. L. Blon quist, A. Carter Broad, Dr. I. E. Gray, and Karl M. Wilbur. Guest lecturers will be Dr. Nor man G. Anderson, Dr. Alan D. Con ger, David G. Doherty, Dr. Charles W. Sheppard and Dr. A. C. Upton, all of Oak Ridge National Labora tory. Miss Martha Willett will be manager of the dining hall. She is manager of Southgatc Dining Hall, Duke University., Driver to Appear In Court June 11 Charles D. Schaeffer III, Cherry Point, is docketed (or appearance in Morchcad City Recorder's Court Monday. June 27, as the result of an accident last Thursday near midnight on the Atlantic Beach bridge. Four persons received minor in juries as the result of i collision. Schaeffer sustained a chest injury and bruised right knee. A Marine riding with him, Stanley A Har rcll, got a cut on the forehead, and two unidentified passengers in the other car were knocked out Schaeffer, driving a 1953 Nash Rambler, ran into the rear of a 1950 Chevrolet, according to the patrolman. Both ears were headed north. Driving the Chevrolet waa Donald K. Akcrs. Cherry Point. The Rambler had about $300 damage and the Chevrolet 8500. The Chevrolet was moving when it was struck and traveled 180 feet after the impact The accident occurred about a thousand feet south of the draw. Tides at the Beaufort Bar Tide Table HIGH LOW FrUay, June 1* 11:42 a.m. 11:22 p.m. 1:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Satarriay, June U 12:22 p.m. 5:46 a.m. 5:42 p.m. Sunday, June 12 12:08 a.m. 1:03 p.m. 6:25 a.m. 6:47 p.m. Monday, June It 12:57 a.m. 1:48 p.m. 7:23 a.m. 8:21 p.m Tuesday, June 14 Court Term Opens Monday Murder Trial Set First Day Driver Appeals After Hearing Speeding Penalty Thomas Kenon was released un der $50 bond and bound over to Superior Court after he was found guilty of speeding by Judge Her bert O. Phillips. Kenon appeared in Morehead City Court Monday. He appealed after hearing the $25 and eosts sentence. Joe Wells was fined $50 and costs for hit and run, causing dam age to a car. Robert Franklin Taylor was fined $10 and costs for speeding and running a stop sign. Charlie Delford Salter was fined a total of $50 and costs and given a 30 days' suspended roads sen tence when he was found guilty of speeding, running a stop sign, and having no operator's license. He must be on good behavior for six months and cannot drive a motor vehicle on the streets or highways of the state for six months* Twenty-five dollars of the fine will be remitted to him should he present a valid driver's license to the court within two weeks. John A. Carlberg and Florence Swindell each were fined $25 and half costs when they were found guilty of having no operator's li censes. The full fines are to be remitted should they present valid licenses to the court within two weeks. Edward A. Macey and Cordell Lundy were each assessed half costs for allowing 'an unlicensed person to operate a motor vehicle. Fouid Guilty Kenneth Allen was found guilty of simple assault on his wife. Charges of malicious destruction private property, disturbing the peace, and non-support of his wife and children were dropped. He was assessed costs and given a suspend ed 90-day roads sentence with the provision that he remain away from the home of Lillian Allen, hit wife, except during such periods as may be reasonable for visiting his children. He was told to re main on good behavior for one year. Costs Paid Costs were assessed in the fol lowing cases: Hubert J. Hofner Jr., Robert Henry McCready, Henry See DRIVER. Page 2 J. W. Kellogg Heads Civic Club J. W. KcIIorc, Morehrad City, was elected president of the Emeri tus Civic Club at a special meeting Monday night at the Recreation Building. He replaces the late Numa F. Eure of Beaufort. Mr. Kellogg was viee-president under Mr. Eure. The vicc-presi dcncy is now held by N. L. Walker. Beaufort. The club heard a report by D. G. Bell, county legislator, on the marsh mosquito control program. Mr. Bell is an honorary member of the club. The secretary, T. B. Sage, was requested to write a letter to Gov. Luther Hodges commending the governor and Charles M. White of the State Health Department for their interest in the coast s mos quito problem. A letter from V. W. Chase, tele- ? phone engineer with the State Util ities Commission, was read. The letter was in reply to the club's ) letter to the commission complain ing of overloaded party linca and i high phone charges. A resolution in rccbgnition of Mr. Eure was passed. Mr. Eure was a charter member of the club and president at the time of hia death. The resolution expressed the club's sympathy to the family and friends "that they may know we mourn with them in the loss of a fellow member of inestimable value." R. H. Dowdy headed the resolu tion committee. The next meeting of the club will be Monday night, June 20, at 8:30 at the Inlet Inn. Dinner will be served and wives will be In vited. Assistant Police Chief Apprehends Four Men AssiaUnt Poliee Chief Carlton Garner of Beaufort apprehended four persona Wednesday for al leged violation* of the law. Joe Pissmorc, Dade, Fla? was apprehended for failing to atop at ? stop sign; Alcjr Warren. Snow Hill, waa charged with failing to give a hand signal; Joe Shine. Beaufort, falling to stop at a traf fic light, and Luke Rice, Beaufort, charged with public drunkenness. SEE PAGE 7 For Story on ICC Hearing at Goldsboro Chamber Names Committeemen For Coming Year The Morehead City Chamber of Commerce, Walter Edwards, presi dent. has announced committees for 1955-56. They are as follows: Advertising and publicity ? Jim mie Wallace, chairman; Jerry Schumacher. Grover Munden, Hay Cummins. Lockwood Phillips. Har ry Van Horn. Agriculture ? W. J. Blair, chair man; Shelby Freeman, W. F. Dow dy Jr., Bob Williams. W. C. Carl ton. Tony Seamon. Civic affairs ? Jasper Bell, chair man; O. J. Morrow, Roper Van Horn. Clara Norman. Education ? Malcolm Goodwin, chairman; Harvey Joslyn. Dr. Sam Hatcher. Mrs. Margaret Davies, Mrs. A. L.'Brinson. Industrial development ? Lou Gore, chairman; John Crump, George Wallace, Jack Holt, Skin ner Chalk. Membership ? W. C. Matthews Jr., chairman; Clyde Jones, Bill Chalk. Shelby Freeman, Bob How ard, Bruce Goodwin, Dom Femia, Jack Roberts. Military affairs ? Frank Cassi ano, chairman; Lt. Bridgeman (Na tional Guard). E. G. Phillips. National affairs ? Judge Luther Hamilton, chairman; H. S. Gibbs Sr., Alfred Cooper. Dr. W. M. Brady, George Ball. Port dcvclopmcnW-Clydc Jones, chairman; Mayor G