Story on Page One Will Open Sunday at Morehead By 0. J. MORROW Theatre Manager la justice always given a chance to triumph in the United States? Or arc the cards legally ataeked against the average citizen is oar courtrooms? These arc aome of the grave, but often overlooked questions raised by producer Jerry Wald in the new Cinemascope thriller, The Story on Page One, Jan. 2g ? Mr. Royall Bell and Mr. Carl Bell of Washington, D. C. spent the weekend with their moth er, Mrs. A. N. Bell, and visited their brother, Mr. Clyde Bell, who is a patient in the Morehead City Hospital. Miss Yvonne Hunter spent last Saturday night with Miss Catherine Smith at Bachelor. Mr. David Bell and Mr. Roger Bell returned home last Sunday morning from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where they had been station ed with the US Army. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Small of Morehead City visited Mrs. A. N. Bell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Temple and son spent Sunday at Swaosboro. Mrs. Kuch Williams, Mrs. Luke Garner, and Mrs. E. R. Bowlin visited Mrs. Pete Garner of More head City Wednesday afternoon. Mr. O. Shirley has returned to his home in Snow Hill after spend ing several weeks with his daugh ter, Mrs. Gordon Becton, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cook and family of New Bern spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McLawhorn. Mr. Will Connor is a patient at the Sea Level Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Becton and daughter and Miss Margaret Guth rie of Morehead City spent Sunday at Snow Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Shrake spent the weekend at Holly Ridge with relatives. Mrs. A. N. Bell, Mr. David and Roger Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Kuch Williams, Mr. and Mrs S. D. Wil kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tol son. Miss Shareon Wilkinson, Mrs. Luke Garner, Mrs. E. R. Bowlin, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Temple and family and Mr. Joe Molton visited Mr. Clyde Bell at Morehead City Hospital Sunday. Mr. Gene Small has returned borne from Alaska, where he had been stationed with the US Army. Mr. Larry Bradshaw, USA t, sta tioned in Illinois is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brad thaw. Mr. and Mrs. Kuch Williams and daughter visited Mr. Oscar Salter at Bettie Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Gaynor and daughter have returned home from Sea Lev el Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and children of Havelack visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Connor Saturday night. Taxes MUST be Listed During January LIST YOUR TAXES TODAY starring Rita Hay worth. Anthony FraacioM a?d Gi? Young. TW Story o? Page One. opening Sunday at the Norehead theatre, points out the inequity that exists today between the huge law-en forcement devices in the handa of the average diatrict attorney in the United States and the comparative ly meager resources at the com mand of the average accused citi zen. In a large metropolis, for in atance, there may be hundreds of anonymous people aiding the Dis trict Attorney, in bis burdensome chore of proving the defendant guilty. Opposing this huge machine there are often only one or two people working for tjie defense. Many times a man or woman on trial for life can't even afford that much. This is the powerful and arrest ing theme developed by Odets in The Story on Page One. !n fact, the author of such noted plays as Golden Boy, Country Girl, and Waiting For Lefty wrote the story originally and specially for the screen, rare in these days of adap tations. He also directed the pic ture which is even rarer. The glamnnr, the gaiety, the drama and excitement of the eir cus are depicted to exciting ad vantage in the picture, Flying Fon taines, a Clover production In col or starting Sunday at the City thea tre. Michael Callan, Evy Norlund, Joan Evan* and Rlan Garrick are starred, playing circus aerialists who carry their turbulent passions aloft with them in soaring, breath less flight. Callan, Garrick and Miss Nor lund are dynamic young newcom ers to the screen; Miss Evans is a talented young actress too-long absent from the screen. Callan, who made his film bow in They Came to Cordura. is the outspoken young trapeze artist of The Flying Fontaines, a youth determined to become the world's greatest "fly er." Also playing on the same pro gram with The Flying Fontaines is the cartoon figure of Mr. Magoo in a full-length motion picture, 1001 Arabian Nights. Starting Wednesday at the More head theatre is The Nature Girl and the Slaver, starring the same girl you saw as Liana, the Jungle Goddess, Marion Michael. Playing at the City theatre Wed nesday and Thursday is Mademoi selle Striptease, starring Brigitte Bardot. Endiu the weak at the City thea tre is a double feature, From Hell to Texas and The Seventh Voyage of Sinhad with Kirby Grant. Crossword Puzzle ACKOSS 1. Indeed: Irish 4. Capable 8. Horsefly larva 12. Sweat potato 13. Shower 14. Jewish month 15. Huffed 17. Learninf II. Steal " 19. Sets out 21. In coin 24. Scoutinf froup 25. The entire number 26. Intimidate 28. Indian trophy 32. Feeler 34. Old horse 36. Pa. lakeport 37. Case fixedly 30. Vapor 41. Dnas leath er 42. Uri propi tious 44. Irreapansi bla 4i. Miachiavoas w!aSip4k*p?i clock SI. *m?nation 92. Raatrictive adjective 54. Fixed quan tity 57. Indigo plant 56. Soft mur mer 59. Unaspirated 40. Watchful DOWN 1. Affirmative vote nnn uaoaca wn rcaa unurui won laNBrin ?aaran annn ann r-raana nataanan anon aqaa ?au ? ??3aa an aa aaan acmca ?ciaianna Braaaa nas nncsn rnuur?a uanuara nan ????u una ?0a uuoau liqs Setatiaa to TuFMlay'i Puiilr 1 Hydraulic rm* 9. Protection against rain 4. Gum ob tained from acacia 5. Cistern 6. Told an un truth 7. Terminated ?.Offset tScmt It. Smtf 1 pi* II. Very much: Fr. ? 19 Fabulous bird 2 ?. Footlike P*rt 21. Trenches 22 Small piece of ground 23. Eternity 27. Humorous person 29. Clsvtr ex pedient 90. Geological division 31. Writes 33. Archbishop 35 Needlefish 38. Annex 40. Elderly 43. Spring flow er 49. Cool r on ted 46. Frenchmen 47. Alphabetic character 49. Ireland 49. One of Co lumbus' ships 93. Russian village 94. Correlstive of neither 99. Tibetan gazelle Bookmobile Route Listed The staff of the county public library, Beaufort, has announced the following schedule for the li brary's bookmobile for Monday and Tuesday: Monday: 9:30-10:00? Crab Point; Wildwood, 10:10-10:30 ? Whitley's service station, 10:40-11:00 ? church, 11:10-11:25 ? Glenda Pol lock; 12:15-3:00 ? Newport School, 3:05-3:35 ? Newport branch library. Tuesday: Harlowe, 9:10-9:25 ? Mrs. Emma Oglesby, 9:30-9:50? Mrs. Hazel Ives' book station; Mill Creek, 10:05-10:30 ? Mrs. J. C. Skinner's book station, 10:40-11:05 ?Mrs. Lida Pail's book station. 12:10-12:25 ? Route 2 Newport, Mrs. Madge Reynolds; Masontown, 12:30-12:40? Mrs. M. L. Simmons, 12:45-1:05 ? Mrs. Mayola Finer, 1:10-1:25? Mrs. Verna Gould. Nine-root Road, 1:35-1:50? Mrs. Kiturah Lewis, 2:00-2:20 ? Mrs. FLY lm 1 NATIONAL* NEW YORK ? WASHINGTON BOSTON ? PHILADELPHIA NORFOLK MIAMI ? TAMPA ? ORLANDO JACKSONVILLE . DAVTONA BEACH ALL FLIGHTS KADAR EQUIPPED hf mtmflMt sn jtn Tnnl Aftut tr phoat Milrtsi /-S1S1 FIR Asbury Park, N. J. (AP) ? Post master Louis T. Wigdortz found that a neighbor, Henry J. Dougher ty, looked familiar. Then they dis covered they were interned in the same German prison camp during World War II. Alice Simmons, 2:30-2:45 ? Mrs. Daisy Cannon, 2:55-3:10? Mrs. Cor nell Garner. Cholk Pint Seniors Enjoy Party; Cheerleaders Get Gift B J JOANNE ALLEN One-half of the year has passed and a?w we begin a new semester Were you satisfied with yo*r rec ord for the past s^meeter? If not, now i( the time to put forth your biggeat effort for the rest of the year. Renumber, these who try the hardest reap the moat returns While everyone was home wrack ing his brain studying for exams, many of the seniors were living it up at the "cow palace." It wouldn't be a party at the "cow palace" without an oyster roaat, so George Huntley provided the essentials for this feast. After everyone tired of dancing, the cards were brought out and a large variety of games were play ed. The girls seemed to be the better of the players. Clifford Lewis created quite a scare when he threw a fire-cracker in the fire place. After that, he got a big charge out of threatening to do it again. When it came time to leave, scores of people piled in Freddie Hooper's car, and went to the "brightest spot on the Atlantic Beach causeway" (says Joyce Leonard). Freddie said that it was the first time that the fins on his car were not sticking up. All of the home ec girls visited the gold medallion home last week. Someday they hope to have a home like this of their own. The cheerleaders have had a dif ficult time this year keeping spec tators from taking their seats. Someone has come to their rescue. Mrs. Beveridge was asked to make a blanket for them to reserve their space on the bleachers. She made a very attractive one and it has been a great help at the games. fflorehead "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" LAST TWO DAYS ? FRIDAY - SATURDAY (From th? Hilariotn Broadway Smash 1 1 M-Q-M Frnanti sunn / DEBBIE ^THf F0RDREVn0LD5 ? STARTS SUNDAY The Story That Spiced The front Pages Of A Nation! , RTIA HAYWORTH ANTHONY FRANCIOSA GIG YOUNG mr won '4 A NEW I Ml CUffORD OOCTV -PLUS COLOR CARTOON The cheerleaders appreciate this gift. The Seadogs met their strongest competition of the season Priday night. Nevertheless, they edged Smyrna to maintain their unde feated record. The boys played very weH, especially Butch Has sell. who had the highest scoring night of hia high school career. The gym js packed and all the Beaufort fans were not disappoint ed in the outcome of the game. After the game, the seniors spon sored a sock hop in the gym. There was a very poor crowd at the dance. It seems that no one is in terested in school - sponsored dances. Those who do not attend these dances do not know what they are missing. Everyone always complains about not having anything to do and then when recreation is plan ned, no one responds. Let's start having a little more interest in school-sponsored activities. Miss Senior is Marjorie Amelia Schmellter Stoy. Better known as Amy, she was born to Mr. and Mm F. L. Stay on Sept. 2, 1942. Amy kH brown hair, bawl eyes, weighs IIS lb. and is 5'3" tall. Site enjoys listening to David Whitfield sing When you Lose the One You Love. She also enjoys hearing Doris Day. Her fsvorlte sport is basketball. As if every one didn't know, her favorite pas time Is talking. She enjoys water sports in the summer. Plane geometry Is her favorite subject. "Funny enough" is her most frequent expression. Her pet peeve is "somebody thst slurps anything they est or drink." She says that the trip to Jackson ville when we played lit. Olive will always he remembered by her. Upon graduation. Amy plans to at tend St. Frances College in Penn sylvania. While in high school she has participated in basketball, prayer group, president of 4-H, Lambda Chi, FHA. Carlton Anthony Small is Mr. Seniors He is the sqn of Mrs. Edith Small. He wa? born on April 26. 1941. Carlton's hair and eyes are brown. He is 5'8" tall and weighs 160 lbs. Why, by Frankie Avalon is his favorite song. He also likes Doris Day. Charcoal steak makes an excellent meal for Carlton. He en joys watching football and study ing economics. Figuring a way to make money is his favorite pas time. His famous words are "Hey Man." Working on car models is his bobby. His pet peeve is some "EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE" FRIDAY ? SATURDAY - Trooper HOOKaf^S* STANWYCK, -DOUBLE FEATURE HAWKIN^Sn nnnnMW wni ? i nivnwiTi, ? STARTS SUNDAY BIG DOUBLE FEATURE! a magic caipet of laxe.&rills and. laughterl CQLUMU PICTURES r A FUUL liMTN (Sg@ AMKItO RAMK IOOI ARABIAN IGNIS. O* ( TECHNOOLOR* ) THE NEUSIKTEI MUTER MAGBO A ,llii j turn | VMS BMEKVU * m 1MKHS- 1 SOHMNQj. I UK *OAI IKS WMU F m TK CBCtSI 1 TUB ** L MUM ?EMU K* one who li always late. Hi? moet memorable event is the junior-sen ior. His future plans are to attend college. While in high school he hat been in band, 4-H, and bus driver. Placed on a map of the United States, Ethiopia, the African king dom, would ktretch from Maine to South Carolina and from New York City to Iowa. Beaufort TB. ATtl 1 M BAIKC MI kitfM fv Bri|itto I Saturday -- Double Feature "EVERY SOM-OF-AN AfACHE IS ATTACKING US But we'll mop up the West with 'em!" p Mm an omb man sBumms k IHMUl Sun. ? Mon. ? T uea. ? Wed. GAKYl GRANT TONY CURTIS OPERATION PFimCOAT m NIV MKMU BMOK.M .MROIMEU Showing Feb. 11 and 12 "THE WRECK OF THE MARY DEARE" Starriag Gary Coaler ? Chariton Heston I OAKY DOAKS KHtfi I catch A Durable Feline

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