Town of Morehead City, North Carolina i Condensed Financial Statements Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1956 ?ALANCE SHEET ASSETS: Cash on Deposit and on Hand $ 111,534.64 Uncollected Taxes 62,087.12 Street Assessments Receivable - . 30,309.70 Accounts Receivable ? Hospital Patients 79,201.95 Accounts Receivable ? Others ... 5,372.30 Investments ? U. S. Bonds .... 30,240.00 Investments ? Real Estate Purchased 1,358.79 Inventories of Supplies ... 6,650.00 Fixed Properties 1,370,374.86 Total Assets $1,697,129.36 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS: Accounts Payable $ 26,196.53 Withholding and Social Security Taxes Payable 1,696.92 Hospital Insurance Payable 145.05 Prepaid 1956 Taxes 54,026.38 Bonded Debt ... 570,453.74 Total Liabilities $ 652,518.62 Reserves for Deferred Collections and Losses : Taxes Receivable I 62,087.12 Accounts Receivable ? Hospital Patients 79,201.95 141,289.07 1 Reserve for Bonds call but Not Delivered 5,678.32 Reserve for Operating Expenses: Recorder's Court 1,047.82 Rccreation Commission 1,783.01 2,830.83 Total Liabilities and Reserves 9 802,316.84 Surplus or Deficit: Deficit Surplus General Fund $219,407.24 Debt Service Fund 196,256.96 Hospital Fund 89,628.42 Recreation Fund 5,751.60 Capital Fund ' 822,582.78 $219,407.24 1,114,219.76 Net Consolidated Surplus 894,812.52 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surplus $ 1,697,129.36 CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS: Taxes and Penalties Collected $ 156,728.19 Street Asaensments Collected . 1,013.20 State Intangible and Beer and Wine Tax 8,002.30 State Franchise Tax ._ _ 3,177.62 State Mosquito Control .... 4,945.50 Hurricane Disaster Relief (Connie, Diane and lone) ? 45,288.90 Parking Meters .. ... 9,972.15 Schedule "B", Auto, Bicycle and Dog Licenses 8,211.00 Revenue from Recorder's Court 3,663.51 Rent 600.00 Building Permits . 590.00 Paving and Repairing Streets ' ? 1^56.60 Sewer Permits and Water Tap Fees 10,226.33 Sale of Cemetery Lots ....... . 247.00 Powell Street Aid ?. ? - 18,163.93 Carteret County for Police Radio 2,080.00 Insurance and Other Refunds 397.81 Payroll Deductions 34 82.66 Insurance Recovery ? Storm Damages 3,703.45 -Miscellaneous 316.85 Hospital Receipts: Patients .v $230,166.91 Tax Collections 2,308.03 County Board of Alcoholic Control 23,309.19 State and Federal Appropriations 714.00 County Welfare Department 833.00 Modical Care Commission 223.50 Contributions 2,385.61 Miscellaneous _ 4,827.09 264,767.33 Recorder's Court Receipts:: Court Costs * 12,430.16 State I. and I. Tax - 1,368.00 Fines Due County Schools 12,092.06 Amount Due Others 3.847.12 29,737.3 Recreation Commission Receipts: Tax Collections 1 4,809.16 Donations 70.00 Snack Bar, Music Box, Etc. ? 168.01 Rents 1,931.60 Payroll Deductions ... 64.08 6.83-. < > Toul Receipts * 683,392.30 Caah Balance July 1, 1958 85,691.11 Total Receipts and Balance .... ..$ 668,983.41 DISBURSEMENTS! General Fund ....$ 168,620.08 Debt Service Fund ? 19,623.23 Tax Collections Remitted to Hospital and Recreation Funds 6,917.19 Paid on Accounts Payable ... 12,286.86 Election Expense ..... 76.80 Expense of Dog Control ... ................... _ 36.00 UUW.,, .1 WHh Hm Armad Fotcm Pvt. William H. Robinson Takes Part in 'War Hawk' U. S. Force*, Germany ? Pvt William H. Robinaoo, 21, too of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea R. Robinaoo, 304 N. 7th St., Morehead City, re cently participated with the 8th In fantry Division in "War Hawk," a two-week field training exerciae in Germany. Robinson, a member of Company D of the division's 13th Regiment, entered the Army in February 1954 and arrived overseas last August. He was graduated from More head City High School in 1953 and waa employed by Wallace Fish eries. U. S. Forces, Hawaii. ? Pfc. James Branche, 20, son of Mrs. Marie Branche, 710 Pine St., Beau fort, is assigned to the 25th Infan try Division in Hawaii. Branche, whose father, William Branchc III, lives at 535 Narrow St., Port Arthur, Tex., U ? mem ber of a reconnaissance platoon In Headquarters Company of the di vision's 27th Regiment. He has been overseas since October IMS. Branche entered the Army in June IMS. He was graduated from Queen Street High School in Beau fort in 1953. Virginia Beach. Va. ? Patrick O. Rhue, airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stacy B. Rhue of 1S12 Fisher St., Morehead City, is serving with Fighter Squadron tl, based at the Naval Oceana Naval Air Station, Virginia Beach, Va. Rhue reported to Virginia Beach in December from the Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. Before entering the service in April 1956, he attended Morehead City High School, and was employ ed by the Stroud's Food Center in Morehead City. Off-Farm' Movement Fails To Materialize, ESC Says Raleigh? Despite the cut in to bacco acreage allotments and other problems facing North Carolina farmers, most tobacco farm ten ants and sharccroppers apparent ly arc "staying put," a check with Employment Security Com mission offices around the state has shown. The farm family displacement problem has not developed thus far as some feared it might, ac cording to the ESC's Farm Place ment Service. ESC Chairman Henry E. Ken dall said there has been a slight increase in the "surplus" of ten ants and farm workers listed in local offices, but he pointed out this follows the trend of recent years. While there has been an increase in the number of farm workers seeking help from the local offices, Mr. Kendall said there is no way of telling just how many of these represent "displaced" farm fam ilies, or how many arc in the nor mal seasonal movement at this time of the year. "Reports from our local offices would indicate, however, that no major displacement problem has developed," Mr. Kendall said, and he added that the Farm Placement Service ? at this point? is not an ticipating any greatly increased leave-the-farm movement. He cited a report showing that during December some 9,065 work ers were placed in agricultural employment. This was 3,464 more than the number placed during the previous December, and it is es timated that about 90 per cent of the placements represented year round employment. The Farm Placement Service reported 1956 as its "best year ever." Some 413,703 farm workers were placed on jobs, an increase of 70,391 placements over 1955. Last year's total was far better than the previous highest total (372,212) recorded in 1953. The big increase in farm place ments was due to favorable wea ther and in a large measure to' the fact that local offices around the State were able to put more time on farm placement efforts last year, it was said. Steady Benefactor Kitchener, Ont. (AP) ? For the 11th consecutive year, an anony mous donation of $1,000 has been received by the Women's Mission ary Society of St. Peter's Lutheran Church here. 0 Jul 30? Mr. and Mn. Nacy Bar ker and daughter, Judy, of Orien tal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Moooie Norman and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrias o f Atlantic spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Bone Wallace Jr. spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wallace Sr. David Carl Edwards of Florida spent the weekend with his (rand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Har dy. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lewis and Mrs. Emma Pittman of Beaufort visited Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Linzie Cannon went to New Bern Sunday after noon to sec their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Dixon. She had broken her foot. We hope she will soon be better. Mrs. Charlie Edwards of Florida spent the weekend with her daugh ter, Mrs. Maxton Tosto. Mr. and Mrs. George Earl Har dy visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Pitt man Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Carraway and twin babies of Cherry Point spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wallace. Mrs. Mary Pittman has got bet ter and we hope she will continue and will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy and Mrs. Bessie Carraway went to Ash ley Fodrie's funeral Sunday at Russells Creek. Cecil Tosto remains on the sick list. He has a busted muscle in his right shoulder. We hope he will soon be better. Firemen Rescue Trapped Pigeon Bowling Green, Ky. (AP)? Cre dit the city fire department with the extraordinary rcscuc of a pigeon. Someone had tied a 10-foot piece of string to the bird and com pounded the felony by attaching a stick to the twine. A pedestrian spotted the pigeon hanging head down, flapping help lessly, from a telephone line and called the Fire Department. Fireman Wallace Westbrook, dis patched to the scene in a ladder truck, set the pigeon free. Recorder's Court Officer Fees 1,778.00 Parking Meter Supervision and Expense 2,816.47 Police Radio 460.00 Payments to Hospital Savings Association 1,860.70 Payments in lieu of Vacation and Bonuses 1,797.90 Powell Street Aid Expense 192.75 Hurricane Relief Fund Expended 49,106.30 Street Paving 1,113.90 Miscellaneous - - 313.86 Social Security and Withholding Taxes Paid 2,118.75 Hospital Fund Expenses 256,561.10 Recorder's Court Disbursements: Costs Remitted to Town General Fund ? $ 3,663.51 Salaries of Judge, Solicitor and Clerks__ 8,448.25 Jury, Witness and Other Fees 682.00 Feeding Prisoners 793.44 Office Equipment and Supplies 471.87 Restitution Payments 1,275.12 Appearance Bonds remitted to Clerk of Superior Court _ 1,325.00 Fines Paid to County 11,618.55 Paid State I. and I. Tax 1,368.00 Special Guards and Medical Attention 42.00 Bonds Refunded 537.75 Refunds and Miscellaneous 116.28 30,341.77 Recreation Commission Disbursements: Salaries of Directors and Assistants $ 4,538.00 Equipment, Repairs and Maintenance 1,145.54 Heat, Water and Lights 754.67 Insurance 463.38 Supplies and Miscellaneous 425.84 7,317.43 Total Disbursements 563,127.09 Cath Balance June 30, 1956: Operating Funds $ 46,349.96 Hospital Fund 56,675.53 Recorder's Court Account 1,047.82 Rccrcation Commission 1,783.01 105,866.32 Total Disbursements and Balance $ 668,983.41 CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we have made an Audit of the financial records of the Town of Morchead City, North Carolina, for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1956; and have filed our Report thereon with the Town Commissioners. We further certify that wc have prepared the above condensed statements from our Audit Report; and that the above statements are in agreement with our Report and the Books of Account. Therefore, we certify that, in our opinion, the above represents ft true statement of the financial condition of the Town of Moreheftd City, North Carolina, at June 30, 1966, and a summary of Receipt* ftnd Disbursements for Year Ended same date. WILLIAMS & WALL By: Frank P. Wall, Certified Public Accountant A Crosswoid Puzzle i??S7 as Scot 2 Capital ot II. I endlnc II. Kin/of ?bo*: Trench 21. Even: contr. 22. Painting 23. And >o forth: abbr. 21. Reflected 27. Away 10. Purpose 32. Injures 35 Movato and fro 17. Canine ?. Celeatial body 40. Indian pola 42. Flax 44. Stir 43. Barren 47. Keep account of 49. Nocturnal bird SI. Edge S3. Sweetening 57. Biblical city St. Rapid 50. Starlinglike bird (1. Steeple ?3. Embroidery piece ?5. Drift 66. Attempt 67. Dined DOWN 1. Crooked aaaaaiii eiieum^ nation aauQ iiK Ju 4d ulMHia Ui4M EHHUiaj _JUU uua nil j uncos Mid H0H3EM3H UK naaso una hhq uiu?3 miimu ;yao [1:BUl3 aaiiu as aaaa aanaa Haaifiaa Hanciaa UHQQI-4U1 OQ0I10 Solution to Tuesday's Puizle 2. Nevada's best known city 3. Unruffled 4. Exclamation 5. Ship shaped clock 8. Large lake 7. Division of a railroad 8. Salad dressing ?. Four 10. Cryital gazer 1 1. Formerly 13. Printing forma 17. Born 20. Greek E 22. Large artery 24. Spanish hero 26. Posiessei name 29. Deadly 31. Witticism 33. Angry 34. Theater sign 36. Through 38. Obtained 41. Grinder of grain 43. Had exis tence 46. Small cube 48. Collide 49. Hop kiln 50. Dry 52. Nuisance 54. Large lizard 55. Dillseed 56. Scarce 58. To and ? 59. Sailor J 62. Among ? 64. Of me 86 PROOF Straight BOURBON Whiskey $9.10 PINT $3.35 4/5 QUART TYSON! DISTILLING COMPANY KFNTU^KV STATEMENT Merchant* Fire Assurance Corporation of New York New York, N. Y. Condition Dcccmbcr 31, 1955, as Shown by Statement Filed. ASSETS 1. Bonds ... u......... $22,403,135.00 2. Stocks .. 40,309,886.00 8. Cash and bank deposits 1,817,694.72 8. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums 2,872,863.55 Less ceded renisurancc balances payable 1,026,941.86 10. Bills receivable, taken for premiums _ 7,778.11 11. Reinsurance recoverable on loss payments 91,517.78 14. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 112,615.61 17. All other assets as detailed in statement 721,964.68 Total admitted Assets: $67,310,513.59 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1. Losses unpaid $ 5,391,030.82 2. Loss adjustment expenses unpaid 1,230,160.00 3. Contingent commissions and other similar charges... 220,000.00 4. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses and fees) Underwriting $175,200.00 Investment 4,800.00 180,000.00 5. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding Federal income taxes) Underwriting 384,000.00 384,000.00 6. Federal income taxes 805,800.00 10. Unearned premiums :. 15,286,978.32 11. Dividends declared and unpaid: (b) Policyholders 1,062.86 12. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties 1,080,257.34 13. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others - 15,829.61 14a Unearned premiums on reinsurance in unauthorized companies $ 568,176.22 14b Reinsurance on paid losses $35,345.93 and on unpaid losses $715,890.88 due from unauthorized companies $ 751,236.81 Total 4 1,319,413.03 15. Less funds held or retained by company for account of such unauthorized companies $ 135,730.51 483,682.52 It. Excess of liability and compensation statutory and voluntary reserves over case basis and loss expense re serves 60,815.28 23. Total liabilities ? - $25,138,816.75 25. Capital paid up $ 3,000,000.00 26. Unasslgned funds (surplus) 39,171,696.84 27. Surplus as regards policyholders 42,171,696.84 28. Total 887,310,513.50 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1K$ Net Losses Uae 1 1 Business Net Premiums Incurred Fire $112,437.44 $38,770.30 Extended coverage 29,172.17 39,095.21 Torn., wind, eye., hail (except growing crops) 109.76 44 10 Ocean marine ! 1,483.42 15.10 Inland marine 30,723.12 4,603.55 Auto phys. damage 3,319.21 2,248.98 Surety 4,956.21 Home owners 94.60 Total $182,295.93 $84,777.24 President, W. F. Brady; Secretary, E. S. Winter. Home office, New York, N. Y. Attorney tor service: Chas. F. Gold, Commissiooer of Insurance, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina Insurance Department, Raleigh, 1956 I, Chas. F. Gold, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Merchants Fire Assurance Corp. of New York, New York, N. Y., filed with this department, showing the condition of said company on the Slat day at December, 1855. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written, (laal) Charles F. Gold, Commissioner of Insurance, ?A

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