ALL WHO READ READ THE NEWS-TIMES ' ' 52nd Year No. 1 MOREHEAD CITY and BEAUFORT, N. C. Tuesday, January 1, 1963 Eight Pages Published Tuesdays and Fridays 1962—It Was a Big Year By F. C. SALISBURY January Week of January I: As of midnight Sunday, two new areas were annexed to the town of Beaufort by ordinance. David Yeo mans resigns from County Board to accept postmastership at Hark ers Island. Otway Christian church dedicates new building. Work starts on new AlcP Food store in Beau fort on Cedar street. Marriages: Miss Dorothy J. Chadwick, Gloucester, to James W. Berry Jr. Miss Alma M. Salter, Sea Level, to Maurice R. Willis. Miss Martha K. Thompson, Dur ham, to Robert L. Williams III, Swansboro. Miss Carolyn J. Gar rish, Ocracoke, to Joseph B. Gar rish. Miss Sally A. Morris, More head City, to Larry G. Kirk. Deaths: Mrs. Emma H. Wiggs, 75, Newport. Louis F. Rice 69, Beaufort. Ivey L. Woodcoc'., 75, Morehead City.’ Mrs. Mary R. Sal ter, 83, Sea Level. Week of January 7: Fire damaged the Yacht Basin Outboard marina, Morehead City, to the extent of $10,000, the J. S. Pigott general store at Gloucester was a total loss and a house own ed by Mrs. Purvis Bryant at Mill Creek was damaged. Hull B. Smith, 90, Smyrna, drowned in roadside creek. Lt. Cdr. John F. Mundy assumes duties of executive officer aboard Coast Guard cutter Chilula. New Elks home in Morehead City dedi cated. Jefferson hotel in Morehead City changes hands. The Chapel of the Big Fisherman at Spooner’s Creek Harbor dedicated, with the Rev. Charles Kirby officiating. Marriages: Miss Martha M. Wil lis, Marshallberg, to Charles H. Mullen, Miss Jean H. Dixon, Beau fort to Eric Peterson. Miss Mar garet P. Hill, Beaufort, to Luther F. Abbott. Deaths: Seymour G. Davis, 69, Williston. William M. Marshburn, 51, Marshallberg. Durant A. Tay lor, 78, Newport. Lindsay M. Law rence, 66, Otway. Mrs. Annie L. Mann, 69, Newport, Lloyd J. Gar ner, 70, Newport. Week of January 14: Winter hits county with a drop in temperature of 15 degrees above zero and offlT'tnch of snow. Ice on wires and limbs cause much damage. H. L. Joslyn home in Morehead City damaged by fire from short circuit. A. F. Chestnut, Morehead City, appointed member of county board of education re placing George R. Wallace. Mrs. Henry L. Hill, Otway, se verely burned by fire starting in washing machine. Fire destroyed the home of James Ellison on the Laurel road Sunday afternoon. Sen. Luther Hamilton throws hat in the ring for another term as state senator- Mrs. E. L. Davis elected president of the Beaufort Woman’s club. F. R. Bell, druggist of Beau fort, sells business to Herbert Whitehurst after fifty years as a pharmacist. Marriages: Mrs. Wynona B. Po pok, Morehead City, to Kemp E. Lockhart. Miss Gloria S. Diggs to Fred D. Cummings, Beaufort. Deaths: Thomas B. Scott, 72, Morehead City. Marvin C. Fulford, 84, Beaufort. Edward S. Lewis, 86, Beaufort. Hull B. Smith, 89, Smyr na. R. W. Safrit', 85, Beaufort. Week of January 21: The highest award a Scout divi sion can receive was won by Car teret division at a meeting in Wil liamston. Direct distance dialing system to be installed in the coun ty the coming year. Dr. S. W. Hat cher, Morehead City, awarded the order of the Silvef Beaver, the highest honor the- East Carolina council can bestow. •Luther Hamilton Jr. acts as as sistant judge of county recorder’s court during the absence of judge Lambert Morris by illness. The Greater Morehead Chamber of Commerce prepares exhibits for Sportsman’s Show at Charlotte. Marriages: Miss Margaret C. Murphy, Morehead City, to Robert E. Parker. Miss Barbara A. Jones, Morehead City, to William H. Grif fin Jr. Week of January zs: The home of Leslie Feagle, Beau fort, destroyed by fire. The Rev. Eugene Hales to become pastor of the Stacy Free Will Baptist church March 1. The Percy T. Davis crab plant, Marshallberg, destroyed by fire with extensive loss. The Rev. Charles L. Kirby, pas tor, of the First Presbyterian church of Morehead City, honored with the distinguished service award by the Jaycees. Mrs. Julia Tenney, man ager of the Employment Security commission office, awarded a 20 year certificate and 20-year ser vice pin. A 30-pound bobcat was caught in a coon trap by S. J. Con ner and son, Clyde, at Merrimon. Mrs. Lib Thompson, Morehead City, winner of 1961 woman’s golf dub championship. Deaths: Grover C. Lewis, 73, Broad Creek. Marion S. Webb, 72, Morehead City. • February Week of February 4: Friendly hospital suit started and Surrender oi, Fort Macon to Union forces in 1862 was commemo rated in April with a narrated dramatization at the fort. The pro gram was written and produced by F. C. Salisbury, Morehead City, president of the County Historical society. board rejects Camp Glenn site. Beaufort Historical association to make use of old jail for museum. Dr. L. J. Norris named to More head City school board. Mrs. Floy Garner, home economics agent, severely hurt in auto accident. Army engineers plan for restora tion of Fort Macon shoreline. N. F. Eure building of the Ann Street Methodist church, Beaufort, dedi cated on Sunday. Deaths: George J, Brooks, 74, Beaufort. George A. Banks, 45, Swansboro. Miss Rowena D. Da vis, 71, Morehead City. Cleophus Guthrie, 45, Harkers Island. Mrs. Eva F. Allen, 91, formerly of More head City. Week of February II: A 50-foot whale stranded on shoal at Cape Lookout. Twenty-two ships call at state port during January. Davijl Freshwater napied lipu tenant in National Guard1. "Edgar Hibbs, Newport, first to enter race for office of sheriff. Curtis H. Hor ton family, Morehead City, hold re union of nine children and 33 grand children. Deaths: Don C. Martin, 72, Beau fort. James F. Hill, 76, Otway. Hilda P. Gaskill, 50, Stacy. A. P. McKnight, 59, Morehead City. Week of February 18: NEWS-TIMES issues special edi tion covering fifty years’ history of Carteret county. Indian boy, Thermen Hunt, loses leg in trac tor upset. D. Cordova heads More head City Rotary. R. M. Williams receives award from Emeritus Club. Illegal duck hunters run down and injure Malvern Cecil, federal game warden. Morehead City Eagles down Beaufort Seadogs 61-60.,M. N. Lisk, former mayor of Swansboro dies. Fire gutted the home of Steve Zucha at Lennoxville. Deaths: George W. Mason, 63, Oriental. Mrs. Ida W. Eaton, 96, Morehead City. Ashton Willis, 71, Morehead City. William P. Noe, 58, Beaufort. Mrs. Nannie B. Grif fin, 56, Morehead City. Mrs. An nie M. Butner, 66, Havelock. Mrs. Emme E. Guthrie, 79, Marshall berg. Week of February 25: Construction work starts on the new wing of the Sea Level inn at a cost of $30,000. A bottle released during the Morehead City centen nial off Atlantic Beach was found off the coast of Spain. David B. Webb, Morehead City merchant, died following long illness, ittle Miss Mary L. Hamilton and Wil liam A. Matthews crowned king and queen of hearts. Marriages: Miss Polly A. Mc Knight, Morehead -City to Jackie S. Langdale. Deaths: Geofge E. GUlikin, 70, Morehead City. Mrs. Ellen R. Morris, 72, Atlantic. March Week of March 4: 00 tanker, Gem, of Liberian re gistry, broke in half in heavy seas off Cape Lookout. Charles S. Long resigns from Newport school after 31 years as vocational teacher. Severe northeaster hits coast, causing much water damage. Coun ty commissioners select Webb site for new hospital. Tommy Howard of Newport saves brother from high-voltage shock. Tommie Lewis, Harkers Island, was appointed on county board to fill unexpired term of David Yeomans. \t Marriages: Miss Mildred L. Baum, Smyrna, to George R. Nel son. ,VV' j Deaths: David B. Webb, 52, Morehead City. Mrs. Eva Kenna, 72, Cedar Island. Thomas E. Kel ly, St, Beaufort. Mrs. Emma R. Salter, 86, Harkers Island. Mrs. Laura Finer, Williston, Mrs. Sally G.>Springle, 84, Beaufort. ' Week of March 11: S. A. Chalk, Morehead City, en lert, primary race for nomination as congressman from the third district. Beaufort Seadogs enter state tournament. John B. Tomlin son heads Newport Rotary. Marriages: Miss Doris E. Sakez les to William C. Kittrell, Beau fort. The Rev. William S Noe or dained in St. Peter’s By-the-Sea Episcopal church, Swansboro. Deaths: James R. Guthrie, 41, Salter Path, Mrs. Sidney White hurst, 91,-Sea Level. Vannie Guth rie, 65, Markers Island. Mrs. Sally I. McIntosh, 91, Beaufort. Week of March 18: State port to build a 95,000 square-foot warehouse. Miss Diana Deibert, Morehead City, wins Ci vitan essay contest. Ray Hassell and Jim Smithwick of Beaufort chosen for highest hoop honors. Incorporation papers graijted to Newport Pharmacy Inc., and Sea •Level DevrlapmairtGO:. tire: ** Marriages: Miss Sylvia Joyce Herbert, Beaufort, to Phillip F. deBeaubein. Miss Jean L. Ulsrud to Allen B. Windley, Beaufort. Deaths: Mrs. Clayton Everette, 82, Beaufort. Walter Willis, 63, Sal ter Path. John H. Hamilton, 66, Atlantic. Joel S. Smith, 86, More head City. Mrs. Georgia Wills, 83, Davis. Mrs. Rose L. Murray, 43, Beaufort. Week of March 25: Governor Sanford makes three talks in county. Sea Level Com munity hospital to add children’s wing. Mrs. Margaret Ann Godette of Davis Shore dies at age 110 years. W. C. Carlton elected presi dent of the Tar Heel Electric Mem bership association. Ben Webb, Morehead City, elected vice-presi dent North Carolina Future Busi ness Leaders of America. Mrs. John Johnson, Beaufort, retires after 35 years with Carolina and Telegraph Co. Marriages: Miss Edna M. Lucas to James L. Durham, Morehead City. Deaths: Mrs. Allie R. Austin, 66, Beaufort. Mrs. Mollie Willis, 76, Harkers Island. Clyde Rose 52, Sea Level. April Week of April 1: Guy C. Chadwick, 48, Straits, dies from injuries sustained when struck by car. Sylvester Lawrence of Beaufort awarded $100,000 for This is one of seven new his torical markers erected by the state in the coonty in 1MB. injuries in accident aboard the dredge Talco in 1957. Miss Evelyn West, Newport, wins first place in VFW auxiliary essay contest. Jer ry W. Brown, Beaufort-Morehead Marriages: Miss Patrid qylor of Davis to William D. m Jr. Deaths: Vincent. B. Wrigl Morehead City. Reginald W. Bell, 60, Swansboro. Week of April 8: Dr. B. F. Royal, Morehead City, retires from active practice. State Guard unit in county paid off in silver dolalrs, putting $3,500 in cir culation. State Historical society places six civil war markers at points of war activities in county. Work starts on ferry landings con necting Emerald Isle with main land. Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Merrill of Beaufort celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. A. B. Cooper sells the Idle Hour Amusement center to Garth Cooper and Robert Barts. Marriages: Miss Alice F. Dunn to William B. Murrill, Morehead City. Deaths: Mrs. Elizabeth D. Lew is, 90, Morehead City. Mrs. Laura F. Brinkly, 67, Morehead City. Howard Nelson. 67. Atlantic. Leins ter D. Lewis, 79, Stacy. Mrs. D. B. Gillikin, 86, Otway. Week of April 15: Voter’s approval extends Beau fort town limits, making the third expansion of Beaufort in 1962. Newport PTA members ask that principal E. B. Comer of the local school be retained. The Rev. E, Guthrie Brown, rector of St. An drew's Episcopal church,, More head City, accepts to Trinity church, Staunton, Va. President Kennedy attends review at Bogue Field. William B. Ennett, 35, Swansboro fatally wounded in shot gun accident. Marriages: Mrs. Linda S. Sum mers, Beaufort, to Michael D. Bus by. Deaths: Thomas F. Mann, 94, Newport. Harold F. Howell, 73, Mill Creek Alex Truitt, 88, Beau fort. Week of April 22: The 100th anniversary of the battle of Fort Macon observed at the fort with pageant and narra tion. The Ed Harris cottage at At lantic Beach destroyed by fire. Easter sunrise services at Fort Macon draws attendance of 1,600. North Carolina Federation of Gar den Clubs hold sessioh at Biltmore Motor hotel. Coach Everett Case of State Col lege speaks at program honoring >Beapfoji,5>eaik)gs. Newport resi ' Morebead City Jayeees elected Joe Beam president during the past year. dents honor C. S. Long who retired after over thirty years as teacher of vocational agriculture at New port school. St. Paul’s Episcopal parish house, Beaufort, dedicated. Clyde A. Smith of Beaufort dies in fire in Fairlawn, N. J. Marriages: Miss Alice F. Noe, Beaufort, to Bruce Mason. Deaths: Mrs. Alma T. Guthrie, 59, Beaufort. Courtland V. Styron, 80, Davis. Alexander Truitt, 88, Beaufort. May Week of May I: County school board selects site on the Country Club road for West Carteret high school. Gilbert S. Green, Cherry Point corporal, dies in accident near Newport. Robert Reed elected commander Ameri can Legion Post No. 46. Franklin Memorial Methodist . church of Morehead City observes 80th anni versary. New A&P store opens in Beaufort. Marriages: Miss Linda L. Mc Donald, Newport to Andrew J. Ja cobsen. Deaths: Mrs. Caroline T. Pitt man, 79, Morehead; City. William H. Eborn, 71, Morehead City. Asa £. Garner, 63, Newport. Roy C.! Dixon, 71, Morehead City. Curtis H Davis, 89, MarshaHberg. Week of May 8: Fire destroys Rex restaurant aL loss of $75,00. Liner Ariadne sails from local port for Bermuda trip, County commissioners set'tax rate at $1.75. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wil Charlotte Atlanf Coroner Says No Inquest Set In Boy's Death David Munden, coroner, reported yesterday that no inquest will be conducted in the death of George W. Petteway, 8, who was killed by an automobile Wednesday night in front of his home on the Merrimon road. Mr. Munden said there were only two witnesses, the driver of the ear, Mrs. Clayton Fulcher Jr. and a woman passenger in the car, Mrs. Pauline McIntosh, Atlantic. Mrs. McIntosh, he said, never saw the child. She thought the car had hit a dog. Mrs. Fulcher told the coroner and state trooper W. E. Pickard that she saw the young ster just as he ran into the car. "The child had dark clothes on," Mr. Munden said. "There was no evidence of fast driving. When the child was hit, Mrs. Fulcher swerv ed to the right, then the car went into the ditch on the left. “If she had been going fast, there would have been some dam age, but not even a headlight was broken,” he remarked. The coroner said the child suf fered fractures of the right leg and a brain concussion. He labeled the accident unavoidable, as did the investigating state trooper. Mrs. Fulcher was not injured but was suffering from shock. She was admitted to Sea Level hospital and discharged Friday. She and Mrs. McIntosh were re turning to Atlantic from Raleigh by way of the Laurel and Merrimon roads. The funeral services for the child were conducted at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the Mt. Tabor Baptist church, North River, by the Rev. A. M. Jones, Morehead City. Bur ial was in the church cemetery. George is survived by several brothers and sisters and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pette way. P. W. Bullocks To Take Cruise Mr. an* Mrs. P. W. Bnitock tffe going on the Tar Heel Cruise spon sored by the Wilmington chamber of commerce, which will begin Sat urday and last for ten days. The cruise, to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Jamaica and Haiti, is aboard the SS Atlantic. The cruise is actually a chamber of commerce seminar at soa. Rob ert Lloyd of Peat, Marwick, Mit chell and Co., will discuss tax sub jects. M. C. Brown of North Caro lina National Bank and Alex Urqu hart of New England Life will han dle financial subjects. P. M. Camak will moderate a travel forum. Dr. B. Frank Hall will speak on Freedom versus Communism and serve as chaplain on the cruise. Mr. Bullock is manager of the Greater Morehead City Chamber of commerce. He and his wife are taking the cruise mainly as a pleasure trip and vacation. Men Have Same Name Norman S. Willis, Sunset Lane, Beaufort, was not the Norman Wil lis who appeared in county court Dec. 18 charged with larceny. That Norman Willis is a resident of Ce dar street, according to solicitor Wiley Taylor. Old Hospital Wing is Sick 4 Look! A Brand New Year! JANUARY f tm mm r 1N3 n# ... .. . I 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .2 . ** 4.£ Mill t*> <=**** -**'*"' i « 4 * * * • * i" u M JJ w « U t* *♦ *t » *» M n N h -- Newa-TIme* Photo by Turn Sloan Ready lor the blustery weather that a New Year brings is Donna Smith Willis, 436 Macon Ct., Morehead 1 ity. If the weatherman has any more 12 and 14 degree weather like that of December, Donna suggests that he keep it away from Carteret in 1!M$3! Two World Federation Charter Signers Hear 22nd Annual Report Two of the original signers of the World Federation charter attended the 22nd annual meeting Sunday afternoon in the First Baptist Fel lowship hall, Beaufort. They were F. R. Bell and Paul Jones, both of Beaufort. Giving the report on the world f d< ration movement was its ori ,u ator, Robert Lee Humber, Greenville. ' Mr. Htimber commented on the development of. the world toward “Utopia" since the publication of Sir Thomas More s Utopia in the early 18th century. More, he recalled, said that Uto pia would be a republic with peo ple voting for their leaders, there would be freedom to worship whom or what one pleased with privilege to worship not at all, free educa tion, and a 35-hour work week which would provide enough in come for a family tb have a wood en-floored house rather than dirt, and sufficient food ancl clothing. At the time of More’s Utopia, people considered his writings a fantasy that could never become reality. Today, we consider More’s Utopia as routine, Mr. Humber ob served, adding that now we need another plan for Utopia. v. t He compared the age of steam with the atomic age. Democratic countries, he remarked, must pool their resources in the use of atomic energy. If this is done, the living standards of the African, Asian and South American, now in deepest poverty, could be raised in one generation, he predicted. Daring Truman’s administration, the Point Four program, aid to un derdeveloped countries, went into effect. This aid is now included re the emergency room was vaca ted. . Filing cabinets and other furni ture in it were moved out into any space that could be found. Ybe above picture was taken in the office. The arrow points to the crack where the floor (which is above the emergency room) gularly in the nation’s budget, buH 20 years ago |>eopIe never dream ed that anything like the Point Four program could come into ex istence, Mr. Humber commented. World order, the speaker observ ed, must be enforced either by war or law. I,aw, he said, removes decision-making from heads of gov ernments and places it, instead, in judicial hands. President Kennedy, he added, says that there will be world law. The human race, Mr. Humber said, need* a way to pre serve peace. Work! law, hd noted, is the way. Refreshments were served fol lowing Mr. Humber's talk. Mrs. Humber, their son, John, and fa mily, accompanied them. Attending the meeting, in addi tion to Mr. Bell and Mr. Jones, were Mrs. I). F. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. May, Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Swann. Carlton Rose, Mrs. Frances Boone, Mrs. Chester Graham, Mrs. James Patterson, James Fleming, and Mrs. Lockwood Phillips. Tides at the Beaufort Bar Tide Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, Jan. 1 12:10 a m. 12:22 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 6:48 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2 1:05 a.m. 1:18 p.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:54 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 3 2:01 a.m. 2:18 p.m. 8:32 a.m. 8:58 p.m. Friday, Jan. 4 3:01 a.m. 3:23 p.m. 9:39 a.m. 9:56 p.m. ..MM IIIH—Pi»Hi is parting from the wall. Rafters under this floor were found to be nothing but powder. Hospital trustees are lotting for funds for repairs and an archi tect has been asked to draw plans for repairing Ibe old wing of the hospital, but actual work never seems to fat under wag. Driver Escapes Injury Saturday Mrs. Henry Watson Frost, Salter Path, escaped injury at 5:30 p.m. Saturday when she was thrown from a car as it overturned on the Stmtr ?Sth And. Mrs. Frost, driver of the 1961 Falcon owned by her husband, was alone in the car. The accident hap pened at Pine Knoll Shores. Deputy sheriff Hilly Smith, who investigated, said that Mrs. Frost was following her husband who was in another car with the child ren. Her car left the road and flip ped completely over once within the distance of 40 yards. It ended up on its wheels. Damage to the car was estimated at $400. Mrs. Frost was headed toward Salter Path when the acci dent happened. Walter Morris Speaks to Club More bead City Ratarians met Thursday night at Fleming’s res taurant, hearing a talk by Walter Morris on Jewelry and watches. Mr. Morris explained the pro cess of watch repair, and told the club some of the history of time pieces. He gave some information on the process of band engraving, an art largely taken over by ma- < chinery. G vests at the meeting were Steve Warner, a visiting Rotarian from Chagrin Falls, Ohio; I>r. John T. Bunn, head of the religion de partment at Campbell college and a former More head City resident; Darden Eure Jr., and Robert Mc Neill, now a student at West Point. The Rotarians will meet at Mrs. Russell Willis’ Restaurant this Cold Woathor Follows Rain The weather took a cooler turn over the weekend. Temperatures were down following rain Saturday. A wind velocity of 2S was re corded at 10 p.m. Saturday at the Atlantic Beach weather station, along with 1.02 inches of rain. Sun day rainfall was .04 inches. Max. Min. Wind Thursday ...... 52 40 NR Friday . 47 37 N-NNE Saturday ... 48 35 NE-BNE Sunday .. 38 40 NNW-N Theft roller mvesTigcne Of $368 from Home Police are investigating the theft of 6366 from the hone of Charles N Killmon. 1006 Evans St.. More head City. According to Capt oe Smith, who is working on the case, the sum was take* Christmas Eve, while the Killmon family was at church. Entty to the house was made through an unlocked door, and the * cash ixuu a filing cabinet, *mf - *y