PRIZE-WINNING NEWSPAPER of tbe TAR HEEL COAST CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES 45th YEAR, N033: TWO SECTIONS FOURTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY. APRIL 24. 1956 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS FRIDAYS 'County Board Amends Beer Ruling County Commissioners Hear Both Sides Two hundred fifty persons attended the beer hearing in the courthouse, Beaufort, yesterday morning. The pur pose for which the special county board meeting was originally called was lost in the oratory on why or why not beer should be sold in the county on Sunday. The meeting was called to hear if there were any protests or. tor rowing $12,000 for a health center. There were none. So in the board meeting following the hearing the commissioners approved further legal details in connection with the health center. The beer hearing, which was an outgrowth of the county's banning boer sales in the county on Sunday, took place in the courtroom to ac commodate the large crowd, the majority of whom were members of church congregations. The meeting was opened by Moses Howard, chairman of the board of county commissioners, who told the group that after both sides were heard, the board would "take the matter under advise ment." Mr. Howard invited Wiley Tay lor. solicitor of County Recorder's Court, to be the first speaker. Mr. Taylor, who introduced the resolu tion at the April 9 meeting, de clined, saying that he was there only to sec that "the county board stands pat." He said people on his side already had w hat they wanted. Harvey Hamilton. Morehead City attorney, was invited to speak as the representative for the beer re tailers in the county. He presented, at the conclusion of his remarks! an alternative proposal from the beer dealers ? that they would not sell beer until 12:30 p.m. Sunday and Atlantic Beach beer dealers would also comply with that regu lation. (Atlantic Beach is not af fected by the Sunday beer ban). After hearing Mr. Hamilton's talk, Mr. Taylor decided that he had something to say after ill and said that he didn't believe the al ternative proposal would be legal. Mr. Hamilton opened his re marks with the statement that he asked beer retailers not to show up in large numbers because he felt the issue should be decided by common sense and not mass dem onstration. Sets Forth Arguments He said he was not condemning the April 9 ruling and that had he been on the board he probably would have "voted the same way." He based his argument on the fol lowing points: 1. The ruling is unfair. It allows Atlantic Beach but no other place to sell beer on Sunday. 2. It penalizes all beer places be cause of the way in which a few are run. He said that places such as Dom-EI's and Courie's at Monev Island, struggle all winter in hope that they can make some money during the summer, and now they are being closed down on their best day of the week. 3. The state board of alcoholic beverage control has assured a stepped-up law enforcement pro gram. 4. The chief law enforcement of ficer of the county, the sheriff, be lieves the ruling is unfair because it docs not apply uniformly to all beer retailers. 5 Sunday ts a big tourist day and if the beer ban stands, thousands of dollars will be lost to the county. 6. Some of the ministers who are members of the organization which endorsed the Sunday beer ban say now, Mr. Hamilton remarked, that they would not have been in favor See COUNTY BOARD, Page 7 Judge Will Speak At Chamber Dinner Saturday Judge Luther Hamilton, More head City, unopposed candidate for the state senate, will speak on the potentials of Down East Car teret County at the annual Sea Level Chamber of Commerce Ban quet Saturday night at 7:30 at the Atlantic School cafeteria. Judge Hamilton, who was a j Superior Court judge from 1937 i lifui, scrvcu 700.000 figure mentioned in Friday's paper would build just one high school. And Carteret's school needs are much more than that. If folks want better schools, they can request a referendum and vote yes on borrowing the money. Although a million and a half dol lars is a tremendous amount, school officials hope that the Local Government Commission, which has to approve all such borrowing, would give its approval, since Car teret so badly needs additional facilities. A new high school for Morehead City ought to be going up right now, but there is no money. That high school alone, with the neces sary classrooms, vocational depart mcnts and gymnasium, would cost when completed, three-quarters of a million dollars. If a half million were available now, part of the plant could be constructed, with additions later as the money becomes available. According to ihe master plan for school improvement in this county, approveid by the state three years ago. the next school to be built will be at Harkers Island, for grades 1 through I. That will cost, without equip ment, between $120,000 and $150, 000 well over half the $170,000 Carteret has been allotted from the second $25 million of the $50 million set up by the state. (And that $170,000 hasn't been made available by the state as yet). From the firat $25 million, Car teret received $180,008 71 and that money was used to build Beau fort's new primary school and ad ditional classrooms at Queen Street School. ' What is a million and a half dollars needed for? In addition to I the Markers Island School, Smyrna needs a shop and a gymnasium. I Queen Street School needs a gym. Camp Glenn needs an auditorium. That's close to $300,000 right there. Beaufort very soon will need a new high school. With that and the proposed Morehead City School, that's a million. A hundred and thirty thousand dollars could well be spent on additional class rooms at Newport, and although Atlantic School ia getting along all right, extra rooms will be need ed there soon Now being built at W. S. King School, Morehead City, and Queen Street School, Beaufort, arc cafe j terias. Some of the money to pay I for those is going to have to come out of next year's budget. That's the aituation . . . it's not an encouraging one. But if tax payers an willing to borrow the fundr, new schools can be built. Morehead Town Board Sets May 3 for Re-Zoning Hearing Emeritus Club Suggests Town Establish Park W. S. Kidd of the Emeritus j Civic Club appeared before the Morehead City Town Board Thurs- i day night at the town hall and sug gested that the town acquire the east end of the fisheries property J at Camp Glenn as a waterfront municipal park. The property is owned by the State Department of Conservation and Development. The board requested that a let ter be written to the department relative to the request. It was also agreed that the request should be placed before the CAD board when it meets here July 2 and 3. Officer Appears Lt. Mcrrit Bridgman, command ing officer of the National Guard Unit, attended the meeting and said that the unit finances arc in bad shape and requested the board to advance the un?! $50 to pay the telephone and water bill for the next two months. Lieulci)ai)l Bridgman said thia other towns regularly contribute to support of their National Guard units. The officer reported on the amount of income the unit brings to the city, a total of $27,275 12 in payroll and construction work last year. lie added that radio equipment recently acquired con nects this unit with other bat teries throughout the state. The town attorney, George Mc Neill, questioned the legality of advancing funds to the unit, but the board agreed to take the re quest under consideration. Lieutenant Bridgman also asked the town fathers to cooperate with the unit in urging businessmen to allow Guardsmen time off to at tend summer training camp. Request Denied A proposal to widen 11th Street, in the block by the Colonial Store, was considered. The Colonial Store owners said they would meet the entire cost. The board turned the proposal down because there is in Ser BOARD, Page 2 " Members of the Moreheadf City Town Board, in session I Thursday nitfht at the muni- 1 ripal building*, set. Thursday nigrht, May 3, as the date for, i public hearing on re-zon- , ; ti>r J. Ilicks Carry, Greenville, ap peared before the board and re- , quested that his property on the | noith side of Aruidcll, 400 feet) j' westward from 28th Street, be zoned for business. j Mr. Corey, who was also repre sented by William Speight, attor ney. told the board that he plans; I to put a Taste-Freeze business next 1 to the (lull Station which is located at 28th and Arendcll. Mr. Speight contended that since the Gulf Station is a business, as I are the properties north of the sta- , It ion. re zoning for business would , be in keeping with the develop-! I ment in that neighborhood. The' | Corey property is now zoned as res i dential. It was also decided that at the same time the public expresses its' opinion on the Corey property, that the Theodore Economon property. | west of 25th Street, be considered for re zoning. The property lies on cither side of the railroad Y. Also on the agenda for proposed j change in the zoning laws will be i an amendment to permit doctors, i lawyers and others or professional nature to have rfficts in a rcsiden-) Itial area, only as long as those of-| fiees are used for the purpose for which they were originally estab- 1 ! lished. Wants Street Paved ! Stan'ey Woodland, accompanied i by R W. Wells, appeared and ask- j Jed lhal 'he block of S. 15th Street, j | on which they live, be paved. Mr. Woodland said that persons living!, in that block have agreed to pay | the total cost of paving. | George McNeill, town attorney, Sec MORE1IEAD, Page 7 j . . . ? - ? - j Church to Observe 50th Anniversary Tuttlo's Grove Church, one of Carteret's historical shrines, will observe its 50th anniversary as a Methodist Church Sunday. A complete history of the church and the schedule of events for the anniversary ob servance appears on Page 6, Scc I tion 2 of today's paper. Marines to Return Here Next Week Marines from Cherry point and i Camp Lcjcune who completed j a practice assault on Vieques Is- | land. Puerto Rico, will return to Morehead City next week in i Navy transports. Yesterday's assault climaxed a two-month joint Marine Corps Navy amphibious operation in Caribbean waters. Leading the assault was the Sixth Marine j Regiment, Camp Lcjcune, sup ported by Cherry Point jets, helicopters, and "flying box cars" | which flew equipment and pas sengers. In charge of the exercise was the much-decorated Marine, Col. j R. C. Mangrum who has been se- j lected for promotion to brigadier i general. Funds Sought For School Ground Civic organizations which have undertaken ??renovating" of the Morehead City School grounds will accept donations from the citizens interested in the project. They request that the money be sent to Lcnwood Lee, principal, ' with a notation that the contribu tion is "For School Grounds." ; O. H. Johnson Jr., a qualified landscape engineer, is drawing plans for re planting, hut the civic groups are in need of funds as well as equipment for doing the work. Especially needed are hoses, 1 shovels, rakes and similar equip ment. If this equipment cannot be given, it is requested that persons ( loan it for the school project on a long-term basis. Efforts are being made now to locate someone affiliated with the , Daughters of the American Colo-! nists, Virginia Dare Chapter, who . planted 13 oaks on he school grounds some years at Anyone who knows ht ?v to con- ' tact that organization is asked to give the information to Mr. Lee. j Rufus Oglcsby has already do nated topsoil, and grass seed is being planted. Plans Near Completion for District VFW Meeting in Beaufort May 5, 0 Plans arc ncaring completion for the Fourth District VFW meeting at Beaufort Saturday and Sunday. May 5 and 6. The meeting will take place in the new VFW hall, West Beaufort. Host will be Jones Austin Post No. 2401. The meeting will open with reg istration at 2 p.m. May 5. There will be a dance at the hall that night, beginning at B p.m. The meeting will reconvene at 10 a.m. Sunday and at 11.30 a.m. the VFW auxiliary will serve lunch. At the afternoon session to follow, Robert Miskclly, depart ment senior vice-commander will preside. Officers will be elected and installed. The only officers not installed will be the district commander and district auxiliary president who will be installed at the itatc VFW meeting at Wilmington in June. New Officers Recently-installed officers of the post are Al D. Phillips, command er; Charlie Lupton, senior vice commander; George Sriooks, junior v ice-commander, Cecil Peterson, adjutant and quartermaater. Clarence Guthrie, surgeon; the Rev. Louie Lewis, chaplain, and Gene Smith, judge advocate. The post auxiliary will conduct its first meeting in the new build ing at 8 p.m Thursday night. A new member, Mrs. Sarah Gaakill, 'will be initiated. ] New auxiliary officers were in 1 sUlfed by Mrs. Roy Eubanlu at the auxiliary's rcccnt meeting at* the home of Mrs. Vance Fulford, Beaufort. i The officers, both elective and appointive, are Mrs. Cecil Peter- ! son. president; Mrs. Jack McManus, senior vice-president; Mrs. Foster ! Morris, junior vice-president; Mrs. j A1 Phillips, treasurer. { Mrs. Earlie Lupton, secretary; i Mrs. Julia Basden, conductress; Mrs. Roy Eubanks, chaplain; Mrs. Nannie Hansen, guard; Mrs. Doro thy Bruce, patriotic instructor. Mrs. Dallas Blake, historian; Mrs. Frank Heslcp, musician; Mrs. Joe Pigott, assistant musician; Mrs. George Willis, trustee, and the fol* i lowing color bearers; Mrs. Vance I Fulford, Mrs. Cora Lee Pratt, and Mrs. Essie Dudley. One color | bearer is yet to be appointed, nan Won Mrs. George Willis, retiring ! president, was given a past presi- j 1 dent's pin and Mrs. Cecil Peterson I i received a treasurer's pin. She | served three years as treasurer, j Mrs. Peterson also received a pin j for obtaining five new members. | ; The new VFW hall is being built for the mod part by mem bers of the post who have donated their labor It has a meeting hall 30 by 40 feet, a kitchen, office and reception hall. With completion of the hall, a dream long nurtured by Roy Eu- ! banks, three times commander of , ' the poat, comes true. Mr. Eubanks i | alao reports that the post has re cently received citations for ex- 1 cccding its membership quotas. Road c-o Postponed The Teen Age Road-c-o, apon sorcd by the Morchead City Jay cees, was postponed from Sunday, April 22. until Sunday, April 29, by Cooper Hamilton, chairman of the event. Beer May be Sold After 12:30 P.M. Sunday After two secrct ballots the county board of commis sioners yesterday afternoon approved by a 3 to 2 vote the amending of the Sunday beer ban to allow beer sales on Sunday after 12:30 p.m. The board was told in the morning by Harvey Hamilton, attorney for the county beer dealers, that if the county Piedmont Will Begin Service Here June 1 Picdmorl Airlines will begin ser vice into Beaufort-Morchcad City : airpoit June 1. The east bound flight will arrive : at Beaufort at 5:13 p.m. and the westbound flight will leave Beau- 1 fort 22 minutes later, at 5:35 p.m. I Relative to equipping tlie airport j with lights for a night flight. K. D. : Hager, vice-president of Piedmont ! Airlines, says. "We had hoped that , light> would he available as we would like to have tried a schedule which would arrive at 10.03 p.m. and depart at 8:25 a.m.. westbound, j in an attempt to sc? if different scheduling would increase business this year over last . . ." A move is afoot now to obtain funds from the county. Beaufort. Morchcad City, and private indi viduals to pay for lighting of the airport. At the county board meeting yes terday morning, the board rescind ed its April 9 action relative to ap pointing a new airport commission. Five new members were named i then to the airpoi t governing I board. Moses Howard, chairman of the | board, said that formal resignations of previous members had not bcon ' received and added that persons on j the commission should be those ; w ho haVe no personal interest in j the airport. He commented that members of I the new commission should be in | terested in the airport bill have no , personal ax to grind. The board ; tabled further action until the May j meeting. Police Check Two Collisions Morchcad Cily police investi gated two collisions Saturday. At 7:45 a.m. Malcolm U. Collins, Morchcad City, driving a 1955 Chevrolet, and Charles W. Styron, j Morchcad City, driving a 1952 Nash, collided at 10th and Arcn dcll Streets. Styron reported to investigating officers Bill Condie and Bruce Ed wards that he was driving in the left lane headed east. He pulled over into the right lane, he said, and struck the Chevrolet. Damage was estimated at $45 to the Chev rolet and $50 to the Nash. No charges were preferred. At 10:45 a.m. Violet Pittman *.ewis, Salter Path, operating a 1952 Packard was backing from a ?tarking space on Arendell Street ?ictwecn 8th and 9th Streets and s'ruck a 1951 Oldsmobilc driven oy Benny Delano Baker, Durham. Investigating officer, Sgt. Joe Smith, said that damage to Ba ker'- car amounted to $50. There w?> no damage to the Lewis ve hi' No chargcs were preferred. '.tjiprovru l lie ii-vimuii uic nuauuv: Reach town board would put the same ruling into effect. On the first ballot three commis sioners voted against revising the ruling- The motion to revise was placed by Commissioner Harrell Taylor and seconded by Commis sioner Odell Merrill. After lengthy discussion and de hate as to whether the same mo tion could be put on the floor again, it was decided that it could. Commissioner Taylor moved and Commissioner Merrill seconded and l he second vote was 3 to 2 in favor of amending. During the discussion prior to the second ballot Sheriff Hugh Sal ter said he believed that Atlantic Beach would ro .along with the 12:30 opening hour for sale of beer on Sunday. Up until now, beer could be .sold on Sunday from 7 a.m. until the required closing time, 11:30 p.m. Commissioner Merrill comment ed on a highway chart which show ed three highway fatalities down east last year. Sheriff Hugh Salter said that, one fatality was due to a driver drinking corn whisky, an other was Lawrence Tutcn who was killed when a pick up truck turned over, and the third was Alex Lewis whose death was due to a heart at tack at the wheel. He said none were attributed to beer drinking. Commissioner Taylor said that he was in favor of prohibition if it could be enforced, but he said he was opposed to discrimination in beer selling. Regarding the legality of the re vised ruling, state law was citec wherein beer could be sold daily at any time, within the hours of 1 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., at the discre tion of local governing bodies. Club to Sponsor Flower Show From 1 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, the Junior Woman's Club of Morehead City will sponsor a flow er show at the Recreation Build ing. Morehead City. First, second and third place ribbons will be given. Judges will award a sweepstakes green ribbon to the exhibitor who receives the highest number of ribbons. Each entrant will pay 25 cents and be permitted to enter as many exhibits as he or she wishes for that one fee. Rules will appear in detail in Friday's paper. Persons who would like addition al information, meanwhile, may contact Mrs. Harvey Hamilton, 6-3668, or Miss Elizabeth Lambeth, 6-5082. Steve Roberts Wins Sand Fence Contract Steve Roberts, Morehead City, was low bidder yesterday on erec tion of sand fences on Boguc Banks. He was awarded the con tract by the county board in af ternoon session. His bid was 34.5 cents per linear foot. Other bidders were Clyde Jones, Morehead City. 39.9 cents, and D. A. Ballou, Morehead City, 36 cents. Police Rescue Marine Who Dived Off Bridge Sunday Atlantic Beach is famous as ? j beach and swimming resort but the ' bridge tender, Preston Edwards, 1 jot quite a surprise Sunday at 10 p.m. when Marine Corps Pfc. Chris 1 Brock took a swan dive off the bridge. The Marine, accompanied by a buddy claimed after he was pulled out, "If I hadn't had that last beer I probably wouldn't have wanted to take a swim." He vaulted off the bridge very gracefully into the murky, swirl ing waters below. The bridge ten der called the Morehead City Po lice Department and Patrolmen Homer I,cwls and Walter Thomas, with some rope, responded to the call. Capt Buck Newaome followed his fellow officers to the scene with more rope to assist in the rescue. Patrolman l?wia let down what rope be tad and the Marine Crabbed aholi* When Captain New-' ?omc arrived on the scenc they attached the added rope to what they already had and they were able to hang on to the man caught in the treacherous tide below. By. a series of maneuvers, call ing to the Marine and guiding the rope, they managed to get the youth near one of the fenders at the side of the draw, and he climbed up the side of the bridge to aafcty, assisted by Patrolman Lewis. Wasted to Swim lie told police that he wanted to take a swim, and that he was probably the first swimmer ot the season at the beach. . He waa taken to Cherry Point In a Navy ambulance. According to the police. Private ! Brock was under the influence of intoxicanta when he Jumped, but j by the time they rescued htm he | was pretty well sobered up. i ' j Health Department Will Give Polio Shots This Week Polio shot! will be given ?t the regular health department clinics in Beaufort and Morehead City this week Dr Luther Fulcher says the health, department hai 100 doses on hand. Both first and second shots will be administered. The clinics are from 1 to 4 p.m. today and 0 to 11 a.m. Thursday at the county health office, court house annex. Beaufort; and from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday in the hospital an nex, Morehead City. Administered in the special polio clinic last Tuesday were 238 shots. Dr. Tulcher reported. Third shots will not be given at clinics this week. l t