MoreheadGity Social News Miu Ellen Bprdeaux, Socletjr Editor Rioar (-4171 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Egan and daughter, MeUoda, ?>f Arlmtfto*, Tex., arc spending this week with Mrs. Eton's luwliwr, Mrs. A. B. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. John FusselL and children, Jotowiy and Hath, left Fri day for Bawsua. Ga, whet# ftwy will visit his parents, Mr and Mrs. J. O. Fussell. Mr. and Mrs V ictor A Bell of Smithfield. Va.. arrived Wednes day. bringing their son. Jimmy, to Camp More head. They visited Mrs. Leslie Lee at her home at Club Colony and returned to Smithfield Friday. Mrs. Charles Hines and son. Chuek. of Kinston spent Friday with Mrs. Leslie Club Colony. Mrs. Albert Cooper and two sons, also of Kinston. arrived Thursday for two weeks. Miss Donna Wilkerson of Raleigh h spending this week at Atlantic Beach. Mr and Mrs. Bill Moore had as their guests last week Mr and Mrs. Joe Whitley of Kenly, Mr. and Mrs. Fori Brown and children and Miss Betty Lou Merritt of Greenville. Mrs. St .in Pajewski, the former Mickey Gunnersen, of Brooklyn. N. Y . Has returned home after a visit with her parents, Mr ami Mrs. Carl Gwnnersen. She has recently returned from Las Vegas, Nev , where she was in the cast of Pa jama Gome for six weeks. Mrs. W M. Brady and daughter. Kim. spent Thursday and Friday in Durham. Dr. and Mrs Ben Royal were in Chapel Hill last Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. A. B. Roberts is attending a district Woman's Club meeting in Kinston today. Miss Ann Stevens of Boston, Mass., has arrived to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs R. E. Stevens, at Atlantic Reach. Mrs. J. L. Sen HMD and daagb ters, June and Joan, visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. Gordon MrCabe, and son in Goldsboro Thursday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Afvah Wheafton in Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. EArl HoR had as their guests for the weekend her< brother, Mr. and Mrs. James Hona ker and daughter, Cheryl, of Win ston Salem; her mother, Mrs. M. j V. Honaker of Sparta and her sif ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Uline and children. Johnny and Betty Ann, of Cleveland. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. James Webb and daughter, Nora Jo, and Mr. and Mrs. N. R Webb arrived home Fri day night from Charbataa. 9. C?, where they spent several days. Mr and Mrs Carlisle Goode and three children have returned to their home in Marion, Vs., after spending some time with her mother. Mrs Alvm WiHis. Mr. and Mrs Jamie Harris and children, of Norfolk. Vs.. arrived Friday to spend several days with Mr and Mrs. A B Roberts. The Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Jones returned to their home in Fountain Inn. S. C.t after spending a few days at their cottage on 13th Street Mrs J. R Herring was called to GuldsbOro Wednesday, due to the illness of her brother. Mr. Ar nold Smith. Miss Libby Bell and Miss Glenda Morto** are spending this week at Caswell Baptist Assembly, near | Southport. Mrs. B F. Morton drove : them there yesterday. Mr. Don F. Wilbs, Mrs. Bud Mayo and son, Michael, went to Rocky Mount Saturday to get their i sister, Mrs. John Oechslie and daughter, Betsy of New Rochelle, N. Y., who arc visiting her mother, Mrs. Lula Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swindell and children have returned home from ; a four-day tour of historical places j in Virginia. They visited the [Jamestown Festival, two outdoor dramas and several historical inu? seums. Mr. and Mrs. K R. Ball of Nor folk are visiting his mother, Mrs. George Purifov. Mr. Ball, who is in the Coast Guard, is being trans ferred to Bermuda Aug. 14. Mr. Rufus Butner, who recently underwent an appendectomy at Kinston, is expected to return to work today. Ife is cashier at the Commercial National Bank. Mr. Floyd Harris of New Or leans, La., his daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wat son awl three children of Atlanta. Ga., are here visiting relatives. Mrs. Truman Kemp is recover ing in Morehead City Hospital, af ter undergoing an operation. Mr. and \Jrs. Roy Purifoy and three children are spending some ifraf here with relatives. They are from Rocky Monnt. Mr. and Mrs. George Piner re turned home Sunday from Jackson ville, Fla., where they had been visiting. Mrs. Maggie Piner of Jacksonville, who accompanied them here, fell and broke her arm Sunday night. She is a patient in Morehead City Hospital. To Wed in October Mi?s Jane Agnes Parker is the daughter of Talbot F. Parker of Goldaboro and Atlantic Beach and the late Mrs. Parkar. Her en gagement te William Whitfield Smith, son ef Mra. Alice hie Gee Smith of ftaletgh and Roger A. Smith of Smlthfleld, la announced by her father. An October wedding is planned. Lloyd A. Fry Drivers Compile Safety Record Troy D. Moore, transportation of fleer of the Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co., reported this week that coin pony truck drivers had driven llt, M7 mites during the past month without an accident. F* performing this feat, the drivers were guests ot the com pany at a recent dinner at Mrs. RusaeU Willis Barbecue Restf Cake Cutting Honors Miss Howerton, Mr. Bell Miss Jane Wright Howerton end Mr. William Guy Bell, who ware married Sunday afternoon, were entertained at a cake cutting fol lowing reheuraal Saturday night. The hoateaaea were Mra L. J. Norrie Sr. and Mra. Nerria Jr. Mrs. Noma Sr. had decorated her home with arrangements of zinnias, marigolds and glarfiolaa Guests were members of the wad ding party and filenda of Me Mrs. Noma Jr. poured punch, which was served with mixed nuts, bridal mints and individual dec Wad Sunday Afternoon Mis* Jane Vfr Miss Jane Wright HwrtrtM and j Mr. William Guy Bell were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at , three o'clock in the First Methodist j Church. The Rev. J. F. Herbert, pastor of the church, officiated at | the double ring ceremony. Baskets of white gladiotas were placed in the chtfrch for decora [ tion. Nuptial music was presented ! by Mrs. George Mizesko, organist, | and Mr. WiHiam Laughton, soloist, i Wedding selections included Through The Years, Because, and The Lord's Prayer. The brfde, given in marriage by ; her father, wore a ballerina length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tulle. It was fashioned with a fit ted lace bodice and a full tulle skirt banded with lace. The bodice featured a scalloped yoke of tulle and a round collar. Long sleeves ended in points over the hands. She wore a waist length veil of illusion, which was attached to a crown of chantilly lace and pearls. She carried a white prayer book topped with a white orchid and showered with lilies of the valley and satin streamers. Mrs. David Stalker, niece of the groom, was matron of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of aqua nylon net over taffeta. She wore gloves and headpiece to match and carried flowerlets tied with pink ribbon. Mm Lib by BeM. niece of the groom, was junior bridesmaid. She wore a pink gown of nylon net over taffeta with gloves and bead piece to match and carried flow ers like those of the honor attend ant. Mr. Wade Bell, brother of the groom, was best man. Dr. Louis J. Norris Jr. and Mr. Seldon Sher wood were ushers. A reception was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Guests were greet ed at the door by Mrs. A. H. Mc Mr. and Mrs. Eastman Entertain Mrs. Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman entertained Sunday in honor of Mrs. Eastman's mother, Mrs. W. P. Hedrick of Tayloraville, who was celebrating her Mth birthday. Those who attended went to Sani tary Restaurant for dinner Puncl and cake were served at the East man home later. Children and grandchildren pres ent were Dr. and Mrs. Mcintosh Hedrick of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillip Hedrick, Dr. and Mrs. Earl E. Hedrick, Miaa Jane Hedrick, Mr David Hedrick and Mrs. Sally Culpepper, all of Ra leigh, and Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman Jr., of Chapel Hill. ArMOV! 0 SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND LAUNDRYITTE rr. an ight llowerton Donald and introduced to the re ceiving line. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Howerton chose a powder blue street length dress of charv trlly lace over satin with matching accessories and a corsage of roses. For a wedding trip to the western part of the state, the bride wore a powder blue dress with matching accessories and the white orchid lifted from her bridal bouquet. Upon their return the couple will be at home at 10S N. 6th St. The bride, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. William H. Howerton, is em ployed at Carolina Power and Light Co The groom is the son of Mr. Sheldon Bell and the late Mrs. Bell. He is also employed at Carolina Power and Light Co. Three Hostesses Honor Miss Jane W. Howerton Mrs. Frank Moran, Mrs. A. H. McDonald and Mrs. Adam Mayer were hostesses at a cola party Wednesday afternoon honoring Miss Jane Howerton, who was mar ried Sunday. The dining room of the Moran home was decorated with whit* column stock and brlstol fairy. The table was covered with green and white nylon net and was centered with green candles. The living room was decorated with arrange ments of happiness roses and red gladiolas. Miss Howerton and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Howerton, were pre sented corsages and Miss Hower ton received a gift of silver. Mrs. David Stalker, a recent bride, was remembered with a corsage and a gift of linen. The forty guests who called were served tolas, open faced sand wiches, cookies and bridal mints. Hear Reports The Carteret District Scout Com mittee heard reports on the na tional jamboree at VaHey Forge at thohr meeting at the Marehead City civic center Friday night. J. E. Crowe presided at the meeting. F> TODAY 6:45 p.m.?Rotary Club, Scout building, Beaufort 7:30 p bi ? Coast Guard Reoerve U?U. Coat>t Guard Station, Port lAaeon load 8 p.m.?Women of the Moose, iodge hall. Atlantic Beach 8 p.m.?Meeting of local mem bers oi Morehead City High School Class of '34 at courtroom, munici pal building. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Esther Rebekahs, recreation building, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.?Odd Fellows, recrea tion building, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.?Heavyboat Army Re serve Unit, Legion hut, Beaufort 8 p.m.?Altar and Rosary So ciety, St. Egt>ert's Catholic Church, Morehead City THURSDAY 9 a.m.?Beaufort junior and sen ior band students, band hut, Beau fert School (V30 p.m.?Rotary Club, lex Res taurant. highway 70 west More head City 6:3* p.m.? Lions Club, Hotel Fort Macon, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.?National Guard Unit, Camp Glenn Armory 8 p.m.?Order of Eastern Star. Masonic locfge, Morehead City 8 p.m.?Morehead City-Beaufort Elfrs Club, Morehead City 8 p.m.?Odd Fellows, lodge hall, Beaufort 8 p.u ? Alcoholics Anonymous, open meeting, 4261-a Front St., Beaufort FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 7:30 p.m. ? Woodman Circle, Grove No. 263, hall east of Camp Glenn School. Jaycees Plan More Frequent Meetings To Build Interest The Beaufort Jaycees may go back to their former meeting sche dule. The board of directors will suggest such a move at the next regular meeting, the second Mon day aight of August. The Jaycees meet at the Scout Building in Beaufort. The Jaycees used to meet every MfaWay night except the first Mon^ day. Last month they changed to the second and fourth Monday nights. The board feels that the less frequent meetings is leading to a drop in interest in the club. Under the proposed schedule the Jaycees would have dinner meet ings and business sessions the sec ond and fourth Monday nights. On the third Monday night a brief business discussion will precede a stag get-together. On fifth Monday Bights, the program committee will sponsor parties for Jaycees, their wives and girl friends. Centennial Books Will Go on Sale Thursday Morning The Marehead City Centennial booklet, 128 pages crammed full of pictures and interesting facts oa More bead City, will go on sale Thursday morning, according to general chairman Charles Markey. Mr. Markey says the last of the books rolled off the press Saturday and all have been sent to the binders The books sell for 82 each. Patrons and patronesses will re ceive free copies. Editor of the booklet is Ben Alford, and assistant editor is Aden Coleada Ads were sold by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar key, Warren Beck, and typing was done by Mrs. Austin Adams. Members of the Morehead City Woman's Ckib sold patron and pa troness listings. g^-i n moor ? vkms old sssi? WILLIAM Penn CIHT ?3' 4/S QUART Engagement Announced ? ?. : Miss Thelma Memakis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Me makis. who announce her engagement to RM3 Larry Evan Barnette, USCG. of Norfolk. Va.. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Barnette of Nor folk, formerly of Morebead City. Mrs. Hufham is Honored At Housewarming Friday Mrs. L. E. Lewis and Mrs. Er-, nest Horton were hostesses at a | surprise housewarming Friday night in honor of Mrs. Douglas' Hufham, who has recently moved J into her new home at Mitchell Village. Seventeen guests gathered at the home of Mrs. Hufham, who was brought to the party by Mrs. Hor ton. She was showered with house hold gifts. During the evening bingo was played. Mrs. Kenneth Wagner won the door prize and the coverall prize was won by Mrs. Jack Sav age, Atlantic Beach. Refreshments of colas, cupcakes, salted nuts and mints were served. Australia now invites non-British immigrants. Stork News Births at Morehead City Hospital: | To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cald well,. Morehead City, a son. Fri day, July 26. To Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fleming, I Morehead . City, a son, Michael | Keith, Thursday, July 25. To Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor! Jr., Morehead City, a son, Ricky [ Lee, Thursday, July 25. Me?Koeli?t Youth Enjoy All-Day Retreat Sunday Tho senior depart meat and the yoong adult class of the First Afothntfisl Chifrch held an alVday retreat ^t Cape Lookout Sm,<l.i> The group went to the cape on the Alias Pearl. They enjoyed swimming, a picnic lunch, ami a visit to the lighthouse. Adult counselors with the group were A*r and Mm. Waiter Morris, M and Afrs. A. B. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hamilton Jr., and Air. and Mrs. Robert Laughton. Approximately 25 boys and girls attended. Welcome Son Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willis wel comed a 6 pound. 14 ounce son, Francis Craig. Thursday. July 25, in Morehead City Hospital. The newcomer has two sisters, Connie and Carol. HERE'S A WORLD OF FUN FOR EVERYONE Come Danrr, Romance To Your Heart's Content. 4-Piece Orchestra, DANCING EVERY NIGHT Cover Charge 75c Per Person Saturday Night Only Wednesday Special CHINESE FOOD Chow Mein With Buttered Egg Noodles YOUR CHOICE OF OTHER FINE FOODS ; BLUE RIBBON ^ ' RESTAURANT ^ Phone 6-5533 For Reservati* ^ r ROIIC VMM vCttS August 1st starts a new F-C lM t. MflfP 3% interest period! Put your money to work at First-CHiiens! All savings account de posits made on or before August 6th earn 3% interest from August 1st. DOES YOUR WATER SOFTENER NEED HELP? NEED REPAIR? Expert repair service on all makes. NEED SALT? Delivery service of proper sail for your softener. CALL CULLIGAN Phone 6-5620 Conveniently Located in ? More he ad City With Drive-In Service ? Be a uf art ? Swans boro ? Newport ? llavelock ? Cherry Point and in other fine N. C. comrau ities We never terfet te "7lyU (MuT Ask V?r Mi *Nt 8* hstHMft tiu fcpt! SUMMER CLEARANCE SAVE $ $ ? HELP MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW FALL FABRICS "SPECIALS" Regular 98c 45" Ginghams - - - - - 2 yards for $1.00 Regular 69c Assorted Drip Dry Prints ? ? 2 yards for $1.00 Regular $1.49 Linen 1 yard for $1.00 Regular 79c Twill, Poplin, Cotton Faille - ? 2 ^ards for $1.00 Regular 59c Sanforized Denim - - - - 3 yards for $1.00 Regular $1.39 Printed and Solid Cwpioni .... 98c yard Regular 79c Lurex Chambray ..... 2 yards for $1.00 45" Sateen and Drapery Lining ....... 59e yard New Shipment of Bates Fall Prints and Solids 1c per inch box i 1c per yard ribbon 7" Skirt Zippers. All Colors 10c each SEW AND SAVE Midville Fabric Center r.m,. Highway ? OypwH* Tarawa Tarraca Phona 4907 Jacksowvilla, N. C.

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