Crcssivcrrf P-jzzIs tciou n*?? J ewure ~ ? Tq??Uc? on (. Pointed hill U. Trouble M Scorch H lull?a river M. One who foretells ? tt Conductor. ?tick It. Rubber tree M. Dlmlnteh to* II. ASrm 24 Sun diik 18. Entreaty M. Minced dKh it Aislitence II huti*?4T a bu of j?w?iry IS. Perform M MUUUta 3I.Polur ?Uk? 31 Ancient Gr. coin M.Tkvurt 43 W.veof \ ?motion 45 Thlnneit U Division e? ? pi?y 4*. Fertile ?potion * desert M WMllhiMt 54. Kiln 55 Bay M. Bitter berh %1. Examine lion W Watches closely paiau yai ia nrin ejid naarc Brcri, QVTO JUJUEOJl-J nnntjoa sana jejfio snaata ULiuutjLHiJJi iJtiiia ??a isjjtjts aau iiuhu aaaGuaus nCDEU 3U533 r?mn saaaaia nauBaaaa anrao mm 33ns mnn Rag r*ann mnnra 8ohittoo to Tu??d?y'? Puzzle w Hm* w?v* DOWN LMmM 4* via* 1 Ventilate iW/'i garment 4. Show to ? ?ui 5. Br birth t. Good-bye T.AjtMMUve $.Wo ?.Pvtof the eye M. Soon II (?raid 17. Lave 20. Receptacle of woven material XI. Samoan seaport 22. Lethargic 23. Opines 21 Emmet 2?. False god 30. puppet 13. Breathing sounds 34. Source of illumination 37. Degrades 40. Stinging insects 42. Concerning 44. Chops irregularly 45. Plunder 44. Roof edge 47. 8?rver M.Choler M. Take to court 83. Supper Ml Mat Melbourne, Australia photogra pher Gordon de Lisle won a fiber glass speedboat iD a camera com petition conducted in the United States. He had to turn dawa his prize because, although free of cost, it would have cost him $3,375 Australian import duty. Unhappy Tulsa, Olda. (AP)? Because the city needed the revenue, officials swallowed their pride and honored the check of an irate citizen who wrote: "Pay ts the order of the thieves of City Hall, $13.50 for water from a bunch of crooks." ?BEAUFORT*'?'? LAST TIMES TODAY J SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE "Coed Hoy For Hanging" Starring Fred McMurry and Maggie Hayes The World m His Arms" Starring Greiery Peek and Ann Blyth SUNDAY ? MONDAY ? TUESDAY Mrrta KM BUDDY AOlBfS Ma PRIO BERBMAN CURT JURGEHS Jkthmtmy tlUm whfit BEGINNING APRIL 16TH WALT DISNEY'S "TH6 SHAGGY DOG'4 FHWT sue WING 04 CARTERET COUNTY Oscar Show Expected To Draw Big Audience k A J. MOMOW Wltn Manager The (raalpat east of the brightest amusement start of the world on stage, sqpeen, radio or televiaion will be seen by what is expected to be the largest audience ever? Monday, April 6. No matter what the words in the above paragraph sound like, they are true and not an exaggeration. The khow is the 31st Annual Awards Presentation of the Acad emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It will be presented in the United States on the NBC-TV and NBC radio networks. Cana dians will hear and see the show on the CBC-TV and CBC radio net works. Englishmen will see it via film 20 days later on the BBC net work. And this is only the begin ning. It can almost be said that wherever a TV station exists the Academy show wiU be presented and wherever radio can be heard it will he listened to . . . broadcast by short wave and on local sta tions via tape recordings. Last year's audience was said to be the largest on record up to that time. Interest this year seems much greater and plans are set for more TV and radio stations. How many stars will there be on the show? Actually no one knows, because no one knows how many individual Oscar winners there will be. But aside from the win ners who will receive the bronze statuettes for their "Best Perform ances" there are now 110 an nounced stars to provide the en tertainment portion of the pro gram. The combined TV and radio world-wide audience is expected to be over a billion persons. The bit "Oaear" ?has ?U1 bo seen locally at 10 30 p.m. on WITN TV Channel I. Howard Hawks' Rip Bravo, filmed In technicolor, starting Sun day at the More head theatre. ia an undiluted, airtight - from ? the shoulder drama ia the beat tradi tion of the Old Weat. with an out standing cast headed by Jqho Wayne, Dean Martin and Rioky Nelaon. The story builds up terrific suspense, unfolding the courageous efforts of the sheriff of a small border-town to keep a wanton mur derer in jail despite the prisoner's powerful and unscrupulous bro ther. For John Wayne, Rio Bravo ia a logical and worthy progression from such other western triumphs as Stagecoach, Red River, and Hondo. With the exception of one picture, Dean Martin's previous film work had been with his ex comedy partner Jerry Lewis, but in his present role, as Wayne's ex-deputy sheriff, Dino's career as a dramatic star appears as sured. Anxiously awaited by America's teenagers is the appearance of 18 year-old Ricky Nelson in the role of Colorado, youthful gun-slinger who comes to the aid of John Wayne when his enemies close in. Although his motion picture back ground is limited to two films made when he was a small boy, Rick's years of experience in front of television cameras have made a seasoned aotoc of him? a fact which becomes evident in Rio Bravo. Anna Lucasta, which ran for more than 1,000 performances as a Broadway play, will open Sun day at tho City theatre, with Ear tha Kitt and Sammy Davis Jr The motion picture marks Davis' de 1 but as a motion picture actor in "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" FRIDAY - SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE OF EVERY GUM IN TW WISH ?#?*n T^pkiTS 5TAHI AN ALLIED AATISTS PCTUtC ? STARTS SUNDAY THE MOST FAMOUS SINNER OF THEM ALL! wnosc Tamer thaw bar out "P* wi beciuu she a wuitruj^ MKJUHmT Ffcff ?* Mr* Department High Point, N. C. (AP) ? The High Point Hr? department hut a fire in ita station while tlie crew waa out having ita truck'a motor tun#tt The fire was quickly extinguished by a member of the county volun tas* fire department who waa driv ing by and saw smoke. the tola of Danny, Anna's free spending boyfriend. Miss Kitt por trays the title role. Aa a drama, Anna Lacasta has been a brilliant succes* on the stages of London, Paris, Rome, Athena, Lisbon, Oslo, Tokyo and Nong Kong. II is the story of a high-spirited girl thrown out of h?r home by a stern and outraged father (Rex Ingram), who resents her associations with the neighbor hood lads. She drifts to the San Diego wa terfront earning a living in sailors' dives. There she meets Danny, who offers good times and romance, but no marriage. Gunsmoke in Tucson, adventure drama filmed in Cinemascope and color will play at the City theatre Wednesday and Thursday. It is a tense, beautifully photo graphed drama that stars Mark Stevens, Forrest Tucker and Gale Robbins and has drawn critical acclaim at advance showings all over the country. The acclaim is well deserved. Playing Friday and Saturday at tile City theatre is a double fea ture, Cowboy, staning Glenn Ford ? and Adventures of Gallant Bess, starring Audey Long. ? ???IV V ? Law Officers Meet at Lejetme Camp Lejeune ? The Marine Corps Bate here played host to 273 police officers, highway patrol men, sheriffs, military investiga tors, state, federal, and local law men last week for the semi-an nual meeting of the Law Enforce ment Officers' Assooiation of East ern North Carolina Attending from this county wore sheriff Hugh Salter, (deputy sheriff i Bobby Bell, and chief Herbert Griffin, Lt. Carl Blomberg, and Sgt. William Condie of the More head City police department. Golf, boating, pistol shopting, a demonstration by the First Infan try Training Regiment, and a buf fet dinner at the Stuff Non-Com missioned Officers' Club Wednes day night rounded out the law men's activities for the day. The Hon. Malcolm B. Sewell, North Carolina Attorney General, was guest speaker. He stressed the need for legislation to permit the use of drunk-o-meter evidence in court. George E. Canady. State Bureau of Investigation supervisor, pre sided at the organization's meet ing which got underway after the dinner. Albany, the capitol of New York State, was first named Fort Nas sau, then renamed Fort Orange. The British named it Albany in 1664. Albany was one of the titles of King James II. March 31 ? Mr. Claude Day, a layman of t*> Cedar Island Mel odist Church, held services at Sta cy Sunday. Mnj. Ted Boutwell 9 nd ?children spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett and children of Arapahoe visited relatives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jiqimie Jones and son of Newport News, Va., spent the weekend with Mrs. Jones' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Good win and Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs. Nellie Jones of Harkers Island. Mrs. Gregory Rice and children >f Morehead spent Sunday with Mrs. Rice's mother, Mrs. Janet Daniels. Mr. Milton Goodwin motored to Norfolk, Va., Sunday, where he will visit his father, Mr. Dennis Soodwin, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels and children of Fayetteville spent the weekend with Mr. Daniels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Daniels. Several people of Atlantic attend ed the Easter pageant at the Meth )dist Church Sunday njght. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day visited he sick people in the community Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Connie Daniels of Stacy and Miss Verna Daniels and riends visited Mr. and Mrs. Wood "ow Daniels Sunday afternoon. Tickets Available For Semper Fi Cherry Paint *. flat U 15. J. Robinson, co-producer of Semper Fi has announced that ticket* are now available at a number of plicei on the air station as well as the Bob Clark drug store in Havelock and the Clark drug store in New Bern. Tickets may be purchaaed op base in the Marine Exchange, Sta tion Theatre, various club reeervs tion desks, and from all unit ser geants major. Reserved seats cap be obtained by calling the main ticket office at extension 2-2238 Reserved seat tickets are avail- * able for $2 and $1.50. General ad mission for Semper Pi is ft for adults and 50 cents for children. Semper Fi is the musical show being produced at Cherry Point April 10, 11 and 12. All proceeds will go to Navy relief. Elephant Greets Guests At Fraternity House Columbus, Ohio (AP) ? Guests ar riving for Phi Sigma Delta Fra ternity's annual circus party found a 500-pound elephant in the fra ternity house living room. It was one of two borrowed from a circus to lead a circus parade around the Ohio State University campus. What is believed to be the only statue in the nation showing Abr% ham Lincoln ancj Mary Todd Lin coln together stands in a park in downtown Racine, Wis. "CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRF' ? MOREHEAD * BOX OFFICE OPENS DAILY AT 12:30 P.M. STARTS SUNDAY FOR THE BIGGEST 7 DAYS EVER I JOHN I I WAYNE I The big guy with the battered hat.. 1 Dean I MM Duae-tne wreckage piled up^ by a< fast woman mewl NELSON The rockin' . baby-faced gunfisted kid... ? hmd Dili iplfHP BRAVO ?ecMNicoi.o^ Irom WAfNCR BBOl mivF StFN NOTHING LIKt tto TOGETHER ANO IN THE HEAT AND HATf OF KIO BRAVO NOTHINC CAN TEAR 'FM APAHT' XMWMQN'YMIJERMfflW'NM&Mi NOTE! Special Schedule! See 1$ Iron the bejiaaiog at: HW . 4:M . ?:M . ?: 15 SCOtCHY SMITH Evident*? OAKY DOAKS S reedy Guy