TAX SAU NQTICi This lift toy of Mur, 1M6. More he s4 OMy. Nor^i CanHna Notice ii hereby giveq Opt the property hereinafter de^ribod ?ud to whom belonging will Be told at the City Hall door in More held City, North Carolina, to the higheat bidder (tr cash at M>lic Action on Monday. June 11, 19S6, at 1] ?'clock mob tar taw and costs for the year IMS tad for such other years aa Indicated Mow, un leu paid before that day John E. LashUy Morehead City T*x Collector TOWM Or HOKKHtAU CITY ADVERTISING M8T IKS TAXES Adams, Clarence Dalton, lot S aq. 00 17.07 Adams, George W., Jr., 7 sq 16? 21.5? Aldridgf, Emily Bl, 9 sq. 82 8, 10, 7, 8 sq 82 49.40 Arthur, Vernon. IS ?q. 54 14 sq. 54 36.40 Baker. Join A., 14 sq 208 85.28 Ballou, Forrest T., 13 sq. 128 3.30 Barrus, Mildred R . 6 sq. 143. '? 8 sq. 143. 10 sq 143 120 28 Baysdeg, Kenneth P., I sq. 67 50.08 Bell, Mrs. Annie Lewis, 4 1 sq. 88 - 17.37 Bell. John F. (Est.) 4 lots 8. 10. sq. 74 84 81 Borden, F. K., Jr., 535 and 536 18.53 Brinson, Osman G., II sq. 82 17.48 Broom, O. L., 4 sq 47 67 81 Buck, J. H. i . 23.08 Buck. Leo E? 12 sq. 88 ... 12.56 Case, C. H., 4. 5, 11, 1% aq. 120 11.11 Cohen, Mrs. MUdrod R , 14, 15, sq. 47 107.79 Coker, Ethel, 33 acre 17.37 Conway, Mrs. Amelia M., 10 sq. 126 6.38 Conway, Giurles, 7 sq. 120 . 38.21 Copeland, Miss Virginia 1 sq 48 81.14 Crocket, Carroll 28.81 Darden. James H. and John C., lots 555-571 115.88 Davis, Gerald S., 3 sq. 46 - 45.57 Davis, W. T. (Hrs), 3 sq. 88 23.08 Day, Gordon, 3 sq. 24 63.85 Deans, George W 80.53 Dixon, Mrs. WiHie V., 2 Biggs sub division. 43.82 x 260 25.62 Dosrdl, William F 80.38 Engliji, J. E., N4 14 sq. 40 NVi'. 15 sq. 40 38.14 Eure, HiUiard M. 220 x ISO Hwy TO 78.70, Freeman, Gordon Earl, 11 ?q 74 ?8 M Fulchfr, Ralph Kenneth 15 ?q. 105 28.38 Gamer. Robt. L., 15 aq. 51, SH 18 sq. 51 58.70 Gibbs. Mrs. Villa F., . 8-10 sq. 12 ? 1SS3 Gillikln, E. G. (Hrs.) 3 sq. 67 ? : 11 (0 Gillikin. Later Wheeler 1-213 16 sq. 99 SMS Gillikin, (Xcar H . H 8. H 10 aq .88 9 53 Guthrie, Edwira Earl. 12 N 128, 4 aq. 2t> 34.06 Guthrie, frmi, 1 m. 17 57.06 Guthrie. Haley an W. 87.60 Guthrie. Harrison K. 2 sq . 67 10.13 Guthrie. Herman 4 ?q 66 16.20 Guthtef, Herman K 10 aq. 1ft 44.34 Guthrie, Cap*. John C. 13 aq. W ~j. 53.12 Guthrie, (,|icille 7 m 87,t7 Guthfie, Lizzie 11 sq. 147 1241 Guthrie, ^Urjorie Stock 3 m- ? 33.38 Guthfie. William E. I*., 3, aq 66 39.54 Huger, Mrs. Eliz Smith 54.50 Hawfy. James ? 13.34 Heaaee. E. A. 4 Montague aub div. 53.98 Hibhf, James apd Erma It H- W __ 78.21 HiflamiUi. R E. (Eat). 6 aq. 18 5 !Vi 8 aq. 39 aim Hool I, B, Troy 84.14 lpoe|, Andrew, tt Eaton and Yqa?er tend 13.16 Jehqkoo, Wanda Louiae 3 *. 134 - ? 9 36 Jonec Jiuuua H IS aq. 36 130.66 John, Rekeet Earl 11 H- 114 16.85 URiq?<, Mrs M^mit a MJSS - - HIM LsUfhton. Tfcetma W. 7 aq. 80 22.68 Lawrence, James L. w ?v ea: aa.u Lawcenea, lira. J. R ? to 7.61 Lawrence, Vincent E. ? ?* Iftl - _ 21 64 B 9 aq. <? .? 40.86 LMrta. Salvia W. 2681 Lewie, Dowle a (Eat) 4 tel. 17 20.80 Lewis, Hugh u . *J ? 29.36 Lewis, tmmmm W MH 7 aq. 63 _ Lewie, Jofcc Cannon vSAZi - ? ?: -?? ? 6 H 134 UU L*wte. W. Hardy (Eat.) " i l,.jL "T TAX 8AUMIOTICE Lwu, Willi* r ? ??. It - it# Lincoln, Charles R? Jr. It ?? ST tO.SS Long, Mr*. Alice, W 11. HIS, H. U ?*. l? if* Logue, Myrtle S., loU 1 and 4 Fulcher tract ...... <S| Long, Jacob F., Jr. It aq. 1M II# IfcQrlde, Jamei E. 7 aq 1Q9 37 M Mc KnigllC, A. P. 1% acre Eatoa land 196 38 Maim, C. D 11 sq. 92 - 40.86 Maim, Martha Jane W aq. 7t - - ? Mason, Mrs. DelUah B. 9 W 12# - 10.54 Mason, Donnie 10 sq. 44 30.93 Mason, James |. 9 aq. 49 MJ?5 Midgette, Arthur M. Jr. 5 aq. 124 ....? 44 34 Mite*. Hattie C. 7 sq. 101 - 16.26 MIUi, J . H. 10 * 120' oposlte 30th St 39.14 Miziell, Eli. 6 sq. 109 41.41 Miaell, McCarthy, 3 sq. 107 38.69 Moran, Mrs. Mary A. 9 sq. 160 28.46 Morton, Goorga D. 16 sq. 42 46.34 Morton, James W. 4 sq. 124 1162 Morton, John P. 9 ?q H - 39.52 Murray, J. A., 9-7-8 sq. 115, 6-7-8-9-10. sq 137 152 26 Nelson, George R. 11 sq. 1099 63 65 Nelaon, Willie Vi 9, H 10 sq. 124 26.85 O'Ne*!, E. D., 4 sq. 107 21.98 Packer, Mrs. Nettie Willis 9 aq. 69 48.26 Perry. Eli J. 1415 sq. 139 80.29 Piner, James E., 11 sq. 70 ... 40.70 Pipkin, S. O. 1 Rt. 10 Camp Glenn 23.67 ? Powers, Nina Bell tt 11 sq. 67 23.30 Purr if oy, N. RR (Est.) 1-2-14-15-16, sq. 107 ........ 107.03 Quinn, J. F. 19 blk A. 74 x 110 50 38 Rabon, Jimmie, 11 sq. 32 .... 79.04 Reams, F. A., 4 sq. 49 114.40 Riggs, H. C , 1 Camp Glenn 50 x 100 4.82 Roberts. Deri Gray 6 sq. 50 27.96 Roberts, J. E . 7 sq. 50 46 09 Roberts, Margaret W 8-10 aq. 50 18.53 Rove, W. B. H0 sq 138 20.72 Sanders, George D. 5 sq 122 25.82 Sudan, Mrs. Grace 3 aq, 124 20.80 Schlingman, L. M It sq. 44 46.49 Smith, Alfred Watson, Jr. 4 sq. 96 - 25 29 Smith, Beuie, 7 iq. 105 13.94 Smith, Keraie, 12 ?q 46 ... 26 33 Smith, Lemuel (Est.) V. 16 ^ 91 8.22 Smith. Wm. H. (Bit.) 14 H 1M 18-28 Snipei, Regit] ia WUlia I ?q. 10J - 1125 mm w? * - ? ? " Styron, L. W.. 8 ?q . 90 |3 0e Summcrlin, Sallie Etta nt 6-7, tq 87 .... 17.01 Tajrl*. W. H. Jr. IS. H 12 sq M ? 53.78 Toxey, Mr?. M*nr 3 iq. 92 ? 8 -96 Vu Horn, Harry E. pt. 11. sq. 23 ..._ 88.70 Vu Hn*. Mrt. iL E. ViSkerJ,' {jJiUaeH. M81 II at. *' U-51 WMk, ?.-* 13 aq. 73 18.53 7t|4e.' TMIH A. ?tt ?i w a ? w.73 Wihab, R. Stanley I ?T. ?? ? 69.93 Wallace. B. W. (Bit ) 18 iq. 8 - ? ~~ M M VlRU, Wm. F. ? XI J01 .. 82.82 w??t, it d. rji W8* ? B. 12-1314-15, ?q. 19 1M.90 WMUay. Elijah B 7 to 88 28.45 Whitty, Mr. Kathleea H. 8-7 iq. 14ft .J 75.73 WtcUsrr. Chvtai L. Sr. 12 *q. 111 S.f9 WIUU. A- Dwcy wtikVtefcmZZS Willia, Aahton, 14 iq. ? .... 54.08 WUUi. M?. Edna Burl 7 M 103 23.89 Willii, Iln Ethel Marie 9-10 iq. 40 41.29 wink sap* w*? II iq. 88 ? 28.41 WUii*. HarriMB a, M11-1JH5 aq. 144. 1012 aq. 1*8, 2-44-8-18 12-14-1$ iq. 0 ~ ? 88.86 WUii*. Mfi. Ivey B. 8 iq. 80 44.72 JaBW C wmL,*J?n7 y. "1*1* "mi' 144, KtV 146, 1^-5-7-8-11-13-18 (g ru 10 ?q T 188&*? ?4* TAX SALE NOTICE WUlia, Mr*. Sallie N. 1 M) M - ?TJ? Yeager, Eugene Q., 70S x 390? . Yeager land 12 14 COLORED Be((, Leviens H 11-12 sq. ISO 43.34 Belt, Sank, 14 t 1M ?? Bell. Wm. James ? sq. 110 11.27 Bactoa, John H Jr. 19 ??. 192 59 59 Boctoo, Wm. H.. 1 sq 104, y? ? ??. i?4 ??*> Bryant. Eva, ? sq. 106 16 23 Bypum, Jerrla. 14 sq 80 .... 28 It Calvin, John Bat. 7-4 E N H 194 - TOT Carter, Herbert L 11-12 sq. 104 7.07 Collty, Beatrice. 14 K| 190 9.34 Collins. Bertha. 19 sq 64 .... 10:91 Boyd. A. M Est. 2 W) 190 4 22 Boyd. Anthony M. Jr. B-10 sq 192 42 41 Boyd. Jamie Bailey 3 It 190 39.11 Brown. Lucille SH 14-19 ?q. C 1623 Dudley, Anthony Jr. 2 sq 110 4-0-11 sq. 64 ? 128.23 Dudley, Emma (Eat.) 3-13 sq D, N 190. 2 sq D 15 8# Dudley. John Isaac Pi 1-2 sq. B 9 97 Dunn, Sarah Ellen H 9-10 sq. 100 11 61 Collins, Mary, 11 sq 192 691 CoHins, Ralph J. pt. 9-10 sq. 144 29.95 Collins, Sammuel, 5 sq. 194 17.37 Courman, Albert, 9 sq. 110 46.39 Davis, Douglas, 4 sq. 1S( .... 11.65 Dudley, Alex 4-9 sq. 196 - 54.39 Dudley, Amos H. 9 sq. A, 7 sq. 156 53.98 Gwyn, Lewis, 2/3 3 sq. 108 " 68 Harris, Madeline T. part 3-4 sq 108, 2-13-14-9 sq. 104, 14 sq. 192, 2-13 part 4 sq. 140 31.89 Henderson, Elizabeth 7 sq. 150 8 80 Henderson, Alven part 7 sq. 66 - 34.99 Fuller, Gertie ,Est.) 6 sq. 192 28.81 Gasklll, Mrs. Charlie 8-16 sq. 118 15.48 Gasklll, John, 4 sq. 110 7.84 Gou, Herbert, 4 sq. 63 30.88 Hodge, Jerry, 6 sq. 64 18.91 Holland, Charles, S sq. 144 .... 8.80 ftolland, Jessie A. 2, part 16 sq. 104 - 37.88 Horton, Camilla Stamps. 3 sq. 114 - - - 20.80 Horton. Leary T. part 14-19 sq. B 7.91 Henderson, Winfield, 7 sq. 190 - 13 48 Herring, >(<1- Eula 3 sq 104 20.24 Hester, Alberta, 14 sq. 94 18 23 Hester, Osborne K M ?q. 152 5.83 Hester, Rutin, 5 kj B 8.12 Hester, Thomu H. Jr., 8 *? C - 5.08 Jorden, Da rid, 6 sq. 144 12.89 Hunter, (JUdys, 3 sq. 154 .... 13 94 Johnson, Horace. 8 sq. 108 28.78 Jones, Allen Wesley 8 sq. 148 5.27 Jones, Alamo Jr. 3.4 K|. B 38.82 Mohl7, Wm. and Annie Sawyer ia sq. 154 - 4.78 Midfatt, Abram L. (Est.) ?, Mil 88-18 sq. 152 13.56 Monroe, Clarence 8 sq 180 2101 Monroe, Bnaulah K. 23 a*. tf'.iL - ? 15.08 Monroe, Join MlJm^^^?,,' * 42 U 8 sq. ItETsq E 22.32 tun. Jo" H 3 Sq . 8? 31.48 MarMy, Starkey Sr. (Est.) .* 8 mTf-- 17-78 Sanders, Mary F. ?11 ?q. 110 13.84 Shnpard, Mattie Pridgett part 5 sq. 154 - ? 11.85 Shapard, nomas (Hrs.) ? aq. 182 20.80 Smith, Annie E. H 12-13 sq. 150 8.82 SUmjis, Oeorjr (Hrs.) 10-U Pickett, Iqrawood part 1 <q C 27.68 12 n. 84 12.17 Roberts, Jatui H. 4 aq. 132 .., ?7.55 Tootle, Luther ? aq. 18* 5.83 Truman, Mary E. 4 aq. 154 - 87.03 Ward, Hanry H 8-18 sq. 108 17.37 Ward, William J. . 6 tq 144 13.84 Warmer Eddie part 15 aq. D 21.43 Stilts, Jamie B. 2 aq. 144 15.18 ST.*. Taylor, ftoapb 18 aq. )4? ....... Tillary, John R 14 aq 100 25 48 21-88 White, Oan r. ? aq. C _ ? 4.04 White. Viola 8 aq 144 1188 23.81 Wtlllaaa, Aufustua Goarfe C. 1 aq. P 18.54 Williams, Sam 14 ?. lit 84.07 TAX SALS NOTICfi Tkls 18th day of Mar. ltM North Carolina I Carteret County Town of Beaufort Notice i* hereby given that tho property hereinafter described and to whom be longing will be sold at the Town Hall in the Town of Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, to the high est bidder for Cash at public auction on Monday, June 11, 19M, at 12 o'clock M. for taxes for the year 1955 and for such o*.ker years as indi ft tod below, plus accrued in terest and penalties, unless paid before that day. Dan' L. Walker Tax Collector Town of Beaufort Abernathy, C. L., 'i lot no. 11 Hedrick Town 37' x 45' .... 4.78 Bal lance, W. A.. 1 lot no. 178 Orange St and dwelling ?' x SO' 17.30 Beaufort Building & Loan Co., pt. lot no. 216 O.T. Craven St. 135' x 100' 5.92 Beaufort Plumbing t Supply Co., pt lot no. 62 N T. Live Oak St. 55' x 110' <c building ..' 39.86 Case, C. H., Trustee, 1 lot E. Beau fort, Fulford St. 55' x 90' .7.51 Chadwick, Mrs. Rosa D? 1 lot no. 15-18 N. side Front St, 247' x 330' pt. lot no. 81 Front St. 44' x 330' and dwelling .138 77 Davis, Miss Betty D., pt. lot no. 230 k 231 O.T. Front St., 12' x 100' pt. lot no. 34 & 35 Front St. 12V x 330' 12.06 Davis, Charles (Seafood Co.) 1 lot no. 225 O.T. Front St. 33' x 100' and fish house 116.29 Davis, J. H. (Jim) Hrs., pt. lot no. 18, 17, 16 O.T. Turner Sts. 60' x 194' and 20 room dwg 142.85 Davis, Mrs. Leslie C? 1 lot no. 52 N T. Live Oak St. 55' x 87' and dwelling. Imps. 1946 68.45 Dixon, Clarence, pt. lot No. 112 O.T. Moore St. 60' X 100' 4.22 Flowers, W. C., V? lot no. 15 & 16 Ocean Breeze Park, 50' x 150' each. Garage Apt. Imps. 1954 82.82 Flowers, W. C. & Clarence Dixon, 1 lot Front of Broad St. Fish House Imps 27.55 Fulford, William Vance, pt lot no, 34 O.T. 30' x 30' on Lane Garage apt. 25.68 Garner, Clayton fc Maurice, pt. lot no. )15 4 116 Orange St. 38' x 198' and dwelling 26.26 Garner, George D., po lot no. 169 Cedar St. 30' x 80' lot no. 161 O.T. Cedar St. 30' x 110' and dwelling Imps. 1M8 23.41 Garner, J. T? pt lot no. 208 Fulford St. 50' x 75' and bldg 27.48 Garned, Wm. Carl, pt lot no. 169 O.T. Turner St. 36 2/3' x 178' and house. Unfinished dwelling IMS 28 06 Gillikin, O'Neil B., pt. lot no. 186 O.T. Orange St., 59' * 198' pt lot no. 178 O.T. Orange St. 35' z 198' building k imp* 28.33 Glover, Mrs. Maggie, pt. lot no. 188 O.T. Turner St. 58' z 130' and dwelling 22.39 Guthrie, W. Dewey, Hrs , pt lot no. 134 Orange St., 47' z 103' and dwelling. Imps. 34.52 Hamilton, Julian, pt. lot no. 34 ? N.T. Ann St. and dwg 96.36 Hassell, Chas. R., pt. lot no. 35 N.T. 43' z 110' and dwg.. 65J9 Hatsell, Mrs. Marie. Hrs., pt lot no. 55 O.T. Orange St., 55' z 198' and dwellings. Imps 92.13 Hudgins, Mrs. Lottie Longest, pt. let no. 41 O.T. Ann St., 56' x 80' , and dwelling ._ ? 34 44 Johnson, Frank, pt. lot no. US-116 O.T. Meere St. 29' z 80'. Bldg. 1951 4..X- 20.07 Johnson, J. T-, Hrs., pt let no. 118 O.T. Moore St. and dwelling AO' * 198' ? . 11.58 JoMrferiot, Hrs., 1 lot no. 121 Front St 1 lot no. 122 Front St. 1 lot no. 123 Front St. - 25.04 Langdale, Mrs. Maggie, pt no 148 O.T. Orange St 30.13 (*e. Ulya, pt. lot no. 189 Turner 40' z 100' and dwg. 28 71 Lewis, Nelson T., pt lot E. B. Ann St. 524 z 163' and dwg 32.31 | Lewis. R. M Sr.. Hrs.. pt E. B. Gordon St 63' x 100' and house *---?? 3011 Lynch, Mrs. Etta Reams, pt. lot a*. 66-70 N.T. Live Oak Dwelling 1951 20.38 Madet. R. V., Hrs., pt lot no. 176 Turner St. 36 2/3' x 196' and dwelling 12.60 Mason, Jeeeph, Hrs., pt let B. B. Ann St., 47' x 34' and dwelling ..._ 23.32 Mason, Lemuel A., pt no. 134 0. T. Orange St. 27 'V x TV Garage 33.02 Masoa. Stephen R., pt E. B. Ann Street. 68' z 220' -... 36.94 Merrill, Benjamin A. * Ruth, House and Lot on PuMord St 21.19 Morniag, O. B, Jr.. 1 let ae. 77 Pollock St 35' z 196' _.. 37.17 Moulton. George C.. pt. lot E. B. Fill ford St 80' z 90' 7.06 | Newkirk, George T., pt tat BO. 166 O.T. Pine St. 20- a 35' Dwelling 6.85 Noe, L. J., Jr., pt lot no. 65 O.T. Orange <k house. 3T x 100' pt lot ao. 11} O.T. Orange 1?*' Z 42' 62.90 Naa. That A Vila, pt tat a* U Fulford St 51' x 100' TAX SALE NOTICE St. SO' z 110' and dwg .... 42 38 Owens. Clyde A Wife. pi. lot no. 9? Brood St. 37' x 110' Imp*. Imp*. 1950 pt no 120 O.T. Broad St. M S' x 49' 4 hldg 92 88 Owens, Cbas. & Mamie, pt. no. lit O.T. Broad St. SO' x 178' Imp*. 3634 Park'r., C. W., Hra.. pt lot no. 38 NT. Live Oak St. and hou?e - 30.13 Parsons, J. D., Eat., pt. tot no. 14S O.T. Turner St 31.11 Paul. Mri. Marjorie, pt. lot no. 38 and 39 Moore St. 38' x 140' and Impa. 38.10 Peterson, Leland J., 1 lot no. 84 N T. Marsh St. (110' x 198 ) Bldg. pt. lot no. 98 N T. and building SO' x 198' 49 96 Peterson, W. Clyde, pt lot no 9 Live Oak St ... 23.30 Piner, Thos. B., Jr., pt. lot no. 36 N T. Live Oak 59' x 55' Bldg. 1 lot E. side Gordon St. 72V x 101' and building 85 20 Pinkham, H. E., E B Fulford and Broad 60' x 150'. Imps 9.33 Pinkham, Margaret, 1 lot 61' x 150' and building 5.27 Ramsey, Raymond R. (Mrs.) 1 lot ! no. 42 N T. Live Oak 55' x 198' | and house 30.90 1 Ramsey, Mrs. William, pt lot 44 ; O.T. Moore St. ! 70' x 230' .'... 30.69 Rice, John C., pt lot 113 O.T. Broad St. pt lot 113, O.T. 81.84 I Rice, W. J., Hrs., pt lot 46 O.T. Broad St. 60' x 74' 16.93 Robinson, Callis D. A Wife, pt. E. B. Gordon A Ann Sts. 42' on Gordon, 108' on Ann 43.53 Robinson, David E., pt East Ann St. building 21.03 E. S. Robinson, Hrs., pt E. B. Gor don St. 29V x 105' 16.06 Rowles, George H. A Wife, pt no. 21 N.T. Marsh St. 50' x 180' A dwelling 69.96 Salter, Charlie, Hrs., pt. no. 42 N. T. Gordon St. 53' x 110' 33.78 Salter, Guy A Hubert, pt. lot no. 52 N. T. Gordon and building 14 40 Simpson, Alonzo T. & Lannie. pt. lot no. 102. O.T. Broad St. 26' x 55' and dwelling 20.78 Simpson, Mrs. Julia, Hrs., pt lot no 154 0. T. Orange St. 14.55 Skarren, Wm. E. A Wife, pt. no. 38 O. T. on lane, 73' x 100' House 19.37 Smith, John R? 1 lot E. B. Fulford St 11.19 Smith, W. H., pt lot no. 37 Ann St. N. T. 60' x 110' 45.74 Springle, Raymond, 1 lot no. 177 0. T. Turner St., 1 lot No. 186 O. T. Turner St 19.25 Styron, Mrs. Carrie, 1 lot E. B. 30' x 110' Gordon St 34.69 Swain, Guilia N. & Leland, pt lot no. 49 Marsh St. 70' x 148' and dwelling 50.11 Taylor, Mrs. W. H. Sr., 1 lot E. G. Fulford St. pt lot No. 34 and 40 N.T. Marsh St., 110' x 145' and building, garage apartment. dwelling 164.62 Thomas. Nannie F., Hrs., pt lot No. 230 O.T. Front St., 4914' x 100' pt lot No. 34 and 35 O.T. 37' x 330'. pt lot No. 28 N.T. Ann St. 49' x 220' and dwelling 58.17 Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. B., pt lot ? No. 52 N:T. Broad St 40 38 Whitehurst, H. A., Hrs., pt lot No. 94 O.T. Orange St. 50' * 198' 29.00 Whitehurat, Mrs. Nancy, Hrs., pt. lot No. 25 Gordon St. 80' x 198' 32 04 Willis, Robert Neal, pt lot No. 88 O.T. 40' x 80' Store building, pt lot No. 188 O.T. 80* X 59* - 32.23 Willis. William H. 1 lot E. B Ann St. Grocery 25.38 Wolf, J. M., Est., pt. lot No. 95 O.T. Orange St 34.32 Wooten, J. I. (Mr and Mrs.) 1 lot No. 6 Fulford St. 50' x 93' and house Imps 34.38 COLO KID Bailey, Hodie and Wife, N'i 1st No. 202 55- x 198' O.T. and bldg. pt lot No. 202 0* X 198' O.T 29.74 Bee ton, Alonio and Wife, pt No. 89, 3' x 110' and bouse N.T, Pine St. between Marsh and Live Oak Sts 25.88 Brooks, James Rhodes, pt lot No. 141 O.T. Queen St.. 27V x 80' and dwelling 22.85 Brown, Florence, pt lot No. 133 O.T. Queen St. 38V x 32' and dwelling. Old house 14.49 Brown. William R? pt lot No. 131 Qiften SL and house 23.38 Carter, Roaa Mae. pt lot No. ltl O.T. Quen St. and dwg 25.33 Carter, Walter W., pt lot No. 75 N.T. Pollock St. pt lot No. 71 N.T. Pollock SL Imps. 1981 39.12 [chadwick, Charlie B.. Hrs , pt lot No. 87 N.T. 50' x 55' and dwelling 11.81 Collins, Mrs. Ed, pt lot No. 33 N.T. Hedrlck St. 27 V X 100' 11.32 Davis, Annie p., pt lot No. 196 O.T. Pollock ST x 48' Dwelling. Imp* 21.07 Davis, Carlton, pt. It. No. 187 O.T. Crave* St., M' s 158' and bldg. New dwelling 1965 36.41 Davis, Evelyn, Harry * Dorothy, pt It. No. 155 Cedar St O.T. 40V X 110' and dwi 19.17 Davis, George, pt It. No. 171 O.T. Pollock St ^ 18.92 Davis. Herbert L., pt lot no. 21 H.T. Live Oak St. Impa. pt. lot ?0. 97 N.T. Mtrsh St 40- x 70' and dwelling, pt let no. 31 H.T. Live Oak 35' X 186' pt lot ao. 85-86 B3V X 110' and dwg. pt no. 200 O.T. 27V x 188' pt M. 200 O.T. 27V X 188' Da via, Samuel. Eat., pt lot No. N.T. Poloek St. Impe Davis, Sodrtek. pt lot No. 80 ^ T w ."so JO RAN Observes 10th Anniversary Ttumas Nor, left, and Justin Robinson, observe Furniture Co. They invite folks to cone to the store, R&N is switching the procedure ? they're giving Photo by Jerry Schumurhrr today their ltth anniversary in business as R&N 1211 Bridges St., Morehead City, because tonight the gifts! R&N Furniture Co. is 10 years , old today. The R in the name stands for Justin Robinson and the N stands for Thomas Noe, owners and op erators. R&N is located today on the same site, 1211 Bridges St., Morehead Cityv where it first opened its doors. It was a courageous undertak ing, for on June 1, 1946, with the second world war in its final stages, merchandise was not easily obtained. But gradually new lines became available and the business grew. Persons learned that "satisfac tion with every transaction" was truly R&N's motto. They kept com ing back and brought their friends. Mr. Robinson is a graduate of Atlantic High School, class of 1923. He studied two years at Western Carolina Teachers College and then attended Wake Forest before undertaking a seven-year teaching career. He was principal of the gram mar schools at Marshallberg, Camp Glenn* .and at a school in {toslfc ampton County. He also served three years in the Coast Guard, stationed at New London, Conn., and on Long Island. In 1937 he started a grocery store at 13th and Bridges Streets. This business was sold when the furniture store, right next door, was opened. Affiliated with Mr. Robinson and Mr. Noe for several years after the furniture store opened was Mr. Robinson's stepson, Elmer Nelson. He was called to active duty with the Navy and is now operating a furniture store in Cal ifornia. ' Mr. Noe, though born in Beau fort, grew up in Morehead City. After graduation from Morehead City High Shcool in 1936, he at tended the University of North Carolina and then became affil iated with Derrickson Hotels Inc. Then he was "selected" by Uncle Sam for service in the Army. He was a member of the 37th division, 147th infantry regiment. After three years in the Army, 30 months of which were spent over seas, he returned home and two weeks before R1N Furniture Co. opened, started tho Double N Drive-'N with Elmer Nelson. This ! business was later leased. Mr. Noe and Mr. Robinson are deeply indebted to the public forj the courtesy and the faith shown if (^furniture Co and they h^>? this goodwill in the They announce that beginning with their anniversary today cus tomers will be invited to tell them what type of furniture or ap pliance they are most interested ia buying. Then R&N will do its best to stock it. This same procedure will be fol lowed at the annual sale in Febru ary, Each one who visits the store will be given the opportunity to tell the owners what they would be most interested in buying. I In observance of their 10th an niversary, R&N gave prizes last night and tonight at 7 will give a grand prize valued at $100. Other prizes will also be awarded. To become eligible, persons should register at the store. Adjutant Will Install Officers Nash McKee, state American Le lion adjutant, will officiate at the installation of officers of Carteret Post 19 at a joint meeting of Post 99 and Morehead City Post 46 tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Legion Building, Beaufort. Members of the auxiliaries of both posts will also be present Earl Jones will be installed as commander; Kearney Merrill Jr., first vice commander; Ben Merrill, second vice-commander, Chet Gee sey, historian;' Dave Hill, adjutant, and C. L. Beam, treasurer. A dutch barbecue at 7S cents a plate will be served prior to the meeting. TAX SALE NOTICE Davis, Sutton, Nancy Davis Ward and Annie Boyd Johnson, pt lot No. 196 O.T. 51' x 110', dwelling. 1 lot No. 66. 110' on Marsh St. No. 163 on Cedar 2 buildings 70.50 Davis. Thomas, pt lot No. 83. 36' x 98' and dwelling NT. 35.29 Ellison, James Garfield, pt lot No. 85 N T. Pine St. 33' x 110' 14.65 Ellison. Raymond and Ophelia, pt. lot No. 220. 55' x 198' house Old Town. Craven St. 15.35 Fenderson, Francis Earl, pt lot I No. 166 O.T. Craven St. 27 V x 198'. new dwelling 29.08 Fenderson, Paul, Hrs., pt lot No. 95. 37V x 50' and house .30.80 Fulford, Walter J., Jr. and Annie, pt. lot No. 90 N T. Pollock St. 55' x 1908' 21.79 Fulford, Freddie, Dallas and Mil dred, pt lot No. 198 Pine St. and house 22.91 Fulford, Joseph H., pt lot No. 166 O.T. Craven St. 27 V x 198' 5.85 Fulford. Richard M., pt lot No. 88 N T. Pine St. 33' x 110' .11.34 Gaskill. Moses B., Sr., Hrs., pt lot, No. 155 O.T. Cedar St. 33' x 40' pt lot No. 150 Cedar St. 66' x 110' building 1952 11.61 Glenn, Carrie, pt lot No. 123 Broad St. and dwelling 45' x 110' 47.94 Godette, Mrs. Artia, pt lot No. 71 N T. Cedar St. 4SV x 110' and dwelling 13.95 Godette, Lucinda, pt lot No. 71 N T. Pollock St. 53' x 83' Building 86.11 Godette, Matthew, pt lot No. 137 O.T. Queen and Cedar, unfin ished building store building 1952. Imn. 1953 26 72 Godette, William and Wife, pt lot No. 208 Pollock St. SO' x 100' dwelling 33.31 Gordon, Frank H. and Flora, NV4 No. 181 N T. Pollock St. 53' ( 198' Imps., building. 53 unfiniahed 22.37 Green, Henry, Hrs., pt lot No- 15 H.T. 53' x 198' 8.77 Oreen, Samuel. Sr., Pt. lot No. 198 Pine St. 33V x 110* 1181 Green, Thereaa, Alice McGackey, and Jamea Gren, Hrs., 1 lot No. 81 N T. 110* X 196' and dwelling Hardoaty. Enoch, pt lot No. 1M O.T. Pine St. 33' x 110' .... 10.88 Harker, Eben R., pt lot No. 138 O.T. Pollock St and Imp*, dwg under construction .... 33 71 Hacker, Rath Darts, pt let No. 91 NT. Pfllotk St.. 86' X 196' tad bomae ....... 80M Harris, James O, Sr., pt lot No, t6V^.T. aWhrW TAX SALE NOTICE House betwcn Cedar and Pine Sts. Queen St 23.55 Harkley, Freddie R? pt lot No. 141 O.T., back lot and dwelling 27V4' * 52' 19.47 Hazel, Lawrence, Jr., 1 lot No. 214 O.T. Mulberry St. 1 lot No. 210 O.T. Queen St 23.66 Henry, Alex, pt lot No. 22 H.T. 50' x 198' Oyster House, pt lot No. 17 H.T. and bldg 32.54 Henry, Earl Z., Est., pt lot No. 73 NT. Cedar St. 49V4' x 110' dwelling 16.43 Henry, John C. and Viola, pt lot No. 71 N T. Cedar Street. 50' z 100' and house ..... 10.23 Henry, Lutlier 11, pt. lot No. 72 N.T. Cedar St. and house,...17.88 Henry, Mrs. OUie Odessa, pt lot No. 11 H.T. 48%' x 175' dwelling 16.68 Henry, Zachariah, Hrs., pt lot No. 80 N T. Marsh St., 55' x 198' Imps _ 22.06 Hyman, Lewellyn and Peter, 1 lot No. 72 N T. Cedar St 99' x 100' 35.99 Johnson, Al?c and Ten* Mae, pt. lot No. 140 O.T. Queen 27 V x 198' and dwg. 25 95 Johnson, Carrie J? pt lot No. 211 (40* x 160') dwelling, pt lot No. 182 Pine St. 33' x 110' Store building 63 88 Johnson, James William, pt lot No. 212, 217, 221 Mulberry dwelling unfinished IMS. building Imps. 1953 40.69 Jonea, Hannah, pt lot O.T. Mul berry No. 97 70' X #5' dwelling '19.33 Jones, John Richard, 1 lot No. 174 O.T. Craven St 55' x 198* 15.91 McLaio, J. H., pt lot No. 175 O.T. Craven St., 55' x 96' dwelling 1961 12.75 McNeil, Raleigh, pt lot No. 141 O.T. Queen. 27H' x 80' dwelling 20.18 Martin, Rome ahd Reta H., pt lot No. 124 O.T. Broad St 80.24 Mathewson, David E., pt lot No. 73 49' x 110' Marsh St dwg.. . 13.85 Morris, Dedrick and wife, pt lot No. 80 Pollock St., 27 Vi' x 135' house, pt lot No. 148 O.T. 40' x 110' Cedar St. itora 81.46 Nolan, John and Laura, pt lot No. 77 N.T. Manh St. 55' x 188' 13.62 Nolan, William J., pt lot No. 200 O.T. Pollock St 27H' x 198' 11.18 Parker, Jesai* L., Jr., pt lot No. 58 N.T. Manh St 88.55 Parlrar, Otis, pt lot No. 11 H.T. Codar St Imps 11.18 Pasteur, Joe, pt lot No. 71 N.f. Cedar St. W x 1 ir*?H<lllLf M* 888^ TAX SALE NOTICE Pearsall, Mrs. David, pt lot No. 203 O.T. CraVten St. Imps 18.75 Pigott, Bates. Jr., Hrs., pt lot No. 180 O.T. Pine St 25.75 Roach, Callie Mae, pt lot No. 180 O.T. Quen St. and dwg .. 23.51 Sharpe, Otis Lee, 1 lot No. 132 O.T. Queen St. 110' x 188' and dwelling 40.65 Simmons, Isaac. Hrs. (Elsie), rt ?lot No. 147 O.T. Cedar St. and dwelling 6.76 Smith, Benjamin H , pt lot No. 77 N T. Marsh St. 55' x 198' House 1948 36.82 Smith, Callis Earl, pt lot No. 148 O.T. Cedar St. 38' x 110' dwelling 37.48 Smith, Carrie, pt lot No. 179 O.T. Pine St. 21.5' x 48' building from Cliff Windley 35.31 Stanley, Bessie W., pt lot No. 187 Pine St. 25' x 99' and house 34.69 Stanley, Julius Caesar and wife, pt lot No. 179 O.T. Pine St. pt lot No. 215 O.T. Mulberry St 49' x 110' Imps. Store building dwelling 1950 59.18 Stanley, Lottie, pt lot No. 190 O.T. Craven St. 8.73 Stevens, Charlie, Hrs., pt lot No. 202 Queen St. and 2 houses ? 24.15 Suggs, Garfield and Letha. pt lot No. 88 Pine St. 33' x UO' and house, pt lot No. 87 and 88 N.T. Pine St. SI S' x 110' 48.68 Teel, John and Eloise, pt lot No. 63 N.T. Pollock St., 55' x 198' Dwelling under construction. finished 1951 38.53 Tyson, Edward, pt lot No. 33 Hedrick Town. 40' X 198' house ? 29.82 Vann, Jack E., pt lot No. 220 O.T. Craven St ? 39.90 Vann, William H. and Wife Gertie, pt lot No. 88 Pine St. N.T. 1165 Ward, Hettie A., pt lot No. 26 N.T. Pine St. 55' x 90* 16.60 Williams, Benjamin H., pt lot No. 190 O.T. Craven St. U' I Uf ....... 37.94 Williams, FTed L. 1 lot No. 187 O.T. Criren St. House 1V.U Williams, George A, pt lot N*. 181 O.T. Quen St. 30' x 06' and dwelling. ?' x 68' driveway. 18.86 Williams, Nehemiah. pt lot No 198 O.T. Pine St. 27.91 x 110' and house 11.42 Wilton, Jesse James, pt lot No. 89 N.T. Pine St., 49' x TO' and dwelling _ 12.64 Wilsen, Mary D , Eat., lot No. 139 Pollock O.T. 85' X 198' 18.29 Windley, Clifton, Jr., pt lot No. 92 N T. 59' X UO' and buiMfcu 1784 I

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