Iron Steamer Pier Revives History of Blockade Runner The blockade m By F. C. SAMSBrm A new pier, the Iron S< fishing pier, recently opene public on Bogue Banks off Uu ... ter Path road, will no doubt cr an interest in the blockade run r Prevensey, of Civil War days. 1. Prevensey was run down by a Fe eral navy boat, run ashore a blown up a short distance beyonu the pier. Attracted by the high price offe ed ship owners and crew, by I .? Confederacy, for bringing in fr< Bermuda and the West Indies U> much needed supplies to maintai the Confederate army, many to eign ship owners became engag< in running the blockade into the few southern ports held open by , the Conferacy. The iron steamer, named the Prevensey was of English register built by Charles Langley of Liver pool, England, in 1864 as a blockade , runner for the firm of Stringer, | Pembroke and Company of London, i The craft was some .500 tons, iron hulled. side paddle wheels, as well ) as schooner rigged. This boat is thought to have been I { successful in making several trips L Rescu&%ad i Gets Building TV Morehead City Rescue squad has purchased a 24 by 24-foot metal building from Esso Standard Oil Co.. Clinton, according to Don Forater, secretary-treasurer of the aquad. The building was brought to Morehead City from Clinton Sun day. It will be put on a lot on 2Sth street, between Fisher and Bay. The lot is owned by the town. Equipment will be kept in the building until sufficient funds arc Obtained to put up a block build ing. "The squad appreciates the do nations it has received and thanks all those who have contributed," Mr. Forster said. Maklag the trip to Clinton with truck and trailer to bring the met al building to Morehead City were Ray Kennedy, Cal Dezern, Oscar Jofclyn, Jim Hux, A. N. Willis and Mr. Forater, all ol the rescue squad. 1 If ?. P.nnuift ??Jo Wliniiin- l-ny 1?? : v ?? r{ mornim of Jum> a, ' ?/ Vi bu> frHunimtf i rv ir. ' thi' ? riyi-r, j ?I'* ?' \i-' ? i <*T}<(:|? mhno 45 . .nithVas' ' ).Ori Macon ! .1 ?? . tin New Hi rn put a ??'tVs.s OY? lit ? ? . y bmv vj" : . -V-.i'ii;; th?? JorwMd C-i- ?????' ? oitiM-. tlif i 're . ? tisry j >*;. 1 1 fjfe ? ? tkijrtjjf i U i-v hi ?t )7ull?' ill inh >f i r . i nib. its yverf ' jajv . d by 1 nitm soldivrs fr Fo itori< mone> seen br the place >f th< < ?eek- ? i lai the ho the hot without Shell states U> ind tli the hul l>e disc long pi avorit? n-fv mad-' Jo pull the ! \Vu.ach tmt she was 1 ha/d info the sand that j For m.'tn'v years- the iperstriKtun- were \ I he shore I ?? fore t h?- I ' Ik sqUhk1 d. Storms ,iies r lined most of it. of the> !?? fm ^uilh thr year- and it own as the Iron Sieartter ih?- < Iom' of tli- war, of th l'reve?iM > had J off and buried markt'd by a chimp oak trees. Treasure lays past hav?* dqg over '-a atonf:' th* section of i posit v the wreck with tmditu; th< chest, hut f rOettjan, pier owner.! ? when the sea is smooth v .trr rl? ar, an outline of ! ?? . hi. .c kade runner can ? ' !i? m the end of the ; I he site has been i ! fishing point for party ' iM.afjj l?>r fi. l' ijrt -all r.irlv; I Ur. chamber f member* f hi -? Attik thanked them for their irlUtfejsi' m *h? eharnh'i ? . Included \Viththe letter w as - a bail of on wluc.ii 'he chamber iut*m brr :;is Jo hrdtrr of prefer epfe'V (he projects winch interest htm nVo-f : advertising and poi dev. !?> >mi ot trans '?< rtation. vyater ? < ?>. ..UinC-llU !??;. Idutation. health. military af j fairs, religions aU;?'irsv member-, ship* povernnu m ? ? affair j% ;?.i>d 1 HH i 'haiid :ng UM in ibc Hi id < ton . ?.??'>! . ditormm, Th** program Antony those .wt villi ,tOi: Mourn; Ifa ! < kers I$Jatwi, th? nil ? .?* r? > tot ant! the A shun trio of ? < ? City, the lilai I >)' ? '? - Morehf ;id ? it1- Clergy mtr s Trio (rf Carter* t county Mobile k.n trio of Hobncken and other groups. Th- singing Convention s nonde nomitKitif nal. K very one is invited total- p ,rt ?n the program a^ wett as listen " ? .??? " ,1 DIXIE BARBER SHOP THREE FULL-TIME BARBERS TO SERVE YOU. ARCHIE (DUCK) EDWARDS BE WELL GROOMED - VISIT US SOONI HAMULI) KKH.IIT ? WMHHI HB WEEKS AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT DIXIE BARBER SHOP ?CROSS THE STREET PROM COLONIAL STORE ARENRELL STREET MOREHEAD CITY 200 JC's, Wives Expected Here This Weekend Two hundred Jaycees and their wives are expected at the Jaycee district 12 meeting this weekend at the Morehead Biltmore hotel District 12 is made up of nine eastern Carolina town* ' ' ' ? M iov' ! ht-r to* k HKslpt; Nt'W.j fori) H.iwluek. .1.1.- iiu-. W.,i ; s:? -a KenaosvUle. ami HichlanUs Deleftjlt's l.i*. ! '|a> ??beuirtiiVii^ at doom i lieht on tin hotel patio i U;il4 lolfbw. ; At : t (iclegalev .arul their i wives will attend, a tlanee in the' Sea Level room oi the hob <'haii man of the nuettnu. T-oiurtiy . Kai l vinday* > >rti< ?lul< .. !?? I.u ..a i .ol ' At the business. tjtii ieees "will eU'etV.u state viiy. ' tk'iit from .the 12 th fbstriet. :<'an : ' tionai (tireetOi Will. fuj>. at j the meMing. .nil.' bwfe,.ision,| will end'. the. two day aifair ' . I ho I.athan Utilises Th.-.j.athan Uiilis in t ount> court ? of li>hn?k5 laWS, Was l-?tii ah VftUisj ol Markers Island and riot tin i thun Willis ol M i irehead City Summtr Course* Offered [' (mitsbs . in linotype andteie- i type perforator operation and ! mannen.anie .are- again beirig of? j U i t;(j by i h<* li" i*a iK' i School ' ? Mprftt'esborb this: >Uirti!)o? f: ? ? \ June. 13 to July 2U; .. . ?? six yv-p r* ,ag *>?; to offer t hv?p :U \ yjfrs*s to. ('f't^Ioy^s of -.IVOSks wll <1- Other who can qualify l(ir admission. fwr rho t? U typoset ? ' to u ? quit-kf> Negro News Miss Florence Gorham, Beau* fort spent the weekend at home from Oxford Orphanage. She drove ?o Durham Sunday to take her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Gorhpm, and sister, Mrs. W. O. Stanley, to visit Mrs. Gorham's grandson, Phillip A. Summers, who remains critically ill at Duke hospital. More head Cltv 4iVnm( f StOI rhrad C?t> .. . I uet?dtt> ? Mrs. Mur ? M i p0.ukla? roller, Beautuit (?is< harmed: Sunday, M a s i . f >o; i Potter Mrs. Sally Snu . j;.m.(>nri, Beaufort.. ritesday, Kir Clyde Jont^ Mwn | .. ? ;i> . Mr", Will If \|.,V , Ht-au- i jlw.t: Births at >Iorehead City Hospital: ' To Mi- and Mi Columbus \kr i rell. Beaufort. .. ditughtPi Tuf> Prayer N? rvt<. < - have been eon- 1 hn ???.1 . . h ni tit t ? ? ? k at the ; ? ? tiun Sr.,i ihutc^i, Morehead 1 the Rons. ' M ( c Kundft v .. i'i'1 ,v\ ill open the re\ .\ at. M ' v u1 a> ru? ljt at 7 Keyiv&l M,'ry.ic'iii ? > Tin installation r> ? : :i connect k?ii ' w:!t I) tlu- fortlitoiniJUi ??project' of I ; wio and deepening Moiyfieatl ?. ?.'>'??> harbor. Car Skids Friday On Island Road 4 1*51 Fort nu ??aytfeed and a 1990 Chevrolet damaged to the extent of $300 at 9:30 Friday morn ing in front of R. J. OhmWA" ?foe** or ?*- K land i>rivinjj the Ford was WiHiam Frtd Wi.l Marker* tt-., 1 is was' hv .idt'ii toward hjghwav dojiny , a howor. skidded into a ditch i ?ri the left s.ide ol the road and pikM into th?* Chevrolet jidrk ed at the store. The Chevrolet had been parked by Hen Watson ol Straits Wat son was vn the t. store at the time', of the crash.' vV ill:is was not ui Deputy sheriffs Hobby Bell a lid ( . it- l>a in vest.igated N u ehaVf-'i'S were tiled . . Pastor Announces Sunday Schedule The Kev I I I)avi>. .pastor <)f I'urvi^ Chapel AMI! Zior, a vis de U veri ng t he sefinotiV. J At 3, p.m. there a special ' Johnsor. tu- ? irnr .>nd congr* . church.; llarlowe . Mr. Johnson Will !.'.u preach ! at the T lit) service and e' baby con test w H end >ilh that service Mr 1 1 .. [s invited the public to worship Carteret's Newest Chrysier-Plymouth-Valiant dealer invites you We'd like to wire! i yoir-^o fell ypii first-hand how pleaded we arc about pur ref efll 4ppoiiitn)ent as ( .}fryH},-rJMyiiu?ulf>-Valjaiil dealers . . , hoW f>n?ud we are to have lnet (Jiry-l-'j 's ??$t:?n?ljriH of d< .?!? quality.. We want to show % < . r i .hmiuhI our ih w -liowrooni and '-service la < "ilitjes. We want to introviu. ?? you to our .iru>n?il >. Miijeou- -tatf of luie-? ar experts. But luo-t oi all, we'd like to dtnonstrate all that's new about the new Chrysler, Plymouth and \ ahaiit. $lyp in boon, won t you. Douglas T. Lewis Manager Raven J. Harden Service Manager 1900 CHRYSLLR ? the cur of your life for llie time of your life THE SOLID PLYMUI 111 1W VALIANT? the ear you'd want at any price If ? open house, and you're lntiM to LEWIS MOTOR CO. 200 Crtmn Street Beaufort, N. C.