JC Committee To Name Beauty Contest Entry Morehead City Jaycee president Jerry J. Willis appointed a Miss Morehead City committee Monday night when the club met at Dm Blue Ribbon Chib. The committee will select a Miss Morehead City to compete in the state beauty pageant ia Charlotte. Members of the four-man com mittee are aU past presidents. They are Dr. Russell Outlaw, P. H. Geer Jr . Herbert Phillips and Dr. R. O. Bamum. Jaycee Dick Spears reported that the Jaycees had been invited t? sponsor a girl in the county dairy princess contest. The winner of the county title will have a chance to compete in district and state dairy princess contests. Delegates to the state conven tion in Raleigh from the Morehead City club were Mr. Geer, Jerry J. Willis, Charles Willis. L. G. Dunn, L. E. Kelly and Luther Lewis. The Jaycees will meet at Marion Mills' camp at Gales Creek for a stag party Monday night instead of meeting at the Blue Ribbon Club for a regular business session. Vemtrom V2-^ May 21 ? The Tkylor brothers, Norfolk and Miami, Fla., and their sister. Mrs. Irvin Elks, also of Norfolk, spent several days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maltby Taylor. There were several guests at the Sea Level Inn this past week. Mrs. Weston Taylor, a patient at Um Morehead City hospital, re turned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd and Mrs. Ewell Taylor visited Mrs. Seibert Morris, Crab Point, Sun day. Mrs. Floyd Brown and daughter, Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Pittman and Mrs. Rachel Fulchtr, Stacy, spent Sunday afternoon here visiting with friends. Mrs. Bessie Hancock, Harkers Island, ia spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Henrietta Salter and family. Mrs. Margaret Willis, Norfolk, Ralph Creech Wins $100 Ralph Cracch, Newport. wu honored Me* this year. In addition I* Ik* UN he mihil< Wrdwnday alfU, I. M. Williams, county afrat, Mi. mmW hia the Beaufort Jaycoe oatstaadiag young farmer award hi J unary. Ralph Creech of Newport re ceived * $100 award at New Bern Wednesday night aa the outstand ing young farmer of Jones, Car teret and Craven Counties for the past year. The award waa presented at a banquet honoring eousrty win ners in a (arm income contest. Local business concerns co sponsored the contest in tfcr three counties and also sot up the spe cial Young Farmer award. Paul Cox, assistant (arm agent in Craven, was master at cere monies. Ken Reesman, general manager of Maola Milk and Ice Cream Co., presented the awards. The speaker was C. B. Ratch ford of N. C. State College. spent the past week with her step children, Roland and Delmont Willis, and their sister, Mrs. Bar bara Scaff. Miss Nannie Bell, Norfolk, spent last week with Mrs. H. B. Willis. Miss Louetta Bell Taylor, Sea Level, entertained the members of her senior class with a spaghetti dinner Saturday night at her home. Games were played. Thirteen members were present. Kmhs < ? "gy May 22 ? Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, May 13, at the Bay View Baptist Church far Mr. Charlie T. Garner who died at his home Sunday. Services were conducted by the pastor, the Rev Earl Reece, with interment in the family cemetery at Newport. Mr. Garner had been sick for a long time. Funeral services for Mrs. Sudie Cuthrell were held at the Gra ham's Chapel Church Wednesday evening, May 14, at 2:30 by the Rev. Mr. Fann and the Rev. Mr. Suggs. Mrs. Cuthrell had been ill for a long time. She had been making her home with her daugh ter, Mrs. Preston Graham. Inter ment was in the church cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams ?pent a while recently with Mr. and Mrs. Farleigh Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Knox in Florida. Mr. Spenee Garner returned home from Japan due to the death of bis father, Mr. C. T. Garner. Mr. Kelly Williams, USN, spent a while recently with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. Fannie Fodrie of Russells Creek spent a while recently with Mrs. J. T. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Dink Cannon and children, Mrs. Chris Tripp and family and Mrs. Bob Cannon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cannon aid Mr. Bob Cannon. Mrs. McKeber Lupton and Mrs. W. R. Powell of Russell's Creek spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H. C. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graham and Mrs. Bessie Graham are visiting relatives in New Jersey. Mrs. Lee Brown, Mrs. E. W. Hardesty, and Mrs. Clinton Mason are visiting relatives in Richmond. The Rev. and Mrs. Clifton Styron and boys of Davis spent a while Thursday afternoon in the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Small and son Jimmy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewis of Havelock. Mrs. Lester Haskett, Mrs. Ar dell Small and son, Jimmy, and Mrs. J. F. Small spent Wednes day in New Bern with Mrs. Wil liam Fodrie. GET ALL THE POWER YOUR ENGINE CAN DELIVER! TEXACO Shi Chief SU-PREME ?ONUS! Octane hi Sky Chief Sa-preme (Mo lina la way upt Guarantee* all the knock-free power you* engine, naw or old, can deliver. BONUSI Greater mileage per gallon, because Petrex in Sky Ckkt Su-prame cuts power ktaa by redueiag hanrfal eogiM depoaita. Greater ?4 J. M. Davis TEXACO PRODUCTS o*,n.c. ?. County Farm Agent Awarded 20-Year Certificate, Pin County Agent R. H. Williams was haeored {or 20 yean' sonrica with the agricultural extension work in North Carolina at the Farm and Home Agents convention at the Morehead Biltmore Hotel Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Williams has been Carteret county agent for U yean. His tint five years with the extenaion service were in Bladen and Craven Counties. Mr. Williams received a certifi cate aad lapel pia from the US Department of Agriculture. He got a certificate from the Epailon Sigma Phi, an honorary educa tional fraternity of which he is a member. Knot? I May 21 ? Henry Wilder, retiring president of the PTA, presided over the PTA at its laat meeting of the school year Monday night. The treasurer's report indicated about $400 on hand, part of which will be expended toward labor on the new rool for the recreation hall. The PTA voted to buy a new eut door American flag and four Brit ish flags (or the Cunningham ceme tery It also voted to purchase maps and other material to be used with the Ocracoke souvenir pamph let. After the business meeting, Principal Rondthaler showed the movie "Tar Heel State". The Oocracoke High School alum ni meeting and banquet will be held Saturday night at 7:45 in the school library. Albert Styron, president, will act as toastmaster. Other of ficers are Mrs. Dallas K. Williams, vice-president; Mrs. Wanda Robin son, secretary; Mrs. Marine Ma son, treasurer; Jack Willis, Powers Garrish. Mrs. Marion Austin and Mrs. Zenie Spencer, banquet com mittee. Larry Williams, a native of Ocra coke. has been appointed ranger historian for the summer months and will serve with Ranger Hazen Brooks at the National Park Head quarters here. He begins his work on June 10. Mr. Williams is a grad uate of Ocracoke High School and of East Carolina College. He taught jn Wilmington, N. C., for several years and this past year at Nor folk, Va. A group of honorary Tar Heels made a Saturday trip to Ocracoke from the Carolinian at Nags Head, with Charlie Parker, director of the State Advertising Division, Depart taent of Conservation and Develop ment, and William Gulley, official state photographer. They were conducted on a tour of the island and the village by Ranger Hazen Brooks, Mrs. Theo dore Rondthaler, and CapL Ben jamin L. O'Neal. They enjoyed a picnic lunch at the park picnic ta bles. In the group were Paul Har mon of the Washington Post, W. M. Perry, public relations office, US Senate, Hamilton Cochran and Ollie Atkins of the Saturday Evening Post, Jim Morton of American Weekly, and George Tames of the New York Times. While here, they took many pic ItMWs of tiw the cinurc British Graveyard, the shipwreck*, and particularly ?< the banter ponies. Mr. and Mrs. Gettins ?t the Smithsonian Institute, Waatawton. D. C., visited Ocracoke recently Also here were Fred Lane, land scape architect for the Park far vice; Mr. and Mrs. John M. Darin. Chief Ranger Division Park Ser vice, Washington, D. C, and br ace Albright, former National Park Service director. Banger Hazen Brooks shooed ttem the See OCTtACUU, P age I LAST CALL for MM mnd change J fcriiy in lA? TELEPHONE GOING TO PRESS ON F1UDAY, MAT S3 Mm Hm ? fWupMi for' your products or services I can And you bat through property amaged YELLOW PAGE ! I la the telephone Mha ? Adequate listings for your hoire hold la the alphabetical section of the telephone diftclu.) help you to get the moat value boa your telephone. FOB INFORMATION OB ASSISTANCE CALL OUR LOCAL BUSINESS QfTiC? Mm TMphm a i Tikgripk Csm^y i Annual Bridge Tourney Starts At 2 Today at Atlantic Beach Bridge players from North C?ro- ? Una and Virginia an expected thia weekend at the annual Atlan tic Baacb Bridge Touraanaent at the Atlantic Beach Hotel. Tba tournament is sponsored by the Carteret County Bridge League. Miss Elizabeth Lambeth, publi city chairman, announces the sche dule as follows: today, 2 p.m. wo men'* pair session with Mrs. W. H. Ellis and Mra. E. T. Howard as defending champions. Also today at 2 p.m., men's pair seaaion with Capt. R. F. Crist and Capt. Charles Schwab, defending champions. At 8 tonight, mixed pair session open to any pair consisting of a man and woman with Carolina Avera and Ben Elliott, defending champions. Saturday Play Tomorrow's schedule: 2 p.m., qualifying round for open pair competition (thoae elim mated will be eligible- tor a special game at 8:15 p.m.), defending champions Charles Fulton and Felix Ashby; 8 p.m.. open pair session open to those who qualified in the after noon, with Mr. Fulton and Mr. Ashby again defending champions. At the 8: IS p.m. special game session open to any pair the de fending champions, north-south, are Mrs. Jack Windley, Mrs. C. L. Beam: east-west, Mrs. C. P. Davis and Mrs. C. R Wheatly. The first session of the open team-of-four game will begin at 1 p.m. This is open to any teana consisting of four or five players. The second session in this cate gory will begin at t:30. Defending champions are Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Farley and Mr. Fulton and Mr. Ashby. Trophies to be Given The Bonner trophy, donated by Dr. K. P. B. Bonner and Mrs. Bonner will be in play for the fifth year. Silver trophies, for permanent possession, will also be given. I The American Contract Bridge League will award Maater points in each event. Members of the tournament com mittees are Mrs. Jack Windley, Mrs. J. S. Steed and Mrs. Alvah Hamilton Sr., entertainment; Mrs. C. R. Wheatly, Mrs. Don Martin and Mrs. J. C. Keel, partnerahip; Mrs. George Eastman, Mrs. W. A. Mace Jr., and Mrs. James Rumley, program. Miss Lambeth, Mra. Harvey Hamilton Sr. and Mn. Charles Davis, publicity; Mrs. Julia Ten ney, Mrs. C. L. Beam and Mrs. Harry Sauaders, trophies; Mrs. Beaufort Jaycees Invite Beauty Contest Entries iteaufort Jaycees invite (iris 17 ? and IS ia Beaufort and dawn eaat to vie for the Miss Beaufort of I960 title. The (iris chosen will reign from the time ahe is elected, this summer, until the following sum mer. How many (iris express interest in the title will determine whether the Jaycees stage a contest. Pros pective contestants are invited to phone Guy Smith Jr., Jaycee pres ident, 2-34(1 up until S p.m. and after that time, at his home 2-MM. Mr. Smith will take names of contestants until May 2S. Girls who are juniors or seniors in high school are eligible to enter, the Jaycees decided. James Steed and Gregory War ren, the Jaycee dairy month com mittee. reported at the Jaycee meeting Monday .night that they met with milk company represent atives, Mrs. Floy Garner, home agent, and a representative of the Morehead City Jaycee dairy month committee. Seven civic organizations of Beaufort and Morehead City have been invited to sponsor a repre sentative in a dairy princess con test. The candidates must he M. This is not a beauty contest, the Jaycees point out. Each candidate is to give a short talk on the value at dairy products. The Carteret dairy princess wiH compete in an area contest at New Bern. The state JC directory commit tee reported that ads had been sold and the copy mailed. Jaycee jackets were distributed to those who ordered them. Mr. Smith presided at the busi ness session. Next week's meet in( will include dinner at 7 at the Scout building San Diego, Calif. (AP)? Attend ants in one San Die(o beauty shop are now wearing tailored chemise uniforms. Floyd Chadwick, Mrs. C. C. Mc Cuiston and Harry Saunders, bos pitality . Officers of the County Bridge League are C. L. Beam, president; Mrs. Tenney, vice-president ; Mrs. Steed, secretary; Mrs. B. O. Ket ner, treasurer, and Harry Saun ders, director. DOOKmOljIiv Stops Announced The couaty hnskmsklls will tra vel west at Merehead City Mon day and dawa east Tuesday. The schedule, announced Wed nesday by Miss Dorothy Avery, library director, fallows Monday-* : 45-10: OO^Mrs Frieda Lewis, Gales Creek; 10:15-11:00? Bosk station, Mrs. Eauly Buaaell, Bofue; 11 05 11:20 ? Mrs. Essie Smith, Boeue; 12: 10-12 :?#-B?ok station. Mrs. Nellie Parker, Broad Creek. 12 : 59-1 ; 05 ? Mrs. Mary Batts, Morehead Bhifts; 1:15-1:3*? Mrs. Edna Murdock, WiMwoad; 1:35 1:55? Wildwood Church; 2:05-2:40 ?Bask station, Mrs. France* Yerk, Camp Glenn. 2:45-3:15 ? Book station, Mrs. Malcolm Willis, Camp Glenn; 3:25 4:00? Book station, Mrs. H. H. Scott, Crab Point Tuesday ? 8.45-0:30 ? Book sta tion, Mrs. Martha Wade. WHIiston; 9:40-10:00 ? Mrs. Stella StjTon. Davis; U?:H-K:]l-B<ok station, Mrs. Edna Finer, Davis. 11:90-11:45? Book station, Mrs J. D. Lewis, Staey; 12:35-12:50? Post Office, Davis; 1:00-1:20? Mrs. Bes sie Finer, Williston. Road-e-o Winner ' To Go to New Bern BUI Maaden, wham of Mm More, head City Jaycee-sponaored Road e-o, Will compete in tte state finals at Ftewr Bern May M. Hugh Porter and Datfid Harris, chairmen of the Road-e-o commit' tee, announced that the slate win ner wiH receive a tSOO scholarhdp. Judges of the Moielread Cky Road-e-o Saturday were Chief Herbert Griffin, Sheriff Hugh Sal etr, Patrolman J. W. Sykes, and David Morris, license examiner. Next Friday is Memorial Day. Far the past 7 yean I have faithfully tried to um Car teret County la the capacity of Coroner. I respectfully solicit your vote for Um same office in the May 31 Primary. Leslie D. Springle (This ad paid for by friends) NIGHT SCHOOL Typing Shorthand Bookkeeping New cluwi will begin June 9. Registration ends June 1. Limited enrollment. MRS. H. C. BARROW, JR. /v 3206 Awwdell St. a Murf??*d City, N. C. Are you on the team? We*, maybe your town lb not a part of wmM baseball, but it has a team which is "playing ball," so to speck, for community progress. Your Flnar Carolina committao la such a taam with every facet of community lifo represented. Thair goal Is to moke your town a batter place in which to Kv*. v. arminians arv running up Dig Korn wim mwr ua^*t ii ivt, ream Each idMnomMnt in knutificatian^ ucmfion, business and promotion, and other projects it a nan across A* plate. I k no limit to the numfcar of Yto qptfy W you possess a dasiae to aM >n the ahainaM? ' if <a yals and a willingness to see them realized. Play ball with your Flnar Carolina ' - - Committee,. Join the progress teem in yeur town. f CAROLINA POWER ft UGHT COMPANY)

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