CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ? 48th YEAR, NO. 98. TWO SECTIONS FOURTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS PORT'S GREATEST NEED: LIGHTS TO GUIDE SHIPS AT NIGHT Santa Claus was in Beaufort Friday night but any gift that he may have had in his bag couldn't have matched the one the Beaufort Seadogs presented to the town a few hours later when they outhustled, outplayed and outscored the Andrews Wildcats 20-0 to become 1959 Class A champions of the state. "This is the greatest bunch of boys in the world," said head coach Curt Lancaster after the game and there wasn't anyone around to disagree in the jubilant Seadog dressing room. The Seadogs themselves, bruised and battered from the rough contest, were raising the roof off of the gym with their victory shouts after they had finally worked their way through the multitude of Beau fort fans who mobbed their team on the field at the sound of the final whistle. There was little doubt as to how the game would come out after Beaufort racked the Wildcats unmercifully on the first two plays of the game. The Seadogs had kick ed off to Andrews to open the game and on the first ' two plays from scrimmage Herbert Myers and Don Marr were stopped cold as the Wildcats tried unsuccessfully to get their vauntjed running attack in gear. Thanks to some offsides penalties against the Seadogs, the Wild cats managed to pick up two first downs before losing the ball when they tried to run on a fourth down sit uation. The first running play by the Seadogs was a two-yard plunge by All-State fullback Ernest (Power) House. Ray Hassell then picked up nine around end and followed this with a two-yard jaunt. Then it was House again over the middle for six and Eddie Taylor running wide for two. Butch Hassell then called on House on the draw play and the strategy caught Andrews flat-footed and netted 13 yards before Powerhouse was stopped. House then bucked the middle again for three yards and Butch completed the first of his nine passes for the evening when he hit Ray in the flat with an aerial that went for five yards. Eddie Taylor then picked up an other five before a Butch Hassell pass fell incomplete. Playing it safe on third down, the Seadogs quick-kicked and the Butch Hassell boot rolled dead on the Andrews' three-yard line. The Wildcats attempted to run the ball out of the hole but could not move the Seadog forward wall and were forced to punt as the first period ended in a scoreless deadlock. Eddie Taylor was stopped for no gain and another pass fell incomplete before Hassell called on House to bowl over for nine yards. Faced with a fourth and one situation the Seadogs decided to gamble and it paid off as Butch carried on a sneak for the necessary 36 inches. Ray Hassell then ripped off 11 yards and House two be fpre Eddie Taylor fumbled and Jim Conley of the Wild cats recovered. Again the Wildcats found they could not move on the ground as three running plays netted them a minus one yard. Andrews then got a momentary break when the bare-footed kick of Conley rolled dead 011 the Seadog three-yard line. Recalling the game of a week earlier when the Sea dogs had marched 98 yards to score against Norlina, the Beaufort fans began their cadence chant of Go, Go, Go and the Seadogs responded by crossing the Andrews' goal 12 plays later when Butch Hassell carried over from the, one-yard line on a quarterback sneak. Power house opened the drive with a plunge for two yards and then Ray Hassell picked up seven. Eddie Taylor gave the Seadoga the first down when he picked up three ya^-ds over the middle of the Wildcat line. House added six yards and Ray Hassell one to give the Seadogs a third and three situation. Butch then called on the draw play again and this time House com pletely caught the Andrews' defense off guard and ripped off 19 yards befoce the last Wildcat defender brought him down. The Seadogs bewildered the Wild cats even more on the next two plays as Ray Hassell completed a pass to Butch Hassell that went for six yards and then Butch completed one to Ray that moved the ball 11 yards closer to the Wildcat goal line. Butch HAssell continued his deadly air attack as time was running out in the second quarter and on the next two plays the classy quarterback completed passes to Sm SEADOGS, Page 8 Floats on Parade Jesse Loekhart drive* ? IMS Beo truck hi the More he ad City pa rade. With him is the ftev. lack Mansfield, Camp Glenn. This track also appeared in the Beaufort parade. r-? r-w - The Beaafart Free Will Baptist Church entered a nativity iceae u a float aal won a friie of $25 in the Christmai parade Friday at Beaatet. Santa'* alrifk and reiadeer on real now provided the aulkeaUc ChrMaaa itmnnhiiri at the PTMraa at tka tm rtfc? ? Mtewfag Beaafart'i parade. Gala Parade, Football Game Add Up to Great Day' Friday Friday was a wonderful day. Beaufort tucked the state foot ball championship under its belt and welcomed Santa Claus in a gala parade. A crowd estimated at 4.000 lined the parade route and close to 2,300 swarmed to the Beaufort high school football field after a Christ mas program at the courthouse. Few could remember when a pa rade in Beaufort attracted such a crowd. The weather was perfect ? for football and parading. There was hardly any wind, the sun set in a warm glow and brilliant stars lighted the night. Five bands with tbeir eye-stop ping majorettes appeared in the parade Beaufort's green-clad mu sic-makers followed the Beaufort police car as the first part of the parade came into view on Front Street four minutes after tile S p.m. spirting time at the school. Other band* were the sparkling JforckMrtMtjDwaicwns. OA Wu?-. clad band of Swansboro high* school, the high-stepping band of Queen Street high school, and the W. S. King school band, led by a troupe of tiny majorettes in white satin who drew applause all along the parade route. The winning float in the church category was a nativity scene en tered by Beaufort Free Will Baptist Church. St. Paul's Episcopal en try, a lovely float with eight little angels beneath gold bells and the slogan, Joy to the World, followed. Floats were also entered by the First Baptist Church, Ann Street Methodist Church and Mt. Zion Baptist Church, all of Beaufort. The church floats were followed by Beaufort school children carry ing colorful flags of 82 nations. Seven floats appeared in the school category. The winning float was entered by Queen Street high school, an attractive red float on ytuch girls dressed in red rode and > WMcd. la. the jrowd. ? Other Boats were entered t>y Ufc Future Home makers who also bad Miss FHA riding in a convertible, the Beaufort freshman class, W. S. King School of Morehead City, the Vigilantes and county 4-H clubs. A station wagon decorated with ship's helm, ship's bell, flying pen nants and drawing a spanking white sports cruiser on a boat trailer won the commercial float prize for Barbour's Marine Supply, Beaufort. Other commercial float entries See PARADE, Page g Driver of Truck Dies Following Wreck Yesterday Bud Dixon, 3D, Negro driver of a pulpwood truck, died in More head City Hospital at 9:30 yester day morning after his truck turned over oo highway 101 just south of the Laurel Road. ? Dixon, origiiiaUy from Alabama, was living at 306 Queen St., Beau fort. Patrolman R H. Brown, who investigated, said that Dixon was headed north at a high rate of spaed, following another truck. The first track slowed to turn into the Laurel Road, and Dixon, ?rpparcnttr, applied Ms oralce*. As he did the truck went off to the right, veered to the left, hit a ditch head first, looped end over end and came to a stop on its wheels in front of a tree. Dixon, meanwhile, had been thrown out. Patrolman Brown said he believes one of the stakes on the truck pierced Dixon's body. The truck was not loaded. The driver was taken to the Morehead City hospital in the Adair ambu lance. Owner of the track was George Cleveland Courtney Jr. 35-Voice Glee Club Will Sing in Morehead City Sunday Night Set For Yule Service The Community Christmas scrvicc featuring the music of the Morehcad City high school chorus will begin at 7:30 Sunday night in the Morehead City school auditorium. All of the churches of the More head City area, as well as the general public, annually join in this Mrvice of music and medi tation. The high school chorus under the direction of Ralph Wade, con sists of 81 students from grades 9 through 12. The boys and girls' glee club will also perform. They will present a program of specially selected Christmas mu sic. Board Lengthens School Holidays At the request of the county unit, North Carolina Education Associa tion, the county board of education yesterday extended the Christmas holidays to Jan. 4. The original vacation period was Dec. 18 to Dec. 29. School was scheduled to close May 28, but be cause of this change, H. L Joalyn, county school superintendent, says the school dosing date probably will be Hay 30, or later, should schools have to closc any day this winter becausc of the weather. The heard act Jan. ( at noon iu the recreation center, Morehead City, mi Q>e date for the annual school bus drivers' luncheon. it also authorised Mr. Joalyn to extend Its congratulation to the Beaufort football team on winning the stale championship. Mr. JMlya will attend this week the state conference of school su perintendents at Durham. ? The Greensboro College Glee Club, composed of 35 girls, will give a concert at the First Metho dist Church, Horehead City, Fri day at 7:30 p.m. "The club will be on a tour of North Carolina and Virginia that week and we have the privilege and joy of having them in our county for th? above appearance," states the Rev. Alvls Daniel, pastor of the Wildwood Presbyterian Church. Included in that concert will be the Bible Story of Naomi and Rutlfc set to music by Caatelnuovo-Te desco, also hymns, folk songs, and Christmas carols. There will be no admission charged,- only a free will offering to help cover expenses of the tour. The club will be in the county Friday night, staying in homes of the members of the First Methodist Church, the First Presbyterian Church, the Wildwood Presbyterian Church, and the Bud Dixon Motel. The evening meal it being served the club by the women of the Wild wood Presbyterian Church. This will be the Greensboro Col lege Glee Club's 213th concert giv en over a period of eleven years. The club is directed by E. L. Wil liams, who received his master's degree in voice from the Univer sity of Oklahoma and has done fur ther study at New York University. "Everyone Is Invited to come out for an evening of enjoyable and inspiring music given by a fine group of girls," Mr. Daniel said. He married this summer one of the girls who was in the glee club when it appeared in Morehead City last December. Elmer Mears Charged With Running Stop Sign Elmer Lee Mem, Cherry Point, was charged with running through a stop sign It 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Patrolman R. H. Brown said Mean failed to stop on the Mc Cabe Road at the intersection of highway 24 and went into the ditch on highway 24. Damage to his car was estimated at *230. Coaches Smooch Trophy News- Times Photos by McComb "Love that beautiful trophy," say Beaufort coaches ilm Fodrie. Curt Lancaster and Tom Hewitt ia the jubilant Seadog dressing room following their team's 20-0 triumph Friday night over Andrews for the Class A championship of the state. The trio had just emerged from their traditional shower dunking by the team. The trophy and coaches are being baptised by colas. Christmas Tree Glows A big living cedar become* a Christmas tree once every year on the courthouse laws. It is decorated by Beaufort firemen. (Mure pictures page ?). Ports Director Attends Convention in Florida D. Leon Williams, executive di rector of North Carolina state ports, is attending the 48th annual convention of the American Asso ciation of Port Authorities, which open* today at West Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. Williams is first vice-preii dent of the organization. Tide TabU 1 Tides at the Beiuiort Bar J ' HIGH ' LOW Tuesday, Dec. ? I 2:51 a.m. 1:19 .a.m. . 2:19 p.m. I:tt p.m. , Wednesday, Dec. 9 3:55 a.m. 10:00 a jo. < 4:12 p.m. 10:34 p.m. I Thursday, Dec. It 4:49 r.m. 11:09 a.m. < S Ot p.m. 11:30 p.m. 1 Civic Representatives To Attend Meeting Tonight Ojn member from each civic or ganization in Beaufort is asked to ittcnd a meeting at 7:30 tonight in it. Paul's pari it house to plan eo irdlnation of tin town's Christmas living. Earl Willis, MWhan of the fire lepartment's CMtmai pragma, ? in charge.