:= CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ?" 48th YEAR, NO. 68. EIGHT PAGES MORE HEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1959 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ? _ ______ ? r ? , Jesse Taylor Killed in Plane Crash ? Jurors Drawn, Testimony Begins In Brown-Moore Menhaden Case Mrs. Ann Duncan Brown's suit' against I. N. Moore, hii wife, Polly Moore, and his son, Leslie Moore, and the three of them trading as City Grocery Co., went to trial in superior court, Beaufort, yester day morning. The suit seeks permanently to restrain the defendants from per mitting menhaden boats to tic up at the Moore dock in front of the Beaufort postoffice. Lawyers wore down a list of 31 proapective jurors to get 12, delay ing the actual start of testimony i until after 3 p.m. yesterday. Larry Howard of Newport was the 31st person questioned and the 12th chosen. A temporary order to restrain the menhaden boats from what is popularly known as the postoffice dock was issued last fall. In the order Mrs. Brown alleged that boats docked there were a source of dangers ranging from filth, stench and disease to hazards to property and persons. Mrs. Brown's residence adjoins the postoffice property across the street from the dock. Following selection of jurors, plaintiff's attorney read to them in full Mrs. Brown's complaint and defendants' attorney noted accep tions and denials. Attorney for the plaintiff is Claud Wheatly ; attorney for the de fendants, Luther Hamilton. Judge J. B. Craven adjourned court for the day at 4 p.m. and set 9 a.m. today, an hour earlier than usual, for resumption. This he did to get the actual trial itself under way with a fresh start. Jurors are Joe Rose, Kenneth Bradley Lewis, Ralph Creech, Ma thew Fulcher Jr., M. P. Hollowiti, Dclancc Willis, K. B. WUlis, Ron * aid P. Styron, George T. Tosto Jr., Roy Keller, Reginald Garner and Larry Howard. School Children To Enroll Friday Registration of school children who did not attend the pre school clinic will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at Morehead City and Camp Glenn schools. This includes both beginners and transfer students according to principals Lenwood Lee and Ramey Davis. Parents arc reminded that re quired shots must be given before Friday. The shots required arc diphtheria, polio, and smallpox. Fees for elementary children's books and supplies will be $3.75. The optional school insurance is $1.75. School will be dismissed at noon Monday, the first day. Beginning , Tuesday lunchrooms will be open. Lunches arc 25 cents. Robert Rouse Jr. Named President of Solicitors Robert D. Rouse, Jr., a familiar figure in Carteret County Superior Court as solicitor for the 5th ju dicial district, was elected presi dent of the SUte Solicitors Asso ciation at its annual meeting re cently at Asheville. He succeeds Lester V. Chalm ers Jr., of Raleigh, solicitor for the 7th district. ? Spectators Line I Road for View Of Crash Area Traffic along the Morehead City Beaufort highway, especially around the Newport River bridge, was brought to a virtual stand- j still yesterday morning as hun dreds of motorists flocked to the | area of the bridge trying to get a view of the plane crash that took j the life of Jesse Taylor. Minutes after the crash the high way was lined with cars and spectators who had heard the ex plosion. Small boats dotted the Newport River and some tried to go to the island where the plane crashed before they were halted by Coast Guard authorities. Some witnesses said that at first they had thought the explosion was a jet plane crashing through the sound barrier. None of the wit nesses questioned were able to say whether there was actually a col lision between the two planes. The first indication of the crash was the explosion and after this the witnesses said that they saw three balls of fire falling to the earth. As is the case with any disaster of this type, witness accounts are numerous and widely varied. Some said that they definitely saw three planes crash and others said that they saw two men parachute to safety. Both of these rumors were later proven erroneous. Receives Award Eagle Sen-It James C. Ross III, above, received the God and Coun try award at a reient Sunday night service in Camp Glenn Methodist Church. Presentation of the award was made by the Rev. John Mansfield, pastor, assisted by L. O. Crowe, Scout official. James, in turn, pre sented a God and Country pin to his mother. James is a member of troop 334, sponsored by the Parkview Bap tist Church, Gerald Davis Scout master. He is a rising sophomore at Morehead City school and attends Camp Glenn church. County Students Complete Driver Education Course Certificates were presented Sat urday morning to itudeilts who have completed the summer driver education course. Brief cere monies were conducted at the courthouse, Beaufort. Mayor W. H. Potter of Beaufort welcomed the group and spoke briefly on safety on the highways. H. L. Joslyn, school superinten dent, presided. John Duncan, Stewart Daniels, Jim Fodrie and L. R. Johnson, in structors, presented the certificates to their pupils. The following have completed the course: John G. Hassell, Ray Hasscll, Mahlon Willians, Freda Garner, Jerry Gillikin, Charles Lee Lewis, Jeffrey Salter, Jackie Gardner, Cary Kirk, Barbara Simpson, Elizabeth Jones, Cheryl Brad burry, Charlotte Mischael, Virginia Davis, Lou Dudley, Sandra White hurst, Robert Metze, Patricia Ho gan, John Hogan, William Potter, Nancy Huntley, William Harris. Dclores Pickett, Bernard Martin, James Scott, Chonccr Fuller, Aus tin Everett, Owen White, William Bryant, Betty Marblcy, Janice Bee ton, Beulah Montford, Robert Stocks, Hannah Bryant. Barbara Nichols, Garth Cooper, Thomas Fish, Peggy Holt, Gurney Mizelle, Jerry Mitchell, Larry Stover, Dawnna Bland, Jerry Davis, Charles Edwards, Jack Morgan, Bobbie Willis, Doris Buck. Shirley Fredericks, Hepsey Pat rick, James Mitchell, James Moran, Faye Lovick, Clara Gas kins, Dot Chalk, Mike Trcst, Edgar Yates, Dee Smith, Jack Matthews, Sue Thompson, John Kirkman. Letha Rosita Guthrie, Margaret Ann Lewis, Patricia Jane Lewis, Nancy Topping Valentine, Linda Sharon Williams, James Alvin Bell Kenneth Cobb Harris, Robert Thompson, Michael Willis, Grayer Keith Willis Jr. Ray Lewis Daniels, Carolyn Frances Salter, Eloisc Madison Marshburn, Charles Michael Harris, Daphn Lee Thompson, Emma Jean Lawrence. Randall llarkey, J. Jones, Alice Johnson, Charles Lovick, Harriett Matthewaon, Earl Moore, Kerry Nolen, Sylvia Oden, Alice Pasteur, Bettye Sharpc, Myrtle Turner, Arthur Davis, Charles Weeks. Students who will complete the course and receive their certifi cates tomorrow are Stanley Mann, Barbara Hodnett, Terry Chadwick, Marsha Garner, Daniel Nelson, Cecil Moore, Richard Lienthal, Alton Hill, Norwood Roac, Bobbie Taylor, William Lup ton and Lonnie Boyd. Did Not Rent Howard E. Mason, who has filed suit against the heirs of the late Harry S. Bell, says that he did rent a house to Mr. Bell, as stated in I newsstory in Friday's paper. Mr. Mason said he only loaned storage space in a building in the rear of his home. Oil Industry Observes Centennial ?Farmer* Reminded of School-Work Law Stile labor commissioner Frank Crane today cautioned Tar Heel farmers against employing youngs ter* under 16 yeara of age in farm work during local icbool hours. "Such employment te prohibited by the child labor provisions of the ' federal wage and hour law, except where the farmer's own children work on his own farm," Crane said. The law applies to all youngsters under 16, regardless oil whether they are North Carolina residents or migrant* from another state, he added. Crane laid there is no age re quirement for employment of young people in agriculture before or after local school hours, on ? Saturdays and Sundays, or during regular school holidays and vacations. Firemen Called Morehead City firemen ex tinguiahed a Are on a Marine Carps truck at 3 a.m. yesterday. The truck caught fire on Arendell St., between Mb and 7th. Minor dam age wit daoa to Ik* truck. .. l ? The oil industry will observe pe troleum's one hundredth birthday Aug. 23-29. In August 1859 the world's first oil well "came in" at Titusville, Pa. That well produced 20 barrels of oil daily. Now the United States pumps out 7 million barrels of oil daily and consumes more than 9 million, reports Fred A. Seaton, secretary of the Interior. Oil, Mr. Seaton declares, has changed America. "First it gave the American something better than whale oil ot- cola oil to read by. Then it gave him something to grease his wagon wheels than lard. Then, as a fuel (or the Model T and its contemporaries, oil con tributed to the demise of the buggy, the virtual retirement of the horse and the abundance of black and white hard-aurfaced roads across the face of this land. OU distributors and filling sta tion operators of Carteret are join ing this week in the observance of the hundredth anniversary of ? ? - , H. 8. M. Barns, president of Shell Oil Co., describes the vast ness of the oil industry in these words: "No one can afford to pro duce oil unless there is a market for it, and crude oil serves no pur pose unless it is refined and de livered. "All of these activities are seb ments of one continuous operation which starts at the wellhead and finiahes only when the customer buys and uses the finished product . . . Every time the trigger is pull ed on a gasoline hose in any part of the United tSates, it seta in mo tion a movement of liquid that may reach 1,500 to 2,000 miles back to an oil field." Tides at the Beaufort Bar Tick Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, Aug. 25 12:47 a.m. 1:11 p.m. 6:44 a.m. 7:41 p.m. Wedaeafejr, Aug. M 1:33 a.m. 2:06 p.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:49 p.m. 2:27 i.m. t:S7 a.m. 2:57 p.m. f:4S p.m. Thursday, Aag. 27 FrMajr, Aag. a 3:27 a.m. t.ss a.m. *-54 p-flu 10.40 p.m. Photo by Bob Simpson The above picture shows Jesse Taylor, Beaufort flyer, and one of his two planes. Taylor, who was well-known throughout the county , was killed in a possible collision with a Jet yesterday morning. Newft-TlniM Photo by McComb This if what remained of the faselage section of a Marine jet yesterday morning after it crashed following an ezpkwion over Morehead City. Wreckage of the Jet was scattered over a wide area of the island Jut north of the Morehead CUy Yacht Basin. Well-Known Pilot Victim of Crash Jeaae Taylor, Braufort, who was killed yesterday morning in the craah of hit light plane, was a well known figure in Carteret County. Taylor, 28, ran a plane-ferry ser vice to the Outer Banks with his father. Earl Taylor. He was em ployed as a spotter of fish by Beau fort Fisheries and helped his father operate the Airport Servicenter at the Beaufort-Morehcad airport. He m active ia civic affairs and waa current vice-president of the Beaufort Jaycces. He received his pilot's license at 16 and logged hundreds of flying hours. Taylor was married to the for mer Ava Lee Alligood of Davis, in addition to his parents and wife, he ia survived by one sister, Mrs. Bonner Willis Jr. of Pascagoula. Hiss. MFW to Meet llie Carteret Business and Pro fessional Women'i Club win meet at 7 p.m. tonight it the home of Mrs. Jta Morrill, 20U Sbcjwrd St.. Coast Guard Completes Work on Lights in Inlet The range lights and associated improvements in the aids to navi gation in Beaufort Inlet have been completed, according to the public information officcr, Fifth Coast Guard District, Norfolk, Va. The work was done by the CGC Conifer and Coast Guardsmen from the Fort Macon station. The pro ject was completed about two weeks ago. The following lighting system Is now in being used to guide ships through the inlet: ? The intensity of the range lights themselves have been in creased. ? Lighted buoy 3 has been esta blished (black) in about 30 feet, 34* 39* 33" N, 76 * 40' 2?" W, show ing a flashing green light every four seconds, 30 candlepower, 11 feet above water. ? Channel buoy 3 has been dis continued. ? Lighted tagrltetM? located at 34? 40' 4S" N, 78 * 40' 09" W. ? Cahnncl buoy 10 has been dia continued. ? Lighted buoy 12 haa been esta blished (red) in about 30 feet on range line,1 34* 41' 27.3" N, 76 * 40' 02" W, showing a flashing red light every (our seconds, 20 candle power, U feet above water. ? Channel buoy 12 has been dis continued. ? Morehcad City channel buoy 12A has been discontinued. ? Morehcad City channel buoy 14 has been renumbered 16. ? Morehcad City channel buoy 24 has been relocated at 34 * 43' 41.2" N, 76* 41' 30" W. Education Show An hour-long education televiaion show will be aeen on NBC-TV .at S tonight. Back (0 School? '5# will be Um subject of David Braklc/f special news abow. Officers Arrest Woman, Two Men ABC officer Marshall Ayacuc and agcnti of the treaiury department arrested three negroes Saturday afternoon on charges of possessing non-taxpaid liquor. Officer Ayscue said the arrest was made at 1005 Avery St.. More head City, where It gallons of moonshine wen found. Arrested were Beatrice Monroe, alias Beatrice Collins and Beatrice Simmons, and Charles Smith. The third person, ? man, was not identified. The three were taken to New Bern, where bond was arrangsd at Federal Court. Meeting Plan Underway Plans are underway for the next meeting of the All-Seashore High way Aaaociation to be held either at Ocraeoke or aboard the Sea I^vcl-AUantic-Oeracoke ferry, an mumm Joe Dutiou, general man Jet Fighter Explodes; Pilot Ejected to Safety By LARRY McCOMB and ELLEN BORDEAUX The *pectacular mid-air explosion of a jet plane and possible collision of the jet and a civilian aircraft over Morehead City yesterday morning claimed the life of Beaufort flyer Jesse Taylor. The accident occurred at 9:06 a.m. and the jet crashed on an island just north of the Morehead City yacht basin. The crash was witnessed by hundreds of people in the Morenead Lity -Beaufort area, cars# and people lined the highway near the yacht basin following the crash and a number of small boats were on the scene. The jet, a Marine A4D Skyhawk, was flying at a low altitude in for mation with another jet at the lime of the explosion. Witnesses to the crash failed to actually see the two planes collide, but several who saw the planes at the instant of the ex plosion said that three balls of fire fell from the sky. This might indicate that the jet actually exploded in close proxim> ity of the light aircraft instead of ' actually colliding with it. It was not known until several hours after the crash that Taylor was the pilot of the light plane, a Piper cub. Taylor's plane crashed ! into the water and definite identi fication could not be made until Coast Guard crews had located the wreckage by dragging operations. The identification of the wreckage was made by Jesse's father, Earl Taylor. Jesse, who along with his father flies on fish locating expeditions for Beaufort Fisheries, was last heard from early yesterday morn ing by fishing boats near Cape Lookout. At that time Jesse radio ed one of the boats saying that he was going to fly to Boguc Sound to try and find some fish. This was the last contact with the well known flyer until the iden tification of the wreckage. Hope was held out until the very See CRASH, Page 3 Four Weekend Accidents Occur In Carteret Highway patrolmen investigated four weekend wrecks in Carteret County. Patrolman R. II. Brown investi gated the collision of two 1953 Oldsmobiles Friday at 7:15 p.m. four miles east of Beaufort on highway 70. One car, driven by Lundy Gil likin Jr., of route (wo Beaufort was headed east on highway 70. The other car was driven by Elton Lee Mason, also of route two Beaufort, who backed from his yard onto the highway as Gillikin pulled out to pass. Gillikin braked his car but was unable to avoid hitting the Mason vehicle. Both cars were knocked into the ditch. They were termed total losses by patrolman Brown. Orville Gillikin, a passenger in Lundy Gillikin's car suffered severe cuts. Mrs. Mary Lou Mason, Susan Mason, and Gregory Mason, passengers in the Mason auto, were admitted to Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Mason and Susan had broken arms and severe cuts and Gregory suffered abrasions. Charges are pending At A: IS p.m. Saturday a minor collision occurred on the Atlantic Beach causeway. A 1957 Ford, driven by Robert L. Brown of Morehead City, had stop ped for traffic in the northbound lane when he was hit from the rear by a 1947 Cadillac driven by Ger trude T. Jones of Kinston. Damage to the Ford was esti mated at $100 and damage to the Cadillac at $200 by patrolman Brown. Charges arc pending. Highway patrolman J. W. Sykcs investigated two accidents over the weekend. Willie W. Kearney of Goldsboro, driver of a 1958 Oldsmobile, was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road and careless and reckless driving after he side swiped a 1957 Cadillac driven by Margaret Scott Rod well of War renton. The accident happened at 1:30 p.m. one mile cast of Newport on highway 70. Kearney, according to patrolman Sykcs, reached to the floor of his car to retrieve a dropped article and the car swerved into the left lane. Kearney tried to get back into the right lane but was too late to avoid sideswiping the Cadillac. He was headed west and Mrs. Rod well was headed vast. A 17-year-old Negro, Earl Wil liam Moore, was the driver of a 1952 Plymouth that turned over on the Lennox ville Road one mile cast of Beaufort Saturday morning at 8:50. Moore was headed west, lost con trol of his car on a curve, and turned it over. He was charged with no operator's license, driving on the wrong side of the road, care less and reckless driving, and ex ceeding the speed limit. Moore was admitted to Morchcad City Hoapltal with brush burns on his face and ihoulders. Eleanor Moore, a passenger, suffered brush burns on the scalp and an injured Jaw and Wallace Tcel, also a pas senger. suffered a fractured bone in his shoulder. Several other passengers were uninjured. Little Rain Falls During This Month While itTu InmHialfly around Morehcad City and Beaufort lately have been receiving abundant amount! of rain, August still re main! the driest month of the sum mer for Morehead City and Beau fort, according to local weather ob server Stimcy Davis. Davla has recorded only .42 inches of rain a* tar thia month. Temperature ranges and wind di rection for the last four days, as recorded by Mr. Davis, were as follows: High Lew KM Thursday 92 74 SW Friday _ M 75 SW Saturday 91 79 SW SuoU? ? ?? . n sw

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