? :r;yJ this is ' CHERRY POINT APPRECIATION WEEK TWO SECTIONS SIXTEEN PAGES 51st YEAR, NO. 89. CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES, MORE HEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1962 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS —<_-————-. Residents Size Up Value Of Cherry Point to County m Mrs. Charles Stewart . . . it’s everything!” BUI Moore more jobs” In what ways do you think Cherr ry Point Marine air base benefits this area?. This question was put to folks during the past Week. Their opin ions follow: Mrs. Kay Danielson, Mansfield Pgrk; remarked that the base bene fits this area in so many ways it’s hard to; name them. Civil service jobs are available at the base, proy viding employment for people here. Service people move here and contribute to the economy. She summed up with, “It’s a won derful place to have around here.” Henry Eubanks, North River, ex pressed one of the most frequent c'dmments: “It puts more money in the county.” Claude Willis, Beaufort, summed up his opinion in one sentence: “It benefits us 100 per cent in ev ery way.” The Targe number of jobs avail able at the base was cited by Mrs. Edsel BeU of Harlowe as a big benefit. She remarked that a lot^ of people—who didn’t have jobs before the base was built—have them now. jtirs. Uerschel MiUer, Morehead City, commented that if it wasn’t fqf Cherry Point, there wouldn’t bo much in Morehead City. She mentioned the overhaul and repair department at the base, which of fers a large number of jobs, as one of the base’s major contribu tions. Mrs. BiUy Oglesby, Morehead City, commented that there is a whole lot more business brought our way since the base wai estab lished. Mrs. Charles Stewart, Morehead City, declares jovially, “If we didn’t have Cherry Point, we wouldn’t have anything!” Carlton Robinson, a Morehead City businessman, said he thinks the impact of the base is tremen dous. He said many of his cus tomers are civil service workers and he can feel the base’s value by the way they pay. He concluded by saying that he didn’t know what we would do without the base. Chief of police Bill Moore, was brief and to the point: “More jobs and more money.” Darrell Sanders, Morehead City, thinks Cherry Point’s money is its biggest contribution to this area. The money coming in from the base helps keep the county out of the dumps, especially during the winter, he said. Cherry Point brings people to this area to take advantage of the recreational fa cilities and many fine ppople are making their home here because of the base, he said. Mr. Sanders commented that ev eryone ought to feel thankful for Cherry Point. C. Z. Chappell, county commis sioner, remarked that the Marine Corps and Cherry Point had helped this area in storms and that the in