Gi?? To Crippbd Children'. Fund CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES "? 48th YEAR, NO. 25. TWO 8BCTIOKS FOURTEEN PAGES MORE HEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1959 PUBLI8HED TUESDAYS AND TODAYS 25 Men Hear Travel School Set-Up Explained ? Courses Will Be Taught in April ? Partyboatmen to Get Special Instruction Twenty - five businessmen met yesterday morning at the Hotel Fort Macon to hear Harvey Rape and T. Carl Brown, Raleigh, out line plans for two schools to be conducted in Morebead City in April. The first school, April 13 to 17, for managers and supervisors, will be taught by Mr. Rape, owner and operator of Harvey's cafeteria, Raleigh. The second school, called the "Host School" will be April 21-23 and will be conducted for all per sons who come in contact with the travelling public in this area. A special course for partyboat fishermen, a one-day session, is scheduled for April 20. The courses are free. The state provides advice on how the courses should be conducted, and provides the instructor for the supervisors' course. It is hoped that William Slattery, UNC, will be present to conduct the partyboat fishermen's course. Mr. Rape instructs managers and supervisors hi the training of employees. He emphasized that training is a continuous operation, adding that it is important that employers properly train their key personnel and maintain throughout their organization the proper spirit of helpfulness and cooperation. The courses will be set up by chambcr of commerce tourist and convention committee headed by Dr. Russell Outlaw. A question naire will be sent to chambcr members, asking their preference on the times for teaching the man agers' course. Mr. Rape reports that 20 man agers can be taken in one class and two classes will be conducted daily, each session being identical. The course will coniiat of five two hour sessions. The same pattern will be fol lowed in the three-day host school. The same instruction will be of fered at the afternoon session as was offered at the morning ses sion. Employers will pay their em ployees as usual during the time they are taking the course. They will also pay a fl registration fee for each employee. That fee will be used to hire a bus to take the class members on tours of Fort Macon and Beaufort, to acquaint them with the attractions this area offers. The host school will deal with the following topics: what the tourist means to you and your community, what you have to sell, what you should know about the Beaufort Morehead and Carteret county area, and what you can do to keep tourists longer. Mr. Brown stated that many ser vice personnel, such as waitresses, policemen and service station at tendants do not know how to give directions to a stranger. To illus trate the fact that these people should be trained, he said that two persons whom he asked did not know where the chambcr of com merce office was in Morehead City. Althoagh an instructor is fur nished for the manager's school, a staff of local persons forms the faculty for the host school. Mr. Brown said that course must be made to fit the community. T. T. (Tom) Potter, president of See HOST SCHOOL, Page 2 . Hurray! New Bookmobile! 4? Newt-Times Photo by McComb Standing by the new bookmobile, left to right, are Mrt. C. K. Wheatly, Mrs. W. L. Woodard, library board members; Mrs. Liliie Chadwick, Mrs. LUIian Willis, bookmobile librarians; Mrs. J. O. Barbour Jr., chairman of the library board, and Miss Amy Muse, secretary to the board. Salter Path, Isle To Get Telephones Moses Howard, chairman of the county board o f commission ers, announced Tuesday that Carolina Telephone and Tele graph is putting in lines to Salter Path and Emerald Isle. Mr. Howard stated that Willis Marshall, New Bern, informed him that work was to start yes terday, weather permitting. The residents at Salter Path and Em erald Isle for many months have been seeking phone service. Help in the campaign was sought from the county commis sioners. Four Appear Before Mayor Four defendants appeared before Mayor A. B. Cooper in mayor's court at Atlantic Beach ^widay night One defendant, Norman P. Guthrie, lforehead City, forfeited bond for failing to appear. He was charged with public drunkenness and drinking beer outside a build ing. Charged with speeding in the bcach triangle, a 20-mile lone, were Jackie A. Simpson, Beaufort; Gary F. Long, Morehead City, and James Tiff Mann, Raleigh. All were ordered to pay costs. Randolph Bratchcr, charged with carrless and reckless driving, paid $3 and costs. Continued were the cases of James C. Bone, Raleigh, charged with speeding, and Cpl. Robert E. Pickett, Cherry Point, charged with public drunkenness. Weatherman Predicts Pretty Day for Easter The temperatures have been in the sixties this week and sunny skies bring hopes that spring is here to stay. Stamcy Davis, wea ther observer, said yesterday that there should be gradually increas ing cloudiness with possibilities of showers today and tomorrow. He predicted that Easter Sunday should be a beautiful day, but a little cooler than this week. The maximum and minimum tempera tures and wind direction for this week follow: Max. Min. Wlad Monday 65 38 N to SE i Tuesday 65 39 SW Wednesday 69 45 SW JC's Hear About Atoms lor Peace At the Monday meeting of the Beaufort Jaycees, Guy Smith dis cussed, for club members, details of the Atoms for Peace mobile unit that is scheduled to visit Beau fort April 24. Mr. Smith, president, also an nounced the date of the fourth quarterly district meeting of Jay cees to be held at the Morehead Biltmore April 18-19. In other business the club re viewed their tree project. It was announced that three of the trees will have to be replanted. They have been set out along Front Street to beautify the town. The house and grounds commit tee announced that they will meet, In the near future, with the Junior Woman's club to set up plana for the repair of the Scout building. Both dub* have donated ISO for the repair of the building and work is expected to get underway short ly It was also announced that the club will meet soon with the school board to make plans for the com ing football season. Restaurants Donate Coffee Money Today is Coffee Day in Morchcad City. This is the day when par ticipating restaurants donate cof fee receipts to the crippled chil dren's fund. The following res taurants are taking part: Sanitary Restaurant, Morehead City Drug Store, the Sport Shop, Broadway Cafe, Capt. Bill's, Busy Bee, Blue Ribbon, Mrs. Russell Willis's, Mom and Pop's Cafe. The Dora Dinette and Rex Res taurant will contribute to the fund, although thtv are not donating their coffee receipts. Mrs. L. E. Kelly and Mrs. W. H. Jones are members of the Junior Woman's Club in charge of Coffee Day. The club is sponsoring the campaign this year. Coffee Day ia the last major event of the Easter Seal campaign. The lilies that were not sold in downtown Morehead City last week will be sold this week. Persons who would like to con tribute may mail their contribu tions to Mrs. D. G. Bell or Mrs. Roma Styron. Address Businessmen FtctarW atove. aa the left, b the date wperrtaer at ?alrth*ln edacatlaa. T. Carf Brew*, u4 Harvey Rare at the NO Depart meat ef Public laatnetiea wha aMreaaed laihuaiia at the latel rait Ma can Wedaeitfay. Alaa ptetared (left ta ri?fct> are: jaa DaBoto, uaM