ALL WHO READ READ THE NEWS-TIMES CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ■<* 49th YEAR, NO. 101. TWO SECTIONS sixteen Pages MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1960 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Wreck Severs Head from Body Of 7-Year-Old # Accident Happens Thursday at Harlowe '• Driver Charged With Manslaughter A 7-year-old Negro boy, Edward Ray Gaskiil, was decapitated at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at Harlowe when a car, out of control, left highway 101 and shot into a yard ' where the youngster was playing. Patrolman Nathan Robinson, who investigated, said the car, driven by Cpl. Cebren F. Pack, Cherry Point, knocked the boy 39 feet, hit a three-quarter ton pickup truck and shoved it a distance .of 30 feet. He said he could not state defi nitely what caused the child’s head to be completely severed from the body. The driver was charged with driving drunk, careless and reck less driving and manslaughter. The patrolman quoted Pack as saying that he had had two beers, was going toward Beaufort at be tween 50 and 55 miles an hour and was lighting a cigarette when ashes fell down his shirt. As he was try ing to get the lighted ashes out of his shirt, he lost control of the car, he told the officer. Pack, who lives on route 1 Have lock, was driving a 1954 Mercury. It left the highway on the right side on a straight stretch of road, traveled some distance, moved sideways and forward across to the left of the highway almost a hundred feet, left the highway on the left, hurtled ahead 123 feet more and struck the child who was playing with his cousin in the drive way of Walter Harkley’s house. See WRECK, Page 7 Moose Announce Yule 1 Dinner, 7:30 Tonight Members of the Morehead City Moose lodge will celebrate their seventh anniversary with a dinner at the Moose home, Atlantic Beach, at 7:30 tonight. All members and their ladies are cordially Invited. The lodge promises an outstand ing program and dinner. The event will welcome new members and their wives, as well as honor mem bers who have obtained the higher ‘degrees of the order. Mrs. Philip K. Ball Heads County Heart Fund Council Mrs. Philip K. Ball of Morehead Cits' has been named chairman of the Carteret County Heart council by Eric Korosy, field director for the North Carolina Heart associa < tlon. Mrs. Ball, a native of Morehead City, is active in civic and religious work. She is secretary of the Gar den and Civics Department of the , Woman’s club, has served as presi dent of the department and of the American Legion auxiliary. She serves on the bishop’s com mittee of St. Andrew’s Episcopal t church, where she is a member. She is a past president of the Episcopal Churchwomen and was the first organist and choir direc tor. Mrs. Ball and her husband, who is the county surveyor, have lived in Morehead City since 1944. Prior to that they made their home in Washington. The new chairman has three i children, Mrs. Graham Elliott of Washington, Mrs. Alec Bonner of Irving, Tex., and Bill Baugham of Morehead City. She also has five grandchildren. Donations to the heart fun