Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Electrical unit t. Spore cues ? Avid 10. Moon's age on Jan. 1st 12. Exceptional 15. Sun god 16. Prohibits by injunction 17. Has being 18 Mischievous child 50. Valuable fur 51. Summer: Ft. 22 Father 34. By birth 35. Smear 26. Egf drink 27. Of us 28. Strong flavor 29. Possesses 32. Jewish month 24. Took food 25. Masses 27. Gr. E 28. New York islapd: sbbr. 28. Struggles 41. At home ' 42. Confirming 45. Running knot 46. Cant 47. Pitcher 48. German river DOWN 1. Large tub Solution to IMiy'i Funic 1 Mythical monster I. Inclines 4. Energetic person 5. Ancient Roman official fl. Backbone 7. Metal container* ? River hi Ecuador ?.Test 11. Pulverizing 12. Goddess of discord 113. Flowing garment 14. Belgian river 10. Disposed 21. Baffle 23. Size of coal 25. Feather neckpiece 28. Soft mineral " 29. Estuary of Ouse and \ Trent rivers i 30. Church reading desk 31. Thinly scattered 33. Resounded 35. Free from bonds 36. Put off _ 39. Black bird \ 40. Pierce 43. Fish eggs H 44. Anglo Saxon king Bridges at Toko-Ri Will Play Return Engagement One of the truly great war films of the Korean holocaust, the all time aerial thrill-film. The Bridges at Toko-ri, begins a return engage ment at the Morehead theatre Sun day. Starring William Holden, Grace Kelly, Fredric March, and Mickey Rooney, the Technicolor production scored a sensational success when it was first released. Based on James A. Michcner's best-selling novel, The Bridges at Toko-ri, it recounts the valor and heroism displayed by the Navy carrier-based jet pilots and the helicopter rescue teams who fish ed them out of the icy seas or scooped them up from behind en emy lines when the jets were downed. It also tells the personal story of the lieutenant (Holden) who must fly a mission regarded as the most dangerous of the entire cam paign, of the effect that mission Feb. 24? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dan iels and family of Williston spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ma dora Day, and Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Daniels and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lupton of Morehead spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Good win. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Daniels and boys of Otway spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn and boys of Morehead spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Dora Day, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Daniels, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Edwin Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gaskill and Mr. and Mrs. Royce Emory, all of Cedar Island, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton Day Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Styron and family of Atlantic spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goodwin. Mr. Carl Daniels of Charlotte spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Dan iels. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin of Beaufort spent Sunday with rela tives here. The Rev. Jim Lineberger Jr. held the communion service at the Methodist church Sunday a.m. Mr. Louis Goodwin and Mrs. Lil Iie Daniels have returned home from the hospital. Everyone hopes they will soon be better. Everyone is glad to hear that Mr. Doris Goodwin is feeling bet ter. The WSCS is still quilting quilts at the Methodist church. Anyone who wishes to have some quilted, contact Mrs. Artie Daniels. Air is made up of about 78 per cent of nitrogen, necessary as food for plants. Another 21 per cent ii oxygen on which animals and hu mans depend for life. on his beautiful young wife and on the fleet admiral who has a battle of his own to fight. Lovely Miss Kelly, absent from our screens for so long, portrays the wife; Fredric March, one of America's foremost performers, plays the admiral, Mickey Rooncy will be seen as a cocky Irishman always ready with a laugh and a lift? air lift? for a buddy. Playing Wednesday and Thurs day at the Morehead theatre is A Man Called Peter starring Rich ard Todd and Jean Peters. Since so many people missed this picture the first time, we have had numer ous requests that we show -it again, so we have secured this film for two days only. It is the story of Peter Marshall, his life, and love of his fellow man. If you missed seeing it tbe firvt time, don't fail to see iW ? *< ^ Enffing^up the week at the More head theatre, Friday and Satur day, is, Night of the Quarter Moon. It tells a frank and uncompromis ion story of a marriage consider ed unacceptable in today's society and of two people who fought their taboo through a scries of stark dramatic episodes leading up to a sensational courtroom climax. This picture stars Julie London and John Drew Barrymore as the couple who married against con vention. Anna Kashfi. Dean Jones, Agnes Moorehead and Nat King Cole, with "guest stars" Cathy Crosby, and Ray Anthony. Two of the screen's most fiery and vibrant personalities come to grips with each other for the first time in the CincmaScope slambang melodrama, Seven Thieves which opens Sunday at the City theatre. Movie veteran Edward G. Rob inson and comparative newcomer, Rod Steiger, are two of the auda cious title characters in this tale of a colossal robbery on the French Riviera, based on the novel by Max Catta. Robinson has been depicting all strata of villainy on celluloid for 39 years, beginning with hi? class ic rendition of Little Caesar. Stcig er, on the other hand, made his film debut just about five years ago as the gangster lawyer in On the Waterfront. Both, of course, have interspers ed their screen deviltry with other subdued, more heroic roles, but they are primarily associated in the minds of audiences as rogues, which dimension they assume in Seven Thieves. However, there are a couple of surprises in the course of the picture which Jive both characters greater depth than those usually found in suspense dramas. Science-fictioneers will be hard put to hold their heads up after Lou Costello. Mr. Funny Five by Five, gets through with them in the picture, The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock, the hilarious screen spoof that will reduce Wednesday and Thursdays City theatre audi ences to helpless laughter. Cratier and funnier than ever, Costello makes a comic shambles out of such science-fiction cliches as a time machine, an out-sized being (in this case a blonde and beautiful giantess), and tile whole school of missilemanship. NOW OPEN Glennhaven Restaurant and Grill D*tu, N. C. Serving Only the Beit Seafood,0 Chicken, Steaks SUNDAY SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER $1.00 A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL Mr. ml Mrs. Alger G. Willi* Swansboro Feb. 24? Night classes In typing started Monday night, Feb. 22, at Swansboro high school. Donald B Edwards, commercial teacher at the school, said those eligible are anyone not enrolled in any school. The course will run from 10 to 12 weeks, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Registration will be open until Monday night, Feb. 29. St. Mildred's Catholic Church will hold its annual pre-Lenten ham dinner Feb. 27. Service will be from S to 8. There will be a revival at the Swansboro Methodist Church March 6-11. The Rev. C. W. Rob inson of Louisburg college will be in charge of the services. Mr and Mrs. Joe Williams and daughter, Peggy, of Fayetteville spent the weekend with Mrs. Wil liams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Smith on Cedar Lane Drive. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Weeks and Mrs. E Weeks "per.". Sunday aft ernoon in New Bern visiting Joe Kellum. Kellum has just return ed home from St. Luke's hospital. Sunday guests of the U. S. Bak ers were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tray wick and children, Timmy, Trudy, Tommy, Barbara and Aimce, of Barstow, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dennis at tended the wedding of Edith Baer to Edgar Cole in Beaufort Satur day evening. Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Dennis were the buffet dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Craum in Jacksonville. Mrs. Laura Cannon entered Sea Level Hospital Thursday, Feb. 18. Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Jimmy Gentry accompanied Mrs. Cannon to the hospital. Before returning home Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Gentry called on friends in Atlantic. Those from the Bethlehem Meth odist church attending the lay man's conference at New Bern Monday were the Rev. and Mrs. John Casey, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Effron Smith, Ncedum Dunn and Leon Weeks. The Trixie Freeman and Daisy Jones Circles of the Baptist Church held a study course Thursday night, Feb. 18. The group was honored to have Mrs. Mary Thig pen of Beulahville to teach the course. Mrs. Thigpen is noted in the Baptist circles for her excel lent lectures. Her topic was Reaching Rural Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gibson of Norfolk, Va., attended the funeral rites of Gibson's brother, James Gibson, Tuesday, Feb. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Smith of Morehead City were recent visitors of the Odell Smiths and other rel atives. Nw from \ SOUTH RIVER - Feb. 24? Mrs. Guy Carraway and | Mrs. Jim Stallings visited Mrs. | William Pittman Tuesday. Mr. Harry Willis and Mr. Frank I Harvey from Atlantic visited here | on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hardy at tended the Methodist Sunday school | and church services at Merrimon i Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin and children from Morehead visit ed Mr. and Mrs. William Pittman Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Arlinc Taylor and Mrs. Ber tha Smith from Beaufort visited Mrs. Mary Pittman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Wallace and girls from New Bern visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hill and Mrs. Joshua Hardy visited Mrs. John Morris in Atlantic Sunday. Policemen Find Stolen Money in Man's Mouth East St. Louis, 111. (AP) ? George Norman was arrested in connec tion with a $55 robbery. En route to the police station officers noted Norman was trying to talk about it, but just couldn't. Officers took a long look at Nor man's swollen cheeks, forced his mouth open and found 12 one dol lar bills. The money was seized as evidence. See the difference whm you heat with Sinclair. Oil ^ Heat Sab-dean Dependable Automatic T. T. "Tom" Potter & Son Stedair DUriMar Phone Beinfort: PAS-JOT Phone More bead Ctty: PM-Sl* Vie Sinclair Heithf 00 Far COME SEE ? SHOP A&P REGULARLY ? YOU'LL GET SPECIAL! ANN PAGE RICH, TOMATO SPECIAL! SUNNTF.ELD SWEET CREAM KETCHUP 2 ^ 35c BUTTER "vr- i?.65c WISK LIQUID ?? 40c Can 73c CONDENSED all Large 3Q Package 37t FLUFFY all 3-Pound 7Q_ Package ' /C JOY LIQUID 12c? 39c "c2f- 67c OXYDOL P? 35c LUX TOILET SOAP V 10c 2 LBa?e 29c LUX FLAKES Large 3 J, Package J>v TIDE & 34c ft. 81c ft? $1.35 LIFEBUOY SOAP "ft- 11c ?sr 16c BLUE CHEER & 34c & 81c Dash Detergent SET 39c SPIC & SPAN #, 29c & 89c COMET 2 31c 2 <?& 47c Reynold's Wrap Vt 31c CRISCO VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3 & 81c %A/ p*rkerDwhole , SPECIAL! A&P BRAND GRAPEFRUIT W2^,l^d SECTIONS 3 '^ 47c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! RUSSELL'S BRAND, FRESHLY BAKED Vanilla Wafers 20-OZ. PKG. SUPER-RIGHT MEATS assure you of SAVINGS and QUALITY SPECIAL! ALLGOOD BRAND ? SMOKED FLAVORED SLICED WON ?Z9> SPECIAL! "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY OtCC FOESHLT 2QC bQGt grouno u 9<J' SPECIAL! "Su par-Right" Short Shank, Smoked 12 to 16-Lb.? SkiniMd MAM s""n?kLEh?'f l" HUM KYI IAIY LIMA! l-U>. W? >M waiik Hi/rn "*M iTI CUT eo*N ,~u>' "* THIUt rKIVCU ????,? ,yi gkeen mas I -U>. Pkg. ?? CAAMl mm m fordhowc umm Wk n? ?? * ** Birds Cy Pr??x>k?d CIHMKU CUT POTATO?! l-U>. Pfca M* BkccMot Brand Buttered Morton ? Cherry ? Peach or Apple Beef Steoks \Z 49c Fruit Pies 23c 39c Downy Flake Heat aad Serve A&P Concentrated ? Orange Waffles 2 ??. 33c Juice 2 57c 4 59c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! AW "OUR FINEST QUALITY" SLICED Strawberries 2 vs- 35< 2 vs 53< fO TATOCS b w^' 2? ?? f FLORIDA ORANGES FRESH BROCCOLI 8 - 49c is: 25c SPECIAL! PENN PAST SHOE PEC CORN 2 c.- 25c SCOTTISSUE ] m 25c SOTTOWELS 33c | Soft W?r? Tifau* 2 25 WALDORF TISSUE 4 ROLLS 35c Del-Monte Week Specials CUT GREEN BEANS 2 'c6^ 45c STEWED TOMATOES 19c SMALL GREEN PEAS 17c TASTY GREEN LIMAS <?? 23c FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 ""a*13 45c Whole SPICED PEACHES jJS 39c CLING PI ACHES 2 % 39c 29c BISCUITS 6 at 45c BUY THESE A&P VALUES FIRE KING BAKING PAN With Twin Candle Warmer $2.59 each FIRE KING CASSEROLE 1 '/* Qt. Size With Candle Warmer $2.59 each 14" x 24" COCOA MATS $1.39 each "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY BEEF Porter House Steak Lb. 89c Club Steak Lb. 87c ? TOM TURKEYS Avg. 16 to 22 Lbs. 45c Lb. ? JESSE JEWEL POT PIES Four 6-Oz. Pkgs. 69c ? 10c Off Regular Price A&P'S OWN dexo 3-Lb. Can 49c Spring Onions 15c Bunch ? RUTABAGAS 2 Lbs. 13c ? WINESAP APPLES 2 Lbs. 25c ? Prince** Ann 3-Piece POLYETHYLENE MIXING BOWLS 98c Set Anchor Gltu White or Green ASH TRAYS 10c each These Prices Apply to Stores in Beaufort and Morehead City

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