? CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES 4>th YEAR, NO. 36. TWO SECTIONS TEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1958 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Water Company To Drill New Well in Morehead Well, Pumping Station Will b? Located at Fithor, 24th Streets ? The Carolina Water Co. today announced through it* local man ager, C. W Williams, that it plana a new well and electric pumping station for Morehead City *t Fisher and 24th Streets. The present plant at Filth Street is loaded to capacity in the peak seasons and aa a consequence, pressures do not hold up in the western side of town. The new facility was located to provide in creased pressure to the west resi dences and improve fire protec tion. It is hoped a million gallon-per day well will be developed. This flow, pushing toward the Fifth Street plant and elevated tank, will give a two-way supply to Morehead City and increased volume of water for fire fighting, Mr. Williams commented. The drilling contract has been let to Layne Atlantic Company of Florence, S. C., which is presently drilling a well for the Carolina Water Co. in Seaufort. The project is estimated to cost $40,000 and should give Morehead City an adequate supply of water to meet its present demands as well as the expansion contemplated from the recent change in railroad ownership and incicased activity at the port. The new well will be semi-auto matic and will operate in conjunc tion with the Fifth Street plant where auxiliary gasoline equip ment is available to meet hurri cane emergencies. Modern chlorination equipment will be installed with the new well pump for the purpose of disinfect ing the water. Phone Rate Raise Hearing Today Today the State Utilities flornmls lion will consider Saroflna Tele phone 'and Telegraph Company's two requests for a rate raise. The first raise went into effect in November. The second raise was requested in April. To be forwarded to the East Carolina Phone Fight Committee today is $S.45 which has been con tributed by NEWS-TIMES readers toward fighting the rate raise. This is it addition to the $80 sent earlier this year in two Installments, $42.65 and $37.35. Contributed by the town of At lantic Beach, which has become a party to the action against the phone company, was $20. Representing towns a ad counties in the Carolina Telephone territory who are protesting the rate raise is Samuel Behrends Jr., Albemarle attorney. Labor Bulletin Reprints Articles Two articles by Frank Nance, Beaufort, supervising farm place ment interviewer, have been re-, printed in the Department of La bor bulletin. Progress in Housing for Migratory Workers. Mr. Nance's articles first ap peared in THE NEWS-TIMES last spring. Mr. Nance reminds boys and girls 14 and over that they can get employment blanks from their principal if they would like to work this summer. This is part of the program ini tiated by Mr. Nance to helii boyi and girls find summer Job*- s On the farm front, he reports that a labor crew is picking straw berries on the farm of Wayne West. Newport Leston Gillikin Jr. Uninjured in Wreck Leston Wheeler Gillikin Jr., It, Washington, D. C., formerly of Newport, was uninjured when his car turned over at 1atients in the 1958-59 budget is 57 ,000, which is less than a third >f what the cost to the hospital will yc. The county commissioners said hat they would consider the re |uest and have an answer for the lospital board in the next 30 day?. The hospital i( supported by Horehead City tax funds. Appearing before the board, in iddition to Mr. Willis, were John L Crump. Robert L. Hicka, hos pital trustees, and Mayor George Bill, Morehead City Two Men Hurt In Accident Leston Gillikin, Newport, and Harvey Jones, Morehead City, were slightly injured in an auto iccldent at 10:30 Saturday morn ng on Highway 24 two miles west ' rl the highway 70 intersection. They were in a 1957 Chevrolet lriven by Zion Lewis, route 1 tiorehead City. ? Patrolman W. E. Pickard said I hat Lewis failed to make a curve, J vent through a ditch, a field and I ?nded up back on the highway. Owner of the car waa Gillikin, I vhose son was in an accident on he Nine-Foot Road about 17 hour* 1 ater. Lewis has been charged with < ipeeding, resulting in in accident. Both Jones and Gillikin were 1 retted for minor injuries at the I ?forehead City Hospital. ' |j Weatherman Honored c AiHt ?/ ?W*/ DvliUmWSW The U. 8. WtathtT ftnen haa fiillil a >riaai Leafth at Service Award to I. Miwr Dtih, Mart head City, aa a takes ef aprnlaMia tar kiThf c gamete* M yean a f amtn aa a U. 8. Weather lanai ihiinii. The award la la the tana a< ? lapel taUaa wfci the aaaihat a I jean* aarrtee ihaaa Ifl-Year-Old Boy Injured by Car On Highway U Ten ? year - old Sheldon Dawson Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Russell, route 2 Newport, suf fered a broken leg at 7:35 a.m. yesterday morning when he was hit by a car on Highway 24 six miles east of Swansboro. Driver of the car was Homer Fulcher, Stacy. Patrolman W. J. Smith Jr. said that Russell and three other chil dren ran out on the highway in front of the Fulcher car, a 1955 Mercury. Fulcher was headed west. Another car was going east at the same time. Patrolman Smith said the children apparently were watching the car going east and did not see Fulcher's car. Three of them escaped being hit. The boy's legs were broken be tween the knee and the thigh. He was taken to the hospital by a motorist prior to the time the Dill ambulance arrived. No charges were filed against the driver. County Board Considers Two Road Requests Two road gutters were brought before the county commissioners yesterday morning. Mrs. Walter Lawrence, Otway, requested that the road from Highway TO at Ot way to Ward's Creek be improved. A petition was presented asking that the Nassau Road at Smyrna be paved. Mrs. Lawrence said that neither the school bus nor the rural mail carrier goes on the road to Ward's Creek, although there are IS homes on it and two community ceme teries. The board went on record to ask the State Highway Commission to make a traffic count on the road. The petition on the Nassau Road was accompanied by a letter from Adm. James W. Davis, USN, who Is in Paris. Admiral Davia, who owns property along the road, said It would be advantageous to all property owners if the road Were bard-surfaced. The road, a mile long, runs from Highway 70 southeast to Ward's Creek. It has seven homes on it and two on ore are to be biiiU, ac cording to the petition. The road turns off from Highway 70 a short distance east of the Smyrna Drive in theatre. The petition has been turned aver to the highway commission lor final action. J. L. Humphrey, county ' road luperintendent, reported that the grade is being prepared on the Stella road, prior to paving. Police Check On Two Wrecks Morehead City policemen tavei igated two accident! Friday. The !irst was at 10:15 a.m. at 7th and trendell Streets. Harold 1. Bell of New York City lad stopped (or ? traffic light In i 1958 Cadillac. Gordon Earl Free nan pulled up behind him in a 1949 Ford truck and the brakes [ave way. Total damage waa es imated at XO by Sgt. William J. Dondie, who investigated. The second accident at 9:40 p.m. iraa at 1906 Bay St. and involved hree cars. A 19M Mercury owned >y Benjamin Tootle, Newport WD, was parked on one side of he street and a 1951 Chevrolet iwned by Lenwood Pickett, More lead City, waa parked on the other itde. Charles Johnson. Morehead City, ried to drive Ida l#46 DeSoto be ween the two cars and hit both 4 them. CapL C. E. Bunch invea igated the accident and said dam i|c totaled about $200. Waoda Ura Newport firemen answered a call o a woods fire two Biles west of Newport on Highway 1? Saturday ?fteraooo. No property daaufa raa raiiaad