jS CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES >" 46th YEAR, NO. 1. TWO SECTIONS TWELVE PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, JANUARY 1. 1957 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS The Past Claims 1956 By F. C. SALISBURY January Week of Jan. 1: David Willia of Fairfax, S. C., assumes duties as administrator of Morehead City Hospital ? Fun eral services for Ernest Nelson of Beaufort held on Sunday ? Six year-old Ronnie Eubanks of Beau- 1 fort stricken with polio. ? Snow- ! flakes fell last Friday afternoon. ? R. T. Willis of Morehead City retires after 60 years in business. New Legion building in Beau- 1 fort opened. ? W. J. Blair of Crab < Point disposes of dairy herd. ? ! Dr. O. H. Johnson of Morehead City receives 50-year pin from Kappa Sigma fraternity. Marriages: Miss Joan E. Smith of Morehead City to Robert De Long. Miss Ann M. Perry to Ce dric D. Beachem of Beaufort. Miss Almeta L. Willis of Harkers Is land to Thomas C. Gaskill. Mrs. Allie Moore of Straits to Walker Gwynn. Deaths: Miss Minnie S Lewis, 82, of Sea Level. Phil Lockart, 61, of Morehead City. Week of Jan. 8: Coast Guard Cutter Agassiz goes to the aid of SS Marvin C. Mcln tyre in distress off Frying Pan lightship. ? Harry Venters of On slow joins the county farm office staff. ? County board endorses the building of road from Have lock to Pollocksvillc. Mrs. Harry Williamson Jr., of Beaufort joins the county welfare staff. ? Piggly Wiggly supermar ket opens under the management of George Phillips of Morehead City. ? Closing of the Atlantic Life Saving Station meets with opposition from down cast peo ple. ? 486,315 tons move through port at Morehead City during 1955. Atlantic storm brings high tides to county. Ocracoke hard hit. ? John Young of Stella elected chair man of the County Soil Supervis ors. ? County ministers endorse the building of the Presbyterian College at New Bern. ? British ship S. S. Marietta forccd into port by storm. Deaths: Henry L. Oglcsby, 83, of Crab Point. John B. Congleton, 72, of Beaufort. Stephen W. Gilli kin, 80, of Morehead City. Week of Jan. 15: P. II. Geer Jr.A win* Jaycee DSA. award of 1955. ? Telephone ser vice connects Ocracoke with main land. ? Cold weather stuns fish, bringing them to the surface of the rivers. ? Winfield T. Rhyne and James D. Renegar serving as game wardens for the county. Mrs. C. W. Davis elected pres ident of the Beaufort Woman's Club. ? Jamie Norris of Core Creek killed in auto accident. ? Mayor Dill of Morehead City re elected to Travel Council of State. ? Robert Himmlcr, former resi dent, murdered in Boston. NEWS -TIMES wins editorial award in state contest. ? Charles J. Ross of Cherry Point killed near the Blue Ribbon Club. ? Jack Garner installed as commander of the Newport Camp of Woodmen. Marriage: Miss Alva B. Guthrie of Morehead City to John J. Mc Cann. Deaths: Mrs. Ida H. Gilli kin, 77, of Otway. Mrs. Adeline Mason, 83, of Stacy. Week of Jan. 22: Marie Mitchell, 7, struck by school bus. ? Ethan Davis wins Compass Award for Boy Scout work. ? Quarterly meeting of the Count/ Historical Society held in Civic Center in Morehead City. ? Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman celebrate their 25th wedding anni versary. Ice storm played hob with county power lines. ? Home of Carrie Johnson of Beaufort gutted by fire causing more than $2,000 damage. ? Mrs. Leon K. Thomas of Marshallberg injured in car ac cident in Wilson. Marriages: Mrs LuciUe Parcell, Morehead City, to Roy A. Cauley Miss Wanda R. Jarvia of Beau fort to Thomas J. Sapper. Miss Janice M Keller of Bettic to Hor ace G. Loftin. Deaths: Stacy W. Wade. 80, for merly of Morehead City. Mrs. Eula S. Willis, 75, of Smyrna Mrs. Troy Morris, 55, of Morehead City. Mrs. Virginia Willis of Morehead City. Monte Lu Hill, 7?. of Swans boro. Mrs. Bolney Eaton, sister of Mrs. Robert liarrell of More head City. Mrs. Leta M. Jones, 40. formerly of Straits. Week of Jan. 21: The Rev. John Bunn Jr., goes to Jordan to study archaeology. ? Hurricane-resistant bouse being built on the beach at Dub Colony. ? Mrs. Gene Smith, Beaufort and Mrs. W. M. Brady, Morehead City, named chairmen of county heart campaign. ? Erma's Beauty Shop, Morehead City, damaged by fire to the extent of $2,000. ? Croaker catches last week hit high mark for the season. ? Carteret farmers receive free grain under new re lief program. New Beaufort Bridge cost set at $725,000, to enter town by Cedar Street. ? * William D. Munden of Morehead City acquires interest in Bell Funeral Home. Deaths: Jesse J. Garner. 67. of Newport. Robert C. Darnell, 69, of Newport. Jesse C. White, 51, of Morehead City. February Week of Feb. 5: I Hubert Gillikin of Otway, a bed I ridden boy, given a TV set with | : funds raised by NEWS- TIMES I i readers. ? Hunting deer by spot j light costs Laurie E. Guthrie and i Oakley Willis $250 each. ? One of the Navy's patrol boats to be f given the name of USS Beaufort, i I B. II. Stephens, Beaufort elect- ! , ed to State Board of Architectural Foundation. ? Fire destroys the ! tourist court of Edwin Guthrie at 1 Salter Path. ? Miss Lillian Gid dens elected president of Carteret j Community Theatre. ? Joe Cox named town commissioner of New-] port to replace D. Ira Garner. Marriages: Miss Mary S. SewcII ; of Beaufort to Anthony G. Willis. ! Miss Kay E. Nord of Brooklyn to | Ralph *?fcerien pf Morchcad City, j Mis? Alcno Mason of Bcttic to ; Lynwood V. Page. Miss Annette | Merrill of Beaufort to Dalmon E. j Lawrence. Deaths: Miss Betsy M. Noe, 24,] of Beaufort. Mrs. Mollie T. Has- 1 kett, 88, of Newport. John Clement j Keel, 67, of Beaufort. Garland G. Gillikin, 52, of Morehead City. Week of Feb. 12: Morehead Theatre destroyed by , fire Sunday morning. ? Ray Cum mins named man-of-thc-ycar by Beaufort Jaycees. ? County re tains lead in state fish production during last November. ? Frank Cassiano elected chairman of the Finer Carolina program for More head City. Hamburg-American ship takes ' on shipload of tobacco at local I port. ? 6,000 tons of stone for ! Oriental breakwater being loaded i at port. ? Two Japanese fisheries! officials pay visit to Piver Island Laboratory. ? Swansboro wins first place in Finer Carolina con test for town of its size. Marriages: Miss Lave! Brush wood of Smyrna to Troy Willis. I Miss Joe Anne Powell of Raleigh to William O. Crawford of Beau fort. Miss Betsy A. Davis of More head City to Gene G. Bowen. Miss Glenda F. Gould of Newport to Daniel N. McCain. Deaths: Mrs. Jcancttc F. Willis, 70, of Harkcrs Island. Joseph R. Lockcy, 73, of Newport. Mrs. Min nie S. Eubanks, 74, of Morchcad City. Miss Joan Melton, Albemarle, was crowned Miss North Carolina, at Morehead City. Week of Feb. 10: Construction of the Na\y LST loading ramp completed on Radio1 Island. ? Luther E. Lewis elected ! president of Morehead City Mer chants Association. ? Lions and Nurses Association raise $1,500 to ward iron lung. ? Mcdical Society members of county give free polio shots. Tanker Maureen of Rotterdam takes on fish oil at the Fish Meal Co., Beaufort. ? Leon Thomas of Marshallberg named chief law en forc?ment officer of the fisheries division. ? Beaufort school trus tees limit activities for married students. ? Newport puts surplus property fire truck in operation. Deaths: Twin daughters of Mr and Mrs. II. T. Garner. John Ma son, 86, of Beaufort. Week of Feb. 26: First Hattcras trawler delivered by the Morehead City Shipbuilding Corp. ? James R. Housman of Newport held in death of his child as result of beating. ? First car- ; load of emergency grain unloaded in county. ? High winds hit coun ty over weekend. Fred King of Beaufort injured when struck by auto. ? Little Symphony presents two concerts in county. ? Mrs. Guy Carraway celebrated her 25th anniversary as postmistress at Mcrrimon. Marriages: Miss Annie L. Tay lor of Sea Level to Franklin Pitt man. Deaths: Capt. Willard Lewis, 57, of Morehead City. James A. Smith, 54, of Havclock. Hardy Bailey, 85, Beaufort. March Week of March 4: Odoll Merrill of Beaufort was1 sworn in as a county commission-: cr, succeeding E. H. Potter. ? James R. Housman of Newport j held for grand jury action follow ing death of his child. ? J. O.l Weeks appointed constable for Cc-I [ dar Point section. ? Fumigation plant being constructed at the Port Terminal. Mrs. W. A. Page elected pres ident of the Broad (.'reek Home Demonstration' Club. ? Alien Con way named engineer at the Beau fort Fire Department. ? Camp Sea Gull establishes lodge outpost at Morehead City on waterfront. ? Albert Styron of Ocracokc re ported lost In Pamlico Sound. Foundation laid for new fire sub station in Morehead City. ? C Dr. Humber and Mrs. Humber | served refreshments to the 30 per sons who gathered in the church recrcation room to hear his re port. He and his family visit rela tives here and each Christmas season spend some time at their home on Davis Island. 10 Per Cent Penalty Set For Late Tax Listings Tax listers will begin listing personal property tomor row morning. They will continue through Jan. 31. After Feb. 1, a 10 per cent penalty will lie added to all who did not list during January. In addition to personal property, which includes auto mobiles, TV sets, furniture, jewelry, and similar items, School Bells Will Ring Tomorrow School starts tomorrow morn ing, thus ending 12 days of "free dom" for youngsters of school age. The courthouse, town halls and other government offices arc tak ing a New Year's holiday today. Hanks and postofficcs will he closed but most business places will stay open. THE NEWS-TIMES office will be closed today, but will open at 8 a.m. tomorrow' as usual. - Everybody here at THE NEWS TIMES wishes for all a New Year filled with good health, happiness and good fortune. Traces of Snow Fall, Says Stamey Davis Weather observer K. Stamey Davis says that traces of snow fell Saturday afternoon and Sun day. There was not enough to I measure, but his instruments show led indications that some snow had I been mixed in with the slight rain j that fell on those days.. ! The highest temperature over j the weekend was 64 Friday. Low est temperature was Sunday morn ing, a .below freezing 30. Maxi mum and minimum temperatures and wind direction for the week end follow: Max. Miii. Wind Thursday 55 33 WSW Friday 64 53 SW Saturday 63 40 NW Sunday 47 30 WSW I New Fire th?sc | Newport Fire Chief B. T. Smith j Jr. reports that the fire department has a new hose that weighs only , 1 60 per cent as much as the old style, lie says that the new hose I is also muifh stronger. Norma Farrar Overcame Loss Of Sight by Courage, Hope By IXINORE COWAN STONE For the Midnight Christmas Mass. Saint Egbert's Catholic Church had as guest organist a holiday visitor to Morehcad City who is something of a national celcbrity. She is a celebrity not only as an organist, but bccausc of her many more notable accom plishments; and bccausc she plays without sight. Of course blind musicians are no new phenomena. But Norma Farrar is much more than a com petent musician. Although she is barely twenty-seven years old, she is head resident or house director of a women's residence hall at the University of Illinois. And her life history is one of indomitable cour age and initiative which might shame many of us who have two sound eyes. Norma was not born blind, but with such defective vision that her doctor told her mother she would be blind before she reached the age of twenty. During her junior year in high school. Norma, who had already begun to study Braille, finding herself unable to read her text-books, decided on her own responsibility that she should go to the Perkins School for the Blind. She says that Perkins taught her to use her memory ? which is amazing? and accustomed her to appear in public, and play the or gan. Attends University After graduation from Perkins ?nd from high school, Norma went to the University of New llamp (hire. Sincc it wss impossible to have all text booka in Braille, she found It necessary to have readers for her courses. Miss Farrar's fa ther, Charles Farrar. took a course In Rraillc to help Norma with her studies. At the University of New Hamp shire, Norma waa outstanding in student activities. Within three years, she waa an outatanding campus leader. She was alected to Mortar Board and was presi dent of the Women's Student Gov ernment. And since she waa In terested In out-door activities, ahe | See MISS FAKKAK, rage ? photo by Bob Seymour Mht Firrir walk* with bcr computlm. Putty. > citizens will l>e required to list "new" real estate such as new buildings and improvements to ex isting buildings. Names of the persons on duty in each township as list takers is given below "Old" real estate need not be listed this year because a complete survcyal of real property was made during 1955 under the revaluation program, according to E. O. Moore, tax collector. Because of the revaluation, the county's tax rate was lowered from $1 80 to $1.35 per $100 value. The revaluation was authorized in an effort to place county property on tax books at equable values and bring all properties in line. Rale Not Fixed This year's tax rate will be set after the county commissioners adopt a budget. The amount of money they think must come from taxes will then bo "prorated" among the various county depart ments. The tax statements will be sent out June 15. and a 2 per cent discount will be given to everyone paying in June. City taxes in Beaufort, More head City, and other incorporated towns in the county will be based on the listings on the county books. Last year Morehead City residents paid $1.60 per $100. and Beaufort citi zens paid $1.75 in town taxes. No listings can be accepted over the telephone because the listing blank must bo signed by the prop erty owner. All men subject to poll taxes must register with the list taker. List-Takers The communities, list-takers and lis! taker's address follow: Cedar Island, Mrs. Dora Day, Cedar Island; Atlantic, Walter Smith, At lantic: Sea Level, Mrs. Blanche Willis, Sen l/cvel. Stacy and Davis, Mrs. Delia Davis. Davis; Williston and Smyr na, Mrs. Dollie Taylor. Smyrna; Marshallberg, James (lillikin, Mar shallberg. Straits, Gloucester, Otway and Hettie, William Gillikin, route 1 Beaufort; Mcrrimon, George Har dy, Merrimon; Beaufort, U. E. Swann and C. Z. Chappcll, Beau fort. Morchcad City, John Baker and Jerry Willis. Morehead City; liar* lowe, Mrs. Fssie Wilkinson, route 2 Newport; Newport, Prentis Gar ner, Newport; Pelleticr, Stella and Cedar Point, Sam B. Meadows, Stella; and Markers Island, Charles W. Hancock, Markers Island. Baby Smothers In Crib Saturday Cindy Lou Bennett, 23-day-old daughter of Cpl. and Mm Caleb James Bennett, Morehead City, was pronounced dead at the More Head City hospital Saturday morn ing. The child was found smoth ered in its crib by the parents. They rushed her to the hospital. Sheriff Hugh Salter, Deputies Marshall Ayscuc and Bruce Ed ward* and Miss Georgie Hughes, superintendent of the welfare de partment. were called to the hos pital The sheriff's department helped with first aid. Corporal Bennett, a Cherry ['unit Marine, and hia wife, Vickl Louise, live in an upstairs apart ment at 2302 Arendell St. Mr. Ben nett is 19, and his wife it IT. Coroner Leslie Springlc says that no inquest will be conducted. The child had pulled a blanket over its face and had become so entangled that it was unable to breathe, he said. Graveside services were con ducted In Bay View Cemetery Saturday. The Rev. Samuel Moore, pastor of Franldln Memorial Methodist Church, Morehead City, officiated. The baby had no bro thers or sistera. Tide Table TMtt at (be Bciafwi Bar HIGH LOW Tiifidiy, Jan. 1 8:25 a.m. 2:15 a.m. 1:53 p.m. 2:52 p.in. WMtariday, Jan. 2 9:03 a.m. 2:5* a.m. 9:35 p.m. 3:10 pju. Ttartfay, Jam. 3 9:41 a m. 3:M a a 10:17 p.nk. 4:00 p n FrMay, J. a. ? 10:19 a.m. 4:1 10:* p.m. 4:i