? Mr. Inspector Photo by Reginald Lewis "My name is Cecil. My boss, Capt. Ottis Purifoy, here in Morehead City has asked me to inspect this shark carcass. Let's see, I'd say the old shark is about 6 feet long . . . "No heartbeat . . . Yulefide May Mean Traveltime By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeatures Beauty Editor Comes the time for Yuletide via ita ? days away from home, per haps visiting classmates or a beau's family. Travel brings with it obligations and involves courtesies, however, and some times we thoughtlessly act indifferent to them. There Is, for Instance, consider ation for the hostess: You should arrive and depart on trains that are suggested. Don't say: "1 think I'll take a later train" or "I'd just aa soon go home tomorrow." If she suggests ft, fine. But don't be the one to bring it up. If you are visiting a beau's moth er for the first time, give her a little gift when you arrive? candy or a small bouquet of flowers may help break the ice. it'a a good idea not to take more luggage with you than you need. giving the impression that you will stay for the winter. Then too, there may not be room in the car for all your luggage to the embarrass ment of the hostess. You'll make the best impreaaioo with the minimum of luggage, pro viding you have the erfaeotiato. Don't just throw things In wiUy nilly, "just in case." Plan every thing carefully. As one luggage designer, Mur ray Leeds suggests, take the small est bag you can without crushing your clothes, and you can find a bag for every occasion. "If it's a long visit the most practical bag is the 44-inch all-pur pose to keep dresses wrinkle-free and hold your other needs. If an additional bag is needed add a train case or hat bo*." This may give a better ip?e?r ance, he says, than two large bags although the 21 inch or 24 inch suitcase are very practical weak end bags. Train caaes will hold accessories and makeup for an overnight trip. Or use the 17-inch hat box for that purpose. The swag bag if anoth er popular travel bag theae days. It's the oae fashion models uae to carry accessories. It haa a REDDVMJX cm LIN USA) "Yep, he's dead all light. No pulse . (Continued from Page 6, Section 2) In the minimal care unit, the ratio will be reduced to one hospifaJ worker for three patients, thus pro viding care for 75 persons with 25 staff members instead of with "Ho* manj' pound* of catfood will be make? Maybe about 100 cam. But II you fellows wlH no away, I can un you tbc trouble M canning thia thing I and my frlenda ara ready to have a fine banquet right here on the dock!" large pocket in the center, a side zipper, handy (or last minute pack ablea, and a tipper on top that opens the main compartment. these resemble tote bags, only they are bigger and may be used (or overnight or weekend trips. Some of them are so big they could serve as sleeping bags, but they do get away from that "I'm going to stay forever" look. Newer luggage Is lightweight re sembling vinyl plastic or (iberglas, in youthful tweed or plaid motif, and fun to have in matched sets to that you can take your choice for any occasion. When you arrive at your desti nation, don't put luggage on the bedspread If a luggage rack is not supplied, use ? chair Kaap track of your clothes, and don't drape laundry in the family bathroom Ask where you may hang hosiery or lingerie it you must, bat it is better to have clean things to last (or your stay, K pos sible. Vactttoa Mr . . . Sto'i all xt ? I? t OM Willi Blkthl tw?4 taffagc. Chicken Stands Ground Against Illinois Railroad Farmer City, IU. (AP)? A little black bantam hen stood her ground against a railroad and won. She decidcd to make her nest between the siding tracks of tiie Peoria and Eastern Railroad. In a two-day period during ker setting time, at least a dozen train cars were "switched" over the track above her But she stayed. Now John McKinley haa bit ban tam back, plus eight chicks, all that hatched. 203.25, which would be necessary! in pie main hospital. This will ; mean a large saving in expense oft care The reduced cost for patients in this unit will be reflected in the expense of patients in the main hospital for rates are determined by the average cost per patient j day for the previous year To ar- , rive at tiie room rent charges, the' total hospital costs for the preced-j ing year are divided by the total, number of patient days. Diagnostic patients, who usual ly stay about three days and have a series of laboratory and x-ray examinations, often run up bills of , $150 or more for the period This brings up the average With these , patients paying less, it will be re- I duced, helping all patients. The 75 beds in tne main hospital released as a result of the new fa cility would cost $1 ,500,000 if they were to be added to the plant. In getting this space for 75 more pa tients by building a minimal care unit at a cost of $600,000, the hos- ' pital feels it is making a very wise investment. Anger Leads Motorist Into Arms of Police St. Louis (AP)? Donald Reeves' car battery went dead. Enraged, he shattered the rearview mirror, severely cutting his hand. He sought help at a nearby apart ment building, but frightened resi- , dents, thinking be might be a rob- 1 ber. locked their doors and called police. ) The otficars were waiting when Reeves returned after having sev eral stitches taken in hit wound at a hospital. WINTER COMFORT UBATIM9 OIL J. M. DAVIS TiXACO PRODUCTS raanitHM NMCREUCITt Straight BOURBON Whisker Town Can't Enforce Curfew Ordinance Stfrimi, Cola (API? Sterling has a law which cant be enforced? a curfew ordinance Back Ml im, it *il unlawful her* (far children wider ll la he seen ?? U?e street altar 7 3# pa from Aim 1 la Mar I During the aummcr months, the tune mat e? leaded uatil I M pm The law'a null aa the haoka. but nobody pays any attention to it One rouncilm..- sums it up this way: "If the parents don't want lo keep their youngcler* home at , night . the city would be foolish to try it." heeded: Two Left Feat Ottawa. Ohio ? J1 " Seven Minute _ Pie Crust Mix bo,| Qtf Seven Minute FROSTING |Q?, Aiiy wwu. ? pwg. Ywr I VYIA ChocoUte Fancy Deliciou* _ .APPLES K 594 "PECANS "? 594 SUGAR i 39* r it - J S-LB. BAA With I* " Orfcr Limit Oae it Thto Prio* DRY SALTED CORNED HAMS 49; NATIVE ' FRESH HAMS - 49* i iae witer certiriea str? Cranberry Sauce Can ? 9 ^ Bordo Pitted DATES Large Crisp CELERY su? T P T V Wm cfliriv|u?,i$ from | y| | q | W? Will 9# Open All Pay W?dn?day, Dm. 23. W. Will B* Closed Christmas Day and Open All Day Saturday, DKtmbsr 2$fh. 1400 AMMDKU. STREET, HfQftJUIEAD CITY, If. C. Pricx# ThU Ad Effective through D*c. 24th