79 DAYS ? And Beaufort'. New W?U I. j Still Untappad I CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES '?> 4tth YEAR, NO. 60. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1958 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ? I iii. I. .i , i i . ? I Miss Morehead City Honored Miss More head City, Bonnie Fish, receives her appointment as an honorary jet pilot of Marine All Weather Fighter Squadron-114 from Lt. John A. Gagen. Miss Fish was visiting the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point with Miss North Carolina. (Official USMC Photo) Patrolmen Investigate Four Highway Accidents Highway patrolmen investigated four accidents between Thursday night and Sunday night. A 1956 Oldsmobile, driven by Lt. Edward A. Birzcr, Cherry Point, collided with a 1955 Ford at 10:30 Thursday night on Highway 70 three miles west of Newport. Driving the Ford was Stanley J. Matula, Cherry Point. The Olds mobile was headed west and the Ford east, according to Patrolman W. J. Smith Jr. Matula is reported to have side swiped the Oldsmobile and contin ued on his way. ' He is charged with drunk driving. Other charges are pending. Damage to the Oldsmobile was estimated at $300 and to the Ford $200. Four Cars Damaged At 8:40 p.m. Saturday, four cars were damaged on the Atlantic Beach causeway. All were headed south. Patrolman R. H. Brown said that two cars had stopped, Phone Company Starts Work On Changing to New System ? 20 Girls Will Call at Homes ? Numbers Will Be Changed Within the next few weeks, a pleasant young lady representing the Telephone Company will knock on the door of every telephone sub scriber in Morehead City and Beaufort. Her job will be to change the number on your telephone and. if necessary, change your telephone dial from conventional to metro politan type. Metropolitan tele phone dials show letters of the al phabet as well as numbers and L. A. Daniels, local manager for Carolina Telephone and Tele graph, says persons in Morehead CKy dialing a Morehead City nnmber MUST start dialing the ?. If they don't, there is a possi bility that they will get the wrong number. will be necessary when Morehead City and Beaufort telephone num bers change on Aug. 17, 1958. Most telephones already have this type dial, but some do not. Changing the telephone number will be a simple job of lifting the number plate and inserting the new number which the young lady will bring with her. When the job ais completed, she will paste a gummed sticker listing your pres ent telephone number on top of the number plate. This temporary sticker should be removed by the subscriber on Aug. 17 to reveal the new number underneath. The new numbers in Morehead City will be prefixed by PArk 6 and in Beaufort by PArk 8. This means that after Aug. 17 it will be necessary for subscribers to dial either PA6-XXXX or PAS > XXXX. That is, dial two letters ' and five numerals instead of the five digit numbers to which sub scribers have been accustomed. The Telephone Company has hired approximately 20 young la dies from this area to assist in the job of changing the telephone numbers of Morehead City's and Beaufort's 4100 telephones. It ia expected that the task will take 'about two weeks to complete. These young women will be un der the supervision of T. K. Mc Laughlin, district traffic manager for the New Bern District. It was pointed out that consideration is being given to having them work in the evenings when necessary to visit subscribers not at home dur ing the day. The entire visit, including chang ing the number, testing and in struction to the subscriber is ex pected to take approximately* 15 minutes. Hashed to Hecpitol James Henry, colored workman, was taken suddenly ill yesterday morning while working on a Charles Davis shrimp boat at Har kers Island He was rushed to Morehead City Hospital shortly before ( in the Brooks and Mason ambulance. Stealthy Thief Takes Money A thief with the stealth of a rat stole into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Nobles. 1710 Evans St., Morehead City, in the dark hours of Sunday morning and stole one dollar. Herbert Griffin, ehief of police, said that Mr. and Mrs. Nobles, sleeping in their room, were not wakened by tin burglar. Mr. No bles discovered the theft Sunday morning when he got up and couldn't find his trousers When he found them lying in the living room, he realized some one had been in the house. A search indicated that the only thing missing was the dollar that had been in his billfold on the dresser in the bedroom. Chief Griffin said that the bur glar got in the house by getting a chair from a neighbor's porch, putting it under a window, and then taking out the window screen. He went in through the window, but walked out through the front screen door which had been hooked. The theft is being investigated by the chief and patrolman Buck Newsome. New Well Needs Starter Now C. W. Williams, manager of Car olina Water Co.. reported yester day that all the Beaufort well equipment needs now is a starter. He says they have decided how to treat the water? It will be aerated as well as chlorinated. The well was drilled over two months ago but water from it has not been used because the com pany couldn't decide how to treat it, Mr. Williams said. He said that the starter should be here this week. In Morehead City, the new well at 24th and Fisher Streets pro duced water in sufficient quantity at 382 feet, only a foot deeper than the Beaufort well. The new well in Morehead City will increase the amount of water available. Arrested Again George Worthy, Beaufort, was arrested by Beaufort police for the second time within a week Sunday afternoon. He was charged with public drunkenness both times. Tid? Table Tides st the Beanfort Bar (Eastern Standard Time) HIGH LOW Tnesday, July 2* 7:M a.m. l:0S a.m. 7:27 p.m. 1:13 p.m. Wednesday, July ? 7:35 a.m. 1:52 a.m. S:il p.m. 2:01 p.m. Tharaday, Jaly 31 3:40 a.m. 2:31 a.m. 3:34 p.m. 2:43 p.m. Friday, A agist l 3:28 a.m. 3:13 a.m. ?:35 p.pt. 1.9 p.m. Shrimp Catches Swing Upward Shrimp catches took an upward spurt Thursday and Friday. C. G. Holland, commercial fisheries commissioner, reported that 15 boats c alight between seven and eight thousand pounds in Back Bay Thursday and Friday nights. Back Bay is in the vicinity of Cedar Island and Hog Island Shrimp fishermen are getting 20 and 30 cents a pound for the shrimp, depending on the gratfe. Shrimp is retailing, in Beau fort and Morehead City, from 75 cents to 95 cents a pound, the size determining the price. Released Under Bond Roland Lewis, Otway, has been released from the county jail. His bond of $2,000 was posted by W. J. Ipock, Beaufort. Lewis is charged with assault on his 3-year-old daughter with attempt to kill. when a third car hit the second in the rear knocking it into the first, and then the fourth car came up and hit the third. Cars involved were a 1954 Hud son driven by John R. Eason, Sel m a; a 1954 Chevrolet driven by C.rady Bell, 1512 Bridges St., Morehead City; a 1957 Ford driven by John Weston Smith Jr., Atlan tic, and a 1957 Ford driven by Ernest E. Adams, Cherry Point. Damage to all four vehicles to t|M $800. No one was hurt. Pa trolman Brown said charges are pending. Two Cars Collided At 5:15 a.m. Sunday two cars collided at the intersection of the Laurel Road and Highway 101. Pa trolman Smith said that Walter Al len White, route 5 New Bern, driv ing a 1950 Mercury, was headed south on 101 and was in the process of turning left on to the Laurel Road, when a 1949 Chevrolet, head ed west on the Laurel Road, ran into him. The patrolman said the brakes on the Chevrolet, driven by Lin stcr Frazier, route 6 Havelock, failed. Damage to the Mercury was estimated at $95 and damage to the Chevrolet $75. Charges are pending. One car ran into the rear of an other at 9:30 Sunday night on Highway 70 in front of Ray An thony's service station west of Morehead City. A 1950 Oldsmobile, driven by Donald W. Maye, Cherry Point, was going east when it was hit in the rear by a 1955 Ford driven by Wade P. Spencer, Cherry Point. No one was hurt. Damage to the Olds was esti mated at $200 and damage to the Ford $100. Patrolman Brown in vestigated. ? Pioneer Mart Officers Entertain on Shipboard Officers of the cargo ship, Pio neer Mart, entertained at a recep tion on shipboard Friday after noon. The Pioneer Mart loaded to bacco for Keelung, Formosa. It is the second of the Pioneer line to call at Morehead City in the past year and a half. The first was the Pioneer Wave. The Pio neer line is a subsidiary of the United States Lines. Agent for Pioneer ships is the Morehead City Shipping Co. Man Claims Tallest Flower IM | Unit dim .-izr-amKtmmmmmmJ* EMitlf* won*. M?rekc>4 City, claim to bin Ike UM Dower la the coaaty. Mr. Willis, t fcrt i laches UU, has la clink a itep latter ta catch ?? with his 11 feet 7-lach sunflower. The Mg plant caa he ana at MM Areadell St Proceeding with plans to halt further erosion of the beach at Fort Macon State Park, the park division of the Department of Conser vation and Development has requested bids on reshaping groins, replacing stone, fill ing in the beach and con structing sand fence. Bids will be opened at 2 p m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, in the office of the superintendent of state parks, education building, Raleigh. Twelve hundred tons of cap stone replacement are specified, plus 57,000 cubic yards of fill, and 2,500 feet of sand fence to be placed in the worst-eroded sections between the state park bathing area and the point. Ray Pardue, state park superin tendent, has a set of blueprints and specifications at his office at the park. Requirements to be met by contractors making bids arc also posted at fhe courthouse, Beaufort. Mr. Pardue said the state hopes to have the work com pleted as soon as possible. At the C&D meeting last week at Wilmington the state also enter ed into an agreement with the fed eral government giving the gov ernment a 20-year easement on state property. The easement will permit dumping of spoilage, from Morehead City channel dredging, on state park property. Library Reports Circulation Increase for Year By DOROTHY AVERY Coanty Library Director The Carteret County library is happy to report an increase in reading for the year ending June 30. The total circulation was 49,729, an increase of 8,?78 over the pre vious year. It if hoped that many more citi zens of this county will make use of the library and bookmobile fa cilities during the coming year. Our book collection is growing steadily and we are able to bor row from the North Carolina State Library those which we do not have. The bookmobile circulation throughout the county totaled 18, 802; in addition to this figure is the school circulation of 12,406. The increase in the bookmobile circu lation In communities was 5,406. New bookmobile stops are being added from time to time.. If you want to be a regular bookmobile patron, drop a post card to the County Library, Broad and Pol lock Streets, Beaufort. The circulation at the main li brary in Beaufort was 16,973, an increase of 733 over the previous year. In the future, the library will be open during the lunch hours to make it easier for people who work to come for books. The new hours are 10 to 5 Monday through Friday and 2 to 4 Saturday after noon. The circulation at the Newport branch totaled 1,548 an increase of 1,049. This branch is open every Monday afternoon from 2 to 4. The bookmobile circulation by communities follows: Atlantic 1828, Bettie 1005, Bogue 803, Broad Creek 230, Camp Glenn 118. Cedar Island 524, Core Creek 410, Crab Point 312, Davis 700, Galea Creek 46. , Gloucester 549, Markers Island 1440, Harlowe 901, Marshallberg 660. Mason town 529. Merrimon 754, Mill Creek 872, Morehead Bluffs 68, Nine Foot Road 639. Open Grounds 72, Otway 1328, Russell's Creek 273, Sea Level 26 1, Smyrna 123, South River 551. Stacy 685, Straits 654, Wildwood 449, Williston 733, Wire Graaa 602. Morehead City Merchants To Moot Thursday Noon Morebead City merchants will meet at noon Thursday at the Ho tel Fort Macon to discuss the 1158 Christmas street lighting program. A financial report on laat year's program has been released. Total receipts were (1,772. With the ex ception of a bill yet unpaid, amounting to $455, expenses were 11,770.44. Guard Make* Asaist Coast Guardsmen towed in a 15 foot outboard motorboat operated by Mias Margaret Nobles of Green ville Saturday afternoon. The steer ing cable had broken while the boat was about a half-mile away from Fleming's pier. The Guards men towed Um boat to tba pier. Beauty Queen Visits County Photo by Bob Seymour Lovely Miss Betty Line Evans, Miss North Ciro Una, pones on one of the mortars at Fort Macon. The Tar Heel btanty queen spent last week visiting the county as a guest of Morehead City iaycees. Duane Harvey Celebrates Birthday In Stryker Frame at Hospital Dnane Harvey, Davli, celebrated hi* 22nd birthday la a Stryker frame at the Sea Level Hospital Fri day. Showing Mr. Harvey am af his two birthday cake* la hospital administrator Charlea Caadetl. Look ing on la Mrs. Harvey. Mr. Harvey broke hia seek diving from a boat Jnly 4. After Duane Harvey. 22, of Davis broke hia neck July 4, be feared he might have to spend several months in a hospital tenaion bed, complete with bulky weights and cablei. Mr. ffarvey broke hia neck when he dived off the bow of Sterling Dixon's party boat. Captain Dixon, who operatea out of Gtenhaven at Davis, had carried a party to Core Banks for a picnic and swimming party. After the accidcnt, Captain Dix on returned to Glenhaven where in ambulance waa waiting to take Mr. Harvey to Um hospital. After an examination, Dr. H. M. Pea cock eatimated that he would be in the hospital for about four montha. Attendant) hustled Mr. Harvey into a tension bed, where he r.tayed for only two days. When hospital administrator Charles Caudell learned of Mr. Harvey's plight, he immediately ordered a Stryker Frame for him. The frame takes the place of a tension bed. Two holes are drilled in the patient's skull and metal rodi are screwed in and fastened to a socket at the top of the frame. Tba tens tan is adjusted with a minimum of discomfort to the pa tient. The frame ii much more flexible than a bed. allowing the patient to be turned over easily from time to time. Mr. Harvey declares that his friends in the community, as well as members of the hospital staff, have been very thoughtful. On Fri day he had already received 37 birthday cards and 51 get well cards. He had two birthday cakes. Mr. Caudell says he is Quite pleased with the progress Mr. Har vey is making. "The hospital has Sea HARVEY, Paga I

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