PRIZE- WINNING NEWSPAPER of the TAR HEEL COAST CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ??> 46th YEAR NO 25 TW0"SECTI0NS TWELVE PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1957 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Car Tears Through Yard Photo by Jerry Schumacher j Three passengers in a 1956 Ford were slightly injured Friday night when It ran through the fence in the foreground and came to rest in the front yard of Hubert Hepler, 2107 Arendell St. The driver of the car, M/Sgt. Joseph Sharpe, said that he had Just turned off 22nd Street on to Arendell when a car ran into him and knq^ked him through the fence and into Hepler's front yard. A wrecker is pulling the car out. Cars Collide, Yard Torn Up Two cars, a fence and assorted bushes and trees were the worse for wear after a wreck on Aren dell Street at 7:45 p.m. Friday. One of the cars, a 1956 Ford owned and driven by M/Sgt. Joseph C. Sharpe, Mori-head City, was a to tal loss. Police estimated $350 damage to a 1955 Mercury driven by Marc S. Dupontt who is stationed aboard the USCGC Chilula. They estimat ed damage to the fence, trees, yard and flowers of Hubert C. Ilepler, 2107 Arendell St., at $150. Three passcfifiers in Sergeant Sharpc's car were taken to the hospital for check-ups. Mrs. Joseph Sharpe, 34, Ruth Dailc Luckham, 13, and Janet McElmon, 4, were bruised but not seriously injured. Dupont was alone in the Mercury. Dupont said he was driving east on Arendell Street when Sharpe backed away from the curb and into him. Sharpe said that he had made a left turn off 22nd Street and was driving cast about 10 miles per hour when Dupont's car hit him in the rear. When police arrived on the scene Dupont's car was headed west but was still on the street. Sharpc's car had gone through the fence and yard of Mr. Hepler and was resting partially in the yard of 2105 Arendell St. Capt. C. E. Bunch and Patrol men J. C. Steele and W. J. Con die arrested Dupont on charges of careless and rcckless driving and driving while under the in fluence. Lewis A. Garrett Jr., the own er of the car driven by Dupont, said that his insurance would cover all but $50 of the tot;sI dam- 1 age. To Go to OCS Chief Petty (Xficcr Clyde Pincr Willis, above, a Navy draftsman, has been seleeted to attend offi cer candidate school, Newport, R. I., in May. Chief Willis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Willis, Marshall berg. He will be commissioned au en sign at Newport and after a 16 week coursc will report for duty to the heavy cruiser, St. Paul, Long Beach, Cal. (Recent com manding officer of the St. Paul is Capt. J. W. Davis, Smyrna). Chief Willis recently completed a 16-month tour of duty with Air Development Squadron Six, the air supporting squadron of Operation Deepfreeze, which is exploring the Antarctic continent. Chief Willis, who with his wife and children. Butch, Randy and Danrvy. are now visiting his par ents, is presently attache} to the Naval Aviation Safety Center, NAS, Norfolk, Va. With the Armed Force* Lt. Robert Adams, USMC, Completes Officer Course Quantico, Va. ? Marine second lieutenant Robert T. Adams, son of Robert Adams of route 1 New port, completed the 34- week offi cer's basic course March 16 at the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va. The coursc included indoor clas ses in personnel administration, first aid, map reading, weapons, field sanitation and leadership techniques. In (lie field, practical map read in?. live firing of weapons, drills and ccrcmonics, use of communi cations and employment of sup port in? weapons were applied. The basic course is compulsory Toastmasters Club To Meet Tomorrow The County Toastmasters Club will meet Hi 8: IS p.m. tomorrow at the Morchcad City Municipal Building. E. 0 Phillips will be toastmaster, ami (irralri llill will br topic master. Sfc. l'aul Bray will give the invocation. Prepared speakers will he Hugh Salter. W. E Piekard. I)r. Rus sell Outlaw, E. W. Downum and Jasper Bell. Alternate prepared speakers arc J. W. Sykcs and Cliff Lewis. Master critic is J. B. Eubanks. Other critics are Oscar Allred. W. J. Smith Jr., C. C. Faglie. P. H. Gccr Jr. aod W. L. Woodard. Lt. Robert T. Adams , . . . trains at QiiajiUco for all newly commissioned Ma rine officer*, including former en listed men. Naval Academy grad uates and Kraduatcs of colleges and universities. Gilbert W Higgs, EN I (RAO, son of Mrs. Annie ftiggs I'ettigrcw, Morehead City, ha> been transfer red from the Coast Guard Trllit ing Station, Groton, Conn., after three and a half .years of duty. His new station is the Isle of Rhodes, Greecc. See AHMED FORCES, Page X Copter Outfit Receives Award Cherry Point? Ma j. Gen. Verne J. MeCaul. Commanding General, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, At lantic, presented the Chief of Na val Operations' Aviation Safety Award Thursday to Marine lleli- i copter Transport Squadron -262 at the Marine Corps Air Facility, New River, N. C. The presentation took placc dur ing a battalion ceremonial review in which all squadrons of Marine Aircraft Group-26, the Second Ma rine Division Band, and the 10th Marines' saluting battery, partiei The bronze plaque was accepted on behalf of all members of Ma rine Helicopter Transport Squad ron-262 by their commanding of ficer, Lt. Col. W. G. Voss. General McCaul was recently nominated by President Eisen howcr for promotion to lieutenant general, and is scheduled to suc ceed Lt. Gen. Christian F. Shilt as assistant commandant for Air of the Marine Corps. General Shilt retired with full military honors Thursday at the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C. Officer to Speak Mrs. Dolly Burton, Jacksonville, director of District 7, Business and Professional Women's Club, will be the speaker at the meeting of the Carteret B&PW Club at 7 tonight at the Rex Restaurant. Amendment Lets Fishery Group Convene Here D. G. Ball Comments On Bills Affecting Carteret Residents At the request of Carteret rep resentative, I). G. Bell, an am?nd ment has been made to the pro posed law which would allow the Board of Conservation and De velopmer.t to meet in July at va riou.s coastal cities. At present it is required to meet at More he ad City. The amendment provides that the commercial fisheries commit tee of the C&D department meet at Morehead City prior to the de partment's summer meeting. This meeting would allow commercial fishermen to air their views .is has always been the practice in the past. The amendment was approved by the House C&D committee and the bill will go before the House this week, Mr. Bell said. In proposing the amendment, the representative told the com mittee why the Morehead City summer meeting came into being lie said that at first the fisheries and oyster division were separate parts of the state government. As such, Representative Bell said, they were weak and while joining the Conservation and De velopment department would strengthen them, fisheries interests feared they would be swallowed up and forgotten. To assure the fisheries interests that such would not be the case, it was agreed that the C&D board's summer meeting would always be held in Morehead City, which for | many years has been the head I quarters of the state fisheries di I vision. Mr. Bell, in an interview yester day, said that as yet he has re See RIMS, l'age 2 ICC Cancels Hearing Date Allen Leary Jr., of the Beaufort and Morehead Railroad Co., re ! ported yesterday that the Inter | state Commerce Commission has ' cancelled the hearing on the Ma j rine Corps Railroad. The hearing | had been scheduled for today. Mr. Leary, who filed an appli cation to operate the road, request ed that the hearing date be set aside until further work can be done on his proposed contracts with the federal government. Should Mr. Leary wish to do so, he may petition the ICC for a hear ing at a later date. I The Marine Corps Railroad runs i between Cherry Point and Camp ! Lejeune, a distance of 36 miles. | It connects with the Atlantic Coast | Line at Jacksonville and the A&EC I at llavclock. Big Criminal Docket Faces Superior Court Next Week Coast Guardsmen Get Early Workout The Coast Guard's 40 footer got an early workout yesterday morn ing. At 2 20 a.m. a call came from the SS Gulfhorn that she had a sick I -nan aboard. The two vessels met at the sea buoy, Beaufort Inlet, and the CCJ 40403 brought Carlos F. Torros to state port. Torros was taken by ambulance to Morehend City Hospital for treatment of sharp pains in his side His ship was enroute 'rom Port Arthur, Tex., to Groton, Conn. The crew of the CG 40403 was composed of BM-1 Eugene Pond, EN-2 Earl Taylor, SN Sebastian Rouse, and SN Aulcic Farmer. They reported back at the station at 4:20 a.m. Miss Vivian May . . . director of nurses Miss Vivian May Accepts Position at Hospital i Morehead Board Names Officials For Election The Morehead City town board appointed election officials at its meeting Thursday night. L. F. Tu ton was contacted and he agreed to act as registrar. The registra | lion hooks will be open 9 a. in. to 5 p.m. April 20 and April 27 at Ihc municipal building. The election will be May 7. Any resident of the city who pays a filing fee is eligible to run for office. Final day for filing is April 27. The filing fee is $15 for mayor and $5 for any other office except .hospital board member for which ' tWls no IWv In town elections there is only one precinct. All votes will be cast in the municipal building In coun ty and state elections there arc two precincts. The commissioners n a m e d Charles C: Willis and Clayton (iuthrie as judges for the election. Mr. Willis, who is a member of the county board of elections, said Saturday that he would not be able to serve because of his posi tion with the county. Felice Add Operator The Morehead City police switch board has a new operator for the graveyard shift, midnight until 8 a.m. She is Mrs. Naomi Barnes of Morehead City. Mrs. Barnes work ed at White's Ice Cream Bar on N. 7th Street prior to taking the job at the police station. ? Miss Vivian May, Gastonia, will become director of nurses at More head City Hospital Monday, April 15. Miss May's appointment was an nounced yesterday by David P. Wil lis, hospital administrator. She will succeed Mrs. Let tie Sanders, who will remain on the hospital nursing staff. Miss May, who was recommend ed for the position here by the : North Carolina State Nurses Asso ciation, is a native of Lowell, N. C., near Gastonia. She attended school at Lowell, trained at the Highland I Hospital, Asheville, and did addi tional work at Puke Hospital and J Polytechnic Hospital, New York City. She served several years in the Army Nurse Corps as public health and school health nurse and was stationed in Korea and Japan. For three years she was assist ant director of nurses at Gaston Metnurial Hospital, Gastonia. Mrs. Sanders resinned in Decem ber but agreed to fill the director ship until a successor could be found. Marshallberg Fire Truck Passes 'Pumping Tests' Pumping tests run Saturday with the Marshallberg fire truck were most successful, John Valentine, president of the men's club which sponsored the fire truck, reported yesterday. At WUIiston a well has been equipped with a 2-inch connection, water was drafted from a fresh water creek between Smyrna and Marshallberg, and a test at Mar | shalibcrg showed "the truck works I fine.'* I The Marshallberg men's club is ! hoping now to obtain a tank truck. Head of Morehead Clan to Speak Here J oka M. Nmltil HI. left, irindxm of the fovnder of Morrfcead CMy, looks over the irhnhlr of emli for the Morehead nty Cea tconiaJ A?f. t to 1*. Mr. II arc bead kas accepted aa invitation to be the Ccnleimlal'a distill fal?krd iprikrr. Coalerrtag with kin. above, I* ? board room al Uie Morcbcad plaaetartum, Chapel HUI, are Dr. B. F. Royal, Morcbcad City, aid Ik* Uwa'i mayor, Ocoric W. DHL Alleged Murderers Docketed for Trial Cases of 25 defendants, including Iiufus Fair Jr. and Sherman Selph accused of murder, will go before the grand jury next week. Superior Court convenes Monday at 10 at the courthouse, Beaufort, with cases slated for every dav through Friday. Arthur Colston Jr. is also charged with murder. The grand jury will decide whether there is sufficient pvirlnnco In I rv I ho rlofonrlanlv In^- ? ? 1 addition to Fair and Selph, the fol lowing will appear before the jury: Norma I)ene Harper, charged with racing; Ira Thomas Willis, J. E. Morris, John James, Fred; Garland Green and Miliah Clco phous Tunstall, drunken driving; Carlton Pittman, public drunken ness; James Oscar Chapman. Wil liam Kennedy, William Henderson and Jim Linbcrgcr, larceny. Frank Perus and Picrson Willis, breaking, entering and larceny; Fdward Hudson, whisky violation; Joseph I) Mason, speeding; Ru dolph Sparrow, forgery; Clarence Petteway and Garfield Turner, bad checks; Vera W. Sparrow and Alonzo Bell, morals charge; Ran dolph Jones, fraud; and Roscoe Garner and Walter Thomas Law rence, violation of motor vehicle law. The following arc slated for trial before Judge J. Paul Frizellc Mon day: Dclbert Roy Jones, breaking, entering and larceny; Robert Thomas Norris. drunken driving; Robert Karl Kubanks, violation of motor vehicle law; Roderick Moore, affray; Rudolph Sparrow, Garfield Turner and Clarence Petteway, forgery; Frank Perus and Picrson Willis, breaking, enter ing and larceny; Rufus Fair Jr., Sherman Selph and Arthur Colston Jr., murder. I*eo Simpson, Ira Thomas Wil lis, Phillip B Moore and Krnest Allen, drunken driving; William B. Tedesco, Walter Thomas Law rence and Franklin G. Picrson, violation of motor vehicle law. William Kennedy, larceny; Ml * thew Mitchell, assault^ Carlton Pittman, public drunkenness; and Norma Harper and Abron George Rallou, racing. Slated for trial Tuesday are Kills T. Boone. Eddie Lee Howell and Odcll J. Lcacrafl, drunken driv ing; Vera W. Sparrow and Alonzo Bell, morals; William Kennedy. James Ascar Chapman and Wil liam Henderson, larceny; James Franklin Lancaster and Joseph D. Mason, speeding; Robert William Misunas, manslaughter; Edward Hudson, whisky count; and Cla rcnce Petteway, bad check. Scheduled for trial Wednesday arc Johnnie Lockey, non-support; Ralph Norris Wood, speeding; Raymond T. Graham, violation of motor vehiclc law; Earnest Allen, public drunkenness; John Smith McGcc. assault; Raymond J. Riggs, bad check; and McDonald Wilson, Bennic Willis, Edward Turner Powell and Mrs. Garland Royal, driving drunk. Slated for trial Th i lay are Charles Alton Wells, Ennis Thom as Bass. Dcrwood l.#cc Chud'vick, j George Huntley Siyron, aid Law rence Henry Rivas. drunken driv ing; Harold Bass, public drunken ness; Charlie Rose, assault; Rob ert David Wray and Clyde John son Cannon, violation of motor ve hicle law; and George Dudley Sr., disorderly conduct. Slated for trial Friday are Wil liam Bell, disposing of mortgaged property; Franklin G. Pearson, Paul Randolph Johnson and Cur tis Nelson, violation of motor ve hicle law; Sam Green Jr., assault; Howard Rose Jr., speeding. John Brinkley, Stella, Injured in Explosion John C. Brlnkley, 46. Stella, was seriously burned Wednesday while working for the State Highway and Public Works Commission on High way 17, twelve miles south of New Bern. Mr. Brinkley, with Karl Sunt mcrell, 20, New Bern, who was also burned, ia in St: Luke's Hos pital, New Bern. The men were blown into the air and sprayed with heated tar when a tar kettle they were op erating exploded. Tide Table TMr? ?( the Beaufort Bar lIKill I AW Tuc&Hay, March 26 4:51 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 5:26 p.m. 11:36 p.m. ft'rdntMlay. March 71 5:43 a.m. 6:12 p.m. 12:00 p.m. Thursday, March 2S 6 28 a.m. ? 12:22 a.m. 4:52 p.m. 12:42 p.m. Friday, March 2* 7:06 a.m. 1:05 a.m. 7:28 p.m. 1:22 p. in. Supreme Court Denies Motion In Newport Suit The stale supreme court has de I niecl a ruotiun by officials of the I town of Newport to dismiss the | water system suit on the basis that it is frivolous. 9 I Plaintiffs in the case, who seek to block borrowing of $120,000 to put in the town-wide water system, I appealed to the supreme court, j after superior court judges twice | held that allegations in the case | were no basis for action. I Notice that the supreme court would not dismiss the case was mailed Thursday to (Icorgc W. Ball, attorney for Newport offi cials. The court advises that the de fendants (the mayor and town commissioners) request a hearing as soon as possible. Such a request j is permissible where the suit in j volves the public. If the court grants the request to advance the appeal for hearing, the case may be heard Tuesday, April 9. Police Blame Robbery on Boys Police suspect that a group of young boys broke into Sound Esso Station. Arendell Street. Morehead City. Sunday night. The station manager reported the break-in Monday morning. Lt. Joe Smith investigated the incident and found that several rolls of change had been taken from a cigar box in one of the desk drawers. He says it must have been an amateur job. Some money was left in the same box, and ? considerable amount in bills was left in another cigar box. A key had been broken off in the cash register, but the register was unopened. It was an electric cash register and had been unplugged the night before. Lieutenant Smith said that the thieves had come in through a window at the rear of the station. While the police have made no arrests, there arc several suspects under observation. Health Office Halts Salk Shots Mrs. I^eota Ham m e r. county health nurse, announced yesterday that due to a temporary shortage of salk vaccine, no more polio shots will be given at the weekly Beaufort and Morehead City clinics j until further notice. The county health department was notified by the Slate Depart ment of Health yesterday that it may be about two weeks until there is sufficient supply again. As of yesterday, the health de partment had enough vaccine for ."*60 shots. Hal vaccine will be used at Queen Street clinic today and Newport Friday. If there is not enough vaccine for all the children, Mrs. Hammer said that the nurses will re-visit the schools to give shots when the new shipment of vaccine comes in. The health department has an or der in for 3,000 doses From Jan. 1 through Friday, the county department administered 3,452 shots Vaccine is still available from private doctors. Sailor Identified The sailor who was treated at the Morehead City Hospital for smash ed fingers last Thursday was Ar nold Madgwick, Surrey, England. Madgwick was brought to state port by the ocean research vessel Atlantis. He had caught his hand in a cable Thursday morning. He was unidentified in Friday's report of the incident. .. aJ

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