MS HS> .?** mriSHMt W* -MlSt - Summer and fishing can't be far behind. The West Branch youngsters line up on the bank to watch the stocking of trout in the stream. Youngsters in various parts of Michigan can now fish for trout to their hearts' content ? with no interference from grownups. Sportsmen's groups, with a kindly nod from public officials, have designated short stretches of streams for "kids only." Adults stay away- -or just look on. Crews from the state's conservation department stocked the streams shortly before the season opened. Dads, grand dads and older brothers of the boys and girls helped provide them with rods, reels, and instructions. They've been at it ever since. Pictured here are the young fishermen of West Branch, ? here the project started three years ago. Town Creek is ;r dream spot. FOR KIDS ONLY The ol' lishin' hole. Boys and girls together , tke young anglers patiently wait for a nibble. Tiny miss at left shows the two she's caught. ^ Ten-year-old Dale Hamilton strings his trout while Chipper Nadeau, 6, looks on. Police officer Clarion Harper of West Branch stops off at the town creek to look over the trout the kids are taking home. MR rfSHcKnAn thisstmeah RESERVED Flli I loyS'GJiLSxrtS'UWO LIMIT- 10 moor IN (WE DAY "They're all ours!" The trio, Don Steelman, Bill Steelman and Dale Hamilton are happy With their catch. "Some catch, eh?" Kenny Drabek, second from left, proudly (hows hi* haul of trout. 1M> WMk'a flCTUtl tMOW-Ar