I Beaufort Social News Miss Fllen Bordeaux, Society Editor Phone t-tZU Mr. Tommy Euro spent the weekend in Fuyetleville, where he visited his wife who is ill at the home of her parents. Mr. C.. V. Uarrell of Raleigh ar rived Friday night to spend the fveefcend with his sister and bro ther-in law, Mr. aud Mrs ?('. W S, at Mr Scott i? ill at his home. Mrs. W. H. Morgan is ill at her tome on Orange Street. Mrs. O. B. Olsen is in Durham risiting her brother anjl sister-in ! aw, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davenport. Forest tomorrow to get her daugh ter. Paula, who is a student there. Paula will spend the Christmas holidays at home. , Walter Phillips will arrive home today from St. Andrew's School. Middletown. Del., to spend the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Phil lips. Ft. and Mrs. James A. Piner and two sons, who are stationed in Portland, Ore., with the Air Force, arrived Wednesday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Piner and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, over the holidays. I Bob Safrit, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Safrit Jr., will arrive home today from the University of C.eor i gia. Athens, to spend the holidays. Mr and Mrs. Frank Jordan, who have been living in Victoria, Tex., have moved to Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Jordan is the former Rebecca Mason of Beaufort. Jimmy Potter will arrive home Thursday from the I'niversUy of Virginia at Charlottesville to spend Christmas vacation with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis Potter. Miss Jane Safrit. a freshman at the Omversity of Georgia, Athens, will arrive today to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Safrit Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Styron. for merly of Athens. Ga.. are living at 105 Live Oak St. Mr. Styron is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Styron, Broad Street. Dr and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell will leave Sunday to spend the Christ mas holidays with Mr., and Mrs. Frank Hitter in Norfolk, Va. Mr. Jeff Ryan of Goldsboro and Boston. Mass., was a weekend ; guest at the Inlet Inn. Methodist Women Attend Holiday Party Last Week The Grace Eure Circle of Ann Street Methodist Church met last week at the home of Mrs. Eure for their class meeting and Christ mas party. Christmas gifts were exchanged and the secret pals for the past year were revealed. A Christmas molded salad, cook ies, candy and iced drinks were served. Obituary DOXZA L. MERRILL Donza Lee Merrill, 45. died Fri day at Mercy Hospital. Baltimore. Md. Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon in Tuttle's Grove Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert Poulk, pastor, and the Rev. Louis Lewis. Burial was in the church cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Doris Merrill of Baltimore; his father, K. A. Merrill Sr. of Beaufort RFI); four brothers. B. S. of Annapolis. Md.. K. A. Jr. of Beaufort RFD; Clifford of Beaufort, and Colon of Eglin Field, Fla.; and one sister, j Mrs. W. T. Gillikin of Bettie. Dawson-Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. David Bazemore request the honour of your presence I at the marriage of their daughter | Regina Lovette to Tfc. Walter Dawson Jr. on Sunday, the twenty second of Decernl>er nineteen hundred and fifty-seven at ten o'clock a.in. 505 Live Oak Street Beaufort, N. C. Reception immediately following the ceremony 813 Pine Street No invitations are being sent in the county, but all friends of tlie couple are cordially invited. Bridge Tourney Director Gives Names of Winners] Mrs. C. C. McCuiston and Mr. I Dorsey Martin were first place I winners of the duplicate bridge | tournament, played Friday night at j the Inlet Inn. 1 Mrs. George Fastman and Mr. A1 Dewey were second and Mrs. T. j R. Iverson and Mrs. Don Martin ! were third. Mr. Jeff Ryan of Goldsboro and Boston, Mass., com peted in the tournament. I Mr. A1 Dewey, director, an i nounces that this week will be | monthly master point game. Hospital Notes Morehead City Hospital j Admitted: Wednesday, Miss Ruth Stevens, Mrs. Pauline Bell, Mrs. ; Lois Cat ley. Mr. Ole (I. Sterlen, Mr. George Marlowe, Morehead City; Mrs. Maude Clement, New jport; Mrs. Clydie Gillikin, Beau i fort. Thursday, Mrs. Dorothy Brown. Mr. Clyde Fulcher, Newport; Mrs. I Janice Conway, Marshallberg; Mrs. Bertha Frazier, Ilavelock; Mrs. Eloise Munden. Morehead City; Mr. Phillip Simpson, Mr. | Charles Ilatsell, Miss Maybelle iNeal. Beaufort. Friday, Mr. Vance Fulford, Mr. Vance Gillikin. Mrs. Lucy Hunter, Beaufort; Mrs. McColla Bohmul ler, Newport; Mrs. Ann Willis, ! Morehead City. Discharged: Thursday, Miss Jean Borner. Marshallberg; Mrs. Noma I Davis, Mrs. Leonda Dudley, Beau fort; Mrs. Marcy Lewis and daugh ter, Morehead City; Mrs. Glennie Prouty and son, Newport. Friday, Mr. Charles Carrow, Mrs. Sidney Lewis, Mr. Charles Ilatsell, Miss Maybelle Neal, Beau fort; Mr. Colonel Locklear, Mr. Fred Simmons, Newport; Mrs. | Frances Davis, Mr. George Mar lowe, Morehead City; Mrs. Wiltna j I^ove and son, Havelock. | Saturday, Miss Ruth Stevens, Morehead City; Mr. Vance Ful ford, Beaufort. Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Thursday, Mrs. Ra mona Willis, Mrs. Katie Lynch, Atlantic; Friday, Mrs. Mattie How ard, Newport. Saturday, Mr. Lionel Gilgo Jr., Atlantic; Mrs. Dolly Goodwin, Ce dar Island; Mr. Alonza Taylor, Otway. Discharged: Thursday, Mr. Ver non Tolson, Newport; Friday, Mrs. Tensa Hamilton, Mrs. Beulah Dan iels, Sea Level. Saturday, Mr. Worden Gillikin, Atlantic; Mrs. Rennie Gillikin, Ot way; Mrs. Thelma Willis, Willis ton; Monday, Mr. Ben Smith, New port. TODAY 1-4 p m.-Clinic, county health center, Beaufort. (Shots adminis tared during these hours ?nUa 6:45 pm.?Rotary Club, Scout budding. Beaufort 7 p m - Marine Reserve Unit, The Crossroads, Havelock 7 30 p in.?Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Coast Guard Station, Fort Macon Road 7 30 pm ? Camp Glenn PTA. School building. Morehead Uty g p.m.?St. Catherine's chapter. St Andrew's F.piscopal Auxiliary, parish house. Morehead City 8 p.m.?Folk and Square darn ing. recreation building. Morehead 8* p.m.?Women of the Moose. | lodge hall, Atlantic Beach WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12:30 p m.-Sooial Security representative, courthouse annex. Beaufort . I 2:30 p.m.?Garden and Civic I" partment, civic center, Morehead ' 7* p.m.?Flight C. 9948th Air lie serve Sq., municipal building, Morehead City THURSDAY 9-11 a m ? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort (Shots adminis tered during these hours only >. 1-3 p.m.?Clinic, Morehead Cu> Hospital Annex. (Shots adminis tered during these hours onl> ). C 30 p.m.?Rotary Club, Rex Res taurant, Morehead City 6:30 p.m.?Lions Club, Hotel Fort Macon. Morehead City 7:30 p.m.?Odd Fellows, recrea tion building, Morehead C ity 7:30 p.m.?National Guard Unit. Camp Glenn Armory g p.m.?-Order of Eastern Star. Masonic lodge. Morehead City g pffli?Morehead City-Beaufort Elks Club. Morehead City 8 p.m.?Odd Fellows, lodge hall. Beaufort g p m ? Alcoholics Anonymous. | open meeting, 426' -2 Front St.. | Beaufort 1 FRIDAY 7 30 p m. ? Duplicate Bridge | Tournament. Inlet Inn. Beaufort' 7:30 p.m. ? Woodman Circle. Grove No. 263, hall east of Camp, Glenn School I ? | Taylor-Lewis Mrs. Charlie Lewis announces the engagement of her daughter, Ada Mae, to Mr. Robert D. Tay lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Monroe Taylor of Marshallberg. The wedding will take place Dec 28 at 7 p.m. in the First Free Will Baptist Church. No invitations are being sent in the county, but all friends of the couple are cordially invited. Mrs. Gene Smith Hostess To Thursday Evening Club Mrs. Gene Smith was hostess to her bridge club Thursday evening A Christmas motif was carried out High score prize, a trivet, was won by Mrs. Odell Merrill, and low, Christmas decorations, was won by Mrs. Charles Davis. The hostess served colas and nuts during progressions and lemon pie and coffee at the conclusion of play Christmas gifts were ex changed by the club members. Church Gives Party | Family night was observed Wed nesday night at Ann Street Meth odist Church. A covered dish sup per was enjoyed. After which there was a Christmas movie and group singing. High Scholastic Average Miss Barbara Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harris, Ann Street, was on the dean s list for the fall quarter at East Carolina College. Miss Harris is a senior, | majoring in music. Morehead City Social News To Wed in January Mr. and Mrs. J. I,. Seam on Sr. announce the engagement of their daughter, June, to Second Lieutenant John E. Aliyetti, United States Marine Corps, of Cherry Point. The wedding will take place Jan. 11. Woman's Club is Told Background of Messiah Mrs. Robert Piner was guest speaker of the Beaufort Woman's Club Thursday night at the Inlet Inn. Mrs. Piner gave an account of the background of George Fred erick Handel's Messiah. Mrs. Piner told the group how Handel, at the age of 56, wrote The Messiah while he was sick and badly in debt. She told how Handel contributed to charity with the proceeds from The Messiah and how it has become one of the world's best loved oratorios. Mrs. Piner, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. G. M. Paul, then sang an aria from The Messiah, He Shall Feed His Flock; Gesu Bambino, by Yon; Oh Holy Night; and Sweet Little .Jesus Boy. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Charles Davis, with the collect. Guests were Mrs. Pi ner, Mrs. G. M. Paul, and Mrs. Mildred Mulford. A nominating committee, Mrs. Graham Duncan, Mrs. E. L. Davis, and Mrs. C. L. Beam, was appoint ed to bring to the next meeting a slate of officers. Mrs. Beam presented the cause of the March of Dimes. The club voted to cooperate with the drive. A note of appreciation for the coffee hour, given by the club for the Beaufort teachers, from Mr. Bruce Tarkington, principal of the Beaufort school, was read. Miss Lena Duncan thanked the club ver bally. Twelve Persons Attend Party at New Bern Twelve persons from Carteret County attended the district Christ mas party of Pilot Life Insurance Co. at the New Bern recreation center Friday night. Prior to the party, the local group enjoyed dinner at the Hotel Governor Tryon. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Forrest of New-, port, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rowe,! Miss Ellen Bordeaux, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wickizer, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Durham, Miss Gayle Piner, all of Morehead City and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis of Harkcrs Is land. PTA Meeting The newly organized glee club, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Hassell, will sing at Beaufort School PTA meeting tonight at 7:30 in the school auditorium. Brownies Attend Party Given at Civic Center Brownie* troop *185 of Morehead : City met at the civic center. We ' made Christ mas trees out of pine cones and little bulbs and- bells. We sang songs. Then we had re freshments. The hostesses were Brenda Nelson and Sharon Piner. Then we sang our taps. ?Linda Litton. Scribe Choose bottom or lop round when you are planning to braise beef. AAUW Attends Party At Milton Roush Home The American Association of Uni I versify Women me! Friday night \ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mil-, ton Roush, Gales Creek, for their | Christinas party. A covered dish supper was on-! joyed with husbands of members I as guests. The house was decorated with holly from the Roush s trees | Mrs. Inland Day played the, piano and Mrs. Morton Davis sang. The 26 persons present enjoyed j caroling and dancing during the: evening Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Theodore Rice I Christmas Party The Garden and Civic Depart ment of the Woman's Club will meet at the civic center tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 for a Christmas party, announces the president, Mrs. F. C. Salisbury. Acting Secretary Mrs. S. T. Chad wick acted as sec retary at the afternoon meetings of the Literary and Art Department and not Mrs. Floyd t%adwick, as reported in Friday's paper. and Mrs. Roush served on the hos tess committee. * Storm Window Kit Beaufort Hardware Co. Phone 2-4686 Merrill Bldg. Beaufort Give A Gift From The Sea What could be more welcome to those less fortonates who live inland than a lastingly beautiful gift from the sea? Native shells, worldwide shells, fabulous collector's shells, and many shell gifts. Also Bakeware, attractive Dried Arrangements and Novelties. VISIT SHELLS AND GIFTS Atlantic Beach, N. C. Opposite Postoffice FREE - Mattress and Box Spring Value $119.00 WITH EACH BEDROOM SUITE PURCHASED FROM NOW TIL CHRISTMAS EASY TERMS ARRANGED ON APPROVED CREDIT City Appliance & Furniture Co. 523 Front St. Phono 2-3251 Beaufort, N. C. JL NATIONAL THE ONLY THROUGH FLAME SERVICE NORFOLK NON-STOP?50 Minutes PHILADELPHIA MO CHANCE OF PLANE BOSTON NO CNAN6E OF PLANE ftr tmmN? Myriwrt Ul fttv kml A$*? tr 9km Now Bora SI SI TKKtT OPWCii Bnnih Nut AWfrt NATIONAL AIRLINE OF THE 8TAR8 FLY _ FREE! American Flyer Electric Train Set ? 24 Piece* (fx-.. ?? Qi $47.45 Value AMERICAN FI VER ? Locomotive ? Freight Cars ? Tracks ? Transformer ? Automatic Uncoupling No Box Tops! No Strings! Nothing to Buy! Just come in today and sign a "LUCKY COUPON" (Drawing held before Christmas) (lifts Galore A Trainload of Values! . . . Argus Cameras Evening in Paris by Bourjois Jewelite Brushes Kemington Electric Shaver General Electric . . . and hundreds of other n Lucky Coupon Drawing, Billfolds Travel Kits Pen and Pencil Sets Pipes and Tobacco Cigarette Lighters for family . . . for friends IT. S. Time Watches Sylvania Photo Flash Bulbs Seaforth Men's Toiletries Eastman-Kodak Cameras Photo Lamps ationally known Rift items Christmas Eve, 6 P.M. Whitman's Candy Gift Wrapping Material Christmas Tree Lights Christmas Cards Toys for Babies and Baby Needs Games of All Kinds for Children and Adults Joe House Drug Store 425 Front St. Phone 2-3331 Beaufort, N. C. SANITONE t] SERVICE It's Not Too Late At DOWNUM'S *i Last Minute Gift Suggestions Nylon Gowns Lace Trimmed $4.95 Nylon Slips Lace Trimmed $2.98 Nylon Hose $1.00 Ladies' Dusters $3.95 Blouses from $1.98 Bedroom Slippers from $2.98 Sweaters from $2.98 Wool Dress Coats from $29.95 Men's Pajamas from $2.98 Sport Shirts from $1.98 Men's Box Hanks $1.00 Men's Jewelry from $1.50 Sport Coats start at $19.95 Men'? Bedroom Slippers from $3.49 Men's Wool Flannel Shirts $5.95 E. W. Downum Co. Department Stores Beaufort and Morehead City SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND LAUNDRYETTE PHONE 6 4440 1612 BRIDGES ST. MORPHEADnTV

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