Theatres Offer Choice Between Music, Action A pair of westerns opens the week at the two theatres in More head City. Oklahoma, starring Gordon McRae and Shirley Jones, represents the lighter, musical side of the old west. Jt will run At the Morehead Sunday through' Wednesday. K o d g e r s and Hammerstein's musical classic, Oklahoma, which has been thrilling the world for nearly 14 years, is rated as a "must" for all movie goers. The songs in this fascinating musical production are as fresh and lilt ing today as they were in 1953 on Broadway. Gun for a Coward stars Fred MacMurray and Jeffrey Hunter in an action-packed thriller whieh runs Sunday through Tuesday at the City. Istanbul completes the bill of fare for the week at the Morehead, while the City will fea ture Fats Domuo in Shake. Rat tie, and pock Wodnesdap through Friday and a doubt* feature pro gram on Saturday. Action packed though it i>, Gun for a Coward presents characters which are by no meant the stock figures of frontier drama. Each of these characters emerges as a genuine human being. Istanbul marks a new milestone in the fabulous career of Errol Flynn, returning him to American films after an absence of more than four years and presenting him in a tender, romantic por trayal as compared to his trade marked past appearances as the screen's number one swash-buck ler. There's plenty of action stuff for the incomparable Errol in "Istan bul." 01 'ourse, but it is in the romance department, sharing hon ors with Miss Cornell Borchers, that he scores ku most impressive showing. 1 Th? Hawk's Carntr Cheerleaders Appear With New Pom-Poms By JUDY SLAUGHTER H| everybody! Yes, here we are again this we?k with a lot more news from NHS. Last week every one was so busy with exams 1 didn't get a chance to interview a Mr. and Miss Senior, but I made up for it this week by in terviewing Betsy Carroll Garner, and Gilbert Giles Garner. Next week, as the result of many suggestions, we? will have last year's seniors and what they are now doing. So watch for this, because it might be very interesting. I don't think many schools are as lucky to have such a good principal as NHS does. Judy Slaughter Not only can Mr. Comer supervise the school very well, but he is an unusuplly good teacher. He in teacher for the civics class now, and he really does make the subject interesting. Everyone in the class seems to like him, and his method of teaching very much Our cheerleaders have a new attraction now. Last Tuesday night they came out with their new pom poms. These are very pretty and they just match their suits which are blue and white. It seems as if the cheerleaders did a lot bet ter that night. Much to everyone's sorrow, New port lost two games to Swansboro, at Swansboro gym. The Junior Varsity lost the first game by about 11 points, then the girls came along and lost theirs. When the boyi game started jupt about everyone was afraid that we were going to lose the third game, but we didn't. I think Leston Gillikin, Berlyn Temple and Gilbert Garner, played the best ball they have ever played in the last quarter of that game. That game was the closest one we have had. This was the first game the Junior Varsity has lost this year. I think they deserve a lot of praise for ^eir good work. The second year home economics class ha$ come to the beat part of the year. We have at laat start ed cooking. Wedneaday, the sweet aroma of fried chicken, cherry i pie, hot rails, steak, and other I good thing* to eat, was flowing j down the halls of NHS. All the poor girls and boys in high school were standing at the door utterly starving, but much to their misfortune they couldn't get in. Instead they had to watch us eat. About a month ago I gave you some written work from some of the primary grade children. This week I'm going to give you four written stories from Mrs. Geral dine Garner'a third grade. I would like to thank Mrs. Garner very much for letting me have these to put in the Hawk'e Cemer. "Ice Skating"? By Saab Savage Ice skgting is a lot of fun, but sometimes when you're Qn the run, the toes of your akates dig in the ice, and when you fall, you don't look nice, "Oar We ma 3' Frances Kelly e cotton anew men | few days ago. We had a goo4 time. Ftrat we put snow on th# blue paper, than we cut the body out. Next we put the buttons on, then added the eyes, mouth, anjj nose. We cut snowflakes out of white I 6VMMOMS AT ONE TIM?.? in una rtaaai its the ?WOVEN COLf paper, and added them to our pic- 1 , ture. They were very pretty when we finished. "A Short Meeting"? By Jan Roden One Friday afternoon our 3-G Club was just beginning to have a meeting, when all of a sudden the bell rang. Mrs. Garner looked at her watch, and much to her surprise, it had stopped. Our meet ing ended with us hurrying to pick our books. "Our New Students" By Leonard Avery In January two new children ; came to our room. One was a girl named Carol Thome, who came from Camp Glenn School. The other was a boy, Shane Giles, from Cherry Point. We are glad to have them in our room. As Mr. and Mrs. Senior this week we have Betsy Carroll Garner and Gilbert Giles Garner. Betsy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Garner, route 1 Newport. She was born March 19, 1939. She is a 5*6", 116 lb blonde with blue eyes. In high school, Betsy has been in the glee club for 4 years, FHA four years, newspaper staff, an nual staff, French club, and the basketball team. Among Betsy's favorite* are: subject ? typing; teacher ? Mr. King; sport? basket ball; food? chicken; singer ? Pat Boone; song? Don't Forbid Me. Gilbert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Garner. He was born to these lucky people on Feb. 8, 1939. Gilbert has beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. He stands 5' 11", and weighs 150 lb. Gilbert plays as a left guard or. the basketball team. He is one of the very outstanding boys on the team. He is also a member of ' the baseball team. Gilbert has belonged to such or ganizations as the FTA, student council, paper staff, has driven a school bus, participated in the junior play, and has been a class officer. When asked what Gilbert's favorite pastime was, he said "going to Morehead to see Tressa O'Neal." Among his other favorites are: singers? Nat King Cole and Joni James; food? pizza pie; sport basketball; subject ? business math; teacher? Mrs. Mann; song ? Mona Lisa. Gilbert attends the Franklin Memorial Church in Morehead City. After graduation Gilbert plans to attend North Carolina State College. Jan. 30 ? Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A' ilce* spent the weekend here Nth Mr and Mrs. E S. Elliott Edward Earl Carraway, who at ends State College, is spending a ew days at his home here. Mrs Rena Edwards spent a few lays in Atlantic with her sister last ?eek Mr. and Mra. James M Rogers returned to their home in Elizabeth -?t> Monday after spending the veekend here with Mrs. Claude Earner. Ormsby Mann of Washington, N. spent the weekend here with liis family. Mrs. Leonard Thompson return ed to her home in Durham Sunday. She was accompanied by her par snts, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Gar Mr. Lt. Commander and Mrs. J. R. Murdock and little daughter. Pe nise, returned t? their home in Alexandria, Va., after a week here with Mr. and Mrs. M. D. McCain and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murdock. Miss Nina Garner and T. R. Gar ner attended the NCEA meeting in New Bern Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gould Jr. and family spent Sunday in Fay etteville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Davis Simmons. They were accom panied by Mrs. Eva Simmons. D. G. Goodwin and \. W. Garner have <?one to Florida to carry Mrs. V. J. La Shan and little daughter, Marisa, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Garner. Mrs. J. W. Durrance of Edison, Ga., is spending sometime here with her daughter, Mrs. L. H. Gar ner Jr., and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conner of Winston-Salem spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sim mons. Sam Smith, a student at State College, is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gould and little son of Raleigh are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar llibbs and little son. Rocky, and Mrs. Parker Guthrie returned home Monday from a trip to Durham and Reids ville. Mr. Hibbs also attended the furniture showing in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pruit and chlidren returned to Chinquapin Sunday, after the weekend at their home here. Club Meets Mrs. Parker Guthrie entertained two tables of bridge on Friday evening. Mrs. M. C Howard was high scorer, Mrs. R. L. Pruit second high and Mrs. S. A. Perkins and. Mrs. C. H. Lockey won slam prize.' Mrs. Lockey also won bingo. * 1 The hostess served open face sandwiches, candy and nuts. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service held its general meet ing Monday evening in the Educa tional building. Mrs. Floyd Garner was in charge of the program and several ladies took part in the discussion "Islands in Our Own Community." Mrs. Rena Edwards, president, presided over the business session. A discussion on raising money to help the Teen-Age Club was the main issue. Mrs. C. M. Hill, Spiritual Life leader, closed the meeting. Eagle Tries to Kidnap Small Dog in Michigan Wakefield, Mich. (AP)? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans of Nobleville, Ind., tied their Chihuahua dog outside their Lake Gogebic cottage. Soon after they heard their dog's cries and rushed out to find a large eagle on the animal, trying to fly away with it. The couple said they frightened the bird away and treated the dog for gashes, scratches and cuts from the eagle'* claws. ?n|oy the ^ /> that \\ never ^ lets you down! , GILLS HOTEL SPECIAL COFfEt yf ? I I I'? < WWWWWWW Briaful of tick Jum# ? riwi<? Fresh Grapefruit - 8 a 39c FRESH HOTHOUSE RHUBARB PLUMP, FRESH TOMATOES Crisp fresh Golden Fresh Juicy Florida Oranges - 8 fc 43c corn APPLES ROSY 1 CRISP WINESAP Lb. Bag i " 39c ? 15c Ears 25C C KKEAll A-V> BITIKK Fannings Pickles ? 23c GRAND WW PRICE! "Our Finest Quality" A&P Tomato Juice - - - 25c NO UWT - STOCK UP! Golden or White lona Cream Corn - 2 23c # Better Breakfast Month % Sunnyfield Corn Flakes ... "ft* 25c Sunnyfield Pancake Flour 2 25c Welch's Crapeade 25c Downyflake Waffles - - - - 2 Packages 29c Fancy A&P Orange Juice 29c Jim Dandy Grits - 2 ?? 15c srKUM. low rnHi.: Whole Kernel k|.L I . ? I I /- , ? NO LIMIT? STOCK UP! Golden Whole Kernel or Golden Niblets Golden Corn 2 "S- 29c AN A&P EXCLUSIVE! Perfect Strike Chum Salmon 7c,?r 27c &,1 49c AN AiP KKm,SIVE! (EXTRA SPECIAL! Ann Page Deal Pack A&P CREAM CORN - 2 I 25c Cherry Preserves 62u,'jaT 53c PINK SALMON S L&'53? NO LIMIT - STOCK UP! "Our Finest Quality " Fancy A&P Frozen SLICED STRAWBERRIES 2 * 39" Kraft Salad Dressing Jj 37c j?r 63c Kralft French Dressing - - - Bottle 23c Kraft Sandwich Spread Jar 39c Surf Powder - - - Package 31c Package 75c Breeze Powder .. 32c Slint 79c Silver Dust ? - Package 32c Package 79c | Rinso Blue ... ? 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Jar 69c "Super-Right" Fresh Loin End Pork Roasts - 39< MILD AND MELLOW COFFEE ANN PACE PURE GROUND Eight O'clock b? 87c b" $2.55 Black Pepper .2 ?.?. 25c VIGOROUS AND WINEY JANE PARKER Bokar Coffee ^ 95c ? $2.79 Cake Donuts .. Sft 19c ANN PAGE JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED Garden Relish Tonight Jar 35c Apple Pies 'Each* 43c ANN PAGE FLAVORFUL SPECIAL! JANE PARKER Blended Syrup 45c Corn Muffins .. pk< 19c GRAND LOW PRICE! lona or PactlTs Lobet TOMATOES 2 23? SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Jane Parker Freshly Baked GIANT JELLY ROLLS -49c BEEF OS CHICKEN FROZEN A&P Herb-Ox-Bouillon Cubes t? 8c French Fries 2 m. 29c JANE PARKER ENRICHED FANCY QUALITY CRUSHED White Bread .. LSf, 15c '??? 21c A&P Pineapple^1 25c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Frozen Fordhook or Baby A&P LIMAS 2 35c TEXIZE Pint _ DETERGENT Bottle jj| Q TEXIZE Quart BLEACH Bottle TEXIZE PINE OIL Pint Bottle 15c 43c city n< Been!** ?'*' ?* ? ?*? ' Su?,er Markct? Prleei Ilk U Effective 8atar4ay, Feb. S Th?<? Prices Apply to Stores in Beaufort and Morehead City .. i \ ?

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