jMorehead City Social News) Miw Hki Mf"i, SvMy Editor T%om f* t-UU Mr. and Mr? Matinee Sharpe left Thursday for tfeeir home in White Flaws, N. V.. after a viait with Mrs. tharpe's sjtfer and bro ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. Car dova. Miss Amie Klein is viaiting friends in Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Barbara Oglesby of Raleigh arrived home over the weekend to visit with her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. E. P. Oglesby. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor and ehildren, Elizabeth and Billy, spent the weekend in Durham with rela tives. Mrs. Roland Hodges and son, F. R., of Monnt CHive and Mrs. Gor don Maxwell Jr. of GoJdsboro were weekend guests of Mrs. Hodges' mother. Mrs. J. R. Herring, who is still confined to her bed with illness. Mrs. Graydon Willis and Mrs. D. B. Willis were in Virginia Sun day and yesterday. They went to get Mrs. B. B. Wake and Mrs. i Hunley, who will spend some time here. Miss Daisy Brock was home for the weekend from Raleigh visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Brock. Mrs. Stan Pajewski left by plane Sunday for her home in Brooklyn, N. Y., after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunncrscn, and her sister, Gun hilde. Mrs. John R. Williams and Mrs. Hospital Notes Morehead City Hospital Admitted: Wednesday, Mr. Ans ley O'Neal, Ocracoke; Mrs. Mary Davis, Beaufort; Mrs. Janice Lee, Havelock; Mrs. Carolyn Moore, Morehead City. Thursday, Mr. Milton D. Arnold, Newport; Mrs. Hazel Goodwin, Mrs. Molly Ann Pincr, Beaufort. Friday. Miss Denni Giilikin, Bet tie; Master Brian Bercegeay, Mrs. Wanda Hardesty, Newport; Mrs. Cleta Buck, Morehead City; Mrs. Georgia Guthrie, Master Macon D. Moore, ilarkers Island; Mrs. Rebecca Jordan, Mrs. Pauline Whitehurst, Mrs. Wayne Wray, Beaufort. Discharged: Thursday, Mrs. Pay Lee and son, Newport; Miss Veda Raymond, Mrs. Eleanor Stuart, Morehead City; Mrs. Martha O'Neal, Ocracoke. Friday, Mrs. Evelyn Everhart and daughter, Morehead City. Saturday, Miss Denni Gilhlcin, Bet tie; Mrs. Evelyn Lockey, Mas ter Brian Bercegeay, Newport; Mrs. Delores Mason and son, Morehead City; Mr. Anslcy O'Neal, Ocracoke. Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Friday, Master John W. Hamilton, Mrs. Vera Weires, Sea Level; Mr. Eldin Watson, New Bern; Mrs. Ada Willis, Harkers Island; Mr. Marvin Powers, More head City; Mr. Luther Stratton, Davis; Mr. Robert Clay, Durham. Saturday, Mr. Fred Cannon, Morehead City; Mr. Wallace Wil lis, Stacy; Master James Willis, Williston. Sunday, Mr. Inland Garner, Newport; Mrs. Irene Smith, Beau fort; Mrs. Iola Goodwin, Cedar Is land; Mrs. Mildred Alligood, New Bern. Discharged: Friday, Mrs. Lonet ta Taylor, Beaufort. Saturday, Mrs. Iris Coats, Har kers Island; Mrs. Hilda Lewis, Mr. | Harry Davis, Beaufort. Sunday, Master John W. Hamil ton, Sea Level; Mrs. Carroll Bow nnm. Master Terry Lawrence, Beaufort; Master James Willis, Williston; Mrs. Laurie Norris, Kin-, ston; Mr. Kofeert Clay, Durham; Miss Sandra Gilgo, Atlantic. Economical HEATING OIL AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES J. M. DAVIS Tmcmo Pr*4vo?? MweheriCKr Earl Fulciier aeceiapaaled Mrs. Charlton Garner and Mr*. Tommy Morton U> Kaleiah Friday, where they attended a diacusaian at the Museum of Art. Mils Wynona Blancfeard and her weekend gueat, Allen Mills, both ol Raleigh, spent tie weekend here witt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. iUaocbard. Junior Club to Sponcor Sate of Christmas Doll The Junior Woman's Club will again this year smnaor the sale of a Christmas don with complete wardrobe. Donations are 21 cents eacfc. The doll is a 16-inch walking bride doll and there will be ap proximately 25 items in her ward robe. including a trunk. The doll will be displayed in the window of Morehead City Drug Co and items will be added as they are com pleted. Mrs. Harvey Gaskins is ticket chairman, Mrs. Walton Hamilton is doll chairman, and Mrs. Russell Outlaw is window chairman. Pro ceeds of the project will be used by the Junior Woman's Club for charitable causes. Fidelis Class Elects Captains and Officers The Fidelis Class of First Bap tist Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruby Baldree. Mrs. Harold Webb was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. Lillian Wallace read the 100th Psalm and gave a Thanks giving program. The group dis cussed plans for the Christmas party and things to do for shut ins. Three group captains and new officers were elected. The officers are Mrs. George Howard, presi dent; Mrs. Ellen Mann, vico-presi dent; Mrs. Rufus Oglesby. secre tary-treasurer; Mrs. John Oglesby, program chairman. The hostess served coffee, fruit lake and assorted nuts. Sale of Turkey Dinners t Will be Held Tomorrow The Order of Eastern Star will 1 begin selling turkey dinners to take out at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the ( lodge. The dinners are $1.25 each ' and those to be eaten at the lodge will go on tale at 6:30 p.m. On the plates will be turkey, dressing, fresh string beans, can- I died yams, cranberry sauce, rel ishes, hot bread, and cherry or pumpkin pie. Coffee will also be ' served. < Mrs. Neveila Dunn is dinner j chairman and Mra. Frank Beams 1 is ticket chairman. Supper Meeting Enjoyed ? By Lillian Wallace Class The Lillian Wallace Bible Class j met at the home of Mrs. 1. L. Seamon Wednesday evening for a dinner meeting. Husbanfs ut the class members were guests. Dinner consisted of roast turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, potato sai#d, green peas, spiced 1 apple rings, hot nils, osffee and pumpkin pie. Mra. J. G. Bennett Br. was In charge at the ingtattetien of offi- | errs and Mies Helen CeMie gave1 < the devotions. TODAY 9-11 a m.? Clinic. Mnrrbfad City Hoapital mm. (Shots admini. tered during these hours only) 9:30 t? 12? fiorial Security r?p resentative, courthouse ? n n e x, Baauiort. 1-4 p.m.? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort (Shots adminis tered during these hours only) 6 45 p.m.? Votary Club, Scout tuiitding, Beaufort 7 p.m. ? Marine Reserve Unit, rhe Crossroads, Haveloek 7:30 p.m. ? Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Coast Guard Station, Part Macon Road 7:30 p.m. ? Camp Glenn PTA, ichool building, Morehead City t p.m. ? St. Catherine's Chapter, ?t. Andrew's Episeopal Church, )ari8h house, Morehead City 8 p.m.? Folk and square dare ng, recreation building, Morehead Sty 8 p.m.? Women of the Moose, odgc hall, Atlantic Beach WEDNESDAY 7 p.m.? Flight C, 9948th Air Re serve Squadron, municipal build ng, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Esther Rebckahs, rec 'cation building, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Heavyboat Army Re serve Unit, reserve training cen er west of Morehead City. 8 p.m. ? Alcoholics Anonymous, garland Lockey's store building, Newport THURSDAY 9-11 a m ? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort. (Shots admiiis red during these hours only) 1-3 p.m.? Clinic. Morehead City Hospital annex. (Shots adminis ered during these hours only) 7:30 p.m.? Odd Fellows, lodge ?all, Beaufort 8 p.m.? Order of Eastern Star, Masonic lodge, Morehead City 8 p.m ? Morehead City-Beaufort 51ks Club, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Cub Scout Leaders oundtablc, civic center, Morehead -ity FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Duplicate Bridge ournament, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 7:30 p m. ? Woodmen of the Vorld, Camp. No 33#, Newport 7:30 p'm. ? Woodman Circle, ".rove No. 263, hall cast of Camp jlenn School rhursday Club ? With Mrs. PhrHips The Thursday evening bridge ?lub met last week at the home >f Mrs. Jasper Phillips. She used irrangeraents of chrysanthemums for decoration. High acare was wan by Mrs. A. r. Baugh, second high by Mrs. Gut Davta and low by Mrs. H. A Weeks. Mrs. Phillips served ice cream ndas with chocolate fudge brown ies. The dub will meet with Mrs. Milton Roush this week. Passes Exams Miss Mary Allen Hughes of Ra leigh, formerly of this situ, has beea notified that she sucMaafully passed the state board af cgamiaa liaas far registered nurses. Mies Hughes graduated from Merchead City High School and Bex Has pttal School of Nursing and is a member of the Rex Hospital staff. Samovar 100 PROOF VODKA Samovar VODKA 2-?j ?until* Mta ??ain. iciiain ?u* ??, Engagement Announced Miss Diane Kirk i< the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Daniel H. Kirk of Newport, who announce bar engagement to Boy N. Den nis Jr., son of Mr. Dennis Sr. ?( Newport and the late Mrs. Den nis. Thfc Wedding will be held at GreenviUe Nov. 2fi. Parkview Baptist WM$ Gives Reception Tuesday The women ei Parkview Baptist Church hold their first WHS cn liaUnent reception in the ixemUr roem of the church Tuesday niiihl Mrs. J. A. Durham, cummunity mission rhairmaa, was in charge of the reception. The churph was decorated with Jails, dress by Girls' Auxiliary groups, each representing a coun try in which the Baptists have mis sionaries. Each dpll held a ribbon of yellow and orchid. WMS cdr:s, which led to a world map on which each country was (unpointed Slogans of WMS work were post ed on the walls, flags of other countries were hung across the front of the church, and beautiful fall flowers were used on the tables. Mrs. L. O. Crowe, WMS presi dent, gave the welcome and gave a short talk on the meaniag and werk of WMS. Mrs. M E. McNeil, missioa study chairman, intro duced the following officers: Mrs. Cnowe, president : Mrs. Er nest Nelson, vice-president; Mrs. Durham, community missions chairasan; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, prayer chair*] an; Mrs. i. E. Sykes, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Douglas Hufbam, program chair man. Mrs. Wilbcrt Barnes, publicity; Mrs. George Lee. stewardship; Mrs. Francis Guthrie and Mrs. Thomas Fish, Girl's Auxiliary; Mrs. Sykes and Mrs. Trudy Morse, Sunbeams. ^ Following the introductions, Be president invited members and prospective members to the beau tiful decorated table, where re freshments of hors d'ocuvres, cook ies, nuts, mints and punch were served. Mrs. Crewe presided at the puach bowl, Mrs. Nelson greeted at the door apd goodbyes were Mid to Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. Carbon is Honored At Linen Shower Friday Mrs Frank Carfapn, a peecnt bride, was honored at a linen shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. ft. Morrill. Hos leacei were Mrs. Murriil. Mrs Marshall Ayscue, Mr?. Clem J?hn sop *ixJ Mrs. p. F. Lindsay. The hostesses (resented the boa me a ewsage oi pink carnations and ? witched set of bed likens end turkish towels. Thirty guests enjoyed bridal tames and bridge bingo and num erous prizes were awarded. Refreshments of pink fruit punch . cocoanut cupcakes, bridal mints and satted nuts were served from a table covered with a white cloth with a centerpiece of pink parasol and a china miniature hride and groom. Candelabra pnd pink and white chrysanthemums were also used. Garden Club Members To Display Arrangements Three groups of flower arrange ments will be oa display at the Garden and Civics Department dinner meeting tomorrow evening at S:30 at the civie center. The groups will be judged by Mrs. A. B. Roberts and Miss Elizabeth Lambeth and prizes will be award ed. Croup one will he titled There's a Harmony in Autumn and will consist of a mass or mass-line ar rangement of chrysanthemums in tones of one color. As Veu Like It will be the title of group two. In this group will be any arrangement of any gar den or any wdd flower. Thanks giving centerpieces will be in group three, Flowers and Fruit Thy Love Declare. Miss Oglesby Honored At Shower in Raleigh Miss Barbara Oglesby, who will be married Nov. 2T, was honored at a surprise shower in Raleigh last Wednesday evening, given by Mias Daisy Brock. Refreshments of cake, mints, salted nuts and eolas were served. The honoree was showered with gifts. SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND LAUNDKYETTE raws PA MM lilt Bridfe* St. Otr Brirnof-iavyi* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Brinson request the hwiar of ''our preseqfe al tt>. mirriagt qf KiO/iu Anne Le^s to I -Annie Q. BrillSOO, jnni^r Sunday, the twenty Uiifd of Novewtaw hwuiruJ fiftr-ftfh? at three o'clock in the afternoon First Baptist Chgrch Marcbead City, Ifcxth C?roliw No invitations are being seat in the county, but all friends of the couple are cordially invited. Stork Newt Births at Man-trad City Uasptal: To Mr. and Mrs. Jot Goodwin, Beaufort, a too, Thursday, Nov. 13. To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wray, Beaufort, a daughter, Friday, Nov. 14. Births at Sea Level Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Joseph Trout, Beaufort, a son, Kobert Ed ward, and a daughter, Roberta Ann, Friday, Npv. 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Blair Edward Cummings, Markers Island, a daughter, Anita Aooettc, Saturday, Nov. 8. To Mr. and Mrs. Ustoo L. Law rence. Itarkers Island, a daugh ter, Louanne Carol, Sunday, Nov. 9. To Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Arthur Wu :t s Jr., Sea Level, a daughter, Julia Rebecca, Friday, Nov. 14. M?s Kafrlm Ann* l?wis Reports Wedding Plans Mist Kfttrina Aane Lewis, who w* be nwirrkd flunday ajefnoon at tkw 4cU*k to Lennia # Brin son Jr., hat announced her wed Tte Rev W. C. Reed of Kjnstoo will hear Ulu van* ? *>?! Jtaptist Chun* Ilia* Ban*-* Willi*, ?? loist, and Mrs. George Mizeska, organist, will provide nuptial mu lt*. Mm. Bill PutmI! wiM serve the bride as' matron of honor. Miss Linda Brinson will be a brides maid and Miss Joan Singleton will be flower girl. The bridegroom will h*va as bis best man Francis Guthrie. <Jskers wiH be Ray Lewis of Kinston, bro ther of the bride, Ronald Law-' react, Carrall Bice and Bill Pur coU, all of Moruhead City, Weleome Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ht-ljry O. Wade of Jacksonville, Fla., welcomed a daughter, Sarah Ann, Nov. 12 at Baptist Hospital in Jackaaaville. S*e has a 7-year-atd sister. Mrs. Wad a is the farmer Dorothy Wat son of Goldsbaro and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade of this city. Bianer Aaaaaaced Southern BaiJway will be host at a dinner at f:3S p.m. Monday, Nov. 24 at the Morehead-BiHmore. Guests will include members of the State Ports Authority, State High way Commission, and officers from Lejeuae, Cherry Point and Seymour Johnson field. Obituary INFANT MOORE Jafa?t Matte, we-daf-ald tevg ti ter ?f Mr awl Mrs. J$y Ma*re of Morehead City, died in More head City IJoapital Thursday Graveside services were conduced at Bay view Cemetery Friday morning by the Rev. Seldon Buljard. pastor of the First Free WHI Baptist Church. Surviving, in addition to the parents, are the maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. West of Morehead City; and the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moore of Kinston. Man Sei*d? Check To Pay for Cpw He Killed Jackson, Wyo. (AP) ? Wait Spi eer, Jackson area rancher, recent ly received a $30 check and this letter from a Woodbine, Kans., man: "Years ago you had a cow killed in the elk country. I expect I done it. Inclosed find check foi $50." IrltfttajGRLS^ E. W. Downum Co. DEPARTMENT STORE CARTERET DRUG STORE - SPECIALS - BABY MILK Similac per can 2Se S.M.A. per can 23* Sabre per can 37c N'oxema Special, {1.35 76c Colgate Tooth Paste, { Sir size Only Mc Kolynos Tooth Paste, 2-53C site Only 69c Crest Tooth Paste, 2-Slc uir Only 8Sc Large Size Pepsodrnt (Hair Brusb Free) 69c Prtll Shampoo, Mi?c site Only 99c Luster Cream Shampoo, $1.50 site Only $1.19 Drene Shampoo, 2 30c site Only 45c Shasta Shampoo, 2-S7C size Only 85c Woodberry Deodorant, $1.0* size Only 58e Jergeos Face Cream, $1.00 size Only #9c Tutay Deodorant, $1.00 size Only 50c Desert Flower Deodorant, $1.00 size Only SOc Old Spice Dusting Powder Special $1.50 Stewart Hall Stationery, $1.00 size Now 79c Preveat CoMs ? Take Vitamins Regularly AGENTS rot WHITMANS CANDIES, UF-VLON AND OTUES BEAUTY AIDS CARTERET DRUG STORE A&P Building Free Parking Morehead City, N. C. ?. ?. P1GOTT ? Registered Druggists ? LUCY K. TIJORNE FOR FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE PHONE PA 6-4745 The Newt st ?f Everything Great I ? The Greatest of Evfrything Newt 1 Wll Introducing the first all-pushbutton car! Everywhere you look, there are new (kings, great things, to see an4 discover in this "59 Dqdg*. Vint, the new Svtfvd > Seats. They you Into driving prtHflP. smoothly ?qtf ?6od|essly. In front of you, a gleaming WW Instrument pud marks this D?dge as America's first all-pushhpttpq car, Jt gives you pMh-(>utfc>n control of With aad weather. Yon move out ? a?4 make another discovery! The three dimensional np^ery of JLevel-Flite Torsion-Aire. Here I* complete ride cfptrol, tn>4 control, load controL And thepa ?|r dMfov?i?s also-r to see, to ke^ ?p experience. Why ?** H today# A . New 59 DODGE PAUL MOTOR COMPANY ? 322 Front Stmt T

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