e last week due to the in creasing illness of their son at Elm City. A singing convention was held at the Graham's Chapel Church Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small spent Friday night and Saturday in Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Small I and son, Jimmy, returned home i! with them. We all hope that Leo Winberry, a patient at the Morchead City Hos pital, will soon be well. !< Mrs. Vernon Knox and children of Newport spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams ' Mr. and Mrs. Thad Lilly and j + boys of Grifton spent the weekend i here with relatives. We are all glad that Mrs. Harry G arris, who was operated on at Goldsboro last week, is doing nice ly. We all hope she will soon be well. Mrs. Hugh Oglesby is spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Piner at Davis. Mrs. Clifford Cannon and daugh ter, Nola Fayc, attended services at White Oak Sunday. Mrs. P. D. Smith and grandson of MaysviUe are spending a few days with Mrs. Gilford Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Phillips of New Bern RFD spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.'G. W. Collins. Quite a large crowd attended ser vices at the Glad Tidings Taber nacle Church at Morehead City last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Skinner spent a while Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. J. Skinner, of Russells Creek. Wc all hope that Mrs. Lester Has kett, who is on the sick list, will soon be better. Mrs. P. D. Smith and grandson, ? Mrs. Gilford Cannon and daughter spent a while Monday with Mrs. Theron Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. William Small and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small spent a while Monday night at Havelock with Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewis. Mrs. Roy Avery spent a while Friday at Davis with relatives. Little Ora Lou Graham went to Dr. Fulcher Saturday for treat ment. Mrs. S. D. Wilkinson of Harlowc spent a while Tuesday in the com munity. Mrs. Gilford Cannon and daugh ter spent a while Tuesday at New .. port. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Johnson and son, Shawn, spent a while Sat urday at Swansboro and Jackson ?? vUle. A mouse's heart beats 300 times each minute. An elephant's heart bearts 40 times each minute. Students Collect Money For Bobby Davis, Polio Pal By FANNIE L. MAY Bobby Davis of 1504 Desmond St., Kinston, has been chosen as the KHS Polio Pal. Coin collectors have been placed within the reach of all of the KHS students who wish to give to the March of Dimes. The money raised by the students will be used to help thousands of polio victims. Bobby especially, who for years must continue their struggle to walk again. It will be used to continue March of Dimes research, which devel oped the Salk vaccine until total protection against paralytic polio becomes a reality. If KHS raises the largest sum of money on a percentage basis our polio pal, Bobby Davis, will receive a rec ord player. Any contribution that you may like to make will be appreciated. "Remember me," is the cry. Do so, and support the March of Dimes. The sccond grade class of W S. King School, instructed by Miss Sarah Perry gave its first program for 1967 on Wednesday, Jan. 23. Taking part were Allen Horton, John Calvin, Jerry Jones, Ruby Horton, Reginald Jones. Ronald Davis, Sharon Monroe, Alexander Horton and other second graders. Representatives from tho senior, junior, sophomore and freshmen classes presented a program on literature in regular assembly Fri day. Benjamin Williams and Anthony Dudley represented the senior class with the Reasons We Study Literature and The Great Epic. Anthony Daughtery, Mary Wil loughby and Rufus Hester repre sented the junior class with the recitation and dramatizing of "The Creation" by James Weldon John son, and the closing part of the speech Patrick Henry made in the House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775. The sophomore class represented by Marian Reese, Cecil Walker, Barbara Horton, Roy Tootle, Roy Adams, James Jones and Jeffrie Williams, with speeches from Jul ius Caesar. Four students of KHS are pre paring for the Omega Psi Phi Fra ternity Talent Hunt to be held in Jacksonville Feb. 19. Three of them were contestants last year, Elouise Bell, Fannie L. May and Horace Moore and one of them, Fannie L. May, was lucky enough to win second place. Elouise Bell, Fannie L. May, Horace Moore along with Roy L. Adams will compete again this year. Wish them luck, as KHS does. The Senior Class and teacher, Mrs. S. R. McLendon enjoyed a very pleasant outing Monday, when they visited the Smith Fish Factory located in Weat Beaufort. It proved to be a very intereatinf trip. Well we have finally run abort of Mr. Senior Superiors but we still have our Miaa Senior feature. Mat Senior Superior The flower that blossom* fairest this week is Miss Guyula Dudley j our Miss Senior Superior. She was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Dud ley of 1003 Avery St. Morehead City. I She stands 5 ft. 9 in. tall, has black hair, brown eyes, and weighs 125 lb. I She has been a member of the , KHS basketball team for four ( years, is a member of the Dra matic Club, where she is presi- , dent. Library Club, Choral Club, , Junior Usher Board, and the Charm Club. She would like to express her thanks to her aunt, Sarah Bell, for all that she has done for her and most of all for helping to reach this point in life. Ambition, stenographer; favorite pastime, making friends; motto, "Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm." Her favorites include: subject, chemistry; teacher, Mrs. IJryant; food, shrimp; friends, Elner, Glo ria, Sudie Mae; music, rock 'n roll; singers, Harry Belafonte and Pat Boone; pastime, reading; ac tor, Rory Calhoon; actress, Debra Paget; club, Junior Usher Board; song, Banana Boat song. N??w* from MERRIMON ? rU, Jan. 30 ? Miss Jcanc Carroll Pittman of Sacred Heart College at Belmont spent the weekend at home. Her mother, Mrs. Oscar Pittman, and Mrs. Duffie Carra way motored to Goldsboro on Mon day to take her to meet her train. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wallace and Mrs. G. M. Carraway attended the funeral of Mr. Ashley Fodrie at Russells Creek Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Emily Nelson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. II. M. Carraway. Mrs. Gray Willis of Havelock vis ited her mother, Mrs. Martha Sal ter, on Saturday. Mrs. Sam Mills and daughter, Mrs. Bob Flosse, of Bridgeton, spent Saturday with Mrs. Henry Carraway and Mrs. Emily Nelson. , Mrs. Sadie Carraway spent the weekend at Camp Lcjeune with her son, Mr. and Mrs. John Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edmondson and children of Oriental visited the neighborhood on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. D. M. Salter and Mrs. G. M. Carraway were in Morehcad City i and Beaufort on Monday. 6 YEARS OLD Gletimore KENTUCKY BOURBON STRAIGHT 86 PROOF .85 vi ?r. J3 J045 A PINT QLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY ? i Hmtw Jan. 30 ? Funeral services were heM for Mr. Ashley Fodrie Sunday at 2 o'clock in the Christian Church. The Luna RuaaeU class members met with Mrs. Dot Jackson Monday night. Mrs. Elva Davis of Gloucester ?pent a week with her sister, Mrs. Vada Merrill. Miss Doris Guthrie underwent surgery at the Morehead City Hos pital Sunday. Mr. Cleo Merrill and Mr. Ray mond Still left by motor for Flori da Friday. Mrs. A. H. Tallman, who has been sick, is out again we are glad to learn. Miss Myrna Merrill and Mr. Tommy Russell motored to Straits Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George Russell attended the Glendive, Moat. (AP) ? Harold Donahue was complaining bitterly to (tore clerk Jim Shirby that his recently purchased 22 caliber re volver didn't work. As he waved the |un an Mod, it discharged send ing a bullet into a metal button on the sleeve of Shirby's jacket. Po lice permitted Donahue to leave with his gun ? convinced that it shoots. funeral servicse of her unclc, Capt. (retired) Marvin Pigott, in the Straits Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. The Rev. Leslie Rowe of Bridge ton filled his appointment in the Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. Lee Garner lulled hogs Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Fodrie and children of Morehead City spent the weekend with Mrs. Fodri^'s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell of Lennoxville Road spent last Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell. SEA LEVEL E V I Jan. 30 ? James Styron and Hil ton Lee Taylor left last week for Key West, Fla., where they plan to go shrimping. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Salisbury of Morehead City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylor one day last week. Mrs. Nena Hamilton, New Bern, visited relatives and friends here a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tosto and daughter. Shelly, of Raleigh spent the weekend with Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Tosto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kruppa and daughters, Camp Lejeune, spent the weekend with Mrs. Kruppa's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fulcher. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Fulcher, Portsmouth, Va., spent the week end with Mn. Fulcber's parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Eugene Gaikill Mrs. Johnnie Taylor and Mn. Harvey Taylor Sr. motored to Nor folk Saturday and brought back Harvey Taylor Jr. to hi* home in Harkers Island. Harretl C. Taylor Jr. of Durham spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Taylor. Charlie Smith of Beaufort is spending a few days with his *i? ter, Mrs. H. B. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sawyer and son, Lawrence Jr., cf South Mills were the guests of Mrs. Saw yer's mother, Mrs. Scaff, during the weekend Braxton Dickinson, who has spent several months in the Marine Hos pital at Norfolk, is back home. The Bare Facts North Hollywood, Calif: (AP) ? Here's a fashion note from this Southern California town. Signs in a local department store bear this warning: "People With Bare Feet Not Allowed on Escalator." _t2j Jan. 29? Mr. and Mrs. Coley Hunnincs and daughter, Phyllis, uf Kinston (pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gtllikin. Mr. Blakely Wade of Beaufort was a visitor in Smyrna Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Simpson of | Beaufort were visitors with Mrs. ' Mamie Wade Sunday. Mr. Billy Willis of Norfolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr*. Mitchell Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pigott of Cameron, La., were visitors in Smyrna Sunday night. Homebody Jay, Okla. (AP)? Sam Chandler has not only lived near Jay, in northeast Oklahoma, all his life but he resides in the house in which he was born 78 years ago. ? Lorn, Lom> Food Price*, PIm FREE Sav-A Slamps Stock Up . . . It's Dime Time at Colonial ! SIRLOIN, CLUB OR BONELESS ROUND l/v STEAKS NATUR-TENDER U. S. CHOICE BUDGET BEEF LB. Tender , Juicy Chuck ROAST ? BUDGET BEEF NATUR-TENDER li 33? lb 39c Swift 's Premium ttrtmn & Serve Sausage PKG. 49c Chef* Pride Fresh Pinalo SflLflP