Morehead City Social News Mix BUra Bulim. Soclrty EMUr Phaa* PAM115 Attending the funeral for Mrs. Hattie Davis Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Van B. Davis Jt. of Baltimore, Md., and Mr. Weston Willis of Jacksonville. Mr and Mrs. Ethan Davis, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Howard and Mr. Gordon Willis attended a Scout meeting in Greenville last Wednes day night. ^ Mrs. Louis Norris and Mrs. Charles Bennett spent Thursday in Washington. N. C. Mrs. Luther Hamilton spent the1 weekend in Durham with her| daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Vickers, j and family. Miss Dot King, a student at East Carolina College in Greenville, spent the weekend at home with her mother. Mrs. Paul D. King. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Scruggs!, visited Seymour Johnson AFB, j Goldsboro. Tuesday night and were ; guests of Maj. and Mrs. Joseph ? Gabrielle. The Scruggs family re cently moved into their new home on Rochelle Drive. Mitchell VII- ( lage. Mr and Mrs. Garland Scruggs , attended a meeting of Girl Scout , executive and council officers at ( Brass Choir of College To Give Concert Jan. 27 Top Brass, a concert featuring i the brass choir of East Carolina I College, will be presented by the college department of music Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. in Austin auditorium | on the campus. Francis Swanson. son of Mr. and ( Mrs. J. R. Swanson of this city, is a trombonist in the ensemble. He played in the Morehead City \ school band and is a member of , several musical groups at East ' Carolina. The 16-member ensemble of stu dent instrumentalists will play un , der the direction of James H. Par nell of the music faculty. The pub lie is invited. Mrs. Edgerton Hostess To Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. James B. Edgerton was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home in Mansfield Park. Mrs. Harry Dobbins was a guest. During progressions the hostess served colas, nuts and candies. At the conclusion of play she served banana cake and coffee. High score was won by Mrs. Mike McNamara and low score by Mrs. Elvin Oglesby. DRLG rAC Its BOBBY SICK/ ^ BE 6URE YOU WAVE " ROBINSON PRESCRIPTION SHOP COMPOUND HIS PRESCRIPTIONS / A k \n Kf Beaufort. Core Creek Jan. 20? Mrs. Ben Harris of Bel haven is spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M R. Whitley, and daughter and fam ily, Mrs. Charles Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mason. Mrs. D. R. Arnold had dinner -vith Mr. and Mrs. Manly Eubanks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sabiston visit ed her father, Mr. F. M. Fulcher, it Williston Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wells and amily visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belangia at Bachelor Sun iay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Whitley and laughter, Nancy, of Vandermere ipent the weekend with his par ?nts, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whitley, md entertained several relatives Saturday evening with a barbecued nullet supper with all its trim nings. Mrs. Connie Sabiston and daugh er were in New Bern visiting her I >arents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bur oughs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and laughter of Havelock visited Mr. ind Mrs. Gene Wells and family Sunday evening. PTA Accepts Suggestions Of Committee The special projects committee of the Newport PTA recommended at the PTA meeting Tuesday night j that the committee's allocated fund of $700 be used as follows: $375 to complete the school ground drainage project (Southern Railway has consented to finance half the project coat because they own adjoining property); $189 to the home economics department to be used on the purchase of a sew ing machine; $20 to the science de I partment to pay for installing gas service; $116 to the band aasocia t ion for the purchaae of uniforms. I The committee further recom mended that the PTA surplus fund of $244 be donated to the band asso ciation. Both recommendations were: unanimously carried by vote of the PTA members. Mrs. Mormo Larko, dance in structor, gave information on charges for tap, ballet and baton lessons. She stated that the PTA would receive 25 per cent of any proceeds from lessons held at the school. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jernigan were introduced and welcomed. Mrs. Jernigan is the school's new piano instructor and music teacher and Mr. Jernigan is the county high i school supervisor. Girl Scout troop 98 gave a skit on how to sell Girl Scout cookies. Following this a film. Adolescent Developments, was shown. Mrs. Robert Montague, president, i president. Mrs. Ailene Garner act ed as secretary in the absence of j Mrs. Joyce Lewis. ?Mrs. Ailene Garner, Mrs. Alberta Mann, Reporters j Negro Farm Bureau Members Meet Thursday J. A. Spaulding, district Negro agricultural agent, southeast ex tension service, was the speaker at the annual Negro Farm Bureau meeting last night at the Negro Masonic hall. Morehead City. Mr. Spaulding is a native of Blad- < en county A barbecue dinner was ? served at 7, prior to the meeting. ? ir Nm