Town Film Stray Dogs Through Thoir Masters Milwaukee ? Dogs with ? yes to wander in suburban White hall Bay are advised to watch their ttep? they may end up with a police record. From now on, ?ogs (thrqufh their masters, of course) will fee fined $S for a first offense, $10 tor a Second offense and $15 for each one after that. But it there's no delinquency after two years, the pooch's slate is ped clean. East Drive-In Theatre Beaufort, N> C. Friday - Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE 'MAN IN THE SHADOWS' Starring Jeff Chandler ? Orson Wells and Coieen Miller - PLUS ? "TARZAN AND THE LOST SAFARI" Starring Gordon Scott Sun. ? Mon. ? Tuea. "KISS THEM FOR ME" Starring Gary Grant a Susan Parker and Jayne Mansfield SHOW TIME Open ?:M P.M. ? Starts at Dnsk Last Times Today Paramount Preaont* ANNAMAGNANI ANTHONY QUINN ANTHONY FRANCIOSA ? HAl WALUS* WitdlsTheWind Saturday ? Double Feature HIS WIFE TAKEN BY SLAVE TRADERS ??( he set Florida m nuui 4 uwiiui } MINI l?UK PLUS ? DANA ANDREWS UNDA DARNELL STEAUN6 HAYDE Cub teafa Will Attend Pow-Wow Cub Scout in thii county ?re invited to ? Cub Leaders Pow Wow at Camp Lrjeune High School rrom l to 6 p.m. tomorrow. A special type of training will be offered, announces Rudolph Alexander, field director. There ?U1 be handcrafts, skits, cere monies, games and Instruction in pjck administration. In the handcraft courses, in fractors will show how the craft is done, then the items will be made "Den mothers should find this fery helpful/' Mr. Alexander said, 'and what they make they may ?ke home with them." The registration fee, which cov srs supper and materials, is $2. Ur Alexander said the staff which vill teach at the pow-wow is ex remely well qualified. lop Lectures Scouts, rhen Runs Stop Sign Gastonia, N. C. (AP) ? Police Sgt. I. E. Mosteller, after lecturing a Joy Scout troop on safety, ran a itop sign and hit a car. Acting as the investigating offi er, the embarrassed police vet iran quoted himself that he bought the stop sign was one block iway. He charged himself with unning it. Both cars were damaged, but 10 one, including a startled Scout iding with the sergeant, was in ured. Good News About' 0/ Harry Venter*, 4 H Advisor This Sunday is National 4-H Church Sunday. Carteret County 4-H'ers will join 4-H'ers all ?ver the nation in a worship service ii\ their respective churches. These 4-H'ers are working to have a special program In the following churches: Markers Island? Church of Jfsus Christ of Latter Day Saints ? Keith Lewis, Lana Hancock; Pentecos tal Holiness? Betsy Emory, Sandra Moore; Methodist? Ray Hamilton, Olivia Yeomans; Free Grace Holi ness ? Helen O'Neal, Janie Lou Nelson. Atlantic? Missionary Baptist ? Janice Goodwin, Brenda Salter; Methodist? Malcolm Fulcher. Stacy-Free Will Baptist ? Nita Brown; Cedar Island? Methodist Linda Dee Styron; Sea Level ? Methodist? Sally Tosto. Smyrna? Methodist? Ellen Tyler, Elizabeth Pigott, Lionel Taylor; Baptist? Anna Lawrence. Otway? Christian ? Barbara Gil likin, Judy Hill. Claudia Lawrence; Marshallberg? Methodist ? Nancy Valentine, Ruth Guthrie, Laura Lewis. Bettie ? Missionary Baptist ? Mary Golden; Davis? Missionary Baptist? Gerry Smith, Ann Davis; Williston? Methodist ? Bonnie Ful cher, Becky Gillikin, Paul Wade. Straits? Methodist ? Alice Chad wick; North River? Methodist? Ro berta West; Morehead ? Presbyter TTIorehead "TRULY CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRE" LAST TWO DAYS ? FRIDAY - SATURDAY OTTO MUlHMft MMUTI ? "T DEBORAH KERR DAVID NIVEN - JEAN StffWi MYLENE DEMONGEOT A BON JOUR. TRI8TES8E GeOFFRETHORNE , JULIETTE GRECO WALTER CH1ARJ J ?nk HUT IT* HUNT UUASU IT COLUMBIA riciuiG ? STARTS SUNDAY dFA MnnNKl F PY ? lugrwm ? iMg CT-en ?' suig't* >Ta?m . UNoK'Sgffa WATCH FOR "The Bridge of the Hirer Kwti" Winner of 7 Acadeajr Award* ? 8ooe ? STARTS SUNDAY "What bumps! What curve#! o ^ What jan to^na . . . PQ noae-di ve on atop. They don't come any bigger than Motion wagons ftwWi HhN> w ...*)* iiw