MneCenes Eighth Grade Presents March of Dimes Talent By MARY ELLEN CHASTEEN Whoopee, and here we come! Yes, folks, it's that time when we give out with all the news and I doings of good old SHS. This time we flew in on an airplane? some thing different, huh? Now, get ready and set. Off we go into the wild blue yonder full of news , about SHS! The first thing we have to tell : about is the chapel program Mr Corbett Davis's eighth grade pre- j tented in t n e auditorium last Friday morn ing. The setting of the program wns a radio and TV program for the March of Dimes. Making the introduction o f the March of Dimes was Diane Willis. Mary Ellen The announcers for the "Rock n Roll March of Dimes" were Drex ell Bryant and Brenda Golden. I They announced the various talent. ; The first talent for the March of Dimes was a piano duet, Heart and Soul, by Carolyn Phelps and Phillip Lynch. Next was Autumn Leaves with Lynell Taylor at the piano and Carolyn Phelps, Gloria Davis, Lydia Arthur, and Barbara Hill doing some very fine vocaliz ing. One of the greatest items on the program was an excellent imper sonation of the one and only Elvis Presley! Heber Golden did this impersonation by singing Love Me Tender and Hound Dog. Believe j me, if you haven't seen this boy do these impersonations you have missed something! He is exactly , like Elvis ? even to some real side- J bums! Golly, but he is the most. I By the way, Elton Willis accom-l panied Heber by playing a guitar. The next impersonation came when Phillip Lynch 'played Chop Sticks Waltz at the piano. This! impersonation was of Liberace and it was hilariously completed when Phillip walked to the center of the stage holding a candelabra and said in Liberace's own soft voice, "I hope my brother George enjoyed that." Eight of the girls danced to two records, one by Elvis and the other by Pat Boone. It was all very good and I'm sure that every- 1 one enjoyed the whole program as much as I did. Oh yes, the theme record for the program was Tab Hunter's Young Love. Wednesday of last week grades 5 through 12 saw a very good mo vie about posture. Dr. Barnum and Dr. Lewis were present at this movie and after the movie, they explained many facts to us about how important good pos tare really is. They showed us some very interesting X-rays and then told us about the contest far choosing a posture King and Queen. Just listen to this! The Posture King and Queen of North Carolina will receive a $500 scholarship to the college or university of their own choosing. Come on, everybody, let's work toward good posture You all know that this contest is confined to seniors in high school, but for you who are not seniors this will give you a chance to start toward something so that when you do become seniors you will have perfect posture j*nd may become the king or queen of your school, county, or state. Thursday the FT A met in the library. The meeting was called to order by the president, Ann Davis. This meeting was held for purpose of discussing the County FTA meeting which is to be held Feb. 20 in our school. We alsoj discussed various plans for rais ing money. Three cheers and a hand of ap plause for some mighty ambitious seniors! Folks, you know that the past week has been March of Dimes week in our county, and that all the goodness and sym I pathy you have in your heart should be shared by contributions to this worthy cause. Two of our seniors. Janet Willis and Blanche Wolfe, did a mighty big part on behalf of the senior class. They baked a very beauti ful cake and sold chances on it, at 10 cents a chance. The ingre dients of the cake were donated by members of the senior class, so everything that was made from the chances on the cake was for the March of Dimes. They made almost $5 In case you are wondering, Dorothy Chad wick won the cake. Last Thursday night members of the annual staff met with Mrs. Willis in her home to check the annual. 1 wasn't present at the meeting, but those who were said they enjoyed thefnielve# very much and wish to thank Mrs. Wil lis (or suck a pleasant evening The dummy of the annual was checked and although it iia't com pleted tike re isn't much that needs to be done. The croup pictures arrived Mon day and everyone was very pleased with them. So, pupils of 8HS, it won't be long now before you'll have your copy of the "Whisper ing Pines." ! Now, it's time to walk to the cockpit and meet the pilot and co-pilot for this week's column This week we have another sur prise for you? in fact two sur prises! This week we are intro ducing the other set of twins in the seftior class? Lois and Louis Thomas. (Only Lois is a Hill now! ) Mrs. Senior Rigwheel Howdy! That's the voice of Lois Ray Thomas Hill (whew) coming your way. Lois was born to Mr aod Mrs. Louis Gray Thomas of Otway Oct. 29, 1938. Lois says that her only pet peeve is "those tests!" Her one heart's desire is i to have a happy We and by the ] looks of things with Bruce and her, her heart's desire is coming true. What's her favorite food? Why. barbecue! Her favorite singing star is none other than Tab Hunt er. Huh. huh, no Elvis for tier! Leis has been very active hi her four years of high school. She has been a class officer for two years. I in the Glee Club two years, 4 H for two years, FIIA for two years, on the newspaper staff one year. She attends Otway Christian Church. Her only plans for the future are to be a perfect housewife for Bruce. Lois has brown eyes, brown hair, and ^e stands a full 5 feet 4 inches. Her favorite movie star is Rock Hudson and her favorite song is Young Love. Her favorite pastime is reading and her favorite hobby is working in flower gar dens. Lois is just one of those likable persona. She was voted most cour teous in the senior class and be sides this fine quality she is one of the friendliest persons we know. Mr. Senior Rigwhee! Dash? Dash? Dash! That's how you will find Louis Gray Thomas Jr. Since he was born the same1 JACQUIN'S ?2 PINT DlSTIlLtD MOM CHAIN - <0 MOOf CM AXLES J1CXU11N Ml Cit. lax.. Phila.. Pa. UP IN SIZE! tJP IN POWER, PERFORMANCE, LENGTH, WEIGHT, BEAUTY- UP IN EVERYTHING BUT LOW IN PRICE! THE MERCURY Monterey See it today at our showroom Hardesty Motors 1302 AraruUII St. Morahaad City, N. C. ?TLB It*, tttt THE BIG IVI time Lois was and has the same parents, we can skip that. Louis (whom we call Gray) has one heart's desire? la he a success. Hts favorite food is shhmp. his favorite singing stars ? The Plat ter*. lUs plafis fc>r thr Mure axe to enter diesei eadtoeering Am#tg his favorite movie stars you will find James Dean's name Ttie Great Pretender is his favorite SOftg. Louis is very talented in play ing the harmonica and when he really gives with some of thosie fast pieces you can bet your life you nor lie can keep still. Louis's great hobby is basketball and if any of you have ever seen him in action en a basketball court you know what 1 mean when 1 say "He's the greatest!" In high school Gray has been a member of the 4-H for one year, FFA for four years, a member of the basketball team for four years. Varsity Club for throe years, baseball for two years and a school bus driver for two years. In high school he has received his athletic letter and a School Bus Driver medal. There't ope thing to say about Gray ami tiutf is bM?J*c being the feet* athlete and friendliest of the senior class, he is quite popu lar wiU> tV> female *e* He u> veijr liMdstme *nd U I wefe you girls, I'd set my cap for him Mow for Ural oew personality around SHS whom 1 premised t*> introduce to you ? Mrs. Daphne Young, the new member of oir high school faculty Mrs. Young was born in Beaufort, but her original home was in Bettie She is a former student of SHS. After completing high school at SHS she attended East Carolina College where she received her teacher's degree. Since then she has taught in Blair Junior Hij0i in Norfolk, Va.; Creeds High >1 Princess Ann County, Va.; and Princess Ann High in Princess Ann County. Va. Her minor subject is social science awl her major subject is home economics When asked why she liked teaching she replied. "I ! | find high school students interest ing. When 1 am teaching, the! ? word boredom' isn't in my voea bulary." Mrs. Young advises all students j to further their education because,} "1 think that within the next 20, years the college degree or sonf I form of special education will be1 as important as the high school diplomas were 20 years ago." She likes SHS because she is ; hack in her two feigfc tefco*! and . is happy to be here Mm Vming is a very pleasing person and all of us hope that she will enjoy her stay with us. That's all for now, folks. I've, got to get started with this plane. The motor's warming up and it's ' ready for the take off. See ya next j week with plenty of news. 'Til then be good? Speedo. The word "magnet" comes from Magnesium, the aame of the city in Turkey where the magnetic qual ities of lodcstone were first noted in 500 BX\ <'/-& [/r FRESH (EAFOOP DRESSED AND DELIVERED Just Call ? Phone 6-4020 It's Economical to Serve Delicious, Easy to Prepare Seafood. Have Some Today! OTTIS' FISH MARKET 8th and Evan* SU. Morehead City .. ^trained Baby Food 3 Package of IS Clothes Pin. "?31 * 18 '/i Liquid Sani-Flush ?? 39/ Tru-Way Disinfectant Pine Oil - 39/ Johnsons Hard Gloss Glo-Coat ? 88/ FOR A REAL TREAT TRY OUR HOME-MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE We Carry a Full Line of Rath's Black Hawk Luncheon Meats and Fancy Sausage Items Swift'* JEWEL OIL 57^ Frosty Acres Turnip Greens, 12-oz. or Orange Juice, 6 oz. 2 29< Stop! Hold everything! Here comes Pig (ly Wiggly with a train load of extra sav ings you can't afford to mis*. Take a look at these advertised items which will save you real money. Get on the right track and head fcr Piggly Wiggly today! Local Sweet POTATOES 5 lbs Set< ver Mi*t FLOUR 10 ?? 89 Plymouth _ MARGARINE 27 Pillibury Canned BISCUITS - 25< Hl-C Orange Drink - 27 * Swanson Beef, CUckw aad T?h?j T-V DINNERS 69^ Eadh I QUANTITY RIGHTS MMItVEB MICE* EFFECTIVE MUM., FKI , BAT., JAN. ?, FEB. I, 2 STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Friday Open 'tU S P.M. CloMd Wednesday 1 P.M. Corner 14th and Arendell St*. a I. Fresh, Lean Ground BEEF 3 - 1" [' USDA "Good" Steer > Chuck Roast. 33^ E . I "Quality Bur" k '