Club Women Undertake Rewarding County Program ME S. HUGH PAKE BetUe Club The past year has been a busy and rewarding one for Home Dem onstration Club women. Better ru ral living is the challenge that faces all rural people in Carteret County. With the cooperation of all agri cultural agencies, farm, business and civic groups, improvement is being made on the farm, in the homes, and in rural communities. Through capable and energetic leadership of the Carteret County Home Demonstration Clubs and their home agent, Mrs. Floy Gar ner, members have helped organ ize and have taken part in a num ber of community programs. Activities in our county have been many and varied. Some of the more outstanding are . . . Leadership ? Leaders have given demonstrations in their clubs, have assisted in 4-H programs, have giv en reports in their various fields and encouraged members to par ticipate. In cooperation with the Challenge Program, the Gloucester Community was organized and a very effective community program is in progress. Curb Market leaders assisted with surplus commodities distribu tion for three months. Club lead ers arranged three exhibits at the county fair. Thre church grounds have been beautified by two clubs. Needy families have been helped. County leaders participated in county and district planning meetings. The district chairman attended the two day meeting of the State Execu tive Board in Raleigh. All clubs participated in making the meeting of the 20th District of Home Demonstration Clubs, which was held at Morehcad City, a big succcss. Mrs. Hugh Pake, district chairman, attended the National Home Demonstration Council meeting in Chicago, and reported on this meeting a? Achievement Day. This report appeared in the local paper and a copy of the detailed report was sent to each county in j the 20th district, and by request, to Miss Ruth Current, state home demonstration agent. Citizenship ? The Civil Defense chairman was contacted and ser vices of Home Demonstration wo men offered. One club has an emergency chest project. Mrs R. L. Searle, county citizenship chair man has taken the initiative in an effort to interpret citizenship du ties. Special emphasis has been given to voting and citizenship respon sibilities by leaders in their clubs. Leaders have had radio programs and have written news articles. Education A list of recommend ed books has been given to each club and this list was also given to the librarian on the County Bookmobile. Women have been en couraged to read more good books. Reading certificates were present ed to those women who had read the required number of books. Club members subscribe to the Home Demonstration news (statr newspaper); National Notes (Na tional H.D. Newspaper) and Coun try Woman (Newspaper of the Associated Country Women of the World). International Relations ? Mrs. R. L. Searle, international relations leader, was our delegate to the United Nations last fall. Delegates of previous years were Mrs. G. T. Spivey and Mrs. D. R. Arnold. These women have given radio r# ports, written news articles, spok en at the Achievement Day Pro grams, supervised UN Fair Exhib its and UN store window displays. These delegates have also shared their UN experiences and informa tion through talks at schools, churches and local clubs. Twelve Carteret club women are participating in the "Letter Friends" program. By purchasing UNESCO Stamps, the club women have participated in the UNESCO program for an education center in Ceylon, where the triennial meeting of the Asso ciated Country Women of the World will be held this year. Music ? Music leaders are respon sible for music at all club meet ings. Eleven Carteret Club wo men and the Home Agent attend* ed the Rural Church Music Train ing school held in Jacksonville this winter. Health and Safety ? Club women have helped with clinics (polio), etc.), publicized health depart ment facilities and encouraged people to take advantage of the services offered by the depart ment. Mrs. Louise Spivey, county health leader, attended the mental health meeting in Raleigh and re ported on this meeting. Safety tips have been given and the women have been urged to make a safety check in their homes, with emphasis on the medi cine cabinet, slippery floors, an choring slippery rugs, overloading electrical outlets, etc. Community ACttvftles v- Kacfr club ptonned a family recreation program for the month of August. Home Demonstration Creed Keep us. oh God from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face ? without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realise it is the little things that create differ ences, that in the big things of life we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and oh Lord, let us forget not to be kind! These included picnics, fish-fries, etc. All clubs have improved their home grounds and several have improved church grounds. The community club at Glouces ter has been working on commun ity and highway beautification. A clean up program has been car ried out. They have also planted over 200 crepe myrtles along the roadside. 4-H Clubs (Girls' Program) ? There are 4-H adult leaders in Home Demonstration Clubs. These leaders have assisted the girls with their project work, particularly in clothing and food preparation. Training schools for these 4-H leaders have been conducted by the home agent. Health Improvement, Home Im provement, and Family Life Edu cation have been given specific at tention, too. The aim of our new program of work is the same basic idea as in past years, "Better Family Liv ing." Home Demonstration work is not ' spectacular. It works quietly, af- ( fecting each differently, by advo cating a little better use of food ? here, better care of a child's life I there, a touch of beauty, an added comfort, or a saving of labor. It has been said, "When you ; teach a man, you teach an indivi- 1 dual. When you teach a woman, you teach a family." Arc we doing , our part in training our families and others with whom we come in contact in order to further the ! Home Demonstration program in Carteret County? "All have a share in the beauty, All have a part in the plan. What docs it matter what duty ' Falls to the lot of man? Someone has blended the plas ter, And someone has carried the stone, Neither the man nor the master Ever has builded alone. Making a roof from the weather. Or building a house for the King, 1 "Only by working together Have men accomplished a thing." Clubs Nurture Leadership By MRS. J. L. SEAMON Crab Point Club Many pages could be written on I the achievements and accomplish ments of Home Demonstration Club Work in Carteret County. It is hard to say what is the most important phase because there are so many phases. But, one to me, stands out very noticeably in our county, and that is the leadership program which is being developed amOng our members. In addition to conduct ing and presiding over regularly scheduled meetings with grace and poise, club members often organize and conduct whatever activities are necessary to accomplish their objectives. In Carteret County, due to the lack of personnel in the home agent's office, it is often neces sary for club members to assume demonstration responsibilities in I addition to the regular leader j training program. I have seen this ! phase of our work in action over I a period of years and think that j we have developed and are devel oping many capable leaders. Before giving a demonstration! to our club members, the leaders : are trained by the home agent or j a Specialist from State College, at a special meeting. The last such I meeting, which we had in March, i was one of the best we have ever ! had. Club members have found that they too, can present information and materials to their fellow mem bers and that in so doing, they learn more themselves. Leaders in the various areas have played a big part in the over all program in our county during the past year. The program was carried on almost entirely by lead ers during the time a change was being made in home agents. Trained leaders who are not dis mayed by large jobs and at the same time, are not too proud to These Are the Objectives Of Demonstration Program By MRS. R. L. SEARLE Wire Grass Club j National Home Demonstration I Week is being observed this week. April 29 May 5. This is the ele venth annual observance. In connection with it, I would like to cite some of the primary objectives of this extensive Home Demonstration program We want to acquaint the gen eral public, especially young home makers with the extension service and its educational programs for homemakers. This is a form of public relations, and public rela tions consists of first, doing a good 'job; and second, telling folks of the job. Extension work has an educa do the small worthwhile things are i valuable assets to any community, i "Today's Home Builds Tomor- j row's World" is just as true to day as it ever was, and the mem bers of our organization will con- 1 tinue striving to build better homes and communities in which | to live and hope that "tomorrow's j world" will be a better place bo cause of our efforts today. tional program an income produc tion and community development as well as in homemaking. Very few farm people are taking advan tage of this educational assistance In our homemaking program we j learn better methods of food prep iaration, food conservation can ning and freezing, preserving, etc ; planning meals for better family health, with an eye to economy. Through this same program, we are given help with re-decorating our home, selection of household equipment to suit our needs, land scaping our grounds and general home improvement practices. Clothing is another field in which we learn new and better methods of construction, thereby giving a professional look to our home-made clothing and saving money on the clothing budget at the same time. 1 know of no other one source i of so much educational assistance, j available without cost to the home- j maker. Loan Fund Not only are we interested in ' educating ourselves, but we also have a loan fund in North Caro- 1 lina, to help young people (fu-! til re homemakers) go to college to pursue their studies in home economics or any other field of their choice. There are 27 girls attending college this year who have been granted loans through this fund. I know of one girl from Carteret County who is taking ad vantage of this opportunity. We would like to strengthen local planning and local participa tion in extension programs. I "Plan your work and work your . plan" has long been a motto which has paid off. 1 don't feel that we, j I the women of Carteret County I work as hard as we should to I make a success of our Home Dem I onstration Clubs. I When I went on the United Na tions tour last fall with women from other counties in our state, it was a little embarrassing to , hear the others talking of what i they were doing in their counties, ! as compared to what we were ac complishing here. We are improv ing. doing more, but we still are 1 just not doing enough, j We haven't the excuse. "There's no one to give the demonstrations when the agent can't be with us." We have leader training meetings | held by the agent for this purpose, and we do have an efficient agent ' to guide and help us with all of j our programs and problems So, let's all work harder, get things! done in Carteret County, push the ! Home Demonstration program and use it to the fullest. Then, maybe this year when the UN delegate from this county goes on tour with women from other counties, she will be justified in doing a little boasting too. Research Important Let's tell homemakers about re search which relates to the home and family, and the importance of their putting it into practice. Industrial giants which have brought so many good things to the people of America were among the first to recognize the value of research Agriculture and home demonstration work needs to in tensify its research and translate this research into everyday living. Home Demonstration Club work is simply an educational program, designed to carry the findings of research to the home and the farm family. This interpretation of re search for practical use is the ed ucational responsibility of exten sion work. We, as club members, can benefit from this research, only through regular attendance at our Home Demonstration Club meetings. Extension work assists families in understanding broad problems of agriculture and their relation to local, national, and world af fairs. Greatly enlarged communi See OBJECTIVES. Page 2, Sec. 2 KEEP YOUR FAMIUY ... in a family group photograph you will all lOw as much as you like each other. Be together always Call, phone, or write for an appointment today. JERRY SCHUMACHER Photographer Phone 6-4730 411 Evans St. Morchead City Who Will Be Mother-of-the-Year? NOMINATE YOUR MOM FOR TOP HONORS AND A WEALTH OF VALUABLE FREE GIFTS AS CARTERET COUNTY'S "MOTHER-OF-THE-YEAR" The Winning Mom Will Receive All These Valuable GIFTS * Belle's Choice of Any Dress in the Storo Complete Refrigeration Co. Hassock Electric Fan Early Jewelers Three Strand Lady Brownson Pearls Lockhart Millworks One Gallon of BPS Paint More head City Drug Co. Old Spice Cosmetic Set Smith Television Lazy Susan Sound Appliance Co. A Surprise Gift Willis Pure Oil Service Car Wash and Lubrication Job Rules For nMother-of -the- Year" Competition Any mother in Carteret County ii eligible for the competition. a Any relative or friend may submit nominations. J s There it no limit to the number of nomination* that may be submitted for any mother. Extra ballot* may be obtained at THE NEWS-TIMES office or from the ?pon*ors. 3 On your ballot five your reaaons, in 25 words or less, , why the mother you nominate should be the "Mother-of-the- Year." ? Selections of the winning Mother will be made by 4 a the judges on the basis of reasons given on the nom inating ballots as verified. The judges' decision shall be final. _ Ballots must be deposited in the ballot box at THE J B NEWS-TIMES office not later than 10 a.m. on Wed nesday, May 9, or mailed to the office of this news paper by that date. 6. Employees of this newspaper and participating stores are not eligible for this competition. 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