PRIZE-WINNING NEWSPAPER of Um TAR HEEL COAST CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES 45th YEAR, NO. 80. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES THREE SECTIONS MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1956 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Town Grants Option on Lots For Mausoleum in Cemetery Town Officials Tackle Sewer Line Problem Mayor Clifford Lewis, Town Engineer to Confer With Bridge Engineers Unless an agreement can be worked out with the firm doing dredge work for the new Beaufort bridge, the town will have to meet an unexpected expense of $8,000 to build a new sewer line in the vicinity of Cedar Street. Mayor Clifford Lewis and Gray Ilassell, town engineer, were au thorized by the town board Mon day night at the town hall to con- I fer with Dewey Merrill, in charge of the work for Atkinson Dredg- 1 ing Co. Mr. Ilassell told the board that if the sewer line can be jacked up j and saved as the dragline moves out muck, the town will have to' lay new pipe only 154 feet out ; into Gallarts channel. If the tine can't be saved in that way, a thousand feet of new 16- 1 inch cast iron line will have to be ' laid -at a cost of about $8,000. Mr. Ilassell said that if the dredge or dragline breaks the line, a large section of the north part of town will be without sewer service. The state, he added, has agreed to let the line remain under the fill for the new bridge approach. Mr. Merrill has been out of town and the mayor and engineer had not been able to contact him by the middle of the week! Attorney Gene Smith recom mended that the planning board revise zoning regulations for Cedar Street which will be the new high way when the bridge is completed. Dan Walker, clerk, said that he will write, the planning board in regard to the suggestion. The board passed an ordinance restricting operation of junkyards. Although the board has taken ac tion on junkyard operation in the past, the attorney said he could find no record of an ordinance in the minutes. The new regulation requires a fence around the junkyard, use of scientific devices for burning rub See BOARD, Page 2 Beaufort granted a six-month op tion on four cemetery lots Monday night to William Lord. Beaufort, who hopes to construct a mau soleum. Mr. lx?rd appeared before the board Monday night. He showed commissioners a picture of the type of mausoleum his firm hopes to build. Since lots available in Occan View, the town cemetery, are fast dwindling, the to?n officials be lieve that a mausoleum would re lieve the situation. Mr Lord said 14 days after the foundation is laid, the land would be paid for. He offered $500 for the four lots. Cost of burial in the mausoleum would be $400, less than cost of ground burial, Mr. Lord said. Eighty persons could be buried j where only 32 could be accom- 1 modatcd by ground burial. Mr Lord laid that witkin four! months he would know how large j a mausoleum should be built. He ' mentioned that he contacted min- j isters in town and they were in favor of the enterprise. He said that on some occasions ' undertakers have objected to mau I solcums but he said that the struc tures have proved convenient to , them in holding bodies. Mr. Lord commented that con struction work would be done by local contractors. New Pamphlet Advertises Ports The State Ports Authority has; issued this week a special publica tion advertising North Carolina j ports at Wilmington and Morehead j City as "export outlets serving the bright leaf tobacco market." The quarter fold brochure, meas uring 8ui by 11 inches, opens to; show in color the tobacco belt served by the Tar Heel ports. The. colors are green and gold. The publication comes simul-l tancously with the successful test ing of the new fumigation system at Morehead City. The test was completed most satisfactorily Wed-; nesday night, according to Jack Holt, manager of the port at More- j head City. Certain foreign countries re j quire that tobacco be fumigated' to guard against importation of! insects or plant disease. H Now both ports offer fumiga tion facilities to shippers. Large amounts of tobacco have been moving through Morehead City during recent weeks. 23 Newport Citizens File Suit to Upset Election on Water System for Town Mayor to Check On Incorporating Island with Town As the result of Duke Univer sity's interest in town services. Mayor Clifford Lewis, Beaufort, said at the board meeting Monday night that he would inquire about the possibility of incorporating Pivers Island with the town. The island is dually owned by Duke University, whieh operates a marine laboratory on the south end, and the federal government, which has a laboratory on the north end. Dr. Carter Broad, resident in vestigator at Duke lab, appeared before the board, stating that the lab is confronted with a garbage disposal problem. The town is using a new site as a town dump and an agreement with the owner of the dumping site says that no garbage will be placed there except that collected by the town. In the past, the town truck has been meeting a truck from Duke and taking the garbage. Dr. Broad said that Duke has no vehicle in which to haul its garbage and cost is too great to take it to sea to dump. \Villing to l*ay Dr. Broad said that the univer sity would be willing to pay the town for garbage service if such a system could be devised, lie pointed out that the load limit on the bridge to the island may pose a problem. lie said Duke is interested in the fire protection and garbage service the town could offer and for that peuson would be interested in being a part of the. town. Dr. Broad said that he believed the federal govero?Mn*t, however, not be in favor of such a move. The university official added that it would probably cost the town money to take in Pivers Is land, since all the property there is tax-exempt. The mayor assured Dr. Broad that, the town would like to help See BEAUFORT BOARD, Page 2 Little Miss Warns 'No Fires!' "Ciller Becky FMM in all art to pul Ht any flrea ch.ring Fir* Prevention Week Beit meek. Becky ?M all Ike ether Newport firemen hope yonH ke mighty careful about fire* aext week ? tad ether weeki too. Becky la oiit three or four days, I he said. The firm has the contract for pour in;* concrete for ,thc new bridge, j For that reason and in the interest of giving better service down cast, ! Mr. Lindsay said the Beaufort op- j eration was dccidcd upon. Trucks will operate from both j the Beaufort and Morehead City plants. A new truck is on order. | Mr. Lindsay bought the concrete company in Morehead City the first of the year, coming to thia 1 section from High Point. ? Twenty-three Newport citizens have filed a suit in Su perior Court to throw out the recent water bond election at Newport. The complaint was entered Tuesday in the of fice of A. H. James, clerk of court. Named as defendants in the suit are the town officials, Mayor Leon Mann Jr., Commissioners Prentis Garner, Ben nio It. Garner, union uurganus,' Wilbur Gainer, J. M. Cox, and the town clerk. Miss Ldith Lockey Named as plaintiffs are Jeff J Garner and others: Charles L. Green, Claude A Henderson, Lcs lie Mann, Claude Henderson, H. r. Williams. J. I. Mizcllc, J. C. Bell, lvey V. Haskctt, T. W. llaskctt, J. S. Smith. L P. Smith. C. M. Garner, Leon ard Carroll. C C. Norris. It. S jones, L. C. Mann, Lee F. Brock. Amy Havkley, John Carroll, J. Wheeler Smiih. William It. Bell and C. A. Gould Sr. Representing the citizens who are objecting to the town's pro posal to float $120,000 in bonds for I n water system is C. R. Whcatly, Beaufort attorney. By noon yesterday none of the summons had been served on the town officials since law allows 20 days for the nervine of papers. Each defendant will be served individually Mavor Comments Mayor Mann said Wednesday night. "We have no intention of letting 16 vcars of work on this go to waste." I!c added that the suit did not come as a surprise. Repre senting the town in its fight against the dissenters will be George Ball, town attorney. The complaint requests the court | to grant a preliminary injunction | which would prevent any action being taken toward selling bonds or working on the water system. It j 1 also asks, of eoursc, for a pcrma- 1 nent injunction. The borrowing of $12(1.000 was approved in a town election Tucs day, Sept. 4, by a vote of 126 to 114 a margin of 12 votes. Over) 77 per cenl of the elcgihle voters cast ballots. | The complaint alleges that the town board passed an ordinance Inlv 27 preparatory to Incurring the town with a $120 000 debt, but in the ordinance no interest rate wns specified and no tax was speci fied sufficient to pay the principal and interest on bonds. Illegality Charged The disgruntled citisens also al lege that on Sept. 4 "what purport ed to be an election" was held and the town officials appointed Mar garet Bell as registrar and Lois Cox and Lucy Dale Parish as judges. ,. . ; They allege that Mrs. Cox did 1 ? i.t appear when the polls opened ; ?nil her p'ace was taken by Mis. William Allen, also that none of the three officials at the polls were; sworn "but merely sat." The plaintiffs say that they did not check names in the registra- j lion book, did not keep an accurate list of voters and allowed ballots j to be placed in an unlocked boxj ??so constructed that large cracks would permit ballots to he entered without going through the slot. The election, they contend, was not legal and had it been conduct ed properly, the water bond pro posal would have been defeated. The complaint states that the bal lots did not advise the voter of the "affect of the ballot" and further that there is discrepancy bet ween the statement of result, the ballot itself and the original ordinance regarding the water system The complaint says issuance of the bonds would result in a tax levy that would excccd the limit allowed by law. The rase will be heard in su perior court in this county, or if court is not In session here, it may be heard before a resident judge upstate No one has ventured a guess on when the hearing might lake place. 74 Names Drawn For Jury Duty In November j Seventy-four persons have been selected by the county board for jury duty for the November term i of Superior Court. They arc as fol lows: More head City ? George Stovall, C. C. Land, Raymond J. Lewis, ; Waldron Baily Jr., George W. [Adams Jr., Lindsey Guthrie, j George I). Gamble, W. C. Carlton, i Mrs. Wcltha Ballon. Thomas L. j Noc, James R. Sanders, Rupert L. I Willis, Grady Willis, Mrs. Edmund W. Ball. Don E. Wcglcy, and I Charles K. Broad hurst. | Newport ? Mrs. Elizabeth Gar ner, Maney Salter, R. T. Mundinc, L. C. Smith, C. R. Cannon, Clar ence Gray, G. E. Mason, Fred Lewis, Mrs. W. H. Johnson, C. W. Garner, J B. Rice, Upton Miller, j Eugene C. Quinn, David R. McCain, I Moody Morton. Samuel Pollard Jr., George S. Bryan, and M. Cornell Gamer. Beaufort ? Edward S. Nelson, Charles B. Noc. C. Roy Eubanks, Leslie Moore, R. B. Burrows, Ed ward C. Willis. Mary (). Lewis, Lon nie Rhuc, Raymond Gillikin. Yan ccy S. Barbour, Mrs. B. G. O'Neal, Alex Truitt, Van A. Potter, I^con ard B Daniels, Edmund T Nelson, and William C. Smith. Beaufort Route 1 ? G. N. Simp son, William F. Gillikin, Ira Pake, Tyler Lewis, Tom Gibbs, Leon E. Fodrte and Robert Ncal Campen. Atlantic ? Wesley F. Goodwin, Ira S. Morris Jr., and Nadine Ham ilton. Straits ? J S. Pigott. Ilarkcrs Island ? E. G. Dixon, Fernie Willis. Henry Hamilton, W. T. Salter, and Cecil Julian Moore. I>avi* ? Johnnie A. Davis and Alonza Salter Jr. Swansboro ? Elbert C. Guthrie and Roger L. Phillips. Mrrrimon ? Henry I. Carraway. Williston ? Seymour Davis. Marshallberg ? Alton T. Gas kill. Sea Level ? Ilarvcy Taylor. Criminal cases will be tried at the November term of court, which means that a grand jury will bo impaneled. Cases docketed include rape and several burglaries. Burglars Enter Airport Grill Burglars at the Airport Grill on Highway 70 made a grand haul Monday night. Sometime between midnight and daylight Tuesday, the front door of the grill was forced open and sev eral watches, cases of beer, ciga rettes. money from the juke box, and rolled coins in the cash regis ter were taken, according to Depu ty Sheriff Bobby Bell. The pack aged coins included dimes and quarters. The lock on the front door didn't hold securely and it was fastened with a large nail, according to Dep uty Bell. The owner and operator of the grill, Guy Avery, discovered the theft when he opened the place Tuesday morning. Committee Votes Centennial Profits Toward Gymnasium Al a Monday night meeting of the centennial general committee, the profitM of the centennial were 1 votea to be used for the construc tion of a John M. Morchcad Me morial Gymnasium. The committee recognized the fact that funds raised in the cen tennial alone would be insufficient, but they expressed the hope that interested parties would make do nations. The program for the week was discussed, and several changes were made. Tentatively the week's program is as follows: Sunday, religious em phasis day; Monday, beauty pa geant; Tuesday, school day; Wed nesday, sail boat races, golf tourna ment, water parade, fireworks, and a street dance; Thursday, fishing and beach da/, Friday, fish fry aid homecoming; Saturday, parade,' band conccrt. and grand dancc. The Morchead City Woman'a Club has agreed to sell advertise ment in the louvenir booklet. Attending the meeting at the Chamber of Commerce office were Charles Markey, Jack Roberts, Joe DuBois. Herbert Griffin. A. B. Cooper, Dr. John Bunn. John Lath ley. Warren Beck, Jasper Bell, Bob Davis, Bernard Lcary. Dr. Rusacll Outlaw. Mias Alida Willis. Herbert Phillips, and Walter Morris. Official! Return Dr. A. F. Chestnut, director of the Institute of Fiaheries Research, Morchead City, and C. G. Holland, atate commercial fiaheries commis sioner, recently returned from the meeting of the State Marine Fish eries Commission, Atlantic City, N. J. 'Courtesy Nickel' Pays Dividends Mi** Pal Springlc, Beaufort Chamber of Commerce secretary, announced Wednesday that ? dol lar had been inserted In one of the chamber's courtesy nickel en velopes. The envelop* was turned la by the Jack 'n Jill Store from an un known customer. Mai Springlc said donations of dime* and quar ters wer* quite commas, with an occasional half-dollar being put la the envelopes. She said. "With such coopera tion as this our well Intended courteay nickel program will cer tainly remain a goad program for all. The Beaufort Chamber of comiaaree thank* jroui" ?