The Readers Write To the Editor: 1 There is an old saying of which | I’m sure everyone has heard, and, it goes like this. “Those convinc ed against their will, hold the same opinion still.” In answering the letter which Steve Roberts wrote, J am reminded of the quotation, and feel that this attempt to rec tify Mr. Roberts’s unqualified re marks about the Catholic Faith will go unnoticed. At least in all events, the attempt has been made. Most people who are so vocal about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Faith are those whp have never been inside one, who have never read a book by a Cath olic on the Fait^, and who, it seems, are so ready to believe any thing written, read or said against it. This is indeed a tragedy, for even in our courts, thank the dear Lord, the two sides are heard! History points out quite clearly the abuses which crept into the Church, not in doctrine, but in management, when the kings would have no separation of Church and State. This is evident and why Catholics are said to want a union j of Church and State is beyond rea son. I really don’t know much about his other assertion that some souls j get to Heaven with the aid of mon-1 ey. I’ve been a Catholic since | birth and believe as the Church teaches. Heaven is gained Dy : those who love God with their; whole strength, and love their, neighbors as they love themselves, j Money was never mentioned. Senator Kennedy's first allegi j ance, as all of ours should be. Is; to the God Who created us. The Pope, as Catholics believe, is the voice of God on eartii, just as the Justices of the Supreme Court are the living voice of the Constitution. Most of us are not theologians and some pretty tricky things come up which we are not able to discern as being wrongs, or discerning, chose not to follow the good and true. The Pope's job as any fa ther as head of a family, is to show his children the course that God would want. If the Bishops, priests, rabbis or ministers refused to help their charges in sighting the true course, of what value are they in the eyes of God, or the peo ple who look to them as spiritual guides. But for this, Mr. Roberts j condemns them! As for Senator Kennedy’s refus-1 al to speak at the dedication of | the memorial—this he explained.; tt seems foolish to go back over such a trivial thing. But at any rate, his reason was sound. He was asked to speak as a Catholic for the whole Church. Senator Kennedy’s life is politics, not re ligion. To ask a layman to do that job was not proper. It seems that those who adhere to the sep aration of Church and State dis approve of those who practice it! Catholics, as well as others, will to their children the best they have of the material blessings that our Lord has seen fit to bless us. Why is it that we are condemned for willing the best we have to offer of our spiritual gifts? For if we did not believe it was worth giving to our children, we would be fool ish to live by this Faith in the first place. I have never heard taught as doc trine or anything else, the other points that Mr. Roberts has men tioned, and I doubt that he has either. It is a truth that I could go out and malign any one with the greatest untruths. I would be believed. Perhaps I might have to retract what I have said, but the seed of the lie remains. It is this seed with which Catholics are constantly bombarded. All I can ask is, before you be lieve or pass on information which may be untrue, with God, Who is always present as yom" witness, make sure of what you havp to say, Ask someone who knows his subject; not one who hates it. Our Lord was very severe in Hia lessons on scandal, and it behooves each of us to be careful, for the millstone may end up around our nepk. The subject of this letter is to defend the Catholic Faith against those who calumniate it. I will serve to the best of my ability whoever gets the awesome job of President of the United States. Thank you very much. Mrs. T. C- Hyman Jr. MAKES REPLY Nov. 3, 1960 To the Editor, Please print the enclosed pam phlet in reply to Mr. Steve Roberts and if Mr. Roberts or anyone else would like further proof, let him find plenty of it in any encyclopedia under “Catholic Church" or “His tory of the Bible." It is good read ing and while there one might like to read an unbiased account of his own religion. There are so many ways of learn ing today! Ignorance is no ex cuse. It never was for slander! Please send my pamphlet back because I need it every now and then for people like Mr. Roberts but thank God, they are getting further apart. (Stamped envelope enclosed) I hope The News-Times won t think I’m doing this for political reasons. HAW. We Catholics have been through what 1 hope and pray you Protes tants never have to since Jack Kennedy was nominated. I wish I had many votes to cast for him because he is honest, sincere and a true statesman, not because he is a Catholic. I could not vote for Richard Nixon if he was the presi dent of the Knights of Columbus, (a well known Catholic men's or ganization in case some people don’t understand). Jerry Femia (P. S. Seems to me everyone should know a son should not be blamed for what his father does. ! Let’s hope Cap’n Henry would not ! want his children blamed “if” he was one of the people who keeps Joe Kennedy in “big” business. (The pamphlet Mrs. Femia pro poses for publication is too lengthy to appear here in its entirety. We I publish, instead, one page of it which she indicated as preference for publication, if space were limit ed. The excerpt is from Catholic Evidence Leaflet No. 1, The As sisians, 7627 N. Rodgers Ave., Chi cago 26, 111.—The Editor). “Catholics Do Not Believe: That the Pope has temporal power in the United States. That the Pope is God and can do no wrong- v That the Pope can claim universal - - J^litJcaLitllCgiance. ’MW tin "Pape can nullify laws, oaths, or contracts. That Protestant husbands and wives are living in sin. That marriages of Protestants are invalid. That the children of Protestants are illegitirnate. That the contracts with Protestants may be broken. That Protestants may be hated or persecuted. That Protestants will all be damned. That public schools are an unmiti gated evil. That they ought to be abolished or destroyed. That education ought not to be uni versal and free. That they can buy forgiveness of sin. That they can purchase freedom from Purgatory. That they can get indulgence to commit sin. ^ At Sea After Naval Battle One of the memorable scenes in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Academy Award-winning “Ren-Hur” is that in which Charlton Heston, as Ben Ilur, saves the life of the naval commander, Quintus Arrius (Jack Hawkins), by maneuvering him to a raft when he is hurled into the sea. “Ben-Hur” opens Nov. 17 in Morehead City. Law Goes After Food Pirates Tehran, Iran (AP)—Tehran’s po lice, with no sympathy for gour mets, are cracking down on a 'ir,i<|ue racket—a black market in caviar. The fishy delicacy is a govern ment monopoly, and a non-author ized or cut rate caviar peddler can get up to two years in prison under a new law. Iran is almost the world’s only source of the genuine stuff. Rus sia’s famed caviar usually isn’t Russian; they buy it from Iran. Caviar comes from fish eggs, and the eggs come from the stur geon—a big brown fish caught al most exclusively in the southern reaches of the Caspian, the half owned by Iran. The Soviet Union owns only the northern Caspian, where sturgeon for some reason don’t get hooked. Caviar is by no means' a staple food in Iran, but a pound of the finest black imperial grade costs, about 12 dollars a pound here. In That sin can be forgiven without repentance. That images may be adored. That anybody or thing may be adored but the One True God. That the Blessed Virgin Mary is equal to God. That the Blessed Virgin may be adored. That it is wrong to read the Bible! That the end justifies the means. These are some of the many FALSE charges that are made against the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Thousands of well meaning Chris tians believe them. ARE VOU ONE OF THEM? Why not investi gate and know the TRUTH about Catholics?” (In publishing the above we re lented on an announcement to pub lish only one letter in reply to Mr. Roberts’. We have published the three letters received up until noon Saturday, 24 hours beyond our edi torial page deadline. We will not back down on our announcement that no more letters on the re ligious issue will be printed after today.—The Editor). a New York nightclub it can come to 10 dollars a spoonful. Smugglers or black marketeers buy direct from Iranian fishermen pack the caviar in used govern ment tins which are sealed onl> with tape, and sell it for about half the government price. Only four government shops han dle caviar in Tehran, and the cav iar pirates operate from fish stores or by door-tO-door peddling. Beaufort THEATRE Tuesday -- Wednesday FROM THE EARTH TO THE STARS.,, WITH RuCKET MAH WtHHHES von 8RAUN< LATE SHOW WED. NIGHT, 10:45 P.M. Josette of New Orleans Cast With With the Armed Forcer Calvin Hewitt Finishes Jump School at Bragg Army Pvt. Calvin C. Hewitt, for merly of Morehead City, recently was graduated from the 82d Air borne Division Jump school at Fort Bragg. Hewitt received his paratrooper wings after completing four weeks of intensive ground and aerial Tnorehead Last Two Days Tuesday and Wednesday OCMAMS MW costume ■m***»i**«^^B RICHARD GONTE-CESAR ROMERO PATRICE WYMORE • JOEY BISHOP AKlWTAHiROFF • HEWRYSILVA Features Start At: 1:40 - 4:20 - 6:45 - »:15 Daily training which included five para chute jumps. The 20-year-old sol dier was last stationed at Fort Ben ning, Ga Hewitt, son of Mrs. Maude Hew itt, Onslow county, was employed by Berea Rice, Morehead City, be fore entering the Army. Fort Knox, Ky. — Sfc. Earl D. Murphy of Marshallberg was re cently presented with a letter of achievement from Col. William R. Tuck, commander of the 2d Train ing Regiment, United States Army Training center, Armor. Colonel Tuck presented the let ter on behalf of Maj. Gen. Ralph J. Butchers, commanding general of the United States Army Training Center, Armor. The letter read in part as follows: “His military skill and ability, ingenuity, en thusiasm, and common sense con tribute immeasurably to the suc cessful accomplishment of the mis THtATRt Now through Thursday CinimaScoPE IN A SMALL SOUTHERN TOWN! LATE SHOW HJ$J% Own SAT. NOV. 12 AT 11 P.M. Rock and Roll Band sion of the company.'’ Sergeant Murphy, holder of the Comlfal Infantiytnan Badge and the Bronze Stai*, is assigned to “Bravo” Company, 5th BatUMon, 2d Training Regiment. Sergeant Murphy entered the service in October of 1950 and saw combat with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea. He was the recent recipient of a letter of commendation from his Battalion Commander, Maj. Dan W» Williams, which makes the sec ond commendation the sergeant has received in less than a month. Sergeant Murphy is married and lives with his wife, Evelyn, at Rose Terrace, Fort Knox, Ky. Sap Diego, Calif.—Edgar E. Pow ers, son of Mrs. Mary Blain of Newport, graduated from recruit training Sept. 30 at the Naval 1/ Training Center, San Diego, Calif. The graduation exercises, mark ing fte end of nine weeks of boot camp, included a full dress parade and review before military offi cials and civilian dignitaries. Selfridge AFB, Mich. — Kenneth E. Swain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Swain, 213 Marsh St., Beaufort, was promoted to airman second class last week. Swain is current ly assigned to the Strategic Air Command’s 4045th Air Refueling Wing at Selfridge AFB, Mich. The newly promoted airman is assigned to the A&E squadron, of the new SAC tanker unit. In his job, Swain repairs and maintains radio equipment belonging to air craft of his wing. Before entering the Air Force in 1958, Swain was graduated from Beaufort high school. ll THorehead “THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" STARRING CHARITON HESTON JACK HAWKINS HAHA HARAREET SIEPHEN BOYD HUGH GRIFFITH MARTHA SCOTT with CATHY 0DONNELL SAM JAFFE SC»€ENPUAY BY f'ROOUCED BY KARLTUNBERG SAMZIMBAL1ST .. „ TECHNICOLOR CAMERA 65 TWO SHOWS EACH DAY NO SEATS RESERVED! Features Start at 1:30 and 7:3Q Daily 11 ACADEMY AWARDS mm* "BEST PICTURE”! AinmioumNMxm. AT«U of tH« CHh»f fc, CINMtAL U» WAUA04 SCORCHY SMITH Things Are looking Up 1-OOK.1SENATORHARVOOpVTHEY WERE > WASN'T INTERESTED r-f PLOTTING THE , IN MME. JULOSKI TT / RESCUE OF HER •* PERSONALLY f j-' ( HtWiNP PROM KH» -r- ^JHE IRON CURTAIN/ ^ /<7v ——" f THE SENATOR RACEO > defeat rather than JEOPARDIZE PROFESSOR JULOSKI'S CHANCES OF> v ESCAPE/ - I'M GLAD THIS situation was cli REALLY GOT WHAT IT TAKES, UP..IWA5GO/N6 NOTE a&amst • ta. SENATOR/ REPORTS SAY THERE ) (THAT LOOK! »iH (sfcafo Ip PADDY WINS HE CAN THANK >OU SCOrCHV... THREE HAYS AGO IE DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE OF RE-ELECTIOfS! -tpp—_' I WANT TO THANK VOU GIVING HIM THATCH PADDY WON S' YES SIR, AND I HAVE you an o we juloskis hateIXanosoooes MUCH TO THANK >OU FOR TOOMR.SMlTH', ' CADDY WAS CE 3TCf50R JUL05K7 l*GStf TURN HIS TALENTS TO igaAjwrrtyssRAefe OAKYDQAKS PUT MRPPWH/ ■ -THROW Mil IWTO "THC Wl WHAT ARE VO 60IN& 00? r BERTIE/ WHAT ARE SOU .STARING- AT/^— r